Do you think leftist will stop pushing the culture war in the 2020s and things can go back to the good old days before...

Do you think leftist will stop pushing the culture war in the 2020s and things can go back to the good old days before OBAMA ruined everything in 08?

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probably not

probably not and especially if trump wins again

They won’t stop until we put the gun in their mouth’s and pull the trigger

muh sjws

So long as there is 1 (one) happy white couple out there with ~3 white kids that they support and spend time with and actively raise, the leftists will not stop.

found the sjw

Have sex

Attached: liberalist septic Kekistan phase.jpg (920x578, 85K)

why do you post on Yea Forums?

No. It won’t end until we kill them.

why is leftypol so bad at memeing? No one on Yea Forums likes Sargon, so it's really amazing how obsessed you are with him.
maybe it's double ironic and you're actually geniuses

Its a /cow/ meme, cuckchan redditor

Attached: sargon_reaper.jpg (1775x659, 331K)

What year is it?

the absolute state of kekistanis newfags

this is retarded, SJ(e)Ws literally own and operate youtube

What about this one?

Attached: liberalist septic UKIP phase.png (1195x692, 215K)

>cuckchan redditor
Why do you come here yet use this?

These people are mentally defective parasites. This shit has happened over and over through history and the only way you cure these people is with a bullet or with a blade.

Cripplechan /pol/? Yes.

What are some kinos about autism?

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as opposed to the other subjects in that picture?

at this point i dont even want to go back, i want blood in the streets. they will pay.

The left cannot meme.

We need a race war against International Jewish Marxist.

We will not stop until every last mudshit, Northerner, and Communist has been slain.

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why don't you start the bloodbath

OP is a pajeet spamming and falseflagging

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Why are no life nerds so sensitive bros

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those too

>meme made by /pol/
>t-the left cant meme

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>he does it for free

thats a yikes from me dawg


The Potomac must be made to run red with the blood of subhuman Yankee swine.

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the only way back to disable social media and the consumer internet. until normies are once again sheltered from things that upset them this will only intensify.

None of this will ever go away as long as the internet exists.

this is true , the left is losing the culture war and has admitted they cant win unless the opposition is censored and they have control over the information people get.

Based Youtube algorithm is now penalizing alt-cuck videos. Incels on suicide watch.

The only way back is to exterminate every last non-white shitskin and their Bolshevik coddlers.

What we need, is RaHoWa.

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>it's the internet's fault
it's western liberals' fault

this is just the cycle of civilization. shit's gonna keep getting worse until at least one of the pillars holding it up collapses under the pressure. that's how these things always go

A big part of it gaining so much traction was twitter becoming a weird leftist gulag (partially due to the influx of users/entire boards like Helldump and LF being banned from Something Awful but that's another story) and companies then catering to that audience, not realising that these load voices where really a weird echo-chamber minority. One example was that news blogs started catering to them despite may of these sites still being amoral, clickbait driven tabloid nonsense. A good example would be the Gawker sites which were railing against people fapping to J. Lawrence's nudes as being misogynistic while at the same time where outing closeted gay CEOs as being gay just because. Part of the buisness model was that if you agreed with the intention of a post (i.e. Straight White Male: Life's Easiest Difficulty Setting - an actual article on their video game site Kotaku) you might read it but if you utterly disagreed with the article you'd probably read it twice and leave a long, lengthy comment obliterating the author's argument. But that comment counts as engagement and just clicking on that stupid article counts as a sale because of the business model Gawker and other sites ran under. So basically in getting angry about a sophomoric piece of drivel you've just given them money and attention.

Gawker don't exist anymore due to the funniest legal story in recent history: in which Hulk Hogan sued them over a sex tape and won only for the whole thing to be revealed as actually being a complex, bonkers, Machiavellian conspiracy orchestrated by billionaire Peter Thiel, one of the many CEOs Gawker outed as gay who decided to take revenge in the funniest way possible. But Gawker aside, overall the entire woke clickbait side of the culture war is drying up. There's little to no money in advertising and sophomoric, critical theory worshipping bait articles. Admittedly its influence has somewhat poisoned the pages of actual newpapers...

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The good thing is they can't reproduce because no women wants to date the cucks.

yes it ended so well for the south last time lol


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>Do you think things will go back to the days when things were majority white?

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We slaughtered two nigger-loving Yankees on average for every one of ours.

Next time, it will be 100.

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Eh, if he wins again after all their attempts to rig things against him, I think they're going to break inside.

Part 2:
...particularly their thinkpiece pages. The Guardian is an obvious example but even the New York Times have former Gawker staff writing thinkpieces that would qualify as bait if posted here. Of course the difference is that on here you get (You)'s while at the NYT you get actual views and exposure.

Of course that's just one aspect of all this shit that's evolved and changed over the course of the last 10 years. At the moment Sargon actually entering (and fucking up every conceivable angle) politics has exposed people to some of this shit in the worst possible way. Although at this point with Carl I don't believe it's really about politics anymore, it's more ego and delusion. Regardless him becoming a national new story has helped continue and justify the views of progressives, social justice warriors, feminists and, what are for the most part, normal people unaware that any of this shit is going down. So they'll become angry at creepy, angry, rape-jokey, internet man, look him up and some will end up becoming convinced by the (SJWs? I don't even know what the terminology is anymore) arguments and get drawn into this shit. Basically Carl's fucked up on such a grand scale that he's given all his 'enemies' all the ammunition they need. But that's still just one aspect of all this stupid shit.

Point I'm trying to make is that the world and the culture war nonsense has changed drastically since 2015, for obvious and not so obvious reasons. I think that at this point everyone's growing tired of it. We're running out of fucks to give about either sides pet causes. We don't have any fucks left to give at this point. But there's a new sucker born every minute to replace you once you stop giving a fuck so I don't fucking know. I just think we should nuke twitter's servers from orbit but whenever I say that everyone looks at me funny.

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spain belonged to the muslims for 800 years

history always catches back up to you. may not be tomorrow, or next year, or next generation, but it'll happen eventually. it always has, and it always will.

Not a single person on Yea Forums liked Sargon. Who do you think you’re railing against? Stop shitting up the board, redditfaggot tourist.

They launched a crusade and even then spain is still pretty brown. I have zero hope for america as we know it