Official Jumpscare Thread

Post your favorite jumpscares.

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Other urls found in this thread:

what a cute doggo. I definitely would not have any concerns leaving this good boy alone with a small black child

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>Sometimes that pitbull, he looks right into ya. Right into youreyes. Y'know the thing about a pitbull, he's got... lifelesseyes, blackeyes, like adoll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites ya.

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Please remove that fucking monster from that loli.

does this poor puppy's eyes look lifeless to you?

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lmao how is this even a jump scare

Dumb nigger is probably dead by now. Good.

The pupper on the right is unironically cute as fuck

Eat dogs

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>not being scared around pitbulls

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

pitniggers deserve to be gassed out of existence

Make Hong Kong British Again!

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dogs are the most stupid creatures alive

t. beta cat fag

Good Husky. I hate those little rat yipping dogs. They think they are tough shit. The husky put it in it's place.

It really is a dog eat dog world.

So who's at fault here?
>husky owner
>poodle owner

Reminder this is why you have to properly socialise your dog.

No one. husky needs to be put down

Asians in general

No they are genuinely fucking stupid. People think teaching them to do stupid tricks makes them smart, but they're just being conditioned to perform. That's not intelligence. Dogs do not even pass the self-awareness test.

Dogs starve to death when abandoned.
The literal stockholm syndrome animal.

dig that shitpit on the right died?

>The literal stockholm syndrome animal.

Commando dog was asked what it was like to take the life of canines
>I don't know, I've only killed pits

Attached: commando dog.webm (426x426, 2.18M)

Based humans breeding an entire species into cucking itself.

so this is a covert pitbull hate thread that has nothing to do with jumpscares right?

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shut up catfaggot

Specially because this is the only one. Also the footage showing that she showed up in all pictures edited by her brother.

He was waiting for his treats and never got them ;_;

The thing is looking for a new host

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What's the proper course of action when your dog starts to do that face? Is there anything you can do other than putting it down?

Drop to the floor and show your belly in submission before he bites your ass



smack the fucker around, or just dont own a stupid nigger dog.

pat it with your face

Attached: granny pitbull ice bucket.webm (202x360, 2.71M)

Attached: fat burger cant control her pitbulls maul cat.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

Attached: pitbull wall jump.webm (262x458, 809K)

based pitbull putting amerifats in their place

even though all pitbulls should be gassed, most people shouldn't be trusted with a large dog, if they sense their owner is weak they will always be dangerous.

except st bernards, they're all sweet and well-behaved.

HEROIC pit jumps 30 ft to maul a sleeping child

should have put a poisoned sausage up there

Brave pitbull climbs a 50 foot tall tree to bite a stuck cat.

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>when the daycare is on the second floor

Dumb whore.

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This is how stupid pitbulls are. You can make them run up a wall high enough that they would injure and cripple themselves when they drop from that height without anyone catching them.

How to cleanse your area of pitbulls: Throw a toddler down a pit and every pitbull in hearing range will jump after it.

You are supposed to grab it at the neck and they are then supposed to lick their snout as a way of saying "lol bro i was just kidding calm down"

Why are women so protective of assorted dangerous animals



The same reason why so many women fall in love with mass murderers.

you will never be a real woman, filthy tranny degenerate.

My idiot mother is obsessed with pitbulls and she's dead set on adopting one. She babied all of our other dogs, refused to get either of them trained and I'm convinced whatever pit she chooses is going to end up mauling her

serve her right the dumb whore. Put your fucking foot down and forbid her to get one

Anyone got that webm of the owner who tied his dog to a tree and the dog is all dad looking then the owner puts a bullet through the top of his head that's a funny one

put it down

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He don't bite bro!

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weirdly enough that's actually how a lot of dogs express anxiety
This one from Eight Below, scared me as a kid.

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Good riddance.

>most people shouldn't be trusted with a large dog,
I genuinely don't understand why anyone would ever want to keep a large dog as a pet. It's like having a pet midget that always has a knife on him.

this, call the fucking vet and destroy it

Tighten the leash around it's neck. Shout at it and make loud noises, turn on the vacuum cleaner or bang pots and pans together. Grab him by the neck and force his head into it's own shit. Dogs need to be disciplined. Humans created the species of dog and so it is up to us to ensure that these animals know their place in the world


My older brother has a huge lab/dane mix and the dog doesn't give a shit about anyone except my brother. She literally drops to the floor and whimpers when he talks to her, and she has never bitten anyone. My brother is pretty big himself, I wonder if that has anything to do.

