What movies explore the true nature of women?

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Spring Breakers

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Mean Girls

Why do these threads always have more discussion then movie threads?

Movies are literally boring as fuck I can’t imagine actually watching them

cuz movies suck

who the fuck wants to talk about movies lmao

Lackluster tits desu

I don't get it

>wear shirt with your tits out
>become visibly uncomfortable when someone looks at your tits
Wahmen are a meme

Because these topics are more interesting to people than what the themes are in the latest kike capeshit.

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millions hours in photoshop

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Have sex.

i literally dont watch anything made after 2005 and we rarely discuss other films here. fuck movies

These scenes are pure kino if you like young women


It's your only one

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Not a movie, but I think the Spartacus series was the healthiest and most honest treatment of women I've ever seen in media. They're not running around fighting and kicking ass meaningfully. When they are, they are doing it only as opportunists or beating inferior opponents. In general they're running around fucking everyone (other women as well), cheating, manipulating, being catty to each other, and ultimately just causing most of the problems the characters run into in the series by using their pussies to coax their men into reckless ambition.

Any films about the hypocritical nature of men?

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Silly caricature for the purpose of roasty coping.

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Us ugly femcels are the most oppressed group in society. Everyone pretends we don’t exist so we don’t get rights.


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this will never not be cringe inducing

twitch name?

Your moms sex tape

movies are gay

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>this will never not be cringe inducing
Why? Is the truth that it presents that painful for you?

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who makes these wtf

Have sex.


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fuck, how do i get a gf like the one on the right?

t. 34 year old khv

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Post tits

daily reminder that this is what cin cin bear actually looks like

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>how do i get a gf like the one on the right?
1. end rape culture



Some black femcel from reddit who fantasizes about being an Asian girl who dates white guys.

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>how do i get a gf like the one on the right
>t. 34 year old khv

You don't. Start settling or stay alone.

what truth? it doesn't even make sense

Everyone knows that being physically attractive is an instant +5 on all social interactions. Women are exactly the same in that regard.

Unless you're fat (which fat girls still get dates easily and it infuriates me) you'd literally have to be the 1% of uglys to be a femcel

there are pages to buy an ukranian one online

Would literally marry and provide for these as long as they wanted tons of kids and spread their legs on command

>thinking only men act this way

Mean Girls

Absolute kino


Pussies are made to be fucked women are cum dumpsters

>Some black femcel from reddit who fantasizes about being an Asian girl who dates white guys.
that's fucking hilarious, source?


because bait is powerful and you should all be reporting these threads as off-topic

>what truth? it doesn't even make sense
You must be retarded then. Quality men who will marry you and raise children with you don't want blown-out whores as life partners.


Close close

What are some films about female insecurities?

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not gonna happen, am sorry

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Solo - A Star Wars Story (2018)

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Dump this bitch, no pussy is worth this

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Keep in mind every woman is like this at their core, but eventually they learn to be a bit sneakier and then they attempt to do this same exact shit with much more subtlety and because of that, very often get away with it. They don't get better, they just become better liars.

What the fuck

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Women are locked in a terrible mindset
>best life
>clothes, sex, no foundation

Would beat


what the fuck

/pol/tards and/or incels are more obsessed and passionate about their hatred for women and x minority than their hobbies. Though to be fair watching capeshit and above-average action movies for wannabe macho pseudo intellectuals can hardly be called a hobby.

Some femanon please make a recording of you saying “KNITTERS RISE UP” and some other femcel shit.

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Probably some pimp gave his ho a camaro to drive around the block and film this

In reality I dont notice people at fucking all.

Left can't meme

>t. 34 year old khv
Sell drugs.

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>/pol/tards and/or incels are more obsessed and passionate about their hatred for women
Hey that's not fair I love women, just don't want to live around minority's and Democrats.

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True that.

me but I'm the vacant building

but what in that image shows that?

why dont you ugly females just ask out guys at your attractiveness level?

You have to be literally brain damaged.

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Have a fuckton amount of money and be prepared that she will only love you for the cash
Otherwise I think you're at least around 10 years too late friend


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As crazy as this chick is, the dude is stupider if he submits to this shit

literally who?

