Oh no guys, China is starting to get better than hollywood

soon the west will be dead even on movies

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Good. Then we can finally stop being subjected to cucked SJW agenda filled garbage.

Was this shit any good?

The last Chinese film I saw was Steven Chows Mermaid. That was kinda shitty.

Why are all the actors the whitest possible looking Chinese?

Why is the same guy in 3 different suits?

kino, based on a proper book written by someone smart
yeah, but we do get CCP propaganda

>poorman Armageddon

Chinks can't do anything without copying white men

they arent? the main guy looks like a nog

if you think Hollywood capeshit is bad, Chinese caters to lowest common denominator, 0iq movies

seeth wyteboi

Both girls could pass for anglo or at least part anglo, blond bowlcut looks like a peroxided Steve Coogan

go back to your shithole han chinese fag, no one cares about chinese movies outside of china.

some of your soapy drama tv shows can be alright tho

at most one of them can pass for a spic

anglo? LMAO no

its one of the top 10 movies on netflix right now

of course it is on amerimutt netflix, lot of party spies living with your lot

I watched it
it wasn't very good and was full of mega cringe moments

im not american

>amerimutts on what looks white

who cares? just means you either have party spies in your shithole country or 0iq brainlets that will watch any shit

everyone loves this movie, cope harder hollymutt

Cope AF

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this. dude probably doesn't even know what anglo means


china is sjw too, watch their soap operas, it pisses me off

Yep, it was good. As good as any Hollywood sci fi disaster movie.

Hollywood has produced a metric fuckton of martial arts and western mysticism movies. Fuck off.

This. Fuck the kikes of Hollywood.

Armageddon is the poor man's Deep Impact

This movie was complete garbage

I almost barfed when the girl gave her motivational speech at the """climax"""

looks like it's shot on digital, so no they're not necessarily better

daily reminder that japan made this movie back in 1962

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The book is the adaptation of a novel written in 2000


No. It's like a fucking Chinese Roland Emmerich movie.

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>Cute girls
>No niggers

Absolutely perfect


>Not liking Roland Emmerich
i shiggy diggy

as chinamen won't watch movies with black people only, nobody in the west will watch movies with a bunch of chinks that look the same. No matter what.
Also they are fucking terrible actors, everything they do is like a fucking kid at a play in school.

Saw it in theaters. The premise is beyond retarded and it starts off slow as hell but once they come up with the plan to blow up the Great Red Spot on Jupiter so the explosion will push Earth out of its gravity well and prevent the planets from colliding it picks up and gets pretty fun. Overall I'm glad I saw it on a big screen.

They were saying the same thing about Korea, but now it's Spain and Mexico that are the "hot new foreign" cinema kings.

Are you joking?
They have good filmmakers.But their own industry isnt good.

Fuck you police station scene alone was gold

butthurt roodypoo detected

That's what you called "made in chine" pure imitations lacks on quality

Watched it because of the crazy premise, at the end I was blown away by the quality of it. Comfy sci-fi adventure save the planet with fun characters & a interesting world. I'm not Chinese just in case you want to call me chink.

China is better... at creating hollow cinema to act as a distraction for the drone workers in its population as it crushes their spirit.

it's typical chinese garbage that apes all the popular movies in its genre.

you can literally see the chinese suits who paid for it saying
>remember that scene in interstellar? Do that
>remember that scene in armageddon? Do that
>remember that scene from the martian? Do that
>remember the scene from X? Do that

That was about moving the Earth with giant rockets to avoid a rogue sun from frying it.
That is silly.
THIS is about moving the Earth with giant rockets to a new sun in another star system because our sun is turning into a red giant to fry the Earth in 40 years time. TOOOOTALLY different.
China is clearly the smarter nation.

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I mean, Hollywood already makes its blocksbusters to please china

>Remember how Hollywood producers do that shit all the time? Do that.

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What about xinese xinema looks better to you?