Just watched this flick and still feel like a pathetic alcoholic. Any other kino other than THERE WILL BE BLOOD?”

Just watched this flick and still feel like a pathetic alcoholic. Any other kino other than THERE WILL BE BLOOD?”

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is the only film about alcoholism worth watching, I'm afraid.

Under the Volcano. Don't listen to the retard.

Will check that out. Thanks! *chugs half pint of vodka*

Someone please help me I’m going off the deep end

any of you guys wake up with stabbing pains in both kidneys or is that just me lmao

only in one or my liver idk which
only after a binge


I seriously have never understood how people can still get drunk after 30. I used to think I was an alcoholic until I eventually grew to dislike the feeling of being buzzed/drunk and the hangovers became too severe.

Now I look back on my drinking days as some childish phase I went through. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you addictionfags?

Grow the fuck up already.

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If its on the left side that's your liver, though if your kidneys or liver are fucked you won't necessarily feel the pain in that part of your body, with my kidneys I feel it in my lower back and in my sides


Same. I'm only 20 and I'm pretty much over getting drunk. It's fun to have a drink or two but after that you hit the point of diminishing returns and the side effects get worse, it's only fun to do once in a while and still with some sense of moderation.

Wake in fright

The Lost Weekend

Might be the calm before the kidney stones. I just had to pass a couple and it was random days with varying levels of pain, then out of nowhere an hour or two of fucking hell just to pop out barely a pebble.

Congrats you cock sucking faggots. However you have not realized that there are people with high tolerance that can keep drinking as become enameled with the sweet escapism that is blacking out.

Spoken like a true and utter faggot. Insufferable.

those are people who haven't drunk enough to eventually become someone who drinks enough to blackout. They'll never understand
I don't even like blacking out, i wanna remember things. But it's an eventuality when i drink to my fill.

I’ve had that since I was 11 I think it’s a sleeping position thing not a boozing thing for me

Nice trips

Someone please help me I have a split personality when I get drunk that starts digging a hole in my backyard And prays to a dark lord

>trying to watch this
>close video 15 mins in every time
too close

its fun but i have too much boring adult shit to do now and i cbf to do it with a hangover.
>let's take this thing you don't really want to do
>and make it 10x worse
yeah, no. miss me with that.

get yourself inna mood al/ck/ies

Haha sounds like my weekday being hungover working until I get to the weekend and binge drink into a drunken stupor where I larp as a demonic entity


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I can’t keep doing this my family is slowly growing to hate me


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It's the only way to forget the pain.

Wake in Fright

I bought a bottle of cheap vodka and got half way through before I started my usual nonsense of stomping around like a monster and digging a hole in my backyard to fill with water so that it stagnates and become a cesspool for the next step in evolution. I woke up this morning on my living room floor

Days of Wine and Roses
Tin Tin, but that’s anti kino imho
just finished a whiskey and Mexican Coke with a lime wedge and cherry. Might make a margarita next.

>miss me with that
Fuck off, stop typing like a teenaged nigger

God I miss cheap vodka. I used to stash a bottle of those generic ABC vodkas that came in a plastic jug everywhere in my house and one in the trunk of my car.

I don’t even drink beer or wine. I go start off chugging a half pint of vodka every night and keep going til I’m gone. I think of offing myself a lot.

its been 72+ hours since ive had a drink, had a dumb crazy week before that


For some reason drinking alcohol makes me psychotic, not even joking. It goes away when I don’t drink. So I rarely do.

that’s pretty hardcore my man, but I smoke pot 24/7 and currently have a little ketamine (and I was much worse a few year ago) so I’m not really in a position to judge. Cheers

Well to be bloody honest I just recently quit in my 40s. Only thing that kept me going was gambling and social anxiety. It does suck in your 30s especially when all your friends are married with kids and they share a couple drinks with you at a pool hall or house party then you keep drinking and beg your married friends to "come on, taek one lsat shot wiht me ya pssuy!" and they take one last pity shot with your pathetic, drunken ass.

Damn I'm glad I grew the fuck up.

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So I’ve seen there will be blood, what’s the film in OPs post?

Me too. I start worshipping Lovecraftian entities and praying for a day that I might ascend and become a higher being. I’m losing my mind.


Leaving Las Vegas

10/10 you are a quality poster.

I only drink on weekends now to get the extra hangover recovery on Sunday, and just smoke on weekdays, it's a good system.

