Check yourself

Check yourself

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chances this guy is a pedophile like every other leftist?

>old school worshipping
Did Dobson even watch the movie?

why are leftists always such disgusting pedos, bros?

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the biggest institution of pedophilia is the catholic church. think about that.

God damnit you're right, thank you based mouse

yes but that's irrelevant when you need to "dunk" on neets for social credit

100 percent. liberals who liken the world to star wars/harry potter/lotr etc are all juveniles at heart and predatory sexual deviants


calm your tits

1. No
2. cathocucks are leftists


>Endured boycott of the movies
Image the anguish of already-paid actor. The horror.

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This but unironically

so? that doesnt negate user's assertion.
catholic church is just a front for pedophiles everybody with a brain knows this

if dobson gets arrested for being a pedo.

i am going to laugh so fucking hard, that I probably won't make it through the thick of it, so I just want you guys to know that it's been fun and I love you all.

Not really. The Catholic Church is the biggest Christian organization in the world, only urban Catholics in the US tend to be left wing

>stealth Dobson thread
All in.


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Endured? Some shitty boycott I didn't even hear about that was probably some throwaway internet comment? I hope these fucks get put up against the wall in my lifetime.

Why do blue bears hate us whites so much?

But Kylo isnt an interesting character. Still cant wrap around my head around the Jar Jar nigger case. Literally nobody knew who he actually was and nobody does now.. why did he even care?

Must be nice to be a celebrity these days. Just cherry pick some shitty throwaway tweet or YouTube comment then you can act like the victim of a massive witch hunt and collect sympathy and handouts from all the virtue signallers

Inside every blue bear is a jew.

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That's rich coming from someone who screams "kill all kikes, niggers and spics".

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, user.

Woah. I've never said any of that fren. Where is this all coming from?

>assbros are nice, disposed to let bygones be bygones and let everyone be friends, because they realize tastes are mostly subjective and they just want to appreciate the glory of bunda in a healthy manner
>boobfags are total faggots, condescending and holier-than-thou, that think their taste is superior to everyone else and everyone should know
>feetfags are mutants and degenerates, probably gay too

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K. K

>that moment where he stops tracing and his art immediately turns to shit
classic dobby

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Oh wow, imagine getting millions of bucks for some shitty acting and then someone shits on you in the internet while you're plowing cunny on an island.

He is obsessed with that Ladbybug show and going on about lesbians. Same deal with the kids from that video game Splatoon. So I wouldn't be surprised.

who wrote all that shit

But the boy is the cutest character in Ladybug?