ITT: Movies you watched more than 2 Times on the Cinema

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Captain Marvel made over a billion dollars.
Have sex.

Spider-man: Homecoming. Only film I watched in cinemas that I really wanted to rewatch again. It was weird. I don't really like it that much after rewatching.

I was Watchmen three times and Lego Movie Twice. And Guardians of the Galaxy. With those last two, I spent a part of a few years across the country and on visits to my lady, I'd take her to see whatever Chris Pratt was in that week.

Weird, I find Homecoming really soulless

three times. it was absolute kino and watching it at home just doesn't come close to what i felt in the theater.

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Fucking kino

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None. I never went more than one time for a movie.

>been gone a few days
>check catalogue
>no Alita general
wtf happened bros?

Still no Blu-Ray
Still no VoD
Still only Camrips


SW: Clone Wars, and only because my family was getting free tickets both times
And unironically OPs pic related, once to check it out and see if it was any good, a second time in 3D, and a third on its last day in theatres near me



>seething this hard

>Few days
Its been over a week breh, quite a few anons went to discord. Until the BR drops.


Why was this movie only enjoyed by certified transgender people?
Were they attracted to the theme of, becoming a real girl?
Is it just a transgender pinnochio?

Alita is the only movie I've ever watched more than once in theaters. Saw it 3 times and am gonna buy the 4k DVD, another thing I've never done before.

imma mostly straight dude (just some gay shit a few years ago, learned I can’t stand dude smell, or bodies...or mouths) who finds most trannies pretty silly and I loved it

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Why? It was shit.

>the theme of, becoming a real girl
That's not even a theme in the movie. Watch it, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

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It has absolutely everything you could hope for in a sci-fi action movie, to the point where it feels like the movie was tailor-made to my tastes. It's a perfect blockbuster action film and it's a shame it only made twice the revenue it was expected to.

I saw RAMBO (2008) multiple times. Also Dredd. And of course, Alita: Battle Angel. Only those 3 have I gone to more than once.

Who here #spendgame? We’re making it to number one yall!

The Sneedsons Movie

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They got banned with all the shady shit that a janny was doing look hereAlso burn in hell

>Mad Max Fury Road
>Into the Spider-Verse
>Blade Runner 2049

Love how Alitards singlehandedly killed the "everything James Cameron does is fucking based" meme

140 times, or 130, I don't remember

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Considering you guys don't even have decent humor and literally hate Yea Forums memes yet still after being banmed after almost 600 threads, still post here instead of reddit like the safespace you want, I'd say you guys are pretty seething. Also remember how you guys banned me for sneaking in that liveleak chinese gore and grotesque animal shit within 5 seconds lol? Little bitches. Hope that gave the tranny nightmares. Bet she cried too.

Marvel is never going to top Jimbo and his blue people. Keep crying marvel drones.

we were exiled but we live.

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>banned for liveleak gore and grotesque animal shit
>you guys are pretty seething

Imagine being so autistic that you defend a caucasiam-chink mutant cheap CGI kids movie against some Captain Marvel autist shills. Freaks. I live pretty close to the Huntington Beach meetup from a weeks ago like 30 mins away in SoCal too. Been getting really high lately. Maybe I'll drop by and give you a greeting lol. You faggots can't aim for shit I bet either.

bad bait

Nothing I said had anything to do with Marlel it's a fact because this thread is just shitting on you brony tier fags. Cope harder.

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None of us live in Huntington Beach and next time we meet up we're going to do it somewhere else

>The /Alita/ menace
Get a life you turbovirgins.

it’s (you) again. never did post your wrist, you seething fat fuck.


It was HILARIOUS! That asian tranny you all orbit with the pink name on the Discord was talking about gay cute animal videos and I decided to post 2 cute ones to gain trust.
Then she went "Oh, can you post more before I go to sleep?" Then I said "Sure, I'll post more!"
Then I posted like 10 of the most abhorrent liveleak gore and animal gore/diseased and parasite webms and you got so freaked that you banned me in literally 5 seconds. Quickest ban I've seen. Not that tough huh lol. Would love to see you guys freak when you see a couple of your own idiot kids bleeding on the floor. Wouldn't know what to do I bet.

Wrong guy. I'm the one who made the screenshots and called the character a chink which you all promptly mass reported me for "racism".
Keep grouping multiple people as one guy. It'll only get you guys into a worse spot than you are, morons.

Idc if you don't live in it, I'm close enough that once I get your addresses, I'll be able to drive over to your places. You still live somewhere near it.

whatever you say fatboy. you sound very impressive.

