Has The Rock finally surpassed Arnold?

Has The Rock finally surpassed Arnold?

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lol, hell fucking now.
there is literally no action actor that will surpass arnold.

name 1 iconic rock movie

He doesn't really have iconic roles that Arnold had (Conan, Terminator) or cult movies (Predator, Total Recall).
Also apart from "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?" from his wrestling days The Rock doesn't have any cult quotes.

he has not made anything on the level of Conan The Barbarian, therefore he has not (and I actually like The Scorpion King)

Not even close

scorpion king or course

No and he never will. Arnold was an icon, the rock just costars in garbage.

The Rock has not starred in a single actually good film. Arnold did popcorn flicks, but he also did films that were critically quite well received and interesting. And even the action films had a big lasting impact on society and culture. Terminator, Conan, etc.

Yes, I know Conan predates the 82 film, but

The Rock is the bigger box office draw, but he's just part of forgettable culture. Think about how many "Arnold" characters have appeared in media since then. The big buff German is a stock character now that we don't even question it. It's all based on Arnold.

Hah, no man, the Rock has a modicum of charisma but his movies are generally arsewater.

They're both shit, no awards, both appeared in dozens of movies with about 3 being decent

the only reason people are doing this comparison is because the rock is buff.

>Terminator 1 and 2
>Total Recall
>True Lies
>Last Action Hero
>Conan the Barbarian
>Fast and Furious 5, 6, 7, 8
>Pain & Gain
>San Andreas

>Yes, I know Conan predates the 82 film, but

Forgot to finish that thought.

Conan predates the 82 film, but Arnold's depiction solidified the "barbarian" character type in the popular consciousness, as well as what Conan is. That's for good and for bad, as the actual stories and depictions differ quite a bit from Conan.

And now comedies
>Jingle All the Way
>Kindergarten Cop
>Central Intelligence
>The Game Plant

Fast and Furious

>implying anyone will ever surpass Arnold

Pain & Gain

Fuck off, Dwayne

He should start the whole surpassing thing by starring in at least one good movie


More like Arnold surpassed The Rock in starring in shitty flicks

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Rock wins there. Toothfairy isn't as much of an abomination as Junior.

It's impossible unless he figures out how to go back in time and take Arnolds place in the movies he starred in. You just can't make that sort of movie anymore and have it be as awesome as it was back then. He missed the golden age of action kino. He could try to reboot his career (I know he doesn't need to reboot, he is the rock) and work in movies that are more grounded and realistic, but he isn't doing that. His movies are basically capeshit except for like, "Baywatch" and "Pain and Gain." I would like to see him take on some more serious roles, and I would also like to see the action genre taken more seriously like it used to.

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I'd unironically say Jumanji 2 is iconic just for bitching TLJ so hard they wanna release 3 at the same time as Ep. IX

The Rock hasn't made a good movie, Zoomer.

the rock is only popular in USA, literally nowhere else in the world do people give a flying fuck about him and his shitty self-absorbing movies

arnold is forever

Rampage. But it had nothing to do with the Rock

If Rock wanted to be a serious threat to Arnie then he should have jumped onto the MCU bandwagon the first chance he got.

it's funny to me that fast and furious poster is probably a phoneposter


Are you challenged or something son ?

The closest the Rock has come to kino is Jumanji. Arnold has multiple certified, time-tested kinos on his resume and will therefore go down as the GOAT.

The Rock was a great fucking action thriller but I fail to see what it has to
do with Arnold.

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Junior was kino

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Anrold was good at picking roles, and he also was in the era of mid-budget films that could be more experimental.

We remember them as big films, but remember, both RobotCop and Predator are pretty cheap films. Same with Ghost busters. Even with inflation facotred in these films only cost like 30 million dollars, where 90 million is the bare minimum for a big film today. You need to wow audiences and have lots of spectable for the Chinese who barely have any education and don't know English.


Its not really the rocks fault movies just suck nowadays

Yes, and?

The Rock has literally never made a single good movie.

Show me a Rock equivalent of this then we'll talk.

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>the rock is only popular in USA, literally nowhere else in the world do people give a flying fuck about him and his shitty self-absorbing movies

Is this bait? Rock films are huge overseas, and he's a leading actor in the Fast and Furious series which is like the most popular shit in the third world.

I'm using the same metric of good that the Swarzenegger movies use. Otherwise neither one of them made a good movie.

I have the dubious pleasure of having seen almost everything with The Rock. His recent action movies (Rampage, Skyscraper, San Andreas) are alright, but there's something really missing there. He's got a lot of charisma, but most of his movies are just bland.

>only 3 good movies in there
Still 2 more good movies than the Rock


What a pile of shit that was. What was up the racist black cop too?

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Which part?

Arnold is "legendary status". He doesn't need to prove anything. He can make a bad movie but still never take away from his past achievements.

The Rock is still "pretty good/great" status. He has some decent movies, but there is still a risk of him messing up with a string of failures and ruining the later half of his career.

He worked with some great directors tho - John Milius, John McTiernan, Paul Verhoeven, James Cameron, Ivan Reitman and Walter Hill.
Except for Michael Bay all of Rock's directors were literally who hacks.

Why? He looks old.

Terminator, Terminator 2, Total Recall, Predator, Command, True Lies, and Conan are all very good. Some of the others are OK.

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Only 3 good movies from Arnie. Only Red Sonja is bad, rest is pure kino

The Rock > The Rock

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Damn...is this real?