just let her die user you cant cure stupidity
I remember watching this with friends and we all bursted laughing

Based catto survived

what a based kitter
hope that fat bitch paid for his vet bills

>. My brother is pretty big himself
For you

>my face
>my soul

she's fucking clueless. absolute cunt

fucking dumb bitch

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Women and weak people should not be allowed to own dogs like that. Mine like to chase cats too but I know I can stop him if I have to

why do americans have cameras outside their houses?

good news, thanks user

I love how this one works as a jumpscare despite not having a shock sound or a particularly sudden image. The buildup is just that damn good

>antagonist gets beaten by an even bigger antagonist

Attached: Tigger Pibble.webm (360x360, 2.75M)

>Yes - Roundabout intensifies

Based tiger

>it's 1000x better with sound


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just make her get life insurance beforehand

You can't see literally 90% of what's in that video.
Also where the fuck just has tigers roaming about?

Would two pitbulls be enough to take this tiger down?

Probably not. You can tell the entire time, the tiger is like "wtf you doing bro?" Its only when the tiger got pissed off it instantly killed the shitbul.

you're retarded and have adhd


Women should not be allowed to own dogs. Women are submissive by nature and dogs need to be owned by alphas. It’s literally the way to dogs by being alpha 24/7.

>Women should not be allowed

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The video goes on for quite a while past that point.
Read that I said 90% of the video.
The beginning is visible yes.

>trying to starve an innocent animal.
Fuck you.

Honestly, the grand majority of dogs in the world are inbred abominations that should have N E V E R been born.

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Xenomorph mouth

This webm is really fascinating and disturbing because you can tell he was raised as a good boi but his pitbull instincts just takes over that he has to maul something

Yes, security cameras are a purely American phenomenon

>Women are submissive by nature and dogs need to be owned by alphas
you sound profoundly insecure. Are you familiar with these "submissive" women in real life, or just in anime?

Not all pitbulls are bad

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True. My sister can't walk my dog alone because he turns into an asshole and doesn't listen to her.

until they are bad, then they end up murdering that baby

>Mine like to chase cats too but I know I can stop him if I have to

If he really, really wants to go you aren't stopping him.

a fit adult male could take down two shitbulls

If you ever had sex with any women ever you’d know this to be true. Its not insecure at all, it’s just generally a women’s preference to be submissive in some way to a more dominate man.

Any big dog has the potential to snap, my pittie wouldn't hurt a fly

I have seen a 6'3, 270lb man with boots suitable for steel foundries stamp on a pitbulls head repeatedly.

It has got up, shaken it off and walked away. There really aren't many animals on planet earth that could do that. It died a short time later, but it would have still bitten and mauled anything else that came near it.

I'm done replying to your bait

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That pitbull just likes to play with his food.

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Fuck you.

Delete this disgusting anti-pity propaganda.

No. Big cats are on another level. A male Bengali tiger is going to weigh around 550lb, be over ten feet long and generally not be something you want to be around. In the countries where they have these sorts of animals they tend to hunt them with scent or trail hounds, then spears or firearms. Or they just avoid them completely.

>that soft laughter of the person filming as they watch the shittie get what's coming to it

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>rolls the dice
>pitbull doesn't attack for an entire 15 seconds
I wonder what happens in second 16?


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>some pathetic user is trying to post actual jumpscares to stop the pitbull hate

Depends on the breed really some doggos don't give a fuck

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Literally why are pitbulls still allowed

It's like allowing people to own tigers

Guess I'm having nightmares tonight

That Tiger could probably take on 3 Pitbulls without life threatening injuries

>people claim demons dont exist

Dogs will eat anything. If you died in your house and nobody came, eventually your dog would eat your corpse.

The only people I have ever known to own pit bulls are the ones that train them to eat cats and then leave them in the back yard: fucking mestizo Mexicans. I would gladly skin and dismember a pitbull and owner alive, every time, if I thought I would get away with it. Fuck dogs and Fuck dog people. Your day will come you murderous fucks.

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>Just to let you know the attacked vid was posted on Yea Forums..
>Yea Forums stands proudly beside your cat.

it's N.A.P not nap, people are going to think there's a joke here when there shouldn't be

That pic is older than you are, zoomer. It's intentional.

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It's weird that anxiety triggers fight or flight reflexes?

imagine putting your hand in there

This is pretty terrifying desu. The chance of your dog biting your child is the least of your problems when looks like this would give your child nightmares.

