Why was she so evil,bros?

Why was she so evil,bros?

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>targaryan dad bad
>daughter must be bad

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she never did anything wrong besides loving that manlet

GoT threads should be an automatic ban at this point tbqh
>inb4 E C H O C H A M B E R

>implying she was evil

No woman is allowed to be that perfect, there had to be a catch.

>kills you with a counter riposte
nothing personnel ugly lanlkets

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All women are evil cocksuckers, even the quiet girl that sits in the back of your uni

They said it right in the show.
The gods flipped a coin and it landed on buttfuck insane.

This but unironically. I would never just a living organism that bleeds spontaneously once a month from their slimy fuckhole

Long Brown Hair Emilia is Best Emilia

She realized her mercy killed her dragons, Jorah, and Melisandre. If she had sacked King's Landing when she first came to Westeros instead of listening to Tyrion who just wanted to save his family, she would've been sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of Season 7. The realization broke her once she realized how easy things could've been.

So her solution to that was to burn thousands of women and children alive?

Actually, I see what they were doing. When you think about it. Danny was the model SJW. Especially with her going bat shot crazy at the end. She wants to force her views on to people. Believes shes the only one that can do it. Gets upset when people don't roll over and kiss her ass just for being her. Self-entitled, sexual deviant. Goes bat shit insane at the drop of a dime. Believes shes enlighten more than others.

friendly reminder that episodes 4 5 and 6 are a pre death hallucination by tyrion before he's executed by dany

I don't know, but having Bran become king was the suckiest tv show ending in history

Dany's heavily inbred and inbreeding leads to craziness in the GOT world. Right realization, wrong time, wrong response.

Drunk with power like 90% of leaders.

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which season is that pic from?


> An SJW who always just wanted kids and to be a model tradwife
>Deciding she wants to end slavery after she sees a dystopian child torture city up close makes her an SJW

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She didn't have sex

White walkers controlled the dead through magic linked to their god

Dany/Drogon are a parallel to the white walkers (the scene where Drogon emerges from snow directly references the night king emerging from fire)

Therefore Dany is mentally part dragon. She got pissed off when she saw the Red Keep and all the people who bowed down and accepted they Baratheon usurper as their king. They woke the dragon... sucks for them.

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She counted only 20.

Episodes 3-6 were Arya's dream before being killed in her sleep by white walkers.

Because her writers wanted to make Star Wars

She was set up to fail

Patrician taste

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The eyebrows give it away.

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Everything post boat sex is just a dream Jon is having

Who said anything about GoT?

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I can no longer feel


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Anything post S1E1 is a Bran dream

Life is suffering

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she wasn't evil what are you talking about

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To subvert expectations

>no jon mad targ genes boiling making him accept dany's offer ending with both dying trying to conquer the world as the mad dragon couple
That would subvert my expectations

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She could never be evil...

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I need that in webm famalam

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Are there people who didn't think she was going evil in the end? It seemed pretty well telegraphed from the start. She says pretty things, then goes all 'burn it all to fucking hell' a whole lot of times in the show.

Daenerys is basically a proto-Jacobin minus the anti-monarchy part (substitute with Enlightened Despot)

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Why didn’t you protect her smile?


I suspected they would play with the idea of Dany going mad, but that DnD didn't have the balls to go through with it.

Something like

>Daenerys struggles with Targaryen madness and ignores Jon Snow's warnings of the Army of the Dead until it's too late
>Nigger Killer bypass/destroy Winterfell with ease and marching South toward King's Landing
>Cersei goes full Mad Queen and burns the city with Wildfire to rob the Army of the Dead of their prize before committing suicide
>Daenerys and Jon Snow somehow stop Nigger Killer to make the world safe for nig-noggery
>. Daenerys, horrified at the destruction of King's Landing and realizing how many have been slain in the name of attaining absolute power, orders Drogon to destroy the Iron Throne, declaring she doesn't need it and that she will rule as a woman of the People

That's honestly how I expected the series to end until Season 7 went full retard with the Wight Hunt.