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great film

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Thanks dude, I’ll have to give it a watch

I know there's the DUDE WEED meme but seriously weed is better a lot of the time
I'm kind of big (6'2 but also chunky) and it always took large amounts of liqour to get me drunk, I was the guy in high school who could chug vodka bottles and not get ridiculously drunk, but hangovers were always there
I have NO IDEA how people enjoy drinking beer, it takes way too much to get a good buzz going and it's a lot of calories
With high ABV and cannabis you only need a little to get those nice tingly feelings and with cannabis you can have edibles or tinctures
I always had a low toleranace for cannabis and a joint would have me stoned all day
I just bought a half pound and I'm pretty sure it'll last me until Christmas
Alcohol is a meme that doesn't get good unless you spend $300+ on a bottle or use it when cooking

Currently 2 weeks sober. Hard not to celebrate with a shot... lol Fuck.

Being a functioning alcoholic is the worst. I can get wasted and still do great at work. So really no reason to stop other than I know down the line it'll fuck me. Makes it hard to rationalize why I shouldn't have a drink.

I usually drink 11 percent ABV and above beers, they do the job and are pretty drinkable. 6’3” overweight as well

Having kids and getting married isnt growing up user. And its sad you are so easily swayed by what others do with their life. I bet if your married friends jumped off a cliff you would too because "thats what adults do!!" Make your own life decisions and follow your own path dont follow others unless your too weak and just want validation in your life if thats the case marry the first chick you meet and start pumping out kids so you can show everybody how adult you are by doing what they did.

Fuck, the last time I went two weeks without drinking was well over a year ago now. I wish I could now, I remember how great my sleep was, after the 13th day without booze I slept like a log for 10 hours straight.

Well done anyway man. I know what you mean about the functioning shit, I managed to get through uni with a great grade despite the fact I drink shitloads. I almost wish I would get hospitalised from it and have a doctor tell me that I need to stop drinking so I can finally stop

I once got an d homeless lady to suck me off in my car.

I also once wandered off in the streets with some black guys who gave me meth and then beat me up and stole my phone and wallet. I woke up on the Main Street with no shoes and a blanket a kind soul gave me. I need help

I miss al/ck/

Who /dui/ here? I'm on my first. 80 percent of people with a first get a second

Why would you wander off alone with a pack of niggers?

Same, I usually wind up having full blown conversations with people I can see just behind my eyes. I usually snap out of it and remind myself they aren't real, but I've also gone off on friends for conversations I've had "with them" by myself. And that's on top of the meme definition "psychotic" shit that I won't even get into.

The liver is on your right side retard

I have no idea. Was the first and last time I ever smoked meth too. It’s the alcohol. Whenever I drink brandy I become more like a lunatic

since we're talking about issues cause by excessive amounts of alcohol, anybody else has their heart racing after a couple of drinks?
literally can't sleep after drinking because of this.

Tell me about you meme psychotic episodes. I’d love to see if they are like my insane deeds

thanks, man. And yeah, sleep as been great. Weird fever dreams every now and again, but wake up refreshed.

Hang in there, man. Rooting for you.

For me I have off and o periods of hearing voices, when I’m off the bottle continuously the voices become really loud and complex and they abstain when I stop

I’m losing my sanity...

Trees lounge, the master, ironweed, flight, etc What a fucking pleb.

I sometimes start imaginign im a different person who judges and loves/hates the real me, and tries to use his time to "fix my life"

I honestly don't know how I never got caught. I used to drive fucked up all the time. I don't really drink anymore so I don't do it anymore. One time I even got pulled over and the cop saw an open container in my back and just told me to pull over to a gas station and throw it away. Fucking based cop, and I'm not even white.

What movie is this

Someone please help me I can’t stop drinking and I want to stop. I want control of my life back. I just want a wholesome wife and kids

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ghost rider 2

Before I got mine, I had dozens of close calls. It's a losing game. You will always get caught after long enough. Good on you for stopping before it became inevitable

That’s some of the luckiest shit I’ve ever heard.

I grew up because I quit drinkin, not because I want to be like my friends, lol. I'm no longer a baby depending on a whiskey baby bottle to solve all my problems. I'm a grown man who faces life's hurdles without the aid of drugs. Ironically my married friends don't really drink much like they did when they were single, but have fallen for the "weed is good for you" meme. I just don't get why I needed to get high anymore. I'm single too and don't give a fuck if people think I'm a closet fag or pedo.

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t. booze

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My little brother got two in 3 months. He got one, started going to therapy and all that shit and got cocky and thought to himself, "no way they'll get me again".

Dummy found himself at a check point two months later. My parents shelled out about $30,000 to save him though, he never did a day in jail and not even an ignition switch thing that makes you blow into it.

Anyone knows how "Delirium Tremens" is like?
Any movies with that aesthetic?
Seems like a legal alternative for a psychedelic trip.

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Is there anything more annoying than recovering alcoholics with inflated egos who talk down to fellow alkie bros about there “virtuous godlike willpower to overcome vices blah blah”?
You’re also 40, and I thought I was pathetic
*chugs vodka*

Rum Diaries


Don't want to sound like a shithead like this guy said , but weed definitely helped me cut back. Cheaper, faster acting, and with little to no hangover.

