What podcasts are you listening to?

What podcasts are you listening to?

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Legion of Skanks

The Bonfire

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they look like (((black))) people

The Chris Plante Show

>using adult as a verb

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literally me

Do you live in DC?

cumtown is literally the only podcast ive listened to that is consistently funny. which one of these is the second best

more like "can't cope with real world because coddled as child and never given incentive to grow up from parents" lmfao

Fucking disgusting, the one on the right is especially busted, fucking apes why do they think anyone cares about what they have to say

Used to. I try to keep up with him and EITM occasionally

This guy, Shaun Attwood, is a Englishman who spent six years in an Arizona prison for running an ecstasy distribution ring.

Now he interviews various convicts with interesting stories.


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Lore is an OK podcast. The narrator is very onions but a lot of the old European lore and folktales are interesting. I listened to Disgraceland once and the host is the cringiest faggot on the planet

the last podcast on the left is really good but it mostly fell off after the first 150 episodes or so

Probably Tell em Steve Dave, it's not laugh a minute like CT but super entertaining. Listen to their first Making Hay episode which they did like 2011. It's them going to interview people at a flea market and givibg commentary.

youtu.be/Un0zA2Fjw34 a clip from a more recent ep but it shows their humour. It stars teo of the guys from Comic Book Men and Q from Impractical Jokers but they started it years any of them had tv shows so it's really interesting hearing Q talk about how much ge hates IJ when they first started shooting it.

>listening podcasts
back to /r/reddit

These two are my regular ones. Sometimes mega64, have not found a gaming nor music one that's tolerable

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>"i listen to podcasts"

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HDTGM sucks if it's a live episode and other than that the quality depends on what guest they have on. For some reason they force these terribly unfunny LA comics who don't even try to make jokes but screech about how offensive shit is.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

any spookie podcast as good as their first episodes

Only thing I dislike about the live episodes is when they the audience sing and shit. They're all in that small comic community that appears in every comic tv show and the absolute worst offenders were the throwing shade podcast hosts. They were as bad, maybe even worse, than Dan Harmon


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I hate when ghey have the audience ask questions. I don't even understand why they feel the need to have guests. You could hear how unconfortable they were when Cameron Esposito was on.

Every podcast i’ve ever listened too has gone downhill the minute they start doing live episodes with an audience.

lmfao stop shilling your shit madcucks

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>The Adam Carolla Show
>The Adam and Dr. Drew Show
>Take a Knee with Adam Carolla
>Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast
>The Dennis Miller Option
>Cum Town
>The Ben Shapiro Show
>"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice
>Part of the Problem with Dave Smith
>Get Off My Lawn with Gavin McInnes

I get in a lot of podcast listening at work.

The problem with the live episodes is the hosts/guests dial it up to 11 because they're playing to an audience. Jason especially is bad at this, he screams and talks over everyone but the people there seem to eat it up. Same goes for Paul trying to play Stupid Human Tricks during the Q&A. Even with the Throwing Shade people, go back and listen to the Gods of Egypt episode which is in studio and they're totally fine.

>Cameron Esposito
There's no excusing this one though, wouldn't be surprised if they never have her back after that debacle.

I wish they still did conspiracy and other spooky stuff and not just obscure true crime. seriously with the killers it's just in one ear out the other at this point

Marcus/Henry I know you autists browse Yea Forums. heed my words

The only podcast I listen to, it's kino.

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I've yet to find another podcast that matches Dan's commitment to content and quality

History of Rome/ Revolutions is the true kinoest of History podcasts.

Low-brow pop history

Cumtown, Dead Rabbit Radio and Sleepycast

If you like true crime & comedy podcasts:

Last Podcast on the Left
Small Town Murder
Crime and Sports
Wine and Crime
My Favorite Murder

>In 1986 I was ìn Boulder...

Is it really? I generally hate pop history (like Cracked.com and Reddit TIL tier stuff).

A guy named Jamie Redfern does an American History podcast I liked

Can someone recommend some Cumtown episodes to start with?

