Quite a few anime threads on this TEE VEE board...

Quite a few anime threads on this TEE VEE board, I would like to remind you that "anime" is regurgitated prolefeed aimed at involuntarily celibate manchildren. Anime is the product of a beaten people who imitated the imported saturday morning funnybooks of their US occupiers and somehow turned the shittest export of the West into an entire industry. You need to wake up and smell the piss from those jugs under your bed: the best animated film Japan has ever produced remains Akira (1998, over 30 years old) and the best TV cartoon show Japan ever produced is still NGE (1995, over 20 years old)
>b-but my [insert long running animated trash here]
NO, just stop. your pathetic cartoons can't even depict basic human relationships properly. Name me one (1) popular japanese cartoon where a normal, well adjusted male youth flirts with a normal, well-adjusted female youth, they date, and then they form a mutually loving normal relationship? You can't because there AREN'T any, it's all nosebleeds, harems, jacking off into your hand over comatose girls, and lolitas. Thank you. now fuck off.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anime is for degenerates.

this but unironically, 99% of anime is pedo-bait cancer, the remaining 1% is just boring shit.

Anime's just boring. CGDCT isn't enjoyable to watch at all.

imagine being this fucking ignorant

refute it

>Name me one (1) popular japanese cartoon where a normal, well adjusted male youth flirts with a normal, well-adjusted female youth, they date, and then they form a mutually loving normal relationship
Are you going to name one or not?


Kare Kano?

Anime is more varied and creative than American TV, and manchildren do not exist.

>Anime is the product of a beaten people who imitated the imported saturday morning funnybooks of their US occupiers and somehow turned the shittest export of the West into an entire industry
Anime is not an imitation of American animation, it is a rejection of it.

Anti-anime activists are the most pathetic people in the world.

Me on the left

Have sex!!

And what does this prove?

Glad I'm NEET then

anime is the worst shit in the fucking world, Evangelion, the worst piece of shit in the century

Anime is nothing but garbage tropes repeated ad nauseum.

You must be confusing it with Western entertainment.

Anime doesn't contain pedophilia. You must be confusing it with Western entertainment.

CGDCT doesn't exist.

You must be confusing it with Western entertainment.

Why are you focusing on how relationships between men and women are depicted in anime as if it is the only thing that matters when it comes to entertainment?

Just like movies and tv

I don't dismiss something for being a particular medium or genre because I'm not a close-minded faggot. Also I find it hilarious that you argue that anime is bad because it's unrealistic lmao, "muh realism" fags should all kill themselves.

Tropes are endemic to all fiction, and it is only anti-anime propaganda to try to paint them as something specific to anime and as something inherently bad.

>CGDCT doesn't exist.
Are you retarded


Why would it be retarded to correctly state that a non-existent thing doesn't exist? Are you retarded?

but evangelion is about anime being escapist shit

>anime doesn't contain pedophilia
3/10 made me reply

this sounds like some wh*toid jewslave cope to me

There's nothing wrong with escapism, and not all anime is escapist.

I stated a fact.

Imagine feel threatened by chinese cartoons on this throat-singing mongolian forum for retards

Kys yourself crybaby

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disturbingly accurate

I can tell from the way you post you’re actually autistic and probably sweating right now as you defend a hobby you’ve probably dedicated most of your sad life to from being rightfully called out for being shit, I feel kind of bad for you.



An alarmingly-high percentage of those who watch anime and manga, have been deprived of the knowledge necessary to interact successfully with other human beings. Anime is nothing more than cartoons with featureless expressions, expressions that the audience often mimic and attempt to pass off as "socializing". More often than not, this is met with derision and scorn, as it should be.

Those who watch anime have not matured. They are stuck in eternal limbo between childhood and pubescence, completely unable to respond appropriately to others in the outside world. I suppose as long as they're contributing to society in some manner, shape or form by working a computer job from home instead of polluting outside with their awkward ugliness and foul scent, then I have no major issue with them.

>tl;dr: watch all the anime you want, manchild, but don't bring your stink anywhere near me.

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anime from 1998 that no one has heard of
>Anime is more varied and creative than American TV, and manchildren do not exist
thou jest
so you can't think of one, OK
so you can't think of one. OK

Autism doesn't exist.

>defend a hobby you’ve probably dedicated most of your sad life to from being rightfully called out for being shit
If anime is shit then it means everything is shit, and if everything is shit then your argument is null and void.

Anime and cartoons are not the same thing, and anti-anime activists have no business accusing others of having social problems or not having matured.

>watch all the anime you want, manchild, but don't bring your stink anywhere near me.
>deliberately seeks out anime website

>and manchildren do not exist.

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Da supewioh Nipponese womah is a goddess compayed to tha ugri white woman

Imagine being THIS bluepilled.

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>anime and cartoons are not the same thing
anime is literally the loanword for animated cartoon. even the word used is a mangled version of the english word, lol

>thou jest
No, I was simply stating facts.

Yes, that's what I said.

A very common NPC routine when confronted with inconvinient facts about anime is to respond by quoting the inconvinient fact and attaching an image.

Anime literally means animation. Not cartoon.