Apart from that, see a doc that's willing to get you a good script to cut back, research your rehab clinics, and know that AA only works about 12% of the time: theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/04/the-irrationality-of-alcoholics-anonymous/386255/

I'm pullin for ya, we're all in this together.

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He couldn’t even use that boozy limp dick

idk if you've ever been to AA but this is literally the worst part about going to recovery. The worst are the guys that talk down to you but then try to relate, like you guys are all pieces of shit but I know how that shit be, I've been there myself. You know what I'm talking about bro *points to a guy fast asleep in the back*

I got one 5 years ago, stayed a friend's place but got pulled in the morning and as soon as I opened my mouth I realized I was still drunk. Cops were really nice tho told me how common "hangover" duis were. Think I'll stay in that 20% though. I do most my drinking at home and not that often these days.

Yeah I figured if I kept up with my same habits I'd either ruin my life with a dui, jail, or killing myself/someone else in a drunk driving accident.

This one right here, Bruce

just google "nick cage alcoholic movie", why are you so stupid?

I’ve been to AA once, it’s not for me. I can’t talk to random strangers about that kind of shit. But imagine it’d be like you describe: a bunch of egoists stroking themselves about how driven they are. To be fair my father (a former alcoholic) told me that despite all their flaws and such those guys have a found a simple way to stop drinking.

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this goes against pretty much every tenant of AA but I used to drink a case a day, I bottomed out, got fired from my job etc and I quit for a year, I fixed my life and I still drink to this day, but after 2-3 beers I call it an evening. Am I technically sober by AA standards? Fuck no, but is my life better for it? Of course it is.



I personally don't care if you choose to drink yourself to a premature death. Just telling you that life is way better when you're sober. I just shifted my focus from booze and drugs to money and fitness. Seems like a decent trade-off.

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some of us have self-control still. most of the people in AA can't think for themselves so they need some kind of dogma to routine their lives

Well, I picked up a homeless guy thinking I was gonna kill him and wound up driving around for hours smoking crack and drinking scotch before I decided to just rob back the shit he was trying to steal out of my car since I realized driving around blind drunk with a body in my front seat would be a bad idea. Then there's the usual drunk asshole stuff like starting fights. Not even trying to be edgy, it scares me when I wake up after doing shit like that which is why I've been getting serious about being sober.
I've totaled 3 cars drinking and driving and almost killed myself one of those times. Never gotten a dui. I think I emit some kind of pheromone that makes cops love me.

now this is some sweet sweet COPE

God and he posts a gay inspo pic of what he thinks is his ideal self, a tattooed homo. Nice one bro. Please stay out of this thread unless you have good stories to tell

If you got hangovers on the regular you weren't an alcoholic.

The real key to quitting is to remove whats making you drink in the first place. Like the other user said see a Dr, there are drugs that can help Naltrexone, Acamprosate, etc. If you decide to stop on your don't cold turkey. and follow this


Good luck user, t. al/ck/

What a fucking cringey tryhard.

Anyone else have really vivid and almost lucid nightmares when they don't drink?

Almost 6 years clean and will literally neck myself with a box cutter if I ever go back. I dont go to meetings, but they did help for the first couple years

*cracks open brandy*

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thats because you never had to raise a family.

jesus christ what a faggot you are. that picture, the way you post. good god

Stay mad, bloated and drunk, my friend.

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I thought we told you to stay out of this thread grandpa

>DTs seem like a legal psychedelic trip

I wouldn't wish the DTs on a single fucking soul. I scraped the bottom of DTs - not even the full-blown thing - and it was the single worst thing that's ever happened to me. It's not a fun LSD trip. You can't trust your senses, you have an overwhelming sense that the world is a sinister and dangerous place, and your heartbeat and blood pressure are at go-to-the-ER levels. There is not a single fucking thing fun about DTs.

Adults tell their kids not to drink yet the parents drink themselves. Why would you ingest something you wouldn't even want your kids to ingest? Makes shitty sense.

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How much did it lasted?


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because a drunk kid is more annoying than faggot like yourself.

I want a cute wife guys.

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>a former alchy talking shit

>He still gets hungover.
What have I become.

I chug like a liter of water before I got to bed. The solution to pollution is dilution

Someone post their drunk stories

pic unrelated? wasted satanic trips

Post pics of the hole

Literally just don't drink from the bottle and alternate water and alcohol. God you faggots are dumb.

Fellow Yabba men I see

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My grandfather had DT's when he decided to dry out in the early 80's after drinking for 30 years. He was shaking so bad he couldn't walk they had to wheel him in detox and saw the infamous spiders on the walls in rehab.

