Off-topic thread but it's not approved by the leftists

off-topic thread but it's not approved by the leftists

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2020 is a lock

As is 2024

And 2028

nice try but if you listen to mueller's speech he says the report doesn't disprove trump didn't not commit any crimes so he is being impeached soon.

Trump has never lied about anything. Libs must be quaking

kek no

Americans are so boring they only talk about politics, holy shit.

Good luck convincing these retards. I've long given up on Trump supporters.

>he doesn’t get it

>doesn't disprove didn't not

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

And yet you only talk about Americans. Nobody gives a shit about whatever hole you’re festering in

Ah, we're doing the "guilty until proven innocent" angle? All leftists are traitors, prove them innocent.

It’s just you tranny. But feel free to try that lost in another thread you fat fuck

Any other Trump supporter here losing hope? Everything is just crashing down around Trump. His staff are betraying him and his approval is at an all time low. Leakers are crawling out of the woodwork exposing how incompetent this administration has been, and I honestly believe them considering what little has been done so far. There's no wall or healthcare replacement which are the two biggest promises. Everytime Trump does something on immigration he gets cucked by judges. Hillary still isn't locked up. The swamp is bigger than ever. The only thing that has been done is tax cuts for bezos. Americans whites are still dying out and i'm still as poor as ever. What the fuck happened? Trump was supposed to defeat the Jew, save the white American race, and lead us into a golden age.

I really feel we've been goy'ed bros :(

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That's what happens when you invade other boards and start being annoying as fuck.

lol keep trying


/pol/ used to be small. A place you could go for racist memes and occassional (and sometimes reasonable) political discussions. Late 2015, it became pro-Trump and was flooded with propaganda. Now that things have slowed down, it's getting back to its smaller user base.

A prosecutor's job is to charge or not to charge. That's it.

God damn i miss hilldog shitposting so much

>New York Post

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No boards have "turned", the same amount care, dislike or dont care. The problem is /pol/ is so big that one side of it doesn't represent the other so its identity is somewhat less potent

actually the whole reason they forced this was because the board they thought was on their side(Yea Forums) ended up accepting /pol/ posters
as the anti-/pol/ cancer was ruining the board by crying about the slightest stuff

I never had a real problem with trannies until they started raiding here. I honestly smile when I heard one commit suicide

Yea Forums has the most annoying tripfags on the site, 90% of the times when a thread devolves into political shitposting it's some schizo tranny tripfag having a meltdown.

reminder: 40% of them will an hero at some point

Don't forget to dilate sweetie.

is Yea Forums full of trannys or some shit?