I grew up on Harry Potter and watched every episode of Game if Thrones (haven’t read the game of thrones book series...

I grew up on Harry Potter and watched every episode of Game if Thrones (haven’t read the game of thrones book series yet though) so I consider myself a fantasy fanboy. Decided to watch lord of the rings and it was pretty good but I did notice one big plot hole. Since there was no way for Sauron to win without getting his back, why did Frodo risk taking it to Mordor to destroy it where t could easily fall into Sauron’s hands? Why not just hide it? Just off the top of my head he could have his it in a random cave or just sunk it to the bottom of a river and wallah! literally no one would ever find under those circumstances, no? Been coming here since 2017 so I’m an old fag but never seen this plot hole addressed.

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Why didn't Gimli just cut the ring in half with his axe?

Which one was gimli?

because some nazgul, flying around on his (or her, I think there was one nazgulette out of the nine) pterodactyl, would eventually feel that tug toward the Ring.
These things cannot be hid forever. It's a thing in Christian fiction.

>Since there was no way for Sauron to win without getting his back
Without the ring Sauron does win. With it he would just win faster.

Literally why didn't they just go to the middle of the ocean and drop it. Is literally never going to come up. There's entire ships still lost at sea with huge treasure troves and those sunk near land.

If he wins without it, why did they bother destroying it and not just fuck and drink until her kills them. Like nigga what

Lord of the Rings is cringe

Sauron was still able to manifest his physical body after a while (him being unable to is a movie thing) and had active armies capable of steamrolling all that remained of Rohan and Gondor. Destroying the ring was the only way to truly defeat Sauron permanently.

surprisingly this is actually discussed in the book

okay maybe Sauron doesn't get it in that case; but some autistic Sauron fanboy like Saruman spends all his free time figuring out how to find it.
Like how 4channers found that stupid flag Shia La Poof put up.

I don’t read novelizations, if you can’t fit it into the movie it doesn’t count

Why didn't Sean Bean just play the ring so that it would get destroyed in the first movie?

Real question, why did Aragorn blow his ghost army load so quick? Why not send them to Mordor to cause havoc?

Because if they destroy it before they lose weightthen Sauron dies and they win sweetie

>I don't read

Based and dare I say, redpilled


real question, when's your 12th birthday and can i come?

The ring and sauron will find a way to manipulate someone into finding it eventually, that's the whole point. Plus sauron would win anyway since the ring is like a horcrux for him, even if he doesn't have it

Why didn't the allies just drop an atomic bomb on Berlin?

Ghost army can't kill in books. one of the dumbest changes to movie form, since he would in fact use them to destroy Mordor. But in the books they're just spookies, and likely weak enough that Sauron could dispel them from the physical world the second they tried entering Mordor. Or he'd enslave them and use them as a terror plague to defeat all his enemies with barely any effort

Berlin never existed, all ww2 footage is CGI

This but unironically

I'm giving you one "heh" but that's it

why can't you faggots understand that the ring is a magnet to evil
it literally draws eveil towards it, no matter where you shove it, evil will find it

You aren’t invited to anyone's party user

Um no idiot
The ring turns folks evil, it doesn’t attract evil

Even just a quick little scene at the beginning of the first movie could have avoided this plothole.
Maybe just Frodo saying "we'll just hide it!" and then Gandalf or Elfrond could say something like "No, the ring wants to be found by its master and Sauron is already too powerful, he'll rule the world soon enough".

Just even a small line like that could have made these three whole movies far better, but nope. They just didn't fucking think of that.

So as much as people go on about Tolkien being the best movie series I think Infinity War and Endgame are a far better big budget series because they don't have any of these glaring plotholes in them.

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>Marred creation for all time
heh, nothing personal

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Question: stupid gollum and bilbao each wandered around quite literally forever with that stupid ring, why didn't the nazgul just wreck their shit up prior to the ring falling into frodos hands

I just sent him an invite tho

I agree, plus the marvel movies avoid the good vs evil trope with mostly ambiguous characters, like in the first avengers movie when captain America says “there one god, and he doesn’t dress like that”. He was not being inclusive at all, and none of the other avengers called him on it through ANY of the subsequent movies

>Question: stupid gollum and bilbao each wandered around quite literally forever with that stupid ring, why didn't the nazgul just wreck their shit up prior to the ring falling into frodos hands
Sauron only woke up around that time. Prior to that his lieutenants were in sleep mode.

it does both

Also why did Sauron send such autistic faggots to hunt for the ring?
>can’t find hobbits in the prancing pony
>grab owner
>I’m a fucking demon and I’m looking for the hobbits and the hippy fuck thatbwere in here, this town is small as fuck so tell me where they are right now

>they don't have any of these glaring plotholes
I hope you're joking

These Poe's law threads would be funny if it was possible to lower Yea Forums's IQ

Of you can name a single plot hole then I’ll eat my own dick

Because that's just winning time, and even in his weak spirit form, you saw Sauron is capable of commanding his armies. He had to be killed, not put on hold...