I keep digging and then I fill it with water and stare at the reflection of the moon as I delve deeper into my drunkenness. I have fantasies of a giant amazon goddess sorcerer who uses the water to grow life. The appeal is in the water being stagnant and rotten. I don’t know why i do it or where the idea came from

I want a wholesome cute wife that I can hold tight and suck her toes if she wants me to

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I just want a girl with the mind of a blonde bimbo and the body of amelie.

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I just warned an old friend of mine to stop drinking and get help before he becomes a felon, well too late he's now a 2nd DUI felon.
I tried to warn him, even offered to take him to meetings but he was just so horribly awkward he would never go. Well, I guess now he'll be forced to if he wants to stay out of jail, strange how that works

That's stupid. I drink like a fish and never drive drunk.

Why do people even drive that drunk for? What are they trying to prove to the world other than they're faggots?

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Bad decision making skills, whether it's an underlying thing or just happens when they drink.
One thing I was told in recovery is that you can never guarantee what will happen once you start drinking. I, myself, can be anxious and excitable so I do dumb shit without thinking about it as it is. Throw alcohol into the mix...

I always drive drunk because I want to go home and not have to spend $20 each way to uber. It's bad logic, but not everything people do is a calculated attempt to prove something to everyone like you and that fag in your pic do.

When your blackout drunk your habit kicks in. Since most people are used to driving home thats what happens. I always used to make eggs in the morning so when I would get blackout drunk and hungry id go downstairs and make eggs and trash the stove top

I used to leave frozen pizza in the oven, pass out and wake up with a black, fossilized, stinking coal statue in the oven the next day.

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>posts shirtless man who's about as straight as Morrisey
>calls anyone else gay
Wow. I hate drunk driving too but you're a moron

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>One thing I was told in recovery is that you can never guarantee what will happen once you start drinking. I, myself, can be anxious and excitable so I do dumb shit without thinking about it as it is. Throw alcohol into the mix...
Sounds like retarded enabling AA/NA horseshit. I have relatives who are basically lifelong religious zealots with that shit, I cannot fucking stand it. The worse thing that as ever happened to me from drinking too much is puking and then going to fucking sleep. Usually just the latter.


This is way funnier than it should be

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It's not all horseshit. I have 6 years sober but never did any of the steps and stopped going about halfway through. I feel bad for some of the lifelong thumpers though, it's really all that some of them have left. Good on the ones genuinely doing it out of their heart. I get what you mean about the zealotry though, they have study groups where they study The Big Book similar to the bible.

>tfw want to drink a 6 pack of high abv and get completely shit faced
when does it end bros

happened to me and had to go to work with bad smelling clothes

dumb Yea Forumsedditor

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fuck off college kid LARPer this is the alcoholic thread



How old is this female?

Im 37 and lost my gf and kid because of my problems. I can only feel happy when drinking but I have started seriously considering suicide because I cant keep living this way. I dont really know what to do. My parents want me to attend AA but that spiritual stuff isnt for me. I want to fix my life but I have no idea how and Im so used to being alone I dont know how to get help.
Maybe I will get blackout drunk and finally man up and kill myself.

This thread has me really torn about the michelob ultra I just drank.

AA has spiritual aspects, not so much religious. Get yourself into an outpatient alcohol treatment program, the group sessions and Q&A can be very helpful.
Good luck

Please answer this question

aussie hospitality worker here, isnt that a schooner?

AA for athiests, AA for the secular will return some results.

lol what the fuck.
I just put a pizza in the oven and forget about it until the firemen come.

Your liver doesn’t have pain receptors so it’s probably gallbladder or your liver is enlarged and it is pushing your other organs against your ribs

>drink bottle of wine
>feel nothing


Favorite well vodka?

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>2 DUIs
How is he a felon? Did he hit a car or something?

I learned after the first one and the 5k it cost me

Make no mistake. There is not one single thing fun about DTs. It’s a waking nightmare

Drunk driving is cool and fun. I have never driven home drunk and not get laid.

Same happened to me. Some dudes got inside my apartment and shut the oven down and took the pizza out. They tried to open the window all the way, but I drunkenly stopped them. The fucking smoke stank for weeks (probably in everyone else's apartment too.
I guess they were firemen, I dunno. I didn't even wake up for the fire alarm. I think I passed out on the floor after they left and people could probably see me from the window.

Sober people are the new vegans. Gotta give everyone little trinkets of advice.

DUI is a felony in some states user

Soviet tank brake fluid

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Great for sapping various Vitamin Bs out of your system. Specifically B1.

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I'm not an alcoholic, but every other week or so I'll have one night where I get drunk. Every single time I do this I'll wake up in the middle of the night feeling like my heart is about to beat out of my chest. Used to drink more often but this along with worsening hangovers has made me change that.

