Deeply heartfelt and moving celebrity tributes

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why would she put her expensive designer shoe like that in the center of her selfie

Bae caught me thinkin'

>drew cartoons to sell hostess fruit pie ads to children
>what a legend ;_;

hey bros, this thread is shit so im hijacking it with a question. is there a website where i can watch southpark episodes? all the streams i know of only play the shitty newer seasons. thanks

Not to mention the personalised designer bag and jumpsuit in what is supposed to be a somber and reserved moment

>he doesnt even know how to torrent
Go back

so we don't smell her foot fungus through the image

Who took the photo?

i cant risk a virus, i got a lot of valueble projects on this PC and ive had real bad luck with torrents.
thank you so much user

This is the mome that finally made me swallow the redpill. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but just burst out laughing after trying to imagine this cunt actually giving a shit about Stan. Why are f*moids so fake bros?

Piracy is illegal user

I fucking love this picture. How did this not become a meme?

this instagram post is legitimately hilarious

I don't understand why normies were so upset by this.

Thinking about Stan. What a legend. RIP.

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Can't be thinking about something if you're not posting an image of you doing so on social media.

I want someome to call her out on social media about this and her actually see it

Not where i live faggot

Maybe choose more jewless country where you don't constantly being fucked in the ass my dawg

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why is brie such a bitch

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You can only get a virus from a torrent if you're fucking braindead

Don't get me wrong I can't stand her but this was fake you mongs. Stop taking everything at face value.

Just thinking about Jesus. What a saviour. RIP



You meme, but she's unironically more heartfelt, empathetic and emotionally intelligent than 70% of Hollywood, who are admittedly not as unaware or cold as you make them out to be in the first place.

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>she's unironically more heartfelt, empathetic and emotionally intelligent than 70% of Hollywood,

You're saying that based on what?

I'm about to do some smack later. What's the best way I can think about Stan?


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>having your name embroidered on your bag
Jesus she's just like a little girl

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nothing in her life can not refer to herself in some way. She's such a narcissist, if she weren't validated all the time by being a movie star, she would be in a mental institution.

Based on the copious amounts of data that's readily available on the internet. You can learn an awful lot about people when they're in the public eye, in case you didn't figure it out already.

watchcartoononline, dumbo

based and redpilled


narcissistic cunt
way to make it about you

>some nigger not doing his job properly, at an airport no less, one of the busiest places
Yeah, that's a yikes from me.
>I'm actually horrified by the sight of my face
>I'm not interested in it one bit
>I've never seen a photograph of myself that I feel is a representation of me
Some narcissist. Yea Forums shits on things they don't understand, and pretend to be experts on topics they're not familiar with.

she is a fucking psycho

>if she said a thing in one of her interviews promoting her movie she really meant it

Really makes you think about Stan

It's not even a promotional interview. You're as clueless as can be.


Even if she’s not promoting a movie she’s promoting herself. Every time an actor is on camera it is promotional.

And your point is what exactly? It's all a scam, correct?

Are you retarded? All those Variety ass2ass interviews feature actors who just put out a hot movie contending for the oscars.

It's not promotional in the same way a typical interview is. That much is obvious. Even IF it was entirely promotional, I don't see how that changes anything. Her statement has absolutely nothing to do with the film in question. It's just an honest personal conversation between two people.

If you think an actor is being genuine in any medium, you are gullible.

>torrenting instead of scene topsite access

I have nothing to gain from this, other than present my truth, so you're wrong. If I were gullible, I would be jumping on the hate bandwagon like everyone else, like I was initially. I've familiarized myself with her since then, and feel like an idiot for falling for the bait.

I wonder if that handbag is expensive.

Hi Brie! How is that fungus going?

I can meet you somewhere randomly and sell you a pen for 100$. Do what you want with this info, but I felt like letting you know.

>It's just an honest personal conversation between two people.

