Do you like futurama?

do you like futurama?

Attached: futurama.jpg (2040x1150, 285K)

I used to

I formerly did

seasons 1-4 were perfect and widely regarded as the best adult cartoon show of all time by experts like me

i like porn of futurama

Conceptually? Sure.

Well, if the experts say it.

I wanna fuck leela

I want to die by snusnu

No, it's a shitty "adult" cartoon with really dated jokes. The dumb guy, the asshole and the female leader is a dead troupe

This, western cartoons are garbage based Yea Forums bros only watch anime

Loved it loved it loved it.
They used every good sci-fi idea and then some.
It was so comfy and all was right with the universe while they were on air.

Honestly i wish they dropped the simpsons all those years ago and just concentrated on futurama

It's like it has its moments but it is a good thing it ended when it did unlike Simpsons. I think more seasons wouldn't work out as they pretty much did everything they could with these characters.

weeb virgin

On the other hand, would you want to see futurama suffer the seasonal rot Simpsons did?

We all do.

Too pretentious to my liking.

>Those disgusting shades
Why the fuck modern animation is plagued with it when it obviously doesn't make it "realistic" (as if it had any merit of its own) anyway?

I hate watching tv

They did. All the best writers were moved from Simpsons to Futurama which is why early Futurama is so good and Simpsons immediately turned to shit.
Simpsons is just kept on life support now for merchandising dollars.