Just have sex incel

He's a lot more depth than that. His blueprint for Armageddon series is great. He's in the middle of a Japan focused wwII series, but he releases one every six months. The last was in January

Cuntown isn't actually that funny.

Listen to the Bone Zone instead

I'd tell you to check the 4 hour compilation of Nick talking about Hollywood Pedro stuff but it got taken down.

105 Writers Room

All live podcasts suck. It's a pure ego/money thing for the hosts. They play up to the audience and the end result is a poor product. HDTGM is probably the worst example of this of any podcast I've heard.

"Oh, sweet, this week's episode is a live one!" is something no podcast listener in history has ever uttered.

Our guys

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Sleepycabin. They just wrapped it up.

From time to time I listen to these guys, but sometimes I take a break because I don't like when they bring politics into moments that were done for other reasons that weren't political

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>"Oh, sweet, this week's episode is a live one!"

I think for people who have 100% transitioned to podcasts like Jake and Amir, selling tickets is probably like their only income source

None. I don't give a shit about other people's opinions.

Scheers wife really ruins the fun most the time these days with her woke preachy soap boxing. Don’t remember it being so insufferable until recent years. Most of earwolf on general has turned up the YAAAAS QWEEN annoying feminist shit since LE ORANGE MAN won the election and now all LA alt comedy types have to be woke WHITE MAN EVIL annoying fags at all times now

Legion of Skanks

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I actually listened to HDTGM episodes of movies i’d actually seen, which wasn’t many. But this is another podcast that wrecked things by doing live shows with Q&A shit.
Like I remember they did Jaws 2 or Jaws 3 and some giggling teenager literally just walked to the mic with a quote from the Ebert review

When’s Kurt Metzgrr doing a new podcast? Claimed a month ago on Luis J Gomez podcast he has a new one coming soon. Race Wars used to be appointment podcasting cuz of him but it become unlistenable after Kurt left and we were stuck with just Sherrod and all his unfunny hood rat buddies

June started going really screechy

This show has A LOT of episodes, mostly from like 2013-2016, I used to listen to them a lot. It’s basically kind of like The Nerdist podcast. Just long form interviews with entertainers.

I just scroll through and pick out the people I know/like

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HDTGM has basically turned into “OMG THIS MOVIE IS SO OFFENSIVE AND PROBLEMATIC!!! Wah wah wah!” June really went unhinged during the Chopping Mall episode when Paul played a clip of the director talking about how he wanted all these hot naked women in his movie. She went on a 10 minute long feminist rant and pretty much brought the show to a screeching halt even Paul and Jason were like “WTF June?” It was hard to bring the show back to being funny after that awkwardness.

i just want to say that h3h3 and tom segura have the worst podcasts ive ever listened to.


I can't stand Tom's wife

Is that a black Fred Armisen?

Post nudes


Stopped listening to an episode after a few minutes because of the the awful jokes.

These guys podcasts are reeeaaally long but they have a good series on Amelia Earhart. I listen at work when I have a lot of time to kill.
They can be a bit annoying since they’re so unwilling to criticize anyone tho

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Moms and Murder. It's the only one I've found that isn't political or stupid reddit level humor. After getting my degree in history I can't stand most history podcasts. It's like listening to children pretending to be adults. Though something I heard in the early 00's made me think about going back to school to get my degree. "A history of the world in 100 items" or something like that.

Have you checked out Coffee With Scott Adams?

I haven't, but I've liked him whenever I've seen him interviewed. I'll subscribe to it and listen next week.

Hollywood Handbook and Teacher's Lounge. Occasionally Comedy bang bang and Threedom. Looking for a good history podcast where I can learn a lot.

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The Bryan guy was the inspiration for Randal from Clerks too

You can tell Bry and Walt arecwhere Kev got his sense of humour from. They're about 1000x times funnier than him too.

> all LA alt comedy types have to be woke WHITE MAN EVIL annoying fags at all times now
At least the wamen and darkies are participating in it honestly and directly, which is 100x better than desperate faggy white boys like Doughboys or Hollywood Handbook. What I want to know is how many times are they going to go back to the well for more
>you know who reeeally needs more representation: WHITE MEN amirite??
and are they going to pretend to ""discover"" this new rich mind vein every single time?