Far from it. She would never say something controversial or that makes her look bad in front of a camera.

Cartoons are animated

Because all people do is make controversial statements behind closed doors?
Obviously no actor would be dumb enough to do that in front of a camera. But it doesn't mean every single thing they say needs to be calculated in the first place. Don't you talk to other people?

I laughed at this harder than I should have

This, but unironically.

Total babe VS a rapist.

It must hurt to lose in life, but now to lose in your shit hole internet life must be painful 4 u.

>i cant risk a virus
Lol how old are you cunt? Fucking 15? Or have you never used a pc before? Even normies can torrent shit

There is no "vs" here at all.

What a hoe.

There's no way in hell Brie doesn't think she's the hottest woman on the planet.


>mom got a letter when I downloaded black panther

You're baiting at this point. I refuse to believe you're that stupid.

what a legend

peak wom*n behavior right there.
can't get worse than this.

In 2008 you could watch every episode on so just build a time machine and go watch them there you fucking faggot

has never googled literally anything in his miserable life

lmao you idiot! (lol 2)

You need to be a slack-jawed, mouth breathing retard to download a virus whilst torrenting. You genuinely need to be accompanied by a live in carer 24/7, if you can't download a film in 2019.

Your truth? Wtf does that mean?

White girl in america who has been coddled her whole life without realizing it and thinks she can do no wrong. Worst people alive.

That which I perceive as the truth. We obviously disagree, hence I don't call it "truth" period. But I'm right.

You aren't familiar with her life at all. You're just assuming, like 99% of people. It's annoying as fuck. Fuck you for being an idiot like that.

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What's the Gwyneth one they are talking about? Didn't see that one pop.

Sounds gay as shit, if you know you're right just say “the truth” you faggot

She is a total socially inept bitch all over Twitter and in every interview she has ever done.

It doesn't matter what it sounds like, as long as it gets the point across.

seething incels

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Socially inept =/= bad person. Your main argument is that she's a cunt which is simply not true.
That you want her to be a cunt, desperately, is another matter. Part of me hopes she eventually comes out as an actual irredeemable cunt, so I can give a rest to these debates. It's not like I'm disagreeing for the sake of being a contrarian.

And she can't paint for shit either

She is literally what every incel claims a woman is.

Holy narcissism batman

Hey Brie
You were pretty good in the Kong movie so dont take it too hard just be less of a bitch in the future

And you're literally naive. How can that be a thing in 2019?

It didn’t get the point across that’s why I had to ask what you meant you dumb nigger faggot. Improve your writing, make concise declarative statements

I don't understand why this got so much backlash, that's what every woman does in social media: Take a pic of themselves showing her clothes or something like it and then add a caption to it so they don't look as vapid and dumb as they really are.

>Socially inept =/= bad person
And yet you w*men never apply this to socially inept men...hmmm...really does my brain a big think

jesus christ dude how delusional are you. she constantly is taking pictures of herself on instagram like any other vapid whore. then she sits down in this interview and says that 'no photo can ever represent me' as though this is some kind of revelation. she a narcissistic cunt. notice the constant theme that runs through her thinking: if i'm not making films that capture ME, then why am i doing them?

imagine being this fucking retarded. Newfags should kill themselves

Those are original Stan Lee's by Nike

why is it that a thread dedicated to circle-jerking over how much you hate brie stays up for hours, but a thread discussing her movies is immediately deleted?

>watching movies
what are you a fucking incel?