Get a proper dog

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Hopefully they were put down. In many cities a pitbull is considered a weapon like a knife or gun so if a person dies from one the owner is charged for manslaughter regardless who was leashing it.

And people wonder why I refuse to be in the presence of these abominations without a firearm or other type of weapon.
>that end
Rip pup he was a good Stalker.

He's playing the waiting game.


One thousand years ago she would have been killed by wild animals or bandits just let her do it, some people don't seem to understand danger until it's too late. The only reason you should intervene is if there is somebody else in the equation like she ends up babysitting your nieces/nephews for a night. That's when you should just feed it a sausage laced with a heavy dosing of rat poison early, bring a piano wire too, just in case.

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To be blunt, when the dog is at the point when it attacks it's owner or family members, it's probably too late.

How many edged weapons do you see now?

No. They are alive but some 3 year old was eating

>catto and doggo are frens

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I think people are quite aware of the fact you're a gigantic pussy

What a good lad

This. Look at the way his expression changes like someone momentarily breaking out of a trance. Those moments when the eyebrows go up and he appears almost scared of himself are sad to see. Gas him anyway.

>cameras in the bathroom

It's like the UK actually enjoys bringing Orwell's predictions to life

this is so stupid
imagine if the doorbell rang

Mega based

What about his post made you think he was a tranny you schizophrenic retard?

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What breed is that?

Some of the comments are pretty kino

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fucking hell m8.
wish animals didnt have to be kept in zoos but i know they'd be hunted out in the wild anyway.

thinking about signing up for an anti-poaching group in africa, would be kino until one of the floppys shoots me in the back


>not recognizing mein fuhrer's based dog breed

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Anti poaching group sounds like a nice cover to go shoot blacks in Africa.

>loves dogs
>hates jews
>cares for the people
Honestly, Hitler could have been renembered as one of the greatest leaders of all time if he wasn't so incompetent.

>oh he just got a little wet and over stimulated, it was my own fault

It was funnier the first time

Hitler loved all animals. He hated the way animals were treated by the jew food industry

Thanks for the closure. Fuck that cunt and her dogs.

>tfw mom called me today to tell me my female dog got pregnant by a fucking pitbull of all things
And I can't travel to make her abort right now, fuck my life.

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>if he wasn't so incompetent

You realize this nigga brought post-war germany which was literally a third world nation with people starving to death in the streets and made it a world super power right?

I might go out and end a couple of shitbulls lives today just so I know I made the planet a little better

My pit is dangerous around kids. He will knock them down and hump the shit out of them. Everyone gets a quick laugh, then you stop it right away.

You're already fucked if it got to that stage

>when it started whimpering

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I just met a guy at the hospital who got bit twice by his pit bull, once in the face nonetheless, and said he was still gunna keep it

Some people you just can’t help


Holy shit his arm looks like raw ground beef is spewing out, dumb idea to keep the dog.

This is like that episode of futurama.

I have never seen a great Dane that I wouldn't let hug me.


I know a dog who is crazy like this. Got traumatized as a puppy and it is not right in his head anymore.

Thanksfully he isn't a pitbull. Still fucking dangerous to be around, nobody can touch it without being bite.

fuck thats scary.. this dog looks like a demon

Damn I remember that episode. He’s lucky the dog didn’t go for the crotch they like to do that if you’re standing up.

That's the problem with these dogs. Every time I see someone walking one of these I just switch sidewalk, fuck it. I know if the dog wants to attack me even if the owner is a bodybuilder the dog will reach me. These dogs bite as strong as african Lions, they are aggressive and are known to snap at any moment for no reason even if they had good loving owner.

based gato, fuck dogs

Name a more based breed. You can't.

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>hate pit bulls for being violent and aggressive
>be wanting to kill both the dog and owner
Jeez you’re stupid.

Get a dog that is small enough that you can physically dominate. People with Great Danes and mastiffs are asking for trouble if they get a dog that is aggressive.

Every time I come across someone with a pitbull whenever I'm walking around town, without fail it's always a low-test numale or a fat tattooed slampig.

People like this, they HAVE to be thinking the same things about pitbulls that we are: that pitbulls are such an exquisite proxy for black people, and their adopting and living with these monsters is their way of proving to themselves or to their peers about black people's innate goodness, or whatever. Their collective endorsement of pitbulls has to come from the same place as our collective disgust for them.

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>Awesome! Thank you.

Good boi coming through.