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I guess you'd rather be banging a 4/10 beergut thot with stank cig and weed breath and funky body odor.

While I'll be banging a 10/10, fit, classy, smart, mature woman with zero gut, breath and body that smells like roses that offers trinkets of healthy advice.

Sucks to be you, user.

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I just want a cute wholesome wife that wears cardigans and turtle necks and raises my children. I would lick every part of her

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Describe the experience, please

Trees Lounge is incredible.

I can’t drink tonight but that okay because I need to stop forever

Withnail and i

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~12 hours until I was tranquilized.

That's withdrawal. Once your body has started experiencing withdrawal, there's no way back, and it will take less and less booze to trigger it. Enjoy.
t. alchy

I injured a family of 4 drunk, pretty severely too, but my dad is a hot shot lawyer so I got off with 90 days in rehab lol

Cool, you still have to atone to God, as you know


I like fireball and I don't give a fuck if you think it's shit FUCK YOU

Fireball is okay if you're 16 or a woman.

What if I'm both?

Then you're a tranny

Nah I'm a 29 year old dude who can't drink liquor straight anymore


LLV is the best but I also liked Barfly

Yeah. That's one of the reasons I stopped binge drinking years ago. Your liver can regenerate, but the tiny blood vessels (nephrons) in your kidneys cannot. I probably have chronic kidney disease, even though I stopped drinking nearly 5 years ago.

One of the big reasons I want to quit is my mum is a nurse and has told me stories of guys coming in vomitting and shitting blood because one of their arteries burst. The artery burst because their liver was fucked and caused the veins to harden. It's fucking terrifying shit to me.

I binge drank from about 21 to 34 & only stopped after I nearly drank myself to death multiple times in those last months. In your early 20s, your liver can metabolize alcohol really quickly. But after 30 the hangovers do get worse. Alcohol is among most addictive addictive drugs there are, maybe only 2nd to heroin. And stopping cold turkey can kill you due to alcohol dependence (it's like my heart needed it to function, & not drinking gave me a painful irregular heartbeat). Addiction isn't about being "immature", it's about how certain substances train your brain & rewire your dopamine (reward) system. Weed is fine though. Weed can even help with hangovers, & can even help repair your liver.

>zoomerfags not knowing Leaving Las Vegas
kys all of you

you should try to find this movie user
its eye opening

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You need to taper down. Based on the volume you're drinking, figure out how many standard drinks that is. Then the next day drink one less. Until you drink nothing. Transition to marijuana edibles.

I only stopped when I realized how much I had fried my kidneys & liver & brain, & knew if I drink again I would destroy my kidneys, & I'm still dealing with stuff like that years later.

dont listen to this stoner
weed is a loser's drug of choice

If you seriously want to stop drinking, first figure out how many standard drinks you drink in a day. One "standard drink" has about 14g ethanol which is in: 12oz 5% ABV beer, 5oz 12% ABV wine, or 1.5oz 40% liquor. The next day, drink 1 less drink. You need to taper down from the alcohol. Until you're drinking nothing. Alcohol is one of the only drugs where if you quit cold turkey it can kill you due to physical dependence (personally I got an irregular heartbeat at the time & I think I even had a seizure but I think I had some missing time). Then switch to marijuana edibles.

>the "weed is good for you" meme.
there is medical marijuana people ingest, but there not really any medical alcohol that people ingest. sure, centuries ago people might have swigged alcohol while someone was getting their leg amputated.

the point is that marijuana is medicine and alcohol is poison. that's why alcohol is in hand sanitizer. yeast produce alcohol as a waste product after consuming sugars where there is no oxygen. and the alcohol kills bacteria. alcohol is poison.

>Seems like a legal alternative for a psychedelic trip.
Sure, if you want a 1000% bad trip that lasts a month.

Sounds you you took the Randy Marsh pathway (South Park S9E14 Bloody Mary). He doesn't stop drinking, he just drinks a lot less. Although I've read no amount of alcohol is safe.

Oh wow, this genius has solved hangovers! It's about how many GRAMS of ethanol you've consumed (and your body weight), not how much liquid you've consumed, you retard.

>I don’t know why i do it or where the idea came from
Stir of Echoes (1999) with Kevin Bacon?

Then you'll have to make money. No, women don't care if how you make money is legal or not.

Want me to stream making old fashioneds and getting drunk off my ass? We can talk about movies.

Sweet, delicious escapist poison.

>The worse thing that as ever happened to me from drinking too much is puking and then going to fucking sleep.
It all depends on your age, your bodyweight, & how much alcohol you drink.