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someone post the video

evil, nah i'm thinking she's cute

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I was too young at the tine

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Would you still kill yourself If your parents bought you a gf bros

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For me, Holly Earl.

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>parents buy you gf so you don't kill yourself
>kill yourself because they gave you EC but you can't do anything
they didn't think it through

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Scuffed Emilia

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>that webm

The usurper Holly Earl

For me, it's Holly Peers.

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>hoe got no dick
>no dick make hoesmad

You know it.

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Now that the dust settled, It was the lack of dick or the bells that made Dany going crazy?

Scuffed Emilia

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should've commanded someone to suck her clit. Suck that thing like a little dick. Would've solved all her problems.

She realized that she was a fictional character in someone's shitty story and went crazy

You know it.

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Mostly dick

Literally hundreds of thousands of innocent lives could have been saved if Jon had just done the honorable thing and fucked his cute auntie a couple of times.

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yeah i'm going to need some evidence that Emilia Clarke is cute

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>Will in the light
>Lou in the dark
>this was almost the last time they spoke as friends

Who was in the wrong here?

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Just weird how different based Emilia is in real life as opposed to the gunt she played on GoT

>that batshit insane eye twitch of pure rage

muh deek

The eyebrows... Ahh,, the eyebrows

Bad story

Very interesting eyebrows

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You might be into something here user

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very interesting we need to dig deeper

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Just imagine if she would have used her power for good instead...

She actually did

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What would a person THAT inbred even be like IRL?

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European royalty

very cute

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not really I mean prince Philip is only the queens 3rd cousin

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She pretty much did that for 7.5 seasons then got fucked over in the end

This show ended like 1 month ago you can go back to redshit now

very cute

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Does it make me a cuck that i would gladly rather serve under Queen Daenerys than under any of the other Kings even though she is a women?

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Yes. Stannis is the only king you should seeve

God I wish I was that bus.

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Why choose?

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No, she's the rightful queen

She is very motherly

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The writers just accurately displayed what would happen if some stupid white whore was put in a position of leadership. It's hilarious that the story went in this direction, and props to the writers for being truthful. I'm sure George RR Martin intended for the story to go in this direction anyway, and they were simply staying true to the plot.

In any case, let's review Danny's plotline:

>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Lets the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynasties. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on the most important and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.

This may be the most accurate depiction of white women in power ever displayed on television. Feminists are absolutely furious. I am so happy that the writers took this direction and the show ended up this way.

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>inbreeding leads to craziness
No it doesn't. That shit is massively exaggerated, only a handful of Targaryens were ever crazy, the rest were regular people, and it's only because they're the House we have the most history and focus on that we can't point all the crazies in other families

The ending that was promised

She wasn't, how is what she did any more evil than the rest of the rulers? And why is one act not weighed against her entire history?

How can you have balls and not think King's landing was deserved? She was the most badass character in the whole show

>Danny was the model SJW.
Martin compared her to Bush Senior.

stannis is the king of reddit
dany is the queen of Yea Forums

Brainlet conservatards never fail to disappoint projecting their politics onto everything

Dany is the third position

Would Dany be able to ride Ghidorah and keep the autistic head in check?

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>Dany is the third position
Dany is a radical absolute monarch, she is a hyper-reactionary

How did he get off the beach?

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He's at the end of a wooden path

He can move his chair remember

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In any case, let's review Danny's plotline:

>Born as exiled royal on the run from assassins
>Goes around with abusive brother begging for scraps
>Put in a position of influence by being sold to a barbarian and earning his respect
>Tries to save her abusive brother from himself but he can't help but fail every time, vows to follow through with his vision of Targeryen rule regardless and names her dragon after him
>Gets gifted with dragon eggs, basically an expensive paperweight at that point, which only she sees the potential of
>Birthes her dragons on nothing but faith and uses them to fight for freedom and kill degenerate slave owners
>Travels to Westeros, the land she has a right to, and begins the most merciful conquest ever
>Executes traitorous nobles after giving them a chance to bend the knee, and them refusing for no reason
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because he demonstrates that he's worthy of it
>Saves his life out of respect, and he bends the knee out of gratitude
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her armies on the most degenerate shithole city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its (((millions))) of inhabitants with her dragon because she gave them tons of chances to surrender and they repaid her with nothing but treachery and insult

This may be the most accurate depiction of a based conqueror ever displayed on television. Feminists and faggots are absolutely furious. I am so happy that the writers took this direction and the show ended up this way.

