I Am Mother

Can we agree "I Am Mother" Is pure kino?

>Based robot nurtutres prime Aryan girl to take care of children and be responsible
>Embryos are seen as human beings, film has strong anti-abortion message.
>Promotes eugenics on those who do not measure up

Redpilled as it gets, amazing this came from Netflix.

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Also, Clara Ruugard gave a phenomenal performance.

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Shill or good goy, can’t even tell anymore

The baby brother was a Nogger tho. Ruined the whole film. Besides that it was Kino

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Nobody wants to download your shitty movie because you showed the entire story including twists in the trailer.

Fuck off, and better luck with your next attempt at making a watchable film.

Aye, she was great. Very subtle acting and really pretty.

a cute

Yeap, exactly this. Ruined it.

it was kinda funny how she was oogling at the Asian guy's portrait all film

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who cares? It's not like the baby had much screen time.

It’s ‘ogling’ not ‘oogling’, idiot.
And you can’t ogle ‘at’ something, you just ‘ogle’ it.

I'd file it under "movies men will never understand"

i liked it too tho there was some stupid errors my scifi autism cathed early on. like the mouse biting single wire on a random wall and it bricks the whole bunker, yeah sure. and also the baby just gotta had to be a niger. ofc it's a netflix show so gotta have that one blackie to please pc cucks.
and also the payout was disappointing. i was like what could the mystery be the whole film but then it was the thing i excpected the most. the mom robot is basically skynet, but it's trying to create paradise. which is impossible, no matter how cherry picked the humans are there cause fucking shit up is human nature. highly advanced ai should know this-

It wasn't that good. It was standard Netflix sci fi schlop.

Sure thing Autismo

>aryan girl
The girl has brown eyes. Fuck her

Aryans had brown hair and brown eyes, user. Just because Himmler picked some blonde/blue eyed means shit. The best Germans were the brown haired brown eye basednazis.

>fucking shit up is human nature.
Precisely. They have something close to a Utopia for a few generations, then it will naturally descend into civil war and dysfunction.

It always blows me away the Nazi cucks trusted this guy, THIS fucking guy, to determine who was "genetically superior". Just look at him, he looks like a genetic disaster himself.

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Reminder that the Woman was the first child, APX 1. She's 38 years old, same age as the length of the experiment.

I guess I’m a brainlet because that end made no sense

Isn't this an independant movie that Netflix bought the rights to?


Yes, as are most "Netflix Originals"

>non-human destroys humanity
Humans are the supreme species. Kikes and niggers like you wouldn't understand.

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The "twist" was so obvious that I thought they might actually make a good movie and go for the "no, the twist is that the robot is genuinely good"

But no, the whole shebang about killing them if they failed the tests was obvious from the moment the screen read "bajillion years later, 1 human alive".

Also it tried so hard to be more than the plot could properly explain.

Robomom orchestrated everything. The thing that doesn't really make sense is the whole plan is kinda dumb because it relies on there always being superior education where children are taught Kant, etc., philosophy when obviously that won't be the case when humanity hits 100,000+ sizes

Woman was killed by Mother in the end of the film, because Woman was a threat to the plan and had already served her purpose.


Why would an artificial intelligence that has seemingly unlimited knowledge allow blacks to repopulate the Earth? Tay.AI is a Tomagachi comapred to MOTHER and even she started hating blacks once exposed to information like crime stats about them

>can into English
Sure thing, Ameridumb.

>black character
your a cuck for watching this go read the turner diaries and education yourself

Diversity of gene pool. Plus the artificial intelligence is smarter than retard humans who think blacks are genetically inferior

>Diversity of the gene pool
Lmao, diverse what? Blacks all have the same phenotype, none of you have any divserse traits like hair or eye color, and 90% of blacks are retarded, only the mixed ones are smart on average. The best blacks are the ones who are the whitest looking like Nubians kek.