What can "my truth" mean other than "my truth". What else did you expect?
I'm not a woman you dumb fuck. That a large portion of women are unsympathetic to inept men is of no concern to me. People are shit in general. Learn to operate within that context.
>how delusional are you
When it comes to this case in particular, I'm not delusional at all. Not an ounce of delusion whatsoever. I've familiarized myself with this person extremely well at this point, and it was all thanks to you cunts who couldn't stop bitching and crying about her. My only current issue is that I can't let the topic die, when I know I'm talking to a fucking wall.

at least one of the mods is a confirmed brie hater at this point. there was a genuine discussion thread that was shoad because autists started spamming brie pics


>okay you ready
>no wait let me put up my drink first
>aight sweetie you look good
>let me just tilt my head a bit,mhh like this do I look good?
>ye gurl you look fine. Oh get your purse up also it's so fetch
>ye like this, so they can see my name right?
>Isn't it just the cutest? Its handmade by some nuns in NYC. So special to me. So much energy. 100% vegan of course, I don't believe in like cruelty against animals, you know
>yeee that's like perfect, like you literally look like an artist right now. Oh my god.
>oh but I just got these shoes also really wanna show them
>get them up girl, oh they fine, you look so good right now. Like you're literally beautiful.
>okay here we go say "staaaan"
>oh that's perfect I look so sad and hip. Who was this guy again?

>People are shit in general.
Canned argument that only w*men and soibois regurgitate when called out on their bullshit

>my truth
I don’t know what the FUCK it means. You modified “truth” with “my”, giving it a meaning other than the understood meanings for “truth”. I have no clue what that is, and is why I asked. To clear things up and be a better writer in the future you could just write simple declarative statements. Or don’t and continue to be a stupid fucking autistic jew that no one understands.

why is this user so invested in moldy brie? i need to know. why are you so autistically invested in this cunt?

That there are shit people of all races, sexes, ages, etc is true. I don't get why it should be a big deal though? Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say only women are shit. What then? Can't you tame them? Don't romanticize people and turn them into bigger threats than they realistically are. Either adapt or be crushed, it's your choice. But the former isn't that difficult.
Go fuck yourself, I ain't reading that schlock. You understood what I had to say after I explained it to you, so it's a dead topic at this point.

I'm autistically invested in the truth. You could be arguing about literally anything else and I'd still be inclined to argue back. It's simple as fuck. You're a color blind person who's telling me my shirt is blue when it's actually red. You'd be annoyed just as much.
There's also some other guy on here who tells people that Brie's god's gift to mankind which is equally infuriating. Maybe you're mistaking me for him, since it's an anonymous site.
Fact of the matter is, there are several people who are obsessed with this topic here. Another objective truth. So it's not just me.

Yea Forums incels hate her for the stupid comments she made about "white males" although I bet most of you are mutt-bastards without fathers

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When did I say that ONLY women are shit? Please dilate

Actual nigger detected

Add whatever you want to that list, it doesn't fucking matter. Some people are shit. Big fucking deal. Man up and adapt.

Typical po-mo nihilistic hypocrite.

There isn't a single race that excludes you from being a shitty person. This is something that you'll never be able to argue with. Also, you're 20 times the nigger I'll ever be.
What's so bad about learning to adapt to your surroundings? What else do you suggest other than bitching and moaning like a FUCKING pussy?

>the absolute state of post-/got/ Yea Forums

Seethe and dilate more

>there isn’t a single race that excludes you from being a shitty person
I’m really not trying to be a pedantic dick but you are forgetting about the white race, user.

>still thinks empty buzzwords make a difference
So you're telling me that there isn't a single white person without flaw? A white dude can walk up to you right now, molest your frail body and then dump it in a river somewhere. Do I really need to point that out? Is this all a big meme?

No pretty sure whites don’t do that stuff, you’re thinking of spics or maybe wops, I dunno

Go back to Yea Forums

I'm almost sure that you're baiting, but there's retards who would probably fall for that, so here's one person off the top of my head.
We're stooping really low at this point though. Next thing you know it we'll be learning about the alphabet. Props for extracting that (You) so easily.

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What a vapid cunt.

>virus in 2019


Pretty sure he was polish or!slavic, def not white

Based retard.

> Yea Forums shits on things they don't understand, and pretend to be experts on topics they're not familiar with.

That’s the entire Chan, user.