Can someone explain to me why Norm has such a cult following, it's just shitty dad jokes

Can someone explain to me why Norm has such a cult following, it's just shitty dad jokes

Attached: 13-norm-macdonald-has-a-show.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 115K)

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>can someone explain humor to me


The mainstream hasnt realized he is a conservative because he is a polite Canadian



hes the ultimate "dont give a fuck" comedian. his 90s Conan appearances are legendary, his Weekend Updates are hilarious, the early NML on YouTube are gold.

But his 2 punchlines run the gamut from "crackwhore" to "OJ is a murderer".

He’s literally the exact opposite of shitty dad humor you zoomer faggot

>hes the ultimate "dont give a fuck" comedian

more like

he is like a grown up edgy 12-years-old kid
that explains his sudden appeal to edgy 12-years-olds on Yea Forums


"6,000 is still bad"


its not even in a tryhard way, hes more funny in that weird uncle who has no filter and doesnt give a fuck what he says and you dont really know if you're laughing because hes actually funny or laughing cuz hes not right in the head

Latent or repressed homosexuality is appealing to other crypto-homos.

I didn't even know he was sick

Good, because I'm a deeply closeted homosexual.

hold the fort

He's a relic from a lost age where even Letterman is a basic bitch lefty retard now. When he dies comedy is pretty much dead with him.

>it's just shitty dad jokes
Can you make it any more obvious that you have never seen his material?

He is naturally hilarious and has amazing timing and style.

But the reason he's so popular here is that pol incels are desperate for cultural figures who they think align with their views.

you literally don't get it

>Congratulations to Charles Woodson for winning the Heisman trophy. That is something they can never take away from you. Unless you kill your wife and a waiter.
This was said on ESPN at their prestigious yearly awards ceremony. On prime time television. The man has balls the size of watermelons.

He's a bit of an oddball, so some of what people think is part of his comedy is just him being himself. The heart of his comedy is in JOKES. Here's one I like, but don't skim it or you'll miss it:

One day, in the hopefully-not-too-distant future, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is going to hear a loud popping sound. The sound of his head coming out of his ass!

>But the reason he's so popular here is that pol incels are desperate for cultural figures who they think align with their views.
Go make like a tranny and dilate.

OP, do you perhaps like to suck and fuck men under the san franciso bay bridge for 10 bucks a man?

really wish nml would come back.

He telegraphed the punchline too hard, "heisman trophy" should have been the last word before "unless you kil..." I am a better craftsman than Norm Macdonald!

You would never say that, you would just sweat and stutter like the faggot you are.

Nope, he's too much of a faggy showbiz diva to just put it on cheaply by himself, he needs some super gay fucking network to give him a budget and a pwoducer and gween woom and a this and a that. Stupid old fuck just talk! Stupid dick thinks he's the next Tolstoy when he should be doing what he was born to do and that's make laughy laugh with the funny remarks, stupid steve martin wannabe, Norm is gonna take up the glockenspiel next and go on tour with it and kick people out of the venue who yell "do a joke!" I fucking hate Norm, asexual divorced asstard

Norms cool and all but I'm more of a CQ man

Attached: 220px-ColinQuinn071r-1_(cropped).jpg (220x277, 13K)

Your dad talks about fat, plumpy delicious cocks?

I've said it to him on twitter. I've also had my jokes that I pulled out of my ass be praised by Louis CK, Eugene Merman, and a slew of other scumbag comedians and I sent a spec script to Hollywood in 2002 and they wanted to fly me out and I told them to eat shit and keep my script and shove it up their asses on a conference call (it was a Cheers spec script, which wasn't 'allowed' because it wasn't currently airing, but they looked past that because it made them 'piss the office') you're a homo/gay

Are you 5 years old?

sounds like you're mentally ill coward
why did you reject an opportunity like that, if it was real?
what work do you do now?

No, he's definitely a dad

Because he's very wise:




Unfunny edgy cunts like unfunny edgy cunts

>so you’re gay
NO IM NOT GAY I told you I’m deeply closeted

You know, I know they say not to speak Ill of the dead, but this guy, well, I’ll just come out and say it, HE WAS A REAL JERK

He's an important comic