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The only thing done wrong in the show as Jon not joining her.

They are cucks for ending it the way they did.

Jon knew he did the wrong thing in the end, he was just a fool who got manipulated. Doesn't matter since she's getting resurrected anyway, she'll forgive him

You're dripping Onions, libtard. Shes your poster child

>You're dripping Onions, libtard.
pls go back to /pol/

Fucking idiot, she's enlightened absolutism/fascism not fucking liberalism, you're a politically addled retard with no critical thinking
>muh sjws muh feminism

> (You)
>Fucking idiot, she's enlightened absolutism/fascism not fucking liberalism, you're a politically addled retard with no critical thinking
>>muh sjws much feminism

Cherry picking is what you sad waste of DNA do best.

How many corporations back SJW's and their bullshit causes?
How many times SJW's demanding government intervention for either censoring or just enforcing their bullshit rights?

Libtards have infested every inch of politics, entertainment, sports and education..

Wake the fuck up. Its already happening.

Please move out of the basement and pay rent. Have some self respect twerp

What the fuck are you even talking about and what does it have to do with Queen Danaerys TargAryan, the one true queen of Westeros?

why are you on Yea Forums

Syes a roastie

ok mr shapiro

> (You)
>What the fuck are you even talking about and what does it have to do with Queen Danaerys TargAryan, the one true queen of Westeros?

I really dont know what I expected talking to a libtard

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I've been here for years, tourist. How about you? Board with Reddit?


Bruh we're discussing a fictional show get real

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> (You)
>ok mr shapiro

At least you have some respect. Mr. Rachel Maddow

>I've been here for years,
>he hasn't been here over a decade

I was relating current attitudes, trends and government to Dany's warped ending. She's the perfect model of an SJW if they were to ever have true power

> (You)
>>I've been here for years,
>>he hasn't been here over a decade

More hearing what you want. That's the hill you want to die on then so be it.

Yes because SJW obviously believe in hereditary absolute power

Not at all boy. Dany is a b+rp monarch and based tradwife who gave herself to Jon and offered him power in the end. Use some critical thinking outside of just projecting your political bias onto media

> (You)
>Yes because SJW obviously believe in hereditary absolute power

No of course not. None what so ever.

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Dumb shit, look at her spiral. How jealous she got with Jon. How long do you unicorn ridding twerps really believe that would've lasted? Incredible with your lot

She wasn't jealous, she was just sad because she got betrayed by Jon and everyone in westeros after going out of her way to help save them and getting half her followers killed over it, she was unconditionally in love with him since he was blood of the dragon like her

She told him their forth to last meeting "look at how they see you, look at how they view me". She all but admitted she was jealous. The general consensus from normies and die hard fans that she was jealous that they loved Jon and still after committing her army to fight the Night King, they saw her as an outsider.

Better to ask "What the fuck was wrong with Varys?"
>"Gonna put Daenerys on the throne."
>"Gonna put Daenerys on the throne."
>"Gonna put Daenerys on the throne."
>learns about Jon being a Targ
>"Dude, fuck Daenerys, let's put Jon on the throne. She's but a woman, after all."

His main story arc from the books was cut from the show and D&D are terrible at filling in the holes

i really really like this webm

The westerosi were ungrateful little shits who betrayed her and tried to depose her after she went out of her way to save them all, it wasn't jealousy it was defensive, she never hated Jon though, she loved him even thought he was a faggot fuckboy who betrayed her

Have it my friend, its all yours

Oh please, Sansa the cunt and Varys were the only ones actively working to supplant her with Jon. Her Jealousy as you can saw from the post fest after the Battle of Winterfell was already in full step before she learned about Varys. Shes suspected Sansa but her gaze at Jon when he was surrounded by both the Wildlings and the Northmen spoke volumes

Her gaze at Jon after he neglects her for no reason after her losing her friends and half her followers defending his homeland, saving his life multiple times and fighting on the frontlines for them all?