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Formerly once

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Oooohh. So YOU'RE the fat spic that was talking to the other guy calling you a fat spic a couple threads ago. Nah, I just post the mobilepost screenshot. Others post the rest of the screenshots. Lol, you're memes are so trash. Tell me, what's it like growing up without a father?

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Seriously reddit is a type and enter away

It's interesting that you think we have any control over whether you get banned or not

You're pretty crazy we need you back to give us more power

You look kinda tilted there friend, maybe you should take a break from Yea Forums and make some friends.

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Is this another thinly veiled lolli - lita pedo wank thread? I thought these were banned?

go watch the movie user

it's adorable how frustrated they get by a single movie.

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16 times each at many different premium theaters totaling well over 1500 miles of travel combined.

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Why cant they get over that most people liked this movie?

When will you faggots release a dvd version of this

SIX times no homo!

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I'm so glad /alita/ is dead. I enjoyed posting in there but after 3 weeks it became way too much of a circle jerk and it lived LONG past its expiration date.

July 9th, unless some fag goes to a hotel and rips it

I'm glad we can have regular Yea Forums threads about alita outside of a general

Get back in your discord alitanigger.

>alita related thread
>its nothing but shitposting and trolling
Color me surprised.

Sneed happened.

Why does this film trigger so many people
I don't get it

Im kinda a big movie critic/buff so Naturally i watched every avenger movie 3+ times at the kinoma. Of course, pulp fiction remains as my highest with 5 viewings. Second with 4: Infinity war, Fight club, and Schindler’s list.

I don't think the movie triggers people all that much. What is at issue here is the Alita general was originally Yea Forums regulars having a good time posting about the movie when it was in the theater. Time past, the Yea Forums regulars moved on and a bunch of reddit tourist faggots took over the general. They shit the board up, spit in the face of Yea Forums, refused to respect board culture, namefagged, egofagged and in general just acted like a bunch of faggots. It took 600 threads or whatever for mods to finally get sick of their shit. What is worse those faggot tourists that ran the Alita general into the ground and got it banned have destroyed any hope of rational discussion about the film on Yea Forums. Whenever someone brings up Alita from now on butthurg fags will cry about the general being gone, trolls will come by and laugh at them and shitposting will abound. Fuck those reddit nigger tourists that destroyed the general and all future discussion about the movie. They infected the board with their cancer and Yea Forums is worse for it.

>All these plebbitors SEETHING over a cybergirl

>"It's YOU that wants the safespace!"
>...he cried, feeling unsafe.

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Yeah, nah.

I watched this as a low quality rip with Chinese subs. it was okay.
formerly bad.

I like how you just exposed you've been parked in those threads.

>paragraph posting
>b-b-but YOU'RE from reddit!

>gets triggered by posts with more then 140 characters
Go back to twitter cunt

>Knows the exactly technical limits of twatter.
go back

>pothead :D

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>gets triggered by well known facts

>posted on reddit for 35 mintues before necroposting

>spends 35 minutes waiting for a reply
>finally gets the (you) they wanted
>immediately rushes back to respond
lmao at your life

Saw pic related 3 times.

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Why is every Alita thread so cancerous?

>see tab
wow so hard
how new?

>still fishing for (you)s
>is excited to get them
Not as new as (you)

>accuse others of that which you do

I remember seeing this in the theater with my dad. Good times

>can't help but fish for another (you) by calling out someone for for the same behavior they are guilty of
Maybe (you) should go look in the mirror.

Keep talking about yourself.

I know (you) are but what am I?

Something about it just triggers some dudes, idk why

I don't know why but I always thought it was mostly women posting in the alita general. That would explain all the egos, /soc/ posts and pointless conversations that filled those threads.

Lads there's this girl who goes to the same climbing centre I do and she looks exactly like Alita how do you talk to girls without spaghetti incidents?

>climbing centre
Start a conversation with her and use the line your "climbing partner" stood you up again. Work it into you and her doing some climbing. Then go for beers and burgers.

>H-hey, I got s-something for you to climb on if you want to get coffee first or s-something. Also did you see Alita: Battle angel based on the manga of the same name? I l-love Japanese culture haha. Anyway you look like her. She has big eyes but I think they're c-cute. Oh that's your boyfriend on the 5.11 wall? Wow he's got nice f-forearms haha. Anyway maybe I'll see you around
That's just a general script though

I haven't seen anything more than twice at the theater. I saw Speed Racer twice in one day and I saw The Fellowship of the Ring twice because there was a high school english class field trip. Don't recall any others.

This and I want to see KOTM again

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Because of marvel seethers