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This poster is delusional.
Legasov was far more alpha and would not take half the shit Lane did.
He's also the same character in The Terror
The whiny nerd that complains about how everything will go wrong but who ends up being right, redeeming himself for years of getting bullied
Did he hang himself in The Terror?
he becomes an Eskimo
I think any middle-aged man who puts on a stupid pair of glasses and a suit would look like that, user.
Theres no difference in personality either
he's kinda like al pacino who always plays al pacino
yeah that faggot posting this guy is out of his mind
he's a competent actor but nothing special
he was downright awful as Moriarty in that sherlock holmes turd
Lol wut
might as well of hunged himself
I'd say more the loner who hates his job but is competent/expert at the technical side of it while being a complete failure at the personal side of it. Forced into a "leader of men" position even though he's asocial. Also in all three roles he has a key male rival who starts out hating him but later comes to love/admire him.
I think you nailed it user
An INTJ just like me
I mean the main point is that it's a winning formula and I hope they keep doing exactly the same thing for more shows about spooky historical events
Worst thread in a long time on Yea Forums
>What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all.
legasov didn't hate his job
Is Harris an incel? Think about it
What’s wrong with inserting good characters into more than one story?
He looks like a Chad in this picture I think they're just typecasting him as highfunctioning asspie
the guy from Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained literally got the same Oscar twice for playing the same character twice.
He also aqcuires a cute eskimo daughter, so it's more of a wholesome ending.
That was his wife.