His entire WW1 series still gives me chills

Hey guys, Kike Kevin here.

The show is basically just Henry constantly going "hey look at me I'm a whacky sperg" and Marcus' horrible fake laugh. Ben is the only good part of the group on the show. I saw them live and consistently asked myself why I was even at the show the entire time.

Spotted the cuck.


Pick one.

sleepycast is the only comedy podcast worth listening to

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no agenda
i was listening to the dick show but i realized his fans were all fags

good week
weird coincidence since sven was gone

Common Filth
Cum Town
and alternatively, if you want a gaming one: Nostalgia Wound

>Hamish and Andy
>Emperors of Rome
>The History of England
>In Our Time
>Hardcore History
kys yourselves faggots

r/chapo please go

Have sex

isn't cumtown that political one? at first I heard it was comedic but I don't want to listen to another current events comedy shits anymore


literally just a replacement for radio focused on what you want, not much soi about that you fag

cumtown is 99% apolitical despite being affiliated with multiple shitty political podcasts

most of my choices, most of these have devolved into garbage now but I like to try and keep up if I can stomach them

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you're thinking of chapo. cumtown is the "what if a retarded chinese guy was gay" podcast

ah you're right chapo was the one I was thinking of

Yeah I'd agree with that

After a while they began to run out of material, and instead of doing what the Paranormies did and browse the chans for deep conspiracy shit (PN were way ahead of everyone else on Elsagate, for example), they just started doing creepypasta and shitty one-off eps.

HH is more about the drama inherit in massive events and wars rather than a dry retelling of the story. The vibe you should be getting from HH is Grandpa sitting in his reclining chair telling you about history in front of the fireplace in the 1920s. He derives all of his content from real sources so quotations tend to be what you'd find there. The only people who hate on HH are neckbeard historians who scream "ACKCHUALLY THE MONGOLS DIDN'T LEAVE A "LITERAL" MOUNTAIN OF SKULLS! A MOUNTAIN IS VERY TALL AND WOULD DWARF A CITY"

>guest explains the various factions, supporters, motivations and likely outcomes involved with the Congo military upheaval
>"cor, that's a right muck-up, innit? isslike, wots even gonn 'appen?"

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History of Rome is podcast kino

Jocko is okay these days

When he's not shilling something he can actually be interesting if the guest is good

Sometimes its just total waffle though

Here's a short animated if you want to get a feel for the humor, other than taht just pick any episode, theyre all good youtube.com/watch?v=_Vlk2XXA8ik

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unironically this

>so many posts about Cum Town
how pleb is Yea Forums?


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sometimes I find the way he talks to be so grating, just the odd pauses and tempo just makes me feel uncomfortable especially when he's reading things. I've never been able to make it through his audiobook

What's the cum town/chapocels relation? I always see them mentioned together.

This is a good opinion to have if you have never heard another comedy podcast

>late 90s/early 2000s episodes of loveline
>local sports talk radio
>jocko willink depending on book of the week

was this supposed to be funny?


some of the hosts used to be roommates and both pods got popular around the same time via the host's twitter followings. nowadays there isn't much overlap and chapo distanced themselves somewhat from cumtown's humor.

Based Melvyn doesn't take shit from anyone. He's especially impatient with the Americans on the show who can never make their points as succinctly and clearly as their British counterparts.

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chapofags are the worst types of leftists and cumtown makes fun of them quite a bit. the hosts are all friends in real life and have been on eachothers shows except nick on chapo. i dont even think nick is a leftists, he just claims to be one as protection so he can shit on them more.

Best skit was the Dr. Mengele healthcare bit. I think it was ep 365 or something

Jake and Amir own a massive podcast network,multiple of their own podcast, they produce videos and tv show, have a luractive patreon and run a lot of ads on everything they do. They are multi millionaires dude, they perform live on top of that.

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