Her gaze at the fest before she lost her maid, her nuke and her fucking mind. Again look at the fest and stop playing dumb

Realistically she has tons of her own followers and would've been surrounded by them, Dothraki unsullied and Missandei, but the show has to frame her as isolated to push the contrived plot forward. But more realistically, Jon would've had her on his lap in that scene

The writing was terrible especially her de-evolution.

Maybe jealousy but also a shit ton of loneliness. She saw Tyrion having a good time too. Jon literally ghosted her in a semi-hostile land.

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I use to think my life was a comedy...but now I realize it's a tragedy.

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Ghosted after learning that's his aunt. Which is prime example as to why she would've been terrible on the throne. She doesn't care about traditions and customs. Other than replacing those with whatever new ones she deems fit. Plus she didn't let the nigga breath to take everything in. Fucking siblings is nothing for her but to the Northmen its disgusting.

>show is supposed to have her descend into villainy as a result of her own flaws
>instead has her do the right thing every time and get bullied and fucked over by everyone in westeros to point where she goes insane

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Jon's grandparents are fuckin cousins bruh. If Jon just had a conversation with her everything would've been fine

He didnt know that bruh till the season 8 premiere. He thought up until that point Ned fucked some slut in a bar.

Jon didn't even try to talk to her. When she tried and things seem to go into the correct direction of communication he would step back after kissing her because he remembered "ewww aunt".

No Ned's dad and mom were cousins, Lyanna's dad and mom her cousins

Pretty sure he's talking about Ned and Lyanna's parents, Rhaegar's parents are siblings

They were second cousins which isn't strange amongst the nobility. Aunts, Uncles, Father, Mom, Brother and Sisters is the problem

>prime example as to why she would've been terrible on the throne
She was like the only character who actually had to deal with the responsibilities of ruling people by the last season, and she did a pretty decent job of it too

Yeah, I caught that late. I read it wrong. I responded with the second cousins. Strange the way the nobility view fucking blood relatives

She's a conqueror, not a ruler. She was always fated to be murdered in some capacity. They worshiped her. Saw her as a goddess and she gave into her own bullshit propaganda.

Book jon had fantasized about fucking Arya I don't think aunt sex would be a big deal. Plus he already went through with it anyway. Regardless though he didn't even need to fuck her, he just needed to have a conversation with her instead of coming off like he wanted to usurp her claim as part of some northern plot

Those hacks butchered the books. Tons of shit was left out for the overly sensitive types. Look at Euron. That dude was alpha as fuck in the books. In the show he was a worse villain then Jar Jar Binks

Her own people turned on her and threw rocks at her after she chose to uphold justice on a freedman, her whole storyline she had to make hard choices and sacrifices to rule which is fairly realistic and in line with Martin's idea of ruling, whereas every other character they never have to make hard choices and all their decisions are whitewashed in an unrealistic way, and they never face any consequences for anything

>be daenarys
>get stockholm syndrome
>let husband murder my brother
>convince husband to sack city
>get butthurt about the rape I told him to do halfway through
>get husband killed by having angry rape victim treat him
>burn said rape victim to death cuz i want to hear her scream
>go to nearest city
>kill ancient rulers of city
>go to get army
>steal army
>use army to butcher people who trained the army
>proceed to destroy the civilizational and societal fabric of an entire coastal basin resulting in mass starvation and deaths from plague as well as constant warfare and crime
>invade wartorn continent at head of slave army leading a mongol horde and start another war
>savagely butcher and burn people by the hundreds of thousands

She wanted to break too much with tradition. Gave a bunch of plebs wayyyyyy too much freedom. That turn around she should've seen coming. Or at least advised

what if they rushed to end the series because Emilia's dying of brain cancer?