It needs to be the other way around, women are emotionally labile and need to be dominated by a strong masculine presence.

imagine her smell

Gone Girl

would bang

nigga I've known 4/10's who want to marry rich athelic Chads and turn down 8/10 rich athelic Chads because they think they can do better
the trick is to lie to women so they think they're getting the better end of the deal

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At least post the real one.

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>Some black femcel from reddit who fantasizes about being an Asian girl who dates white guys.

lol, two days ago at a party I literally heard a black girl tell some japanese and korean girls that white guys here have an "asian girl fetish" and they should watch out. Then five minutes later she is complaining that she likes white boys but they dont want black girls.

Everything engineered to advertise to them reinforces self-delusion and double standards. Turns out since this stuff sells that also means a lot of women have distorted perceptions of reality.


keep in mind this is satire, and was written by a man.

Reminder that ww2 was fought for her right to do this.

Men went to war for her ability to do this. Died in the fucking mud bleeding out. For this.

shariah law now.

these people are insane

dubs and you will kill yourself after mental breakdown


just bee yourself

Why are you fags so obsessed with twitter posts?

OMMMGGGGGG You are BEAUTIFUL and such a strong woman! You are absolutely killing it, and you seriously are going to make it, any guy would be SO LUCKY to get you, you're SUCH a catch!!

I don't say this about everyone but seriously all of you bitches are some of the most boss and powerful women I know, I am SO lucky to know you!

*five minutes pass*

Stacy is a dog bitch

Cause normies are on the internet now thanks to fucking steve jobs giving them all computer phones and they are even more disgusting than i imagined

Honestly as long as you aren't obese you still have a better shot than most men

Still hot

Any time a women or even a man tells you that they hate the opposite gender that a different race, I GUARANTEE you that they are fucking them or secretly wishing they could get in their pants. I swear to you, especially if it’s a women

Buy one
Not literally, but you're so late to the party that your only chance is to foster a parasitic relationship by flashing enough cash that poor young thots want to fuck you so they can leech off of you. Having drugs and a nice car wouldn't hurt either

Must suck to be a femcel. At least incel men have an outlet on here, if you're a woman nobody will believe you.

What's funny is he draws these with complete sincerity. Just 100% seriously and unironically

Women have crystalcafe and lolcow.

Theres no such thing as a femcel just cat ladies

Because females can’t be incels.

A femcel is just a girl who isn't willing to lower her standards enough. I see hamplanets with boyfriends and wedding rings on all the time

Same with male virgins. Fuck prostitute

Realistically 0.00001% of the female population is legitimately ugly enough that no one will have them
The rest of them who can't find anyone are just fat, lazy and conceited, and refuse to settle for anything less than the 6'4, millionaire professional athlete they think they've earned

>fuck, how do i get a gf like the one on the right?
>t. 34 year old khv
You're in luck. Since you're 34, you should have at least a few hundred thousand dollars saved up. Young attractive women appreciate an older man with money. That's really the only way you can compete with the men her age.

What are some films about male insecurities?

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I've browsed some femcels places out of curiosity and most of them admit to being volcel, the only ones that say they actually have trouble are the ones with fucked up deformities. Realistically it shouldn't even be a term since it's practically synonymous for volcel.

>men cant even have the "incel" label without women wanting in on that too
every single time males create a "no girls allowed" club women insist they are somehow a part of that, even if by definition it excludes them, there are no female incels only picky beggars

Porn movies

>keep in mind this is satire, and was written by a man.

Back on topic;

> none

Or more succinctly, anything dealing with psychosis

I've seen plenty of fugly women that even I wouldn't smash.

They're out there

Stop going to parties, you dumb bitches, what is it with you and drunk dancing?

that's a big butt

Daily reminder that by "lower standarts" losers from Yea Forums mean themselves. yes, they actually believe that someone gonna take this seriously and fuck them

have sex

>incel=involuntarily celibate
>femcel=female celibate
Totally the same thing

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brb party

there's just no way she can wipe properly

Women are like jellyfish. They dont direct themselves, the current does. The current in this case being peers and societal pressure so women enjoy going out and drinking and "seeing what the night has in store" which basically translates into "I hope a random chad comes and sweeps me off my feet so he can power-fuck me in the bathroom and I can later claim it was an accident because I was never in control"

I don't think there are many women posting on this site and faggots will fuck anything with a pulse so I don't think any of them are saying that either.

