What exactly makes it the best godzilla movie?

what exactly makes it the best godzilla movie?

Attached: _godzilla_godzilla_series_and_shin_godzilla_drawn_by_ryosiro_24de173b9b9c58770c1d04c88778799a.jpg (1920x1080, 1.44M)

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the original premise projected on contemporary events

hiroshima became fuggushima

shin is not the best one, but it's damn good
it's imaginative, thoughtful, well cast and (largely) well directed

Godzilla is returned to the allusion and metaphor of his original incarnation.

What? Critics and Yea Forums were completely shitting on it last week. Is this what they call shilling?

OP is talking about Shin Godzilla, not the boring sci-fi military soap opera with some monster cameos that just came out.

Have you gotten Shin and KotM mixed up or something?

is there any difference between these two subtitle tracks?
I just watched through the whole thing and the bottom one which came with this torrent had typos
is the top one the official subs? does it have typos also?

Attached: Screenshot_20190609-040202_MX Player.jpg (2220x1018, 590K)

I watched through the movie and I feel like I'm missing something about why it's supposedly so great
do I have to be japanese to get it or what?

this is a Shin thread retard

Haha, Shin Godzilla Ass.

No. The context is Japan-specific of course, but the Fukushima connection (while relevant) doesn't mean its themes or ideas don't have broader significance. It's just a well-directed, focused story of the importance of cooperation in dire circumstances and a satirical look on the dangers of bureaucratic rigidity. If you didn't like it you didn't like it, though.

Maybe if it wasn't "Assemblies: The Movie".

I loved Shin, and scenes were in DAYLIGHT!
So much Zilla is on rainy, dark nights.

Attached: 2002 Gojira tai Mekagojira (Dark and Raining).webm (1280x544, 2.97M)

I liked it, but I was expecting more from the way anons had talked it up so much
I had similar feelings about the 54 original, but at least that one didn't get a little retarded by the end

>scene of old japanese politicians deliberating about a press conference
>abruptly cuts to a shitton of boats getting shoved down a river by godzilla
was this movie supposed to be funny?

Attached: 1559450601914.jpg (1280x722, 100K)


shin godzilla ass lmao

It was suppose to accentuate the downside to how Japan does things. While a literal abomination monster the size of a tanker is moving down a street, they're having a meeting about what to do. It was an indictment of the Japanese, and their governance.

How the world reacts/adapts to Godzilla for starters

what the hell was with the paper folding shit towards the end
I feel like the movie lost me around that point

It would look like this in any other country. Remember when a tank was stolen in USA and riding around town for hours until somebody decided to do something?

Attached: 2002 Gojira tai Mekagojira (Oxygen Destryer).webm (1280x544, 2.95M)

It's a remake of the first one and script is okay which is apparently incredible for modern movie standards.

Seriously, compare it with KOTM with it's nigger music and people going Zilla! in trailers.

what in the fucking shit are these subtitles

Attached: Screenshot_20190609-045018_MX Player.jpg (2220x1080, 920K)


Attached: 2002 Gojira tai Mekagojira (Kiryu).webm (1280x544, 2.99M)

why his tail has it's own face?

Shin was strangely beautiful.

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