>alcohol is poison
>that's why it's in disinfectant

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1) Figure out how many standard drinks you drink in a day. One "standard drink" has about 14g ethanol which is in: 12oz 5% ABV beer, 5oz 12% ABV wine, or 1.5oz 40% liquor.
2) The next day, drink 1 less drink. You need to taper down from the alcohol. Until you're drinking nothing.

Alcohol is one of the only drugs where if you quit cold turkey it can kill you due to physical dependence. Then switch to smoking marijuana or eating marijuana edibles.

>stop drinking alcohol and instead inhale carbon
So trade liver cancer for lung cancer. Great.
With industry ramping up, you really think mariwhuana isn't going to end up the same as tobacco? It'll be loaded with as much chemicals and pesticides and fertilizer as your average pack of Kools down at the corner store.

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Chronic alcoholism can cause a "water hammer pulse."

"a pulse that is bounding and forceful, rapidly increasing and subsequently collapsing,[2] as if it were the sound of a waterhammer that was causing the pulse."

I remember having water hammer pulse a few times when I was still binge drinking.

I hope these alcoholic threads don't become a regular thing like they did on /ck/

Those threads were great. Found a lot of off-the-beaten-path whiskies in those threads that were a lot easier to get than Blanton's.

I'm 31 now and I got one when I was 21. Worst decision I ever made in my life. I was a delivery driver at the time and I got fired. I had to take a 3 month DUI course, license suspended for 6 months and the fines added up to around $5,000. The scary thing is that there were many other times before I got my DUI where I was way more fucked up and had no business being behind the wheel. I haven't drove after drinking since then and I never will for as long as I live.

Everything seems overwhelming and it is a lot of shit to deal with, but if you just get through all of the legal stuff you'll move on and eventually get back to a normal life.

al/ck/ threads were fucking awesome and if /r9k/'s initial shutdown has shown anything is that if you take away people's place to discuss something they'll move to other boards to do it.

Weed will keep your social life intact, but degrade your professional one. Alcohol will impact your social life deeply, but there is a chance you can keep your professional life intact if you're not drunk at work.

I don't know any stoners that have jobs above ~$25k a year or so, but I know tons of alcoholics that make bank idk.

There is no hangover with weed. Weed can even help you deal with hangovers, because weed has anti-inflammatory properties (and inflammation is one of the main things in a hangover). Marijuana edibles aren't too much different from being drunk.

If you see a bum on the street, are they there because of weed? No. Alcohol. Or heroin. Which are also the 2 hardest drugs to stop.

There is no physical dependence with weed. You can stop weed cold turkey. If you stop alcohol cold turkey you can die.

i used to do alcohol and weed at the same time. then i was only doing alcohol for years (and weed would have helped with the recovery). but weed is better than alcohol in every way (except if you need to sanitize something).

I think it changes depending on the state you're in
it's a pint though

Anons help. I accidentally Killing Them Softly instead of there blood movie
Do I really have to see both? Gandolfini was atrocious.

Trees Lounge is a great movie

yeah. what i said.

look at this picture.

hand sanitizer. kills 99% of germs.

active ingredient: ethyl alcohol (aka ethanol, aka alcohol).

purpose: antimicrobial.

the reason that alcohol and vinegar are used to preserve food, is because they are poisonous to nearly all bacteria. alcohol is also poisonous to the human body. ever heard of alcohol poisoning?

that's why beer was safe to drink in ancient times, when water might not have been. the waste products of yeast (alcohol if the yeast consumes sugars without oxygen, vinegar if the yeast consumes sugars with oxygen) kill bacteria, which allows yeast to flourish in the presence of sugars.

alcohol is a poison. alcohol is a disinfectant. that's why prostitutes will use vodka (a "whore's bath") to clean their pubic areas.

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I'm afraid to watch it, I'm 3 weeks sober and it might encourage me to drink.

first of all, even with smoking, marijuana smokers have lower lung cancer rates than tobacco smokers, because cannabinoids like thc and cbd promote apoptosis (programmed cell death) so old & diseased cells die (& get replaced with new healthy cells), whereas cancer is where a cell basically forgets how to die & becomes immortal & keeps replicating (metastasizes). and marijuana can even help repair liver damage due to alcoholism. and the anti-inflammatory properties of thc and cbd act as neuroprotectants in the brain.

second of all, you can vaporize marijuana below the combustion point, & just inhale the cannabinoids.

third of all, the experience on marijuana edibles is similar to being pleasantly drunk. but there is no hangover.

Alcohol wakes me up too. Not heart racing but I can't use it to get to sleep anymore, I stay up all night. Which sucks because I used to use it just for that purpose

One of the reasons I became an alcoholic is because I loved watched movies drunk. Alcohol made bad movies fun to watch & made good movies even better. I felt like I was into the movie more. And any suspension of disbelief was gone. It got so I had to drink to watch any movie, I never wanted to watch a movie sober. It nearly killed me.

