"Leave Power Rangers Kino to us"

>"Leave Power Rangers Kino to us"

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Close, but you'll always be second place.

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Do they ride motorcycles in this one?

Not really.

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Choose your Rita.

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Oh no

Attached: Oh no.webm (1744x1080, 381K)

1. Time Force
2. Mighty Morphin
3. In Space
4. everything else


nevermind me, just posting the best

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Based and Patrician

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Jungle Fury is easily the best opening.

seriously wtf was his problem?

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SPD=Dino Charge>Time Force>Galaxy>MMPR

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will anything top this masterpiece

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Nah it's Lightspeed Rescue

Like, half the seasons that came after it?


Unironically best Nu-Rangers theme

>not MMPR
the closest you get to repeating the greatness of the MMPR intro without Samurai's homage to it is Time Force and In Space

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She was so cute before Hollywood made her a slut :'(

Why does /m/ hate Power Rangers so much Yea Forums?


Because they don't like anything that isn't purely mecha.

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The MMPR theme is good, but some of the later themes are certainly better.

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I started it when I saw this post and I'm only on episode 2 and I'm already falling asleep

>ywn have a Rita gf
Why live?

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Then you clearly lack a finer appreciation of all things kino

>tfw your OTP became real both on the show and real life

The second version, the one where they mix the roll call sound effect with the beat at the end is so fucking good. That shit would've made me cream my pants as a kid.

Everything about Dino Charge was fantastic.

After loving the hell out of Dino Charge, Ninja Steel was an absolute let down.

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Ninja Steel wasn't great, but for a series that was trying really hard to be like the original it wasn't that bad.

wtf lmao it's easily the worst


it's a shame every series after going HD looks so homogenized and glossy

You're retarded if you think any of the themes are worse than either Operation Overdrive or Mystic Force.

unironically enjoying RPM, the green ranger's scenes are actually really funny

I'm assuming he's talking about how the green ranger and the doctor girl dated in the show and got married in real life


He's one of the few "comic relief" Rangers that is actually really good.

>went from metal, rock and pop tunes to straight up rap
Even as a kid I knew it was retarded

i did forget about overdrive but nah i'd actually still say jungle fury is the worst, it's so twee and gratingly upbeat

Red and Quantum Ranger fighting the baddies near the end of the series is absolute kino

It's one of the few openings done by an actual band (though done under a cover name). And it should be upbeat and positive, it's Power Rangers.

We will never see a better villain.

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all of the other themes are fuckin badass except for wild force. the lyrics are always positive sure, i don't think power rangers should be edgy or anything

Excellent taste my dude

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God what an adorable little shrieking goblin.

They are divorced

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America can never make a show this awesome.
Power Rangers is such a pale shadow of its progenitor.

Nah, Beast Morphers is actually really good.

Sure it is.

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>Time Force Red
>Only gets more attractive with time
It's perfect.

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>I am forgotten

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Everything about Tommy in Dino Thunder blew my mind as a kid because I was too stupid to recognize him from the original series.

What blew your mind?

Based as fuck.

That storyline with flashbacks to what she was like before becoming a ranger was pure femdom kino desu

He was a moronic kid.

Discuss Ninja Storm damn it and how kino it was plus the sad news about the red ranger's death.

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It was the best Ninja themed Power Rangers ever.