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>"people who are afraid of pitbulls are pussies am I right guys'
>gets mauled

That's a cool looking dog.

thats the point, spo*k

>Their collective endorsement of pitbulls has to come from the same place as our collective disgust for them.
unironically based

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based doggos

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Haha stupid cat, get fucked.

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhh that ending

fuck you nature is scary

>It's like having a pet midget that always has a knife on him.

got fuckin dammit I kek'd way harder than I shuold have at this image. Just imagine some mini me looking fucker emerging from the darkness. you pet him and he seem snice but then outta nowhere he jams a pocket knife through your calf

Thoses are pretty based.

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i have a shitbull story
>doing contract work at employer's house with co-worker
>employer owns mean pitbull, tells us to stay away from it
>i know not to fuck with it
>dumb co-worker tries to pet him later that day
>pitt acts nice for 5 seconds then suddenly lunges for his groin
>co-worker screaming, owner pulls pit off
>co-worker's testicles are now on the outside of his ballsack
>he's holding his bloody deflated scrotum, screaming
>i drive him to the ER as he's screaming in the back of the car
>when i drop him off out front, he gets out of the car screaming, holding his bloody mauled penis+balls in his hands
>security guard doesn't see that his balls are mauled, thinks my co-worker is a crazy screaming man holding his dick out
>watch as the security guard's face goes from disgust to horror
the security guard part was sort of funny. he's fine after surgery, balls still work

did the dog get put down?
did owner get fined/pay for medical bills?

we were working on a quasi-legal marijuana grow-op, so the owner just gave my co-worker a few hundred as hush money. i think my co-worker just didn't pay his ER bills, haven't talked to him since.

Be quiet.

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Cats are faggots
Enjoy your toxoplasmosis

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Dogs are pussies.

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Despite being only 6% of the dog population, Pit bulls are responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982, according to research compiled by Merritt Clifton, editor of Animals 24-7, an animal-news organization that focuses on humane work and animal-cruelty prevention.

wow they really are the niggers of the dogs

put her down she's carrying the bad seed

More horror stories about dogs pls

That shit would be traumatising enough just to witness. No amount of money would be enough to make me forget about my dick and balls getting mauled.

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>have pit and staffie
>they wrestle all god dammed day
>make crazy fucking snarling noises
>have to get between them and tell them to fuck off just so I can watch some tv without constant noise
>sister and niece come for visit with niece
>dog knocks niece
>starts to hump
>stop it right away
>we all have a good chuckle because we are not niggers and we are have dominion over beasts
>controlling a 75lb pet is not a complex math problem
>cats push these dogs around

some people are pussies and if they can get weeded out by a pet then so be it

Cats BTFO. How will they ever recover?

kek your dog got blacked

They just will you nigger.

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This. Literal bug people.

Gothika had a great one, but the film left me so shaken I'd rather not go back and rewatch it for it. I hate horror films in general. In one scene Halle Berry is locked up and the jumpscare pretty much subverts the expectation it sets up by playing out slightly differently than what we're used to, because nothing pops into frame but instead Halle Berry moves and there's something visible that was previously obstructed and it's pretty unexpected.

doing god's work


Wikihow articles regarding dogs have the funniest pictures

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Can you be any more specific without triggering your ptsd?

I hope your kids end up dead after a pit bull attack.

I just don't remember it exactly, it's been a long time. I think it was a ghost of a kid that had been raped and killed, which Halle Berry's character doesn't know at this point. She's standing behind her in the cell, and Berry kneels down because it looks like someone is standing in front of the cell.

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too bad it probably got killed by its own mum at the end

brb crying

fucking actual retarded if my dogs do thisI alaways fucking yank them




god fuck people who cant control their dogs. fucking bitch walking TWO pitbulls when should couldn't control one. fuck this retard and fuck pitbulls

he jumps on you and scars you for life

>takes umbrage at the human for being a moron
>"fuck pitbulls"
way to fail at logic. the problem here is the owners, not the dogs. any large dog will make a play for a cat, it's in their nature.

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>that nervous look it its eyes, knowing if it fucks up that pup it will get the belt

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her fucking fault for literally getting two big retarded dogs? literally pitbull owners should be put down same as pitbulls

>it's in their nature
exactly, so fuck them

>Men and women.webm


ive had german shepherds who were tamer around my cats than other fucking cats. fuck pitbulls and people who own them.

Went to a call for service where a pit bull dragged its white female owner to the concrete and busted through a strangers picket fence to attack a yellow lab. The yellow lab actually beat the shit out of pit bull which was surprising.