They did advise her to execute mossador in private but she wanted to be honest about it, regardless she never turned on her people after they turned on her, the new season is retarded nonsense. Every other character either fails upwards or gets a free pass when they make mistakes and dany always gets called out or faces consequences for everything she does, which is fine but the double standards are infuriating

>Aunts, Uncles,
Wrong, Starks have married uncle and niece before and one of the couples had kids and no one cared. Iron Islands also don't look down on it and a Karstark was gonna marry her "uncle" in the books and neither she nor Jon found it weird. Aeron Greyjoy explicitly used such a pairing for it's intended purpose, uniting rival claims over the same thing which is why it's used less than cousins who'll have claims from their other side of the family

You cant give slaves free reign. Which is what they did. The old guard try to reclaim what was theirs. Shes choose not to punish a bunch of brown plebs but westoros civilians she decided to burn?! Come on man

I never liked Jon rejection of Dany because muh aunt thing. Its the writers that made it look dumb and forced.

>Does not let husband murder her brother her brother was dead the second he threatened the Dothraki in their sacred city and Dany tried to stop him despite Viserys abusing her terribly for years. She could not have stopped it Viserys was just a crazy moron who won the Darwin award.

> Does not control Khal Drago, Drago gets mad after the assassin tries to murder her. Tries to make sure the slave women are given better social status as wives (Dothraki practice polygamy and wife sharing so all they would have been is better treated sex slaves).

> Shuts down nightmare child torture dystopia, her problems in ruling it stemmed from her not being ruthless enough. She should have killed all the adult nobles (she did this in Astapor because they were literally all as bad as John Wayne Gasey). Opposing mass child torture and murder that she saw up close does not make her a crazy SJW its because she was a genuinely good person.

> Invades Westeros reluctantly after years of being told she is the only alternative to endless civil war. No real desire for the Iron Throne despite everyone telling her her whole life that she should want it.

> Diverts immediately to fight the undead bugmen.

> Is not thinking of herself when she does this because all she wants is to be a tradwife and have kids in the house with the red door.

> Suddenly at the end shes an insane maniac commie monster when she was at no point prior to the Bells any of these things.

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Why not? That's the definition of freedom fighting, she sympathizes with slaves because she's been in a similar position to them. Going by the show, she's fairly successful in her liberation. The bells heel turn is half assed contrived nonsense that makes no sense in the show's context

this, tyrion is actually a gigantic fuck up.

She liberated them yes but it didn't last long did it? Slaves/plebs dont know the first thing to do with freedom. The show and history demonstrated that. At the end of the day, they don't care whos in charge as long as they have access to their creature comforts.

She is more okay with the kind of slavery she herself was subjected to. The Yunkai (who produce sex slaves and Dany started out as a glorified sex slave) were spared because they weren't in the business of generally murdering and torturing their slaves (although this turned out to be a mistake), the slaves were merely turned into prostitutes and Dany is no feminist and is merciful. What starts her abolitionist crusade was her seeing the mass child torture and murder in Astapor up close.

Its retarded to say she was a crazy leftist SJW because she acted to end mass torture and murder that she saw up close. SJWs are secular religious fanatics who want to create a dystopia because they are at war with reality. Dany saw real evil (Astapor was one of the most truly evil societies I've ever read about in history of fiction) up close came up with a snap plan to end it... she knew she wasn't probably the best ruler and she never wanted to be ruler but it was thrust upon her after what she did and there was no good alternative.

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She's going to be resurrected, right?

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That's only true to like the one old guy who sells himself back into slavery, the vast majority of people support her and prefer freedom, they turn on her only because she upholds justice equally and leaves them via drogon, but no it ends with her btfo'ing the slave masters in s6. They're the opposite of comfortable under slavery, especially the unsullied

Except nothing about the show or the writers themselves reflected that. She gives no reason for it after the act and the best D&D can say is that seeing the Red Keep made it personal

Its cannon

Hmmm got me there

In the books Dany is quite aware of this problem but there is no easy solution but the place was a nightmare dystopia before (and was the market for slave raids across Essos so shutting it down stopped a lot of the slave raids) so reaction to the old order isn't a good alternative either.

user, please. Don't joke about such things.