>get a big tiddy Nazi gf
>suddenly stop caring about anime
You’ll grow up one day too, Yea Forums.

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anime is the no 1 cause of dilation worldwide
casual browsing of other boards does not lie: Yea Forums is 90 percent tranny and /r9k/ is 85 percent tranny now

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The only ones crying about muh anime are insecure faggots.
Imagine caring about what people waste their time on, it's so pathetic.

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Anime is a scapegoat that Americans blame their trans epidemic on because they can't take responsibility for their own failures.

Anime website. Maybe reddit is more your speed?

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Ah my good friends Rika and Satoko are so cute. I hope they're doing okay these days.

Why do people say Yea Forums is an anime website when it has boards devoted to a range of topics

Anime is ok, otaku are cancer

why are capeshitters so afraid of anime?

Imagine actually watching japanese cartoons

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Yea Forums started as an anime site and has expanded its range of topics over time and still has a wildly disproportionate number of boards dedicated to anime/2d/Japan/otaku topics.

"Otaku," as Westerners understand them, do not exist.

the only good thing to come out of anime is live action anime

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I said or implied nothing to suggest that I'm a tranny, which means you are a tranny and you are projecting.

Autism doesn't exist.


amerifats are pathetic blaming everything but their own fuck ups is their ultimate cope for their degeneracy

Yea Forums is for anime, porn, celebrity gossip, and polfaggotry user. If it wasn't mods would be deleting those threads. They don't.

>MFW I watch anime, make more money then you, and have banged more girls then you
Stay mad :^)

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what happened to this website

>most pathetic person

But OP, how do you explain your existence?

Stop watching tropey anime.

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>Anime is just for kids bro

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Everything has tropes.


Get the fuck in here

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dilation is incumbent for you

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imagine this board acting like cpt marvel, westworld and shield or marvel heroes or whatever garbage you watch makes you manly. Yea Forums and Yea Forums in a maturity contest that's the joke

goe is moe

Stop being bluepilled and brainwashed by your shitty Disneywood entertainment
Basically all your weak ass entertainment has to offer now is shitty Netflix LGBT shows
Capeshit and two male rats getting married in a kids cartoon.
Admit it your visual entertainment is pretty much fucked by the stupid politics of your country and capeshit culture.
Enjoy your upcoming 30 superhero movies faggot.

You are a tranny and you are projecting.

Based Haibane Renmei poster

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I would agree with you if anime was all about moe series and ecchi shit

This is the panic stage

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Modern Hollywood is dogshit

>SJW political agendas
>Capeshit and Star Wars
>Ugly 3D whores
>Prudish directors/audience

I'll stick with my cartoons thanks

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will you choose a k-on or madoka themed dilator?

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Revolutionary Girl Utena is the greatest anime.

You dumb fucking brainlet

Next comes anger

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>kinos your path

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TVTropes is a list of tropes and the site that started people's obsession with tropes.

Moe isn't a genre.

You are a tranny and you are projecting.

no one is denying your fellow trannies have multiplied exponentially

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only tryhard-contrarians will say that TTGL is not kino

>its bad because it has tropes

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>Moe isn't a genre.
You know what I mean. I mean shows like K-ON or Gochuumon

Well the American bastardized version of otaku sure do exist. You know the type...
>Owns swords and ninja weapons
>Buys and stockpiles Pocky
>Doesn't bathe
>Harrasses underage girls that cosplay
>Severely autistic, no control over their volume
>Owns 200 dollar figurines and body pillows
>LARPs with giant foam swords in a church parking lot
>Thinks subs> dubs, always
> Lives with parents but refuses to help out because he/she spends her money on retarded shit, especially at conventions
If you prefer dirty week, you're just arguing semantics

the only animes I liked is the boxing one and the table tennis one


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It's not anime's fault that Americans are fucked in the head.

No, I don't know what you mean. When people talk about moe anime it's so vague that even Psycho-Pass has been called one. And there's nothing wrong with shows like K-On and Gochuumon.

user, I live a nice successful life. Maybe if you stopped posting about how much you hate anime 24/7, you could too. It's not too late to change your hikikomori ways!

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What's wrong with American trannies?
Even in Thailand, a borderline third world country, the trannies manage to look like women. Same in Brazil

you are dilating

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imagine fuming so fucking hard that you have a collection of images like this saved on your hd

You are talking about weebs, which have nothing to do with otaku.

>the table tennis one

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>implying anime and modern hollywood are the only things available to watch


i'll never understand why people watch braindead netflix originals and anime when so much kino has been made since the beginning of film. you could watch one movie a day for the rest of your life and never see everything, by the time you die. yet people actually choose to spend their time watching prepubescent animated girls in school uniforms glomping each other or whatever the fuck they do in anime.

imagine dilating so hard your pus wound collapses

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You are a tranny and you are projecting. What do you think you are accomplishing with these posts? Do you think if you just keep it up I'm suddenly going to admit to being a tranny like you? You are delusional.

have penile sex

What I mean are shows where the main cast only consists of kawaii uguuuu girls with tiny bodys and huge heads and eyes. All that is going on in shows like this is little girls acting cute and squeak and giggle with their mickey mouse voices

What the fuck happened in 2015?

