What do you want from Chapter 4?
What do you want from Chapter 4?
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fuck yea
A fight scene that happens during a explicit sex scene like from the sequel to 300 but even more.
More androgynous chicks in leather and suits.
FUll Matrix reunion
Carrie ann mos
john has to rob a bank for some reason
I want to see him take on more pet related missions. Having to shoot a cat, or save a tank of goldfish, something like that.
That already exists with nic cage no less.
To end at chapter 3 with no muh strong wymen and a good looking doggo. Jw ended for me with the first movie. Sequels are bad.
Agent Smith as the High Table's top assassin hunting down Wick
This. Trinity as one of the high table members. John Wick fighting on a crashing airplane.
Shoot Em Up did it before Drive Angry or the 300 sequel
The same thing I wanted from chapter 3.
An end to the franchise.
That’s stupid fanfiction.
Faction: Biker assassin club in New York (or outside of Las Vegas would be cool if they somehow ended up there)
Weapons: chains, brass knuckles, boot knives, pool cues, pool balls, darts, revolvers, sawed off shotguns, g-string.
Faction Boss Cast: Joe Pantoliano
Introduction music: Warrant - Cherry Pie
Fight scene music: Pantera - Cowboys from Hell
Scene: Because [plot reason], John Wick and members of the homeless faction have to go to the biker club to get information because [plot reason]. When John and his entourage walk in the room looks like a smoky dive bar/strip club. Cherry Pie is playing faded in the background while the girls dance. John meets the boss and hes sitting at a glass mirror coffee table with a switchblade playing with a massive mound of white powder (the biker club deals drugs and sex trafficks, which is established so the audience feels zero sympathy for the brutal scene). John sits down with him across from the coffee table, and the boss rambles on about how his drugs are made or some story that doesn't answer John's question. As hes talking he grabs a handful of the powder and lets some of it run through his fingers. John cuts him off and says "just tell me where [plot thing] is, and no one has to die. Cue Cowboys from Hell. The boss then looks up from intently eyeing his drugs in his palm and says, "well that wouldn't be very fun now wouldn't it?" They stare for a second at each other until the main riff from the song comes in and the boss blows the drugs in his palm into Johns face and a biker comes up from behind john and chokes him and causes him to gasp and in hale the plume of drugs. John is disoriented and being choked while the homeless guys he brought with him are being rekt by roided drugged out bikers in the background. Eventually the drugs hit Johns brain and he gets out of being choked, leading to the most sloppy gruesome fight scene of the movie with john going berserk. Would be cool if it was a throwback to Road House and there was some cameo or easter-egg about Patrick Swayze.
crossover with black lagoon
Elrond and Trinity being in the cast.
You're a stupid fanfiction
it to end this shitty series
In short, do the same thing you did for the first 20 minutes of the third movie and do that for the whole movie.
The armored goons were nice but they weren't as nice as John Wick killing a guy with a horse.
I want him to actually take care of his fucking dog for once.
Also, jimmy the police officer needs a bigger role
less CG and and boring fight scene
I just want him to make up with Winston and Charon. Please let Winston have done what he did because he knew John would survive and not because he double crossed him for an advantage.
Sex scene feautirng ana de armas like in the movie in Knock Knock. Thank you
For it to stop.
Best fight was against the two short ninjas.
Bill S. Preston, esq.
With no survivors?
It would be extremely kino
A conclusion to this shitty series
Max Payne vs John Wick
The Pest to give him a new car
A sniper battle better than the one sided shit we got in JW1 would be sick.
Since apparently every other person in the entire world is an assassin the series should just say fuck it and make it into VR scifi to explain this. Make the world be some kind of an assassin PvP server but something happened which caused everyone to lose their memories and just act according to their traits they picked in character creation. And dunno, bring in agent Smith or something and have him act smug at Keanu.
Too much action just kind of gets boring. I wanted to appreciate the ending, but there was just so much overload. By the Halle Berry scene, I started to sit back and think it was dragging on.
For John Wick to die. It makes sense
>john is outnumbered by henchmen and out of ammo, no pencils or books in sight
>enemies are closing in on him, things are looking bleak
>common jumps from the rafters and DDTs a two bad guys, starts doing cartwheels and shooting everyone in sight
>Raid twins burst from the vents and use nunchucks to beat up everyone
>it still isn't enough
>the sexually ambiguous woman femme fatale of this movie straddle john's lap, about to stab him in the neck
>John's dog emerges from the shadows and kills her
>"...Good boy"
the guns shoot knives instead of bullets
my friends and I agreed that hugo weaving is the only person who can save this dumpster fire of a franchise
are you an actual brainlet? it was obvious he shot him because he knew he would survive, you can see the fucking bullet didn't even go in and the black guy immediately caught on and said "well played sir".