D&D both having brain cancer might explain a lot about the entire second half of the show, though.

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If there's one thing Volantis has is thousands of Lord of Light worshippers and their head Priestess who thinks Dany is the Messiah, so yes.

Good points my man

The fact that D&D are getting people to defend slavery that's actually worse than historical slavery, with nothing but a 10 second scene with just a facial expression, is actually absurd and blackpilling, and shows how people will read whatever they want into anything

I normally wouldn't care either I normally hate muh strong wahmin characters but I like Dany because she was NOT at any point any kind of feminist or a mad leftist SJW, shes realistically flawed but genuinely selfless and good (though with the wineseller occasionally does terrible things when frustrated and angry), and never really wanted power and does not like having but can't give it up because there is no alternative where things don't get worse.

I think she was ruined because she was too positive and popular with women... didn't fit in with glow in the dark social engineering schemes. Sansa being useless, selfish, treacherous and stupid on the other hand was perfect for them.

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She's literally the ONLY character, male or female, who faces consequences for her actions, and gets second guessed by people, or has to make hard decisions throughout the show. Normie faggots act like they're so smart for "predicting" she'd become a villain, when it was obvious from the start since she's the only one not getting treated with kid gloves, everyone else gets double standards and never faces any consequences or has to make a morally grey choice, they're whitewashed. She's the only one who applies for Martin's idea of "ruling is hard" idea, and gets fucked over in the end for it, so a bunch of incompetent failure characters can have happy endings they don't deserve. It's fucking infuriating

>tfw no evil gf to step on my pp

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I liked early Tyrion (not later dumb Tyrion) and Stannis before they ruined him too. I wanted the end that was promised, there could even have been a sequence talking where it was revealed that Stannis (as Robert always suspected and never forgave Stannis for) deliberately let her and Viserys escape... after the wars she should have gotten to be the loyal tradwife with kids that she always wanted to be and her only input on ruling would have been softening up Stannis whenever he was being too rigid and lawful neutral about something.

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>Aunts, Uncles, Father, Mom, Brother and Sisters is the problem
Can you please find a single source that claims that aunt-nephew and uncle-niece incest is frowned upon in Westeros? You can't because there is none. D&D made that up because they are too lazy to find an actual reason why Jon would end things with Dany.

Jon would have actually kept fucking to Dany if the writing between seasons was consistent. If not fuck (for whatever reason), he wouldn't have treated her like shit like he did in the last five episodes. I don't know why D&D spent all that time on this relationship and then turned Jon into an asshole.

Yeah they fucking raped Stannis's character too. Why couldn't we just have had good showrunners and gotten a good adaptation for fuck's sake, we came so close, pretty much everything was great, casting, cinematography, music, everything except the fucking showrunners who ruined everything

Glow in the darks did it...

There are no genuinely good relateable positive characters who are allowed to be popular anymore. Stannis was getting too popular and although a literal sperg was devoted to his duty not himself.

Dany in her realistically flawed female way was very similar and just always wanted to be a tradwife (and not only the tradwife of the king and ruling through him like that Cersei lite cunt Sansa).

They were too popular had to be ruined... Dany especially because women are easily influenced by media. Women who took after Dany would not be selfish cunts... like Sansa.

You dumb triggered shit. I already explained to user that it shouldnt be a problem for jon and the dumb and dumber are hacks for making it seem like it was

> higher ups conspiring against her since she got in power
> varys, instead of telling her she was off road as promised in s7, decides to backstab her, forcing her not to eat and be awake 24/7
> best friend killed (and other atrocities) while the people of KL just watched like the goyim they are

I guess all we can do now is defend their characters IRL, for what it's worth, I've tried but normies just ate up the bullshit writing in the last episode, like mindless sheep. But now my watch begins I guess

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Cutest psycho!

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Stannis character assassination was widely accepted (not entirely) because the show was still going on...

Dany's generally has not been. I've found it to be very very unpopular. .

