What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: idontgetit.png (784x535, 127K)

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when i heard Trump had bad mouthed NASA i thought he'd be saying its a waste of money, instead its the opposite

I'm guess the Mission to Mars includes going to the moon or using the moon in some capacity.

Why would you go from the moon to Mars?

You've gotta stop off somewhere to eat your pack lunch

Against what? Aliens? Does lil donnie know something that we don't?


Defense for the greatest ally

>NASA should be focused on science
Wow, this guy is a genius.

He means the mission to Mars will include a rest stop to the In-n-out on the Moon for some food and a bathroom break.

Fuck defence. What a fucking propaganda term, you fucking bourgie twat. It's just fucking attack. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCK WAR. I'D RATHER NASA ACTUALLY DID DISCOVERY NOT JUST BUILT THINGS SO AMERICANS CAN BOMB BROWN PEOPLE. FUCK YOU.

Fucking based, as usual. Yawn.

NASA has been retarded in the last few years. Social media this, entertainment that, muh alien shit, not much hard science.
Well, maybe they do hard science, but they don't really advertise it anymore.

wtf i love america now?

He knows something we have known for years.

>For all of the money we are spending

NASA budget today is tiny shit compared to what they had during the space race, it's amazing they get anything done today

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In theory the Moon could be used as a base to refuel and build Mars rockets

He's a braindead dunce, no surprise here

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Couldn't say.

It's incredible how retarded anti-trumpers are that they think he called mars a part of the moon.

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Dilate wound.

Sometimes... the best defense... is a strong offence.

>pointless graph
Let's see NASA funding as percentage of GDP adjusted for inflation.

How so?

Space Holocaust. The ayys were in contact with uncle Adolf and they are coming to Earth to avenge him. Why do you think the Nazis developed all that technology first? Why do you think the jews recently trying to send a ship to the Moon. They are scared.

Adjusted for inflation? So what it's currently getting?

>tfw born too late for exploration of the uncharted corners of the earth and too soon to explore uncharted space

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>it's amazing they get anything done
It's not, because they don't

You have your samll phone that can do anything not important and a ton of bad suerhero movies to watch over and over. You're gona be alright bro.

Everyone laughed when Donald ordered the creation of the space corps. But if it got even 2% of the defense budget it would equal NASA's.

In 1966 NASA got 332 billion dollars adjusted for inflation

In 2019 NASA's budget is 21.5 billion dollars

visit our nazi overlords

Trump might genuinely have brain worms but that tweet is not hard to understand. He meant that planning for missions to Mars would include missions to the moon as well. Everyone jerking them selves off over this tweet are embarrassing.

>In 1966 NASA got 332 billion dollars adjusted for inflation
>In 2019 NASA's budget is 21.5 billion dollars
Shut up

>stop trying to get to the moon!
>just try to get to the moon so we can get to mars!
What did Donald Duck mean by this?

You know it's sad when the entire populace expects such little intelligence from their PRESIDENT that they automatically assume it's the worst possible meaning when he says something. We truly live in idiocracy

ur retarded

>entire populace
No, just the half that's been brainwashed the worst.

You're confusing Bush 2nd with Trump. Bush was a moron, Trump is just fishing for (you) on social media.

The U.S. Govt had to prove its peen was bigger than the Russian bro.

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>Why would you go from the moon to Mars?
Moon has less gravity so you can use a lighter rocket to go to Mars

Are you people 12?

>he doesn't know
NASA used to have conferences about real science. Now they have conferences about sci-fi and how fiction could end up being real.
They've become a parody of themselves all in a shameless bid to get more non-government fundings.
It's like watching that smart kid who was supposed to be the next Hawking turn tricks in an alleyway to be able to pay for his college books.

So being a moron is a Republican thing? Are they just appealing to their base or something?

Maybe he has alzheimers? isnt he like 80 or some shit

Their budget is tiny now and every president has wanted to privatize space. They're clearly still workikg though


Also social media campaigns are important and every govt agency is doing them to attract recruits

What ever happened to his voting fraud commission?

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It was found that Trump actually benefited more from illicit voting

It seems pretty clear. He wants NASA to think bigger. Going to the moon should be depicted as a little side project they shouldn't treat it as something impressive when they already went to the moon decades ago. He wants impressive progress not some little cuck moon mission.

does this really come as surprise to you? Have you never heard of the Space Race?

it was all just a giant dick-measuring contest between the US and the Soviets, as soon as they made it to the moon the budget for NASA plummeted and nobody cared anymore.