How would you have fixed it?

How would you have fixed it?

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4 hours

You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
Why don't you take your capeshit and go back to playing fortnite?

Cut 45mins-1 hour and generally edit the fuck out of it. The meatiest, most enjoyable parts are edited at breakneck speed but then other parts drag on for about twice as long as they should.

Also not have Thor give away Asguard like a total piece of shit at the end.

or at least have Thor just tell the lady to keep my seat warm for me cause i'll be back

There's nothing to fix. Together with Infinity War it's the best superhero movie of the decade after Batman v Superman

Blu-ray fucking when?

Attached: dd4.png (600x600, 210K)

no timeskip
no time travel

In August, I think.


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1: Cut out Captain Fungi. No need to have her save Stark and the idea that they guy who got out of a cave "WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!!!" would have let himself die in space shits all over everything the character is about. It's another case of (((them))) not being able to create a strong female character without diminishing a male one and making them look stupid. Just like they did with Black Panthers ugly sister talking down to Banner in Infinity War. But then they needed a reason to shove Captain Legohead into the movie. Same thing as the end when she shows up. I would have liked to have seen what the movie would have been without that shit character.

2: Stark magically "invents" time travel by dicking around with his computer. It would have made more logical sense that when Scott Lang, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov show up they give Stark all of Hank Pyms research, including his shrinking lab, and Tony goes through it. Do an 80's style montage, show him reading everything, fucking around with his computer and THEN he hits upon it. Just make it that the only thing he doesn't have is the formula for Pym particles which Hank Pym keeps to himself. That way you can't have them say "why not make more Pym particles and just keep going back in time whenever they want?!?".

3: Just not make the movie since Infinity War is the real end of the MCU.


4: Was thinking about how I didn't like "Professor Hulk". It was just Mark Ruffalo in CGI. They should have made it that after five years, Hulk becomes soo intelligent, cultured and sophisticated that he now speaks like an aristocratic snob like Frasier Crane. He sees Stark and says "Stark, how are you old chap, haven't seen you in a dogs age *takes hit of smoking pipe* would you care for a brandy?". On the way to New Asgard he's in the back of the truck, looks around and mutters "working class scum". That would have been comedy gold to have the dichotomy between this hulking brute who is now this super intellectual effete fop and Thor, former prince of Asgard, who is now a fat drunken slob. Seriously, make a movie about those two, and Rocket, going to the space equivalent of Tijuana Mexico and Hulk having to become a masked luchador like El Santo to work as a wrestler to make money and I'd pay to see that shit!!!FACT!!!

I wanted a sequence where instead of throwing the gauntlet around they would utilize Dr Strange's portals for a Scooby Doo like scene where they run through the portals with Thanos after them, then they run after Thanos, Thanos runs with them etc etc.

5: Oh and when future Steve Rogers goes into the elevator and says "Hail Hydra" everyone's eyes bulge in disbelief as Brock Rumlow asks "NO FUCKING WAY, CAPTAIN AMERICA IS HYDRA NOW, I MEAN, WHAT CHANGED YOUR MIND?!?" to which Steve replies "well, since waking up from my deep freeze and seeing how the world turned out (*cut to flashback of him listening to the two fags at the group therapy session and him walking in New York during a pride parade with tears running from her bloodshot eyes*) I realized that I fought on the wrong side" *FREEZE FRAME with the caption "ONLY HALF JOKING".

That would explain why Rogers chose to go back in time and watch the world burn while living out his years during America's golden age and porking Peggy the Milk Truck!!!FACT!!!

>no time travel
>no captain marvel
>just make it a 3 hour long space adventure with the original team trying to find Thanos to restore the universe
>they are successful but Iron Man and Cap die, Thor deals the final blow and snaps to fix everything
>no female characters

>Just not make the movie since Infinity War is the real end of the MCU.
It's the headcanon ending for me.

No time travel bullshit. Soulworld "paradise." Use the concept of the stones having a consciousness and a will to introduce true Cosmic Beings/Elders as the original owners of them.

And that's just what I'd have done for these *two* movies. The other fixes would have to go back to the very beginning.

Alright, give us a blueprint of your ideal MCU, i know you've got the time.

>Haha Tony Stark is a genius so it makes sense why he could whip up time travel in seconds like it's nothing!
Why is this allowed? Seriously? It was the most asspull case of convenience I've seen in a movie in a long time.

>movie with The Avengers name on it is guaranteed to make 1 billion dollars proft

No excuse, you autist.

For starters, you integrate Thanos more thoroughly into the cosmic side of the story. Hela, too. You make Thanos one of the Reavers from GotG, and you lower the stakes in the first GotG movie to him just coming across an interesting bauble - the Reality Stone, but discovering(in secret) that it can affect reality on a local scale, but the effects aren't permanent.

You introduce Hela and Skurge as the antagonists in Thor's second movie, revealing that she's rebelling against Asgard and, having come into the possession of the Soul Stone, is seeking a way to make its power extend to her Realm. She ends up being banished to Midgard, deprived of the power that was at her disposal as the ruler of Hel. It is revealed that the Stone "speaks" to her, tells her of the others and of Thanos.

This evolves into a sort of big-screen Thanos Quest where the three of these "Big Bads" are shown working things behind the scenes, having achieved partial success in "wiring" our reality to Hela's realm, with those killed by the wielder of the Soul Stone ending up in her Realm under her control.

This all culminates with the snap giving her sufficient cannon fodder to storm Asgard and kicking off the actual Ragnarok millennia earlier than the prophecies predict.

Instead of Dr.Strange a perfectly cast impossibly good looking team of X-men arrive.

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This sounds way more interesting than what we got desu.