You just jealous that you can's just have time of your life and get attetiontion


And still, the woman on the right would go a match per right swipe on Tinder.

It's not really jealousy as it is bemused disgust


Local incels are desperate. They actually BELIEVE it. That's their plan to get laid. Lower standarts and sleep with me please

Not a single guy thinks parties are the time of their life, they just go there because of chicks.

>movie threads

Yeah sure. You're so high and almighty and achieve so much in your life. Like... crying on imageboard.

>Lower standarts and sleep with me please
I dont know how lowering this will get them laid, but whatever you say

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>The peak experience in a woman's life is making a whore of herself in a public place while strange men watch lasciviously

That's a lot of projection you got there SEETHY

Literally never understood why would people like this bother with girlfriends, like imagine living your life every day being paranoid if your gf is cheating on you, nigga just buy hookers

Yeah sure. They tell you that

Why do girls grope each other?

have sex

Oooo, You just hate to see it Tom

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>>The peak experience in a woman's life
Instant strawman. Yeah keep creating arguments to fight and ignore opponent

Make a movie thread at /pol/ and find out. It sticks out and therefore interesting, that's basically it.

Did you not read what I wrote? If they're faggots they don't need to come here to get pozzed and they're most likely not women.

But you just said partying is supposed to be the time of someone's life

What are some films about being a man?

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The girl is going to get shitfaced around horny dudes, what else is he supposed to think?

Yeah having is fun is fun.
>having fun you mean PEAK OF EXISTENCE HAHAHA GOT YA
That's you right now, sweetie

What's funny about it?

God I wish that were me

That's totally women's fault that this guy is so pathetic

Do you even know what "the time of your life" mean?

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Oh right
Another line of autistic defence. You can go that route i guess but it will make you look like complete idiot

Imagine not being able to enjoy yourself on a night out with friends. Kys.


i.e. the time of your life
Retards like you are a diamond dozen.

>femcel=female incels
fixed your error

It is actually, men are very dependent on female opinion, and it looks like they treated him like trash most of his life.

Is her, what, case? Handbag? Whatever that thing hanging off her side photoshopped in? It's illuminated from the bottom evenly along the edge and not from the top like the rest of her from what I assume are lights over top the mirror she's taking the picture in.

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Another autist. Oh no i used word autist but you might not be actually autistic. Please don't use it against me, user. You will destroy me!

That's one way to admit you don't know what you're saying.

You failed the schizophrenic gay test, user...

>It is actually, men are very dependent on female opinion
That's totally female's fault

>It's illuminated from the bottom

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It is, at least partly
A lack of positive feedback from women early on in life leads to a vicious cycle where you become more and more of a reclusive weirdo, which leads to few positive interactions with women, which can drive you into being more of a weirdo

>backpeddling this hard
Just say you meant to write "having fun". No one here will judge you for your mistakes.

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Woah you got me. You just pretend that you too autistic to understand context and will ignore everything i said. Amazing tactic.

Ok i meant having fun. What would be your arguments now

I just jerked off and don't care about some random slut's stupid selfie.

I don't have an argument I'm just here to be autistic.

More annoying than any of that is that this is exactly the kind of girl that you'll at some point find out has been cheating on YOU. It's always the insecure ones that cheat, because they justify it to themselves by telling themselves that you're probably not faithful to them either, so they'll fuck someone else to keep it as ammunition.

A normally functionning young adult should go on dates or go out with pals at least once every two week at the very least. Heck even my 63 yo absolute boomer of a dad still go out and have a beer with his friends weekly. If you missed out on this, you failed at some point in your life.

And I dont mean go to a club and drink Henessy from the 160$+ bottle surrounded by rich jocks and plastic bimbos. Just buy good wine and have a barbecue at the park with your gang. Simple, cheap, fun.

