> >If I post reddit memes people won't think I'm from reddit
Austin Smith
Who cares, get a life
Bentley Collins
chill harloff
Noah Carter
reddit letter media
Nathan Perry
Fuck off and get some real friends.
Nathan Cruz
why is there always a thread up
Nathan Ramirez
James Rivera
In order: Sneed Chuck
Logan Young
Should there be a RLM general?
James Butler
Mike and Jay. The rest are ok, most because of the discussions with Mike. Rich is beyond cancer.
Henry Thomas
I make enough money to have a lot of free time to watch them often and fangirl about them; my illustration and graphic design hobby became my full time job; I have a family that cares about me; and I have the cutest girlfriend. I have a life and post about how much I love RLM because I can
Jason White
Primary team: Aidsmoby Secondary team: Aidsmoby Special team: Aidsmoby
Levi Thomas
This. They can just make Mac full time and never bring back BeardFat or AIDSMoby. We could be entering a new era of RLM kino.
Charles Baker
And yet you're an utterly pathetic betamale
Ethan Kelly
Mike, Jay and the Canadians are probably my favorite team.
Leo Lewis
I'm a chick actually. Nice try, incel
Carter Hill
Trannies aren't women
Christian Evans
Mike and Rich talking about Star Trek. I'd watch an entire channel full of that. Rich is pretty much right with everything he says about Trek. It's eerie.
James' Rental Reviews is not only a ripoff of RedLetterMedia, it has the authenticity of something created by a soulless research and demographic committee