Guys, what if the Joker movie is actually comically bad, and becomes one of those joke movies where people come to midnight screenings in Joker costume and shout memes at the screen like RISE UP! ?
Guys, what if the Joker movie is actually comically bad...
Well it won’t. Faggot
I dunno. I actually imagine it even happening at the openings. Various irl shitposting memesters shouting VERONICA and RISE UP.
Well it won’t
Probably. Yea Forums is the only place that takes it seriously
Yea Forums is always wrong about everything, and the general consensus here is that it will be great so it’s actually probably going to be a pile of shit
The YouTube comments for the trailer are worse
This would be based even if it's good.
It will actually be kino of the highest order, and chads who feel moved & empowered by the movie (like myself for example) will be forced to escort basedboys like you the fuck out.
They are joking
alright making my costume now.
Joaquin Phoenix only makes kino so it seems unlikely
I've read the script. It's kino but it's not empowering at all. Arthur is an autistic sperg who murders a few people with a gun and then gets arrested.
BUT if you root for a loser who gets beat up all the time and has a biopolar schizo mom and is delusional about a womans feelings for him when she's only nice to him out of pity you'll see it as an underdog story though.
>implying i'd root for myself
>The ending of the movie is The Joker trying to get with Sophie and telling her that she’ll never have to worry about money again, and then finding out that she turned him into the police for the reward money
So is that true?
No. Sophie isn't involved in any of his shenanigans. Last time we see her is her reaction to a murder joker commits on live TV. Joker practically let's himself get taken away by the cops but bangs his head on the steel window so it crashes into another car and he uses the glass on the window to carve a smile on his face and lays on top of the car till he's taken in.
Reading that post you're talking about now. Completely fake. He's getting taken away by cops as the murder of the Wayne's happens cause he starts an uproar with a speech about the rich and the poor on late night TV and some guy in a clown mask shoots them.
society fears this...
You mean he finally said the N word on television which leads to a massive city wide riot as gamers finally rise up
It gives me Nightcrawler vibes, which I loved, so I'll watch this as well. Don't care about the Joker/Batman shit, I just think the movie looks well shot.
>he uses the glass on the window to carve a smile on his face
Waaaat? So will he ends up with scars like Ledger’s joker? Or some different scars? Cool if true
>I just think the movie looks well shot.
This. Cinematography > Plot.
are you gonna bring a bulletproof shield?
The script states they're stitched up at the end so maybe.