Iko Uwais to be the lead assassin from the high table, and bringing back the two surviving raid members as well. Hugo as a high table member also
Apparently Yea Forums didn’t like this? I thought it was pretty good, only issue is that I don’t think they can really top it.
The first ten minutes were fantastic, and I loved the bit with the dogs. The raid guys were fun too.
1 was a good movie
2 and 3 sucked
I was incredibly bored watching the third
Hopefully they don't make anything else. I practice shooting a lot and I love the "gunfu" (reddit term imo) but the movie by itself is incredibly fucking bland and boring with shit characters, barely any character development or any stakes. They went to much into the quippy direction.
Jackie Chan
"Mr. Wick...surprised to see me?"
"Mr. Wick. My colleagues believe that I'm wasting my time with you, but I believe you wish to do the right thing. We're willing to wipe the slate clean. Give you a fresh start. And all that we're asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice."
To be the last one.
>fighting on a crashing plane
I didn’t realize I actually wanted that until now
I want a team up of the 5 j's. John wick, jason borne, Jack bauer, James bond, and John McClane.
John sneaks up on him like Snake. The audience never sees the sniper until John does.
People dying
John teams up with Vincent.
Cute butt
>Plot exposes the table as a corrupt political shitshow that goes way beyond some business model for hitmen
>The man above the table coordinates wars & controls the world
>He is pissed at john wick, the entire world is now hunting wick
>Wick's only protection is the sewer people
>Wick meets an unlikely ally, a younger brother of a rival hitman killed in a former movie
>The unlikely ally is a traitor to the man above the table, and thinks Wick should kill & betray him. His motive is to be trained by Wick
>Wick has no choice but to agree
>Wick learns his Ally had a family, killed by his older brother by the order of the table so he would be forced to join their ranks
This kind of plot allows Wick's past to be explored through the new ally via a few training moments or moments of wisdom. It would be like a buddy cop movie where they stay on the move with the intention of killing the man above the table, they receive occasional support through the sewer people. John should break free of his allies for the movie's low-point and should see them return in force for the finale.
>Wick has chased the man above the table to a secret base in antartica, using choppers procured by his allies. 2 choppers in tow, it's an operation above his paygrade
>By the time they get inside, they are met by soldiers with unique equipment. One swordsman with active camo, & one with a supersuit, & more
>The building is oddly futuristic
>By the end, few are left. Wick executes the man above the table as he prays in a large dome room where the ceiling almost looks like ice and there seems to be a sun floating in the middle
>A pause after the brass hits the floor
>A familiar voice says "Do you even know where you are..?"
>Wick glances in the direction of the voice, and seems instantly nervous
>Slow pan & crop-in to face until hard cut to black on closeup
John Wick 5 is in space
no more horses or drawn-out halle berry action scenes
John Wick v Jack Reacher
the black guy could have been referring to how Winston played John Wick into defending the continental AND advancing Winston's position
You mean 3 already came out? Not watching after 2, it's finished.
it continues to diverge from the feel of the first one, but for what its worth I liked it way better than 2
Matrix actors are the best parts
Is it just me or did the action in this one get a little stale? I liked a lot of it but I was getting a little bored during that fight in the desert when the big gimmick was the two dogs. I thought a lot of the sequences in JW2 were more creative and fun.
For the next one I'd like it to start with John making an assault on the Continental and end up with fighting the High Table directly. Another scene with the one who sits above the table too.
I want more creative gunfights. Sniper battles, maybe one with a lot of smoke or a sandstorm, fights with interesting environmental problems or hindrances. Maybe in a maze of cars or some shit, idk.
Everything in Rome from 2 was amazing. Dogs and Halle Barry spitting were the only good part of the Morocco field trip. 3 was only the best during the first and last fights everything in the middle kind of dragged.
I wish the homeless got to do more this time around. Morpheus and his bum army got did dirty it sucked.
unironically suicide
also don't forget that Wick has a marker from Winston
are you talking to OP or do you mean wick should suicide?
I think they made it a little ambiguous
I agree with the action in the desert part, that was the low point of the movie for me. That whole middle act was not interesting besides the conversation with Bron. The rest of the action sequences were spectacular though, I had goosebumps during the continental war scene.
A villain assassin who is more dangerous than Keanu and seriously puts him on the back foot.
They sorta tried it in 2 and 3 but those dudes couldnt hack it with John and the movies failed to show them be really intimidating.
I hope the fourth movie is a huge shit show of an angry John absolutely destroying everyone after him and really hurting innocent people and when he finally catches up to Winston and gets berated for acting like an animal and he finally realizes that everything is on him. That Winston tried to save him but his thirst for this lifestyle kept him fighting. I want John to do some subtle questionable shit early on or random stuff he's done the past few movies come back into play. Like maybe reveal the doctor he shot twice in a hurry actually died from his wounds because, played as a joke, John just knows where to shoot and doesn't really give the doctor a chance to brace. We're left to assume he's okay because "it's John". I want the movie to make everyone watching it question themselves as to why they've been rooting for John for over 4 movies if again and again he proovs hes an idiot
More of them :3
Hugo Weaving as a bad guy
I'm surprised no one said anything related to John meeting with the PayDay crew since that is obviously canon
I'm not sure I want anything. Chapter 3 kind of sucked. Extremely disappointing.