>the problem here is the owners, not the dogs
You're not fooling anyone Mr. Pitbull

Blacks are nowhere comparable to pitbulls.

itt: lowtest beta males who cant figure out how to properly train a dog so have come together to bitch and moan in a sad attempt to fool themselves into thinking its more then just their shitty inability to even be an alpha to a dog

is it... is it real?

Just wait until it bites faggot

palms are sweaty

You'd have to be real pathetic to be afraid of black people.

I'm not watching this fuck that and fuck you

>these are the people browsing ITT

Attached: chinese animal cruelty.webm (853x480, 2.25M)

Retrievers are so fucking based. One of the smartest breeds and loyal as fuck. Unconditional love.

Fuck you I love dogs and cats, and have nothing but mercy for animals. At the same time I reject pic related; I will eat any animal, but that will not stop me from scratching it's chin or behind the ears first.

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>I will eat any animal
ANY animal?

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>i will eat any animal
get away from my dog you protochink

r8 my cat guys

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Yes I would even eat the cat, if I was hungry enough, but that would have to be pretty hungry, especially with a cat that pretty.

Dogs get the grill before the cats

11/10 would let shit in a box in my laundry room for the rest of its natural life

He looks like a faggot asshole

just kidding he's great

he cute

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imagine if the baby kicks its nuts

Not afraid, just aware of their proclivity to violence. Seems to me like you're projecting your own insecurities onto others.

If you really think black people have a proclivity for violence then you might really be braindead, especially if you compare them to pitbulls.

>have family dog
>hes pretty cute medium sized border collie
>shows aggression in other male dogs (every single one)
>have nightmares of him turning into some weird human dog hybrid (like a werewolf but tall and lanky)
>nightmares where I would wake myself up from screaming
>always weary of him after a while
>he nips a 2 year old family member
>all my family defends him (kid was being annoying)
>I wasnt there so I didnt say much
>one day he fully attacks when the kid was hugging him
>mauls the kid
>I had to rip him off of him and literally throw him outside
>blood all over the floor
>911 had to be called
>kid had to get stictches and get medication and shit
>no one in family has the guts to put the dog down
>I do it
>despite all that feel terrible and cry afterwords

I still think about it and get the fight or flight response. Im just happy the kid is fine.

Pretty much everyone. Majority fault on the shop owner. There's a reason why you dont mix all dog sizes together. Difficult to say if the husky owner is at fault but the husky needs to get put down. 1% fault on the poodle owner for owning that useless toy piece of shit to begin with.

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fuck off

How did you put him down? Brick? Phone cord?

that sucks man

Explain Russia in the 90s then?

Attached: russia homicide rate 1875-2018.png (1083x1084, 322K)

>ww2 starts
>russia and finland start killing themselves
>usa and japan dont kill themselves

>ww2 ends
>reverse happens

what did they mean by this?

Post-Soviet civil unrest. Last time I checked, America hasn't had any regime changes or civil wars recently.

>leaving out africa

Attached: soyrage.jpg (233x217, 9K)

What an absolutely retarded comparison.


me in the store

>god I wish that was me

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who do they have them? for shit like this, dumbass

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lol greyhounds are SHIT

greyhounds have snake heads and i fucking hate their lanky disgusting bodies. fuck you and your shitty post.

Alright everyone, back the fuck up. Make way for the cutest (with a lot of health problems) fucking dog.

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please post more pitbull death/pitbull hate

They're regal, loving, gentle and charismatic, you'd change your mind after owning one. That said the one I own is a unit and had at least 4" on the 2nd tallest IG at the meet I went to, so I don't think I'd like a normally sized IG as much. Too fragile.

>drools on your pants

You must live in a white as fuck town

>any large dog will make a play for a cat, it's in their nature.

Lol guess who knows fuckall about dogs

Is it true that dog humping you is "play".?

Or is this an American thing

Sucks, man

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Based and 47-pilled

>rapes the shitbull

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So it's okay for white people to kill each other when their country turns to shit?
Africa is still safer overall compared to South America
The correlation is poverty my special ed friend.

Attached: homicide rate.png (1082x8892, 1.92M)

Once the pitbull bite he doesn't let go like all boxer type dog.

he would only get hair on that thing. The Tibetan mastiff would fuck up any pitbull

Yea Forums has always supported cats. Remember NEDM?

based 4channel the hacker and protector of cats

Im actually surprised by how unaggressive that tiger is.

why the fuck does this dog look so fucking creepy