If anime is responsible for trannies, why is there so little of them in Japan?

even professionals have noticed tranny, you'd better dilate before it's too late

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>and the table tennis one
true, Teekyuu is pretty based

Because there's actually no correlation, and it's some weirdo's head canon.

Most anime characters are high school age, not elementary school age, and it's not an argument to say that characters are in elementary school or wearing uniforms.

Hang yourself, leftist.

>All that is going on in shows like this is little girls acting cute and squeak and giggle with their mickey mouse voices
So just like everyone complaining about this, you have never seen any of these shows.

You are a tranny and you are projecting.

Are you the Barneyfag of anime?

>"We don’t have statistic or anything to confirm it"
Quit trying to pass a literal blog post off a scientifically researched.


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>I'm fine watching the same low effort entertainment over and over here's my paycheck

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japanese men would dilate in public if were permissible but they settle for being 'herbivore men'

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>So just like everyone complaining about this, you have never seen any of these shows.
I watched 2 episodes of K-On

yes this one

Kek, imagine being so used to deep man-sounding women that you think anything slightly effeminate is mickey mouse.

doubtful, there is still psychologists in the world.


Feel like the only difference is that weeb is the pejorative equivalent

>you're a tranny!
>no, YOU'RE a tranny!
what the fuck

Name a single show that is completely original and has no tropes or cliches

Pic related

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Something is not low effort just because it isn't maximally original.

And apparently could not comprehend any of it. Must have been too intellectually demanding.

Otaku is the Japanese version of a geek, and is not the same thing as a weeb.

>he doesn't know that psychologists watch anime too

Most female japanese anime voice actresses sound like squeaky toys and you know it

reminder that Yea Forums and /jp/ agree with OP
its picture related and the other redditors playing catch up that get angry

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Anime is honestly the only visual media I have spare time for.

TV shows are just too long for me, I'd rather watch something shorter and immediately enjoyable.00

He started calling me a tranny out of nowhere and has kept doing it, and I am defending myself by pointing out the fact that he's a tranny and projecting.


I hate trannies but you fucking retards just keep spamming this garbage ad infinitum. Every time I come to this site I'm pointlessly reminded of these fucking freaks, keep giving them attention

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Tl;dr you’re a faggot lul

Professional as in, a person who has a Ph.D., can formulate a hypothesis and move toward a theory. You're not a big fan of thinking are you?

>And apparently could not comprehend any of it. Must have been too intellectually demanding.
What is there to comprehend? Please enlighten me how such shows are high-tier art and works full of depth and layers

I wonder what the next ebin boogeyman buzzword will be

They do not. This is a meme.

I didn't say anything about any depths and layers, you just weren't able to comprehend it on even the most basic, obvious surface level. Probably because your head was already crammed so full of epic memes about "moe anime" that you had no room for anything else.

Here's anime to watch that isn't about cute girls doing nothing all day

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just ignore them braahh even though theyve taken over every fucking board that isnt /pol/ braaaaah

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>so yboys
All within a fucking year. I fucking hate this site

>cute girls doing nothing all day
Doesn't exist.

>Here's anime to watch that isn't about cute girls doing nothing all day

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A theory without proof is worthless dumb fuck.

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sure moetard, whatever helps you sleep at night

>taken over
shut the fuck up you delusional paranoid sperg

>Only one of them was censored by mods even though they're all spammed ad nauseum
Causes one to ponder

Ah yes, the estimated and well respect Doctorate "SocialJusticeWizard"

I want /pol/ to leave

Where did we go so wrong? Was it when moe anime became popular?

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>Keeps using established strawman as a focal point for his argument

The anime industry is filled with mediocre repetition, that's the fact. No, a show doesn't have to be 100% original to be good, that's the strawman.

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I have no problems sleeping at night and this has nothing to do with me.

One of the recurring tactics of the left is to strategically deny their own existence and activities whenever it suits them.

i'm watching anime right now

I’m literally going to make several anime threads right now just because of this post

The real fact is that anime is more varied than American television.

Isn't your toy fair on? Go home, outsider

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>A theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking.
> A theory can be a body of knowledge, which may or may not be associated with particular explanatory models. To theorize is to develop this body of knowledge.


Get an education

Have sex

2007 when K-ON released.

It's pretty funny since 2007 is the universal year everything went to shit due to smartphones and geek culture.

I love people who are vocal about liking anime, it saves me time in having to figure out my friendship with them would never work. I've only met a very very small portion of people who like anime and aren't complete failures as a man.

Have sex

Just so we have it on record for a certain someone
Are you admitting you're going to raid/spam the board?

K-On didn't come out in 2007 and there's nothing wrong with it and it has no relation to what happened in America.

It is the anti-anime activists who are failures.

are your parents trannies? is that why you see them everywhere?


"In modern science, the term "theory" refers to scientific theories, a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science."

Simply saying "I think anime correlates with gender dysphoria" is not in any way "consistent with scientific method", or "fulfilling the criteria required by modern science", or "well-confirmed". Take your own advice and "Get an education" more then reading the first tow lines of wikipedia.