You must be drinking it wrong. I use my mouth and it exhausts me a couple hours later.

Always further to fall.

I shit on my friends couch and just got two public intox.

Personally I quit watching movies while drunk. Kept waking up half remembering one and having to rewatch it.

Its hard to detect but alcohol just fucks so much shit up in the background. Like you can do everything just fine, but that is all you can do at best. You just make more mistakes, get more emotional, have more interpersonal difficulties beyond your control. There just is no chance of improvement on a lot of fronts. And your health is garbage. Stomach pain, always waking up feeling shitty, malnutrition, and horrible sleep.
I know how you feel, but believe me you will marvel at how alcohol was subtly fucking with.

I stopped drinking and driving after I drove into the loading section of a train yard and had the cops called on me. Amazingly the cops drove me and my car back to my old apartment, because it was the address on my license, and let me off with a warning. Keep in mind, this was in a big city and I was blackout drunk at the time. I was fucking surprised when I woke up in my bed and not in county jail.

>marijuana poisoning isn't real and is a conspiracy Big Alcohol cooked up to keep marijuana down
Uh huh.

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That was actually part of the draw for me. I felt like I needed to watch every movie drunk and also watch it again sober. And watching it again sober, my memory of it would be so bad that it would almost be like watching it for the first time again.

Going through the legal stuff right now, thanks you very much for this post user.

>Number of calls to poisoning centers increased after legalization

Gee, it's probably because they're getting poisoned and not because inexperienced users are tripping their minds off.

Yeah, guess that's why they gotta stay in the hospital for a bit to be treated for poisoning. Mark my words, marijuana poisoning rates are going to increase to alcohol poisoning rates before you know it. I'm not saying beer is better than weed, but I am saying you hold no moral or intellectual high ground by preferring one vice over another.

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a scenario where someone calls a poison center over marijuana (likely edibles related) is a million times better than a scenario where someone calls a poison center for alcohol (or any other drug, even aspirin, even tylenol). it's easier to overdose on tylenol, an over-the-counter pain reliever (which is also the #1 cause of acute liver failure). but cannabinoids are pain-relievers. and the pain-relief of tylenol is because it gets metabolized into a cannabinoid, AM404:


but before tylenol gets metabolized into AM404, it's metabolized into toxic NAPQI (which is why tylenol is the #1 cause of acute liver failure)

those phonecalls are probably because people ate a marijuana edible, didn't feel anything for an hour, ate another one, repeat, and then had a heart-racing (tachycardia) paranoid freakout with all the thc in their body. but they didn't die from an overdose. that's the point. they had a "bad trip."

there have been rare cases where someone eats too much marijuana edibles & jumps off a balcony, or shoots themself, or maybe crashes their car, but in each of those cases, they didn't overdose on thc, they died due to gravity, or blood less from a bullet, or blunt force trauma from a car. basically, they were doing risky activities that were made even riskier by being intoxicated.

>miss me with that.
i fucking hate you so fucking much you stupid fucking faggot

Now show me a chart in Colorado that compares alcohol deaths vs marijuana deaths.

Someone wanting to go the ER because they ate too many edibles & are freaking the fuck out is a lot different than a kid drinking a jug of vodka and dying from it.

Alcohol is a poison that your liver has to metabolize, & it first becomes acetaldehyde (a carcinogen). That's why alcoholics have higher rates of cancer than marijuana users, speaking of "vices."

One is just a superior drug to the other.

Everything is poisonous in high enough doses you dweeb.

>Numbers drastically increase in 2012 after amendment 64 passes
>No mention of the reasons for administration or treatment

Again, people probably didn't check themselves into a hospital after consuming an unfamiliar psychoactive substance, right?

just started

>miss me with that.

Lmao, bro, you got high blood pressure and the drinking is exacerbating it.

You mean a kid eating a plate of weed-brownies and triggering schizophrenia? You are aware that weed worsens psychosis and be the agent that causes mental illness to manifest?

yeah, and doses are measured in mg/kg, & a person is more likely to drink themselves to death (like in leaving las vegas) than toke themselves to death, you moron.

see, the logical fallacy your retarded brain is using right now is false equivalency. you'll notice that the numbers 1 and 1,000,000 are both non-zero. but there are orders of magnitude between them, you lush.

Your decaying writing skills are telling, user. You might need to go make sure that voice your hearing is your own.

No shit, you gremlin, I was just pointing out the idiocy of you saying "DURR ALKAHAL IZ POIZONOUZ!!!".
Not to mention there are some studies that moderate (like a glass of wine a day) amounts of alcohol might actually be beneficial.