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It's not as popular as Stannis for sure, but people I know are just eating up Tyrion's bullshit third wall speech. I do like how they brought down their whole show as they tried to kill her character though, with all the people hating on it now

Character twitter normies dislike dies = good
Character twitter normies like dies = bad

very cute

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I don't go on twitter other then occasionally to support Trump I mean IRL nobody really seems to accept that Dany's twist was anything other then awful character assassination.

Stannis was character assassinated way harder but no one cared because he's the "bad" guy

Stannis wasn't the bad guy until the character assassination where he burned his daughter. Hes heroically holding on in the North helping the Night Watch survive before he was a "grey" character, fighting the Lannisters but seemingly out of selfish motives (when his actual thinking is that not establishing a lawful succession rule will lead to endless civil wars so hes more being spergishly devoted to duty).

Dany's character assassination is worse... its somewhat in character for Stannis to do something really awful when hes convinced the alternative is the undead Melisandre has told him about will kill everyone if he doesn't but that her blood magic might save him.

Its not at all in Dany's character to go on a rampage and kill a couple hundred thousand civilians after a battle for no reason, realistically she may not trust the surrender (indeed I wouldn't) but if she didn't she would just burn the red keep and then fly out of the city and order her troops to secure the place.

Stannis' whole motivation was taking the throne for his heir, it was completely retarded and out of left field for him to burn his daughter

When Daenerys says the line "little girl who couldn’t count to twenty”, if you count back from twenty she is stabbed as you hit zero

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Stannis was at that point completely convinced that Melisandre was the real deal.

So his greatest motivation was stopping the night that never ends... unless he triumphs.

The femnazis loved it because that dude was alpha

>barely taller than her
When will they ever learn.

s-she's wearing heels

That suit is tight


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She's what like 5 feet tall?

No but I'm well over 6 feet and I wanna dominate her

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Mercy killed the first, her own stupidity got the second one killed

Basically she was a socialist

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Google says Kit is 5'8" but Emilia is only 5.2" and I highly doubt she's wearing 4-5 inch heels in that picture

>Daenerys is basically a proto-Jacobin minus the anti-monarchy part (substitute with Enlightened Despot)
More like Caeser in her support for the people, and sadly met the same end

I missed where in the books or the show Dany instituted a command economy or a welfare state...

B-but she was a female leader character than means she must be muh sjw feminist


Damn she hot

just finished watching solo, it was pretty neat for the most part but not enough emilia TO BE HONEST

I agree we need more of her

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if the latter seasons were consistent with the earlier ones, he would have been giving her bad advice on purpose

Calm down goyim

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Agreed, she didn't have enough screen time.
Her story would be more interesting than Solo's desu

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>you will never tearfully look at her with pride after she gives her big speech
>you will never comfort her and hug her while assuring her that she did the right thing
>you will never give her strength when she needs it most
>you will never give her the child she wants more than anything
>you will never be the ice to tame her fire

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>"A-user, I.. really l-like you.. and.. maybe y-you'd like to go on a d-date?"

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>this will never happen in real life

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>you will never be the ice to tame her fire
True. Because that's actually her fire that melts my ice.

Yes! For the love of god, yes

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I-I have some videotapes to return

>implying I wouldn't be the one to ask her out

Serious question, if you won over the most beautiful, best woman in westeros and slept with her, then realized she was your aunt, would you stop loving her? Who the fuck in their right mind would?

turned out jon was the crazy targ and dany was the sane one

>would you stop loving her
No. For the simple reason you cannot decide to stop loving someone.
Also the taboo would make it even better to me. Not to mention, in that kind of universe, ruling with the woman I love would be my biggest desire.

So no. Definitely no. Aunt or not, there's no way I'd abandon her

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she wasnt

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Is this from a behind the scenes video

Even if it was my mother or sister and I didn't know I wouldn't stop, especially after she saved my life like that


She cute

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Why did he do it bros? He was the chosen one.

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>Serious question, if you won over the most beautiful, best woman in westeros and slept with her, then realized she was your aunt, would you stop loving her? Who the fuck in their right mind would?
If you are a targ then why would you care anyway

I begin to think that too...