Holy shit I just realized he was the agent with the most screen time that wasn’t Smith.
I think John Wick is too overrated. I know it's meant to be a mainstream crowdpleaser, but people genuinely consider it the best action series ever. While I can't deny the movies have great scenes, the choreography often feels repetitive (especially 3 with all the dick attacks), plus the cinematography and editing are mostly bland. I also get bored by the moments of exposition and characters--to me feels as though it was written for a generic video game instead. Some people don't like how The Raid 2 focused more on plot and characters, but I personally found that way more engaging. The fights in John Wick aren't as intimate.
dont worry (((they))) will bury this film with 10 more sequels and the ending will be john dying from stupid nonsense.
wouldve been kino if winston charmed the androgynous woman into just let Wick be, saying "the only reason hes even here is because some punks stole his car and killed his puppy, let the man live his life, away from all of this." or some shit.
Then have the stinger be the homeless people about to attack several major high table areas with fishburne laughing in the background.
He kills the elder for taking his finger
It can fuck off. Had a perfect opportunity to conclude itself and instead they treated the entire movie as filler. There is such a thing as outstaying your welcome.
You're the real brainlet. Charon congratulated Winston on how he tricked wick into defending the hotel and be given amnesty
Based. Shit ending though
He should just call him Mr. Anderson.
This isn't reddit
what should have happened in the 3.
It's ambiguous, but it seems like John thinks he betrayed him. It's hard to read Winston in the scene where the adjudicator tells him that there was no body.
>Asia Kate Dillon was born on November 15, 1984 in Ithaca, New York, USA. Dillon identifies as non-binary and uses singular they pronouns.
>Dillon was born in Ithaca, New York. They were assigned female at birth,[26][27] but identify as non-binary. Dillon explained that around 2015, they began removing gendered pronouns from their biography, and auditioning for the part of Mason helped them understand their gender identity.[3][4] Dillon identifies as pansexual, stating they are attracted to multiple genders.[28]
I want this bitch to fucking cease from being in the movie. What an absolute insufferable cunt. The fact she wasn't brutally murdered in this film is a travesty.
they is pluraL it should be it. it's it.
Watching her "act" on Billions is a travesty. The whole show is a bag of shit but her brand of "acting" is the worst.
billions season4 is so fucking shite its unbelievable. why the fuck did they go into the full sjw mode. its annoying as fuck
US left-wing cultural clique slowly driving themselves more and more insane in their growing self-isolation
Shorter and better choreography in fighting sequences.
A movie that’s closer to 2 than 3. 3 felt aimless. Even though all the scenes were awesome in and of themselves, I didn’t believe the characters.
Yet here you are
The only way the series can end is with John dying hopefully after redeeming himself.
You're a stupid fanfiction
Closure. Three movies would have made interesting trilogy, but four, might aswell go five, six or seven movies if you really want to drag the character down the cesspit.
More interesting fights and choreography
>a purely melee fight, with John using bats and pipes and swords
>a fight against real cops where John is forced to be non-lethal
>extended stealth sequence with a silenced pistol
>a prison fight could be really interesting, taking cues from how Daredevil portrayed it with raw violence, pumping music, and alarms screeching. Would also ground John a bit if he was put into a prison, then the “EVERYONE is after you” would be a bit more believable as he is surrounded by criminals
>a boat fight similar to the club scene from the first film (which i’d Say is the best choreography they ever did) but even messier and more intense
I essentially want Hotline Miami starring Keanu Reeves
Just give me a good and worthy ending of the quadrilogy. I don't want them to milk the series until it becomes trash.
Hugo weaving
I want it to be matrix 4, where it was neo all along.
If not this, an ending of some sort at least
Plot and a final fight that is not too drawn out.
Mr. Jovanovic
Did you even watch te movie?
>Hugo Weaving as a good guy
John Wick versus Tom Cruise Hitman with White Hair.
Would be kino.
carrie ann moss, airplane fight, john with no guns having to improvise in an office supply store, hugo weaving as a fakeout villain similar to Dafoe, bowry king doing a rip off of the cyrus speech when calling all gangs of NY to help him, winston having drones or boston dynamics type robuts to protect him
Him settling down, starting a family, having children, growing his own food and building stuff. But the jews won't allowed it. There can't be a wholesome role model for young men. Either be a pathetic cuck or an angry retard that will burn the whole world and himself along the way.