Trigger schizophrenic symptoms when eating an overdosis, sure, cause the disorder, I don’t think so.

Needs more Barfly

That's why there are legal age limits. Minors shouldn't be ingesting alcohol or marijuana, because their brain is still growing. It's for adults. And any adult who can't keep those substances out of the hands of kids, should be punished for negligence.

High enough doses of THC can lead to drug-induced psychosis (but probably not for long). But so an alcohol. Whereas CBD is an anti-psychotic.

Addiction is genetic.

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you think i've never heard of that study?

that's why adolescents shouldn't be using marijuana. did you? and you think lack of capitalization is "decaying" writing skills?

"everything is poisonous." in the same amount? you're fucking retarded.

I think it's time for you to go back to Yea Forums

DTs are fucking gruesome. They're the reason I no longer touch spirits. You can't go to sleep, you feel random chills coursing through your body but at the same time you are sweating bullets, you experience aural hallucinations and closed eye hallucinations, your body is tremendously weak and you shake like a fucking paint mixer. On top of that you can't keep any food or liquids down so you are always on the verge of serious dehydration. I would'nt wish that shit on anyone.

alcohol IS poison. it's a waste product of yeast that kills 99% of bacteria (which is why your redneck aunt drinks hand sanitizer, but she doesn't realize they add other things to it which are even worse).

i personally drank alcohol for over 10 years.

but as for the "wine a day" thing...

No alcohol safe to drink, global study confirms

"Our results show that the safest level of drinking is none."

if you want to pickle your insides like nicolas cage in leaving las vegas, i won't stop you.

There is no such thing as a marijuana poisoning, just because people consume too much and feel like they're dying doesn't mean they are dying, it's like equating a panic attack to an actual heart attack and people call the paramedics because they're stupid and they don't know the difference.

i've never been to Yea Forums.

i've been on Yea Forums probably longer than you've had pubic hair, you stupid fuck.

>i've been on this board that wasn't an original board for a really really long time
Here's your (you).

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The trick is to not stop drinking.
I'm drunk.
>Job Interview
I'm drunk(surprisingly haven't been rejected)
I'm for sure drunk
I'm drunk and can't get it up

If you aren't waking up in the mornings and looking for a drink, you aren't an alcoholic.

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yes because it...

stay with me here

KILLS bacteria

And inhaling anything that isn't standard breathable atmosphere suffocates you. So inhaling any sort of marijuana in any form is poison also.

I'd say about a good 20% of working class men live like this.
I once had a boss when I did a couple months in roofing who vaped pure thc and dropped acid while working.

Glad I quit when I did, we fucked up that job so bad it wasn't even funny. Glad I was only the bitch and wasn't supposed to know what I was doing, because no one else did either.

When the work was mindless though, we could drink two six packs between us and kill it


How did you guys fuck up?

Sounds about right, I use to have this in my in my personal belongings at work.

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Literally me. But I also like to add a bunch of veggies and some cheese/bacon to my eggs so there is a dirty cutting board, grease and cheese everywhere, and usually blood and "random" cuts all over my hands.

I worked as a carpet layer for a very short time and all those people are drunk potheads and they all smoked marlboro reds and would get high between jobs. some did meth and coke.

We were in this retirement estate and working for a company who was really overdue to get it finished. The way they wanted it done was all the rooves had to be ripped, new plywood sheeting had to go on, and then everything was papered over for waterproofing. Once our 10-ish houses were done, we'd go back and shingle.

Essentially the guys who didn't really give a fuck about making sure it was all done properly won out to the guys who just wanted more money per-square.

By the time we went back to finish there were multiple leaks, some of them causing costly water damage to interiors. Unfucking various things probably wasted as much or more time than if it had been done properly.

Comebine that with a couple of other minor fuck ups and the bossguy probably earned very little. I feel bad since he was such a nice guy, but I was only a college kid over summer getting paid for an extra pair of hands.

Used to drink every day in the car home from work. Once or twice we just said fuck it and went to swim and drink beer at the lake.
Was fun, while it lasted.

yup. now my liver hurts

You're a stupid fucking asshole, I'm afraid.

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>Essentially the guys who didn't really give a fuck about making sure it was all done properly won out and just wanted more money per-square.

I'm getting retarded. Also, sorry for the reddit spacing

>grew up with alcoholic father
>never touched alcohol until I was 26
>the same day my father finally succumbed as a result of alcohol
>kept it as a tradition ever since to have one drink a year on the 8th of august

I don't even know why I do it. I despise alcohol and I despised my father because of it.

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some stygian swamp demon is manipulating your alcohol-soaked mind into summoning her into our physical plane. pretty neat desu she might let you kiss her

>overworking your kidneys

>just grow up lol xd
Retard alert.