How was Count Miller able to survive in the sunlight?

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There was blood everywhere that he was absorbing through his skin so he got a vitality boost

>buys whopper with change

>amphibious landing
>wear dark yellow shirts
What did FDR mean by this?

cloudy day, retard. respect our troops.

Ok that's funny. Cute.

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Who the fuck was Ernest?

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>called the "rangers"
>use the same ranged weapons as everyone else
>not one of them even uses a bow and arrow

Absolute horseshit.

this was something so autistic about how I reacted to that hair tip that I didnt even considered other people might or not have reacted the same

Vampires dying in the sunlight is a meme started by Bram Stoker. Depending on what part of East Europe you are in the folklore either varies from:
>vamps don't like the sun because it's too bright
>vamps are brighter in the sunlight

This is so dumb, I love it.

That's not even something started by Bram Stoker, Dracula just got weak in the sunlight, it was never implied to have been lethal to him.

did you notice how all the scenes were either cloudy or raining?

Absolutely based.

Yeah, I'm mixing up my sources here. Been reading occult vampire shit for more than two decades now and things get confusing sometimes. It's funny how if you actually analyze the various myth, vampire are basically just autists though.

Yellow was in that year, Eisenhower wanted his boys to look good so they would fight good

Why didn't the Nazis just send in Colonel Van Helsing?

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big think

The dog tag scene was pretty sunny.


He was either dead or very old, by this point. Even if he was in his 30's by the books' time, he would be at least 70-something by 1944. I don't know why I'm answering this seriously, but there you go.