Thanks. To continue, I’d have had little details like Thanos “leveling up” over the course of the films, have him start off in his “frailer” appearance from the earliest comics, only to see him morph into his “final form” as an outward manifestation of his mastery of the Reality Stone. I’d have a character ask him about what happened to him, and he’d reply, “I just started envisioning greater things for myself.”

I’d have left it like the comics, where his first act of genocide is Titan - retribution for his people banishing and possibly imprisoning him in space jail for conducting “science” they saw as dangerous and reckless.

I’d have him be the first being in history to successfully wield more than one Stone at a time by virtue of his phenomenal strength of will, overcoming and cowing the consciousness of them, only for the Soul Stone to subtly influence him in conjunction with his growing affection for Hela, culminating in the snap.

I’d have the resolution of it all being that Strange was smart enough and wise enough to deduce the truth - that those killed by the wielder of the Soul Stone are now living in idyllic pocket realms within Hel, and for that reason, he *wanted* Thanos to kill him as well as Vision, giving them a creature of pure Mind to act alongside him from within Hela’s realm, and Strange able to astral project back to Midgard to recruit allies like Wanda and Thor to travel to the Soulworld(s)to unite a force to reach out to the consciousnesses of the other Stones, either to enlist their concerted effort, or to depose them as the controlling consciousness, their biggest battle Coming courtesy of the vampiric entity that is the consciousness of the Soul Stone, who looks like an even darker Hela.

The final battle takes place in Asgard, with actual, honest-to-gods Ragnarok looming, complete with signs and portents manifesting throughout the Realms.

Cut it right before the"five years later" skip and roll credits. Leave the decapitation in and Thor walking away. Especially since the scene uses the porch theme from IW.

Honestly maybe just cut that scene into IW and end it there.

And I’ve had Skurge realizing he’s been played his whole quasi-immortal life and have a last stand against the forces of Hel on the bridge of Gjallerbru as Lord Simonson intended. I’d make it just as big and impossible as it’s supposed to feel. Wasting Karl Urban is one of the most unforgivable sins of this whole non-epic.

Infinity stones don't get destroyed but redistributed across the cosmos, Thanos is still complacent in his garden because he destroyed the gauntlet and believes nobody could possibly ever make another one, movie becomes a race to find them before he gets wise, when they eventually win the big finale involves them resetting time to long before the events of IW, like back to Avengers 1-era, so that everyone isn't dead but there are still consequences to the fact that Thanos won before

Kill off Cap rather than let him screw up the time travel mechanics with his ending.

Basically they should've just cut the Captain Marvel tease out of IW and made the post-credit scene Farmer Thanos.

This is fucking retarded and so are you


Shooting premiere day wearing purple paint on my face

*Professor Hulk hits pipe*
I can't think of anything more cucked than having a daughter, think about it logically...
Tony: Bruce, where are you going with this?

Yeah they really should've.

> Remove Captain Marvel
The entire narrative could have worked without her. Nebula and Tony being stuck in space was specifically a plot point to have CM show up and save them. If Tony needed to bond with Nebula, just have the flight take a long time because the hyperdrive 'works but is damaged'. As far as destroying Thanos' ship is concerned, there were plenty of characters that could have destroyed it in a much more interesting fashion.
>Cut Acts 1 and 2 by about 15-20 minutes combined and add it all to the final battle
Really wish the final battle could have been a showcase of everyone going toe to toe with Thanos for at least a few seconds, but keep the big 3v1 fight.

I wouldn't have, it's fine

>No gay therapy scene
>No strong whamen ensemble shot
>Actually allow Thor to resolve his issues
>Actually allow Banner to resolve his issues
>Don't use time travel as a plot resolution device because it's lazy as fuck
>Make Bucky the new Captain America because that actually makes sense

make a scene that sterilizes everyone in the theater

It was an explanation not an excuse you idiot.

>Thor to resolve his issues
Thor did resolve his issues with his mum. Did you want a training montage of him working out and becoming buff?

>no women
>no minorities

remove the ytoid males

>let them do the huge build up for cap marvel
>have her beaten to aninch of her ife by thanos
>"no one will remember you"
>stamps her head like a water melon killing her
>sjw valkyrie etc dies
>cap dies
widow lives
>scarlet witch gets the thanos kill
>nu hulk killed off doing the snap
>ironman retires to enjoy life with pepper and kiddo

No Captain Marvel, she's just a Deus Ex Machina that could have been easily written out. I feel bad for the Russos having her dumped upon them right before the finale.
Think of a better way for Scott to be saved other than just a rat that happens upon the controls.
Professor Hulk was just Banner in the Hulk's body which was boring. I wanted a mixture of their minds, something that occurred naturally instead of just Banner fucking around in a Lab. Hulk's personality is just completely gone which diminishes his part in IW.
Have time travel a little more difficult to discover, like said, a montage of him working with Scott on the Quantum Tunnel itself would have been cooler.
Time travel is messy no matter how you do it because it always leaves plotholes. Having TAO explain it a little more clearly would have been better since a lot of people were confused as to how timelines interacted with the infinity stones. I myself think the MCU going forward is in an alternate timeline from Steve travelling back to the bench.
The Thanos at the end was not the Thanos we knew and loved in IW, so it did not feel anywhere near as intense. I don't know how you would fix that though since his injury a the end of IW pretty much fucked him, and reducing the stones to atoms was by far the best move for him.
Also, now Gamora has no character development, which pretty much is going to fuck with GotG, but at least they got Thor now.

>Make Bucky the new Captain America because that actually makes sense
>Choosing the guy who spent 70 years as a mind controlled Hydra assassin and desperately wants to stop fighting over the guy who fought Hydra with you, went on the run with you, and even offered to go back in time with you
Makes sense

top kek