Why do they respect they/them's pronouns?

when they/them are not even there?

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Themselves or themself?

When did this show become so full of liberal propaganda? I’m not even American or a /pol/tard but it’s so blatant. The first seasons were kino

I can't bring myself to watch the latest series because of this absurd woman.

Anyone who says they wouldn't fuck this is an absolute liar

Being “non-binary” is the most pathetic and pointless thing I have ever seen. The concept of sex/gender is not oppressing you.

Your pronouns are "Not, Wasn't and Never Happened."

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>failed memes

..And they genuinely pay some assholes or other good money for these stupid concepts.

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>kowtowing to the mentally ill

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I am a plural

i like how they made her into the best analyst who cares about gender
makes senser

Foreigner here. I don't get it, what am I exactly supposed to do? Use the plural form instead of her's, her, and she?

>they made her into the best analyst
Oh, so they had to make her the smartest around just to have at least some redeemable qualities?

>what am I exactly supposed to do
Call her a woman and then read in new how the best analyst in town has committed suicide over being misgendered.

>i sexually identify as an apache helicopter
this is basically what they are doing at this point

In one of my government mandated woke classes we had the freaks come in to talk to us about gender shit. One of them was a hulking nigger with giant tits whose pronouns were they/them/theirs. It’s fucking lunacy bros. The other was a morbidly obese goblina who said without a hint of irony that