Love the cope from soulless loners itt.

What are some Kinos about having standards?

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It's extreme, but in truth none of them should be going to parties to get drunk and meet other people. They should go together.

Post feet

have sex

>A lack of positive feedback from women early on in life leads to a vicious cycle
You mean being depend from women's opinion leads to a vicious cicle.
>but women having opinion is literally destroying boys!
ok i got it

That's reflected light from the table or whatever surface at the bottom. Take it easy user.

The last time I metup with anyone was over a year ago. I've spoken to 0 friends irl since then

wtf, im not disgusted by whores now!

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So parties aren't fucking special then, if they aren't times of your life.


I loled.

>a few hundred thousand
no, i'm poor. i live with my parents in the suburbs

i have about $100k saved up. but my income isn't high enough to buy a place (except if i buy a small apartment in the suburbs)

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Actually men with achievements aren't insecure enough to make a fuss about sexual histoty. Meanwhile your virgin ass is hating women on the internet.

Yeah so aren't fucking special that you are spend your time whining about it. You literally disgusted by how not special it is. It's so not special that you will continue this argument about how not important they are just to show how you think they're not special and don't care about them. but you disgust by them.

The irony here is that caring about having sex with girls is what turns off girls but the incels here wouldnt know. Same thing for men tho, Im turned off by clingy girls who throw themselves at me. Everybody wants the unnatainable.

go on the beltway at night with $20

This. Us established men just fuck anything, really, standards be damned.

The looser the better.

Yea Forums is a popular board because you don't need to have specialized knowledge in anything to participate and because of memes so it is perfect target for /pol/ and other assorted degenerates

I wish the jannies would actually do their job, I too would like to actually talk about film but at least we still have baneposting and /ecg/

If they aren't special there's no need for the girl to go get drunk with random dudes at one.

>a man with those qualifications settling for an ugly goblina post-wall roastie

Develop your cooking skills on your parents, feeding them a high sodium, high sugar, high fat diet and hope you can send them both into a coronary, then the house is yours. Take that money you've saved and get a kit car. Assemble it. Live like a doctor after that.

>Actually men with achievements aren't insecure enough to make a fuss about sexual histoty.
Tell yourself that.

always love this roasty cope word. Normal men are disgusted by women that have taken miles of dick. It's not about being insecure, it's about having the luxury of getting a woman that you're not disgusted by, or having to numb your own sense of disgust to get pussy at all. And the roasties scream their buzzwords at any mention that standards might be applied to them.

Oh no how dare some random girl to go get drunk with random dudes. Did she forget to ask you what special and what not. I mean world literally revolving around you. Fucking disgusting. Just ruining your life

She’s clearly fucking joking you autistic socially clueless weirdo

That's mean. Why do you assume she's joking?

>and that's her fault somehow by incel's logic

>Oh no how dare some random girl to go get drunk with random dudes. Did she forget to ask you what special and what not
Men understand how other men think and aren't as dumb as you.

Pick up a sport, or go to knitting, painting, dance classes or anything really. Go play pool at the local dive bar. Pick up yoga. Wtv.

You can make it user, just be pure hearted. Love people you meet like Jesus would too. Accept the differences of character in everyone, try to accept people with the flaws they have. And of course, same for yourself.
Thats my motto and Ive had intercourse many times a week since a decade and Im 25yo.


Fuck knitters!

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Why are women so dumb

There's a one armed bitch on Twitter who has beta orbiters all over the planet trying to fuck her.

I don't think it's possible for a woman to be an incel, because...well, niggers exist, and they'll fuck anything.

Are going to write some random text from now on? Ok it's your right, be as autistic as you want, dude

maybe that's her boyfriend and it's a prank?

God damn

I wanna fuck that clam

Yeah but if you end up getting close to someone how do you explain your past? Of being a loner?

>There's a one armed bitch on Twitter who has beta orbiters all over the planet trying to fuck her.
Totally her fault. How dare she

They're not dumb, they just love to ignore reality for immediate pleasure and good feelings.

Just say it was depression. They'll see you as being brave.