I'm gonna need you to lose 400 lbs in the next 20 minutes
I'm gonna need you to lose 400 lbs in the next 20 minutes
What iz u typical eating habit?
What's the best way to lose 400 lbs in 20 minute?
they call it "the peeler"
fire the janny
>*takes a shit and cums on the floor*
heheh nice
Just started to fast today Dr. I'll lose it asap.
Anybody notice he has a solid gold Littman stethoscope?
Damn. That's more than twice what I weigh and I'm a little chubby myself at the moment.
holy fuck
you gonna take this, janny?
seething janny
He literally sets them easy mode shit. On a 1200 cal a day diet it's impossible to lose weight especially at the orca whale tier weights these human disasters walk around at.
Found the salty janny
>i-if I call them reddit then I'll finally fit in!
you don't belong here faggot
Wait..how do you fire someone who does it for free?
i used to be 250 and somehow in the last year fucked up my back and couldnt exercize for a while and now im almost up to 280 wtf i should go to dr now i barely eat shit but cant lose any weight suddenly how the fuck do these fat fucks lose 100 pounds in 2 months???
The best way to lose weight is get gall bladder disease, the pounds just fly off
Flawless execution
>i barely eat shit but cant lose any weight suddenly
>You've been muted for 15 minutes
put me in the r/Yea Forums screencap
i lose weight eating taco ball lately. go all day without eating and just get the 3 crunchy taco meal with a diet soda only 570 calories all day! boom scale is down a good 2 to 3 pounds every day. lol probably not the healhiest way to lose weight but its the only thing i can get to work for me anymore. weird thing is whenevr i think im eating healthy shit like salad or grilled chicken or steak the fucking scale goes way up, but then i get taco bell or 2 cheeseburgers at mcdonalds, scale goes fucking down, dont make no damn sense!
That's only happened to me twice but goddamn do I love it
Get your thyroid checked.
Is your hair thinning in odd places? That's how my mom's doctor figured it out.
Damn nigga I thought Francium was the most reactive shit in the universe until I saw this instant caustic burn
have sex
i always figure if you go the whole day without eating and dinner is the one meal you have all day it can be something thats normally kinda fattening. have done the no food all day and get something like pizza (thin crust) for dinner, eating like 3-4 slices. then go exercise for a while, will usually lose a little bit most times. salads are fucking bullshit, you put dressing on it its more fattening than a fucking burger. only bland ass no dressing salads are healthy and who the fucks wants that
I got pneumonia and was coughing so hard I could barely even drink water because I'd puke it up. In the 2 weeks I had it I lost like 15 pounds
sounds like a good way to get rickets
I don't get it.
Can you fire an unpaid volunteer?