Sits next to you in an empty theatre

>sits next to you in an empty theatre
wat do

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*notices bulge*

Tell him that all the media push interracial sex in 2019 and his country filled with arabs

*cries on his shoulder*

shake his hand

Jerk him off

Call him the N word and stroke his thigh

I miss this little nigger everyday

Nothing personnal, but I would slap his face and BTFO of him just because I can and that no one would tell me anything about it.

But then again, nothing personnal.

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>be in theater
>it's still empty


>give him a nudge and an eyeroll when the names of the producers and directors come up.

>he purses his lips and nods

best day ever.

Tell him i'm a fan and if he minds doing a selfie

Ask for guidance.

Sure is summer in here.

Ew a kike



"Heil mein führer"

what's ur fav hitler pic

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Tell him to genocide the blacks and muslims instead since nobody would care and the jews still lose their weaponry

Attached: adolf-hitler-with-newspaper-C45C5Y.jpg (1300x1025, 197K)

I thought they 'suicided' you back in 45?

Attached: Hitler discussing Jews.gif (330x245, 1.18M)


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He was gay so a kid the popcorn bag

The one where he’s shaking hands with an alien.

Ask for his autograph.

Punch his lights out, since he fucked up my country and paved the way for Europe to be filled with niggers.

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“Your vision . . . is romantic and immature. I know you're a clown but god I like you, boy!”
-H.P. Lovecraft, 1933

"Short, big nose, dark hair... was your mother Jewish?"

is that my brotha Dave Lynch?

snorting coke with hitler

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Hug him.

Attached: 6.jpg (244x207, 15K)

>"Remember that time Jesse Owens made you look like a fool?"

Attached: hitler btfo.jpg (980x3153, 783K)

>tfw is a hitler and hit-girl must reluctantly team up to fight a bigger threat episode
>the bad guy uses a ray to untie both hitler and hit-girl into a single being named hit-her that cannot stop hitting itself and every women around

Hitler wasn't against black people though. He thought the they needed help, but first the Germans had to fix their own pest: "The Jews"

Hitler was famously a big fan of Jesse Owens. Invited him to meet and shook his hand. Blacks were not his enemy.

sit quietly and watch. Approach him about having a conversation after the show is over and we have left the theater silently.

hey bro, want some popcorn?

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brush my hand against his to see if he reciprocates

>photoshoped blue eyes
When this meme would end?

As Owens later put it, “Hitler didn’t snub me; it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send a telegram.”

>Hitler didn't snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram

Hitler actually saluted him and sent him a framed photograph from the games.

prob this

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They were against anything not "aryan", that included jews, gypsies, south europeans, etc...

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Piss on my hand and then shake his hand

He had death camps set up for black people then right? No in fact there were black people serving in the Wehrmacht

Warn him not to go to Russia

They also had southern europeans fight along side them like Romanians and Hungarians.

>"death camps"

Nice hebrew rhetoric

what's his K/D ratio?

62:1 approximately

Grab and sell him to the joos.

based Hindenburg

>it's a "Nazis were actually not racist, learn your history" episode
Then what the FUCK is the point of Nazis if they're not racist?! What kinda ideology do I subscribe to if I wanna cull all niggers and shitskins?! Christ, I'll set up my own Party, with cool outfits and fancy tech!

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Germany for German people. Africa for niggers.

They never mention pic related

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Figure it's some guy dressed up as Hitler.

>quote is the complete opposite of the comic


>when your race's entire claim to fame is running fast
dogs can also run faster than people, sad this is the closest they'll ever have to a BTFO

>favorite movie was Metropolis
Hitler was patrician as fuck.

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>death camps

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seek professional mental health help