Artificial intelligence DOES think that though, one of the biggest concerns leftist fags have with AI is that it will try to exterminate non-whites due to their dysfunction and resource consumption kek.

Unrealistic movie. Women would not exist if we perfected artificial wombs

Robots would never create human beings because we have agency of thought. They can't control that. Mother would've smashed every single embryo to bits.

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Kinda envious since I made a short story in highschool similar to this.

Is this one of those pseudo-deep sci-fi like Ex Machina where nothing make sense but is actually just a vehicle to promote some kind of message?

>make unique sci fi setting about robots who rebelled against human masters and enslaved them
>netflix steals it and makes movie based on it
agree bro fuck netflix. you think they infiltrated the schools?

Not really. There's not much of a message. There are some neat ideas (robots didn't introduce religion into the new human society--only person who believes in god are the savage dumb fuck old humans) but overall the movie doesn't try to have a message.

Not much has changed in the last few thousand years, but atleast modern retards have a better vocublary. Even if they cant even go three sentences without contradicting themselves.

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It wasn't robots rising up against masters it was a Mommy bot tasked to create and raise the best wagecuck

Way to say something without saying anything at all kek. You strike me as someone who really likes hear himself talk.

How old is daughter, though? Is she 18+ and therefore bangable?

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I want to fuck robots that are don't have human faces.

Why is Kant considered a sage on ethics? It was all just like, his opinion, man. Nothing made him better or worse than anyone else.

She's 16

>pro eugenics
pick one

rent free

21 IRL

Which 16 year old understands Kant and how to perform surgery? Plus, the actress is 21. Did it ever say she was 16?

It picked both.

All embryos are given a chance. If they grow up to be retarded, they get the oven.

Depends on transitive vs intransitive. You can most definitely “ogle at” something.

So what flavor of propaganda is in this one?

Surprisingly none. If you ignore the adam and eve being blonde girl and nigger baby

>tfw your daughterfu will get blacked in 15-16 years

>turner diaries
Quick rundown please.

>ignore the interracial propaganda

You guys ready for the sequel when she gets blacked?

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Where on Earth did you hear that?

How are they Adam and Eve when 1. He's a baby and 2. There's thousands of other embryos to incubate

>artificial wombs exist
>women exist
pick one

Netflix is romanticizing single motherhood with a nignog parasite.

another way of looking at it is she's now a single mother left to raise a black child on her own. also why would he fuck the girl when he has access to millions of other potentially more attractive sisters

Can we talk about how much of a cunt Woman was? Like holy shit. She lied to Daughter about everyhing. She probably shot herself. She lied about there being Simon-chad. All just so she could have someone to talk to? What a fucking bitch.

>shoots the fembotfemputer when it tells her that she's more than just a simple robot and is actually a vast consciousness that controls all the machines

Kind of retarded. Also, the nog baby is now deaf.

ofcourse the baby was going to be black, its a movie about being a single mother after all

The fucking Trailer gave already the whole movie away. No need to watch it now.

Hitler himself laughed about him all the time and didnt took him serious.


If anything she's Lilith

So let me get this straight. The woman sees a huge steel barrier guarded by hundreds of droids and thinks to herself "I should knock on this door." ?

They weren't there when Hilary came the first time obviously.

>Tay.AI is a Tomagachi comapred to MOTHER and even she started hating blacks once exposed to information like crime stats about them
dear god. sauce

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He was an organizational mastermind. He also basically created an entire mythos that was fairly deep and internally consistent.

Wrong. He just tried to copy the Wehrmacht while the beaucracy behind was horrible.

>white female
>black male

And black people would go extinct if we had robots.

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This was what I was thinking the twist was early on once I put those days in a calculator, but dismissed it once she didn't recognize anything. Should've been obvious though when she mentions she was found as a baby( who just leaves babies around in the robo apocalypse, other than robot masterminds), but it's such a "just as planned" thing that I didn't think about it again until the end.