I think you may be right

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She walks funny

hop hop hop

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>born too late for exploring the world
>born too early for exploring the galaxy
>born just in time to witness the epitome of woman
fair trade, I'll take it

based & Emiliapilled

Thread reminder: Emilia craves and seeks out Hollywood chad cock. Emiliafags will whiteknight and defend her in a misplaced act of affection; it stems from the sad truth that they lack real intimacy in their lives. They're massive faggots, no doubt... but I pity them.

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ayo tranny

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She's surprisingly good at comedy and light hearted stuff.

Incredibly cute!

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Cute Sarah Connor

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Because she's funny and has a good heart.

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brb renting a white worse

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she looks very soft

Indeed, good for cuddles and spooning

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Chuckled then lost my shit at ‘I’m CIA’

cutest cripple

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Reminder that Emilia Clarke poops every day, sometimes even several times in one day

Imagine the smell

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Why is she so bubbly and happy dudes

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fuck you

snow didn't soothe her nerves with his norf cock

brain damage that limits her inhibition

>even the brain damage makes her cuter

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Because she's stupid and vacuous

Gods look at her here. Why is aging a thing

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she still cute, don't know whats wrong with you

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Extremely cute!

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Yes she's incredibly cute
But Young Emilia was absurdly cute

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Did I say she isn't cute now? I know whats wrong with you, you need glasses!

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I don't think the cuteness level has changed

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I want to bury my face between her thighs. Is it bad?

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Its not that big of a powerlevel difference really

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I still love her at any stage

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Faced her own mortality. Realized she can go at any moment and tries to make each moment delightful instead of being a downer.

thanks for the positiveness user

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I bet her poops are tiny and don't require many wipes, if any.

Feuer und Blut

Emilia needs to do more gfkino where she plays a slightly autistic woman

If I was her agent those would be the only roles I send to her

Because she's a mentally unstable, narcissistic woman who surrounded herself with sycophants and yes-men so she could relentlessly pursue her goals without being impeded by silly things like logic, morality or dissenting opinions.

>nobody else paid consequences

A bold statement considering all the characters this show killed off.

Barely any since s4

I would cast Emilia and Rosa Salazar in a movie as half-sisters who fight over my dick. They both win it.


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>me on the right

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>another day
>another Emilia gf dream
Give me something for the pain and let me die

generations of inbreeding

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What a crock of shit. There was only one leftist in that crowd and it wasn't fucking Daenerys.

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Daenerys Targaryen was based monarch who should win Game of Thrones, and Emilia Clarke is cutest and most charming person that lives on planet earth.

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These deads were in S01-S04 and had proper build up and character development, good writing. Daenerys didnt have that, they fucked her over and over with terrible writing that didnt make any fucking sense.

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She's bowlegged from all that chad Hollywood cock.

He's unironically gay though

How did the quadriplegic in Me Before You manage to slit his wrist, is it covered more in the book?

>launches her own charity so low-income people with brain injuries can get the same level of care she received

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Assisted suicide. He plans it well in advance. She was brought in to try and change his mind.

What happens after Dany gets resurrected? Her unsullied and dothraki are gone

Nah he somehow managed to attempt suicide by himself which led to the 6 months before actual suicide in Switzerland "deal" with his parents

you retarded?

Yes once she earns it's respect by tanking Rodan

Oh right, I forgot about that part. Maybe he rolled his wheelchair off the top of the castle?

Qyburn will surely be needing that now he's lost his job and part of his skull. Queen Dany is already making amends to the smallfolk with her charities.



He was talking about Dany, but he is still wrong. Daenerys is not narcisstic, and never was. And she was actually listening her advisor, and this was her biggest mistake, so she didnt have "yes-men" advisors. She was caring about plebians and innocent, and she had good heart. She saved north assess, she saved Jon and the rest squad asses beyond the wall. Etc, she is the hero of the story bertrayed by traitorous manlet without honor.

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because her nephew didn't give her cummies

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Its Dany not Emilia, bro

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he is wrong either way anyway.

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