Any movies about gender equality?

Any movies about gender equality?

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all women should get locked in cages at birth and then raped until their death (at 30, when they should get executed)

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Imma need some context before declaring based or not

That guy is clearly unhinged. You can tell by the fact that they are both smiling that they were just goofing around. The fucking nutjob then starts kicking the bitch while she's down. There's obviously something wrong with him, and the legions of incels that will come to his defense ITT.

Looks like he's smiling along, so I'm going with a simple sperging out.

Damn he was so close to having sex but then goofed up going full retard.

I thought they were playing around until the end


Bitch ran away and triggered his Chad predator instincts, you'd know if you weren't a passive bitch.

ok, this is based

25 is my limit

She shouldn't have knocked the drink out of his hand. I mean, buying a drink at a casino is can easily hit like $10. Is she gonna reimburse him? What about his shirt, which is covered in booze. Now he has to decide if he should smell like a booze hound the whole night, or if he should drop $30 in the hotel gift shop for a novelty t-shirt and look like an ass hat the whole day.

Jeez~ do women even think about these things before flipping out?

Any kinos where incels convert to islam?

Attached: Rasheed.jpg (324x240, 22K)

too old

I'm being generous towards hag lovers, do unto others as you would like to be done unto you.

>OP converts to islam
>pays a poor family for arranged marriage with their cute daughter
>no longer an incel
>finds out where you live and cuts your tranny head off with a scimitar
would be kino

those are some weak kicks

because it's fake

I'll go with fake. We never see how the fight goes and they keep filming instead of hitting him in the back of the head.

reminds me of certain animals that will immediately attack you when turning your back on them

okay, hope she sees this bro

KEK, t'is kino plot.

women getting beaten up by men is kino

Fake and gay

its fake, he's not even kicking her

I can tell just by looking at this that this is the teen recreation room on the cruiseship Carnival Legend.

I go on a lot of cruises