Holy kek i thought this is just a joke

holy kek i thought this is just a joke
do you americans seriously do this shit?

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Imagine being named after a fucking continent zozzle.

>uses singular
they pronouns
jesus, I thought this was a meme

If you could force people to use special language when talking to you what pronoun or title would you choose?

her parents are probably self-hating whites

you son of a bitch

Attached: yeb1kVr.gif (350x192, 1.12M)

nobody in real life cares about this twitter gender shit, toss it in the ovens


Mein Fürher

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-09-13-43-57-879_com.android.chrome.png (1080x1920, 464K)

Commander Dreadnought

I'm glad that shit like this isn't possible in German.

So this is the cyberpunk future


didn't know they were doing a remake

Attached: ahx.jpg (500x338, 21K)

This what happens when you communicate in a non-gendered language like English.

This shit would not work in the romance countries, or Germanic countries I'm sure.

Attached: 1550312187711.jpg (676x767, 49K)

In languages like Persian there is not only no grammatical genders, but no gendered pronouns either - او stands for both he/she. I guess it makes very hard being a special snowflake.

The Swedish Academy recently introduced a new gender-neutral pronoun

in german and dutch she and they are the same word so you'd look pretty stupid if you started using plural verbs after

reminder that Europe (I believe Sweden) was responsible for revolutionizing transgender youthes. Introducing wonderful new treatments such as... puberty blockers! Combined with hormonal therapy..
to create utterly convincing trans that are (without being naked) utterly indistinguishable from naturally born men/women
thank you Europe!

English is a Germanic language, brainlet.

I remember reading some BBC news story a good several years ago and the a persons name wasnt written with capital letters. In a subsequent paragraph the article went something like "(...) this and that blablabla says john smith (john smith chooses to write his name without capital letters) (...)'. Imagine being this much of a special snowflake.

girls have to say "I want you to fuck me", and guys have to say "cool chad"

futa diaper loli

But by her own retarded logic isn't it also misgendering if you call your cat "they" when it's a she?

You've never been exposed to an African American community if you think that's abnormal

lubodofristokos and molreastinos

"Dis nigga"

>good several years ago and the a persons name wasnt written with capital letters
But it has a historical precedent, you illiterate bigot.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-09-14-02-41-559_com.android.chrome.png (1080x1920, 377K)

big daddy

>"Sir Jasper Finch-Farrowmere?" said Wilfred.
>"ffinch-ffarrowmere," corrected the visitor, his sensitive ear detecting the capital letters.
>"Ah, yes. You spell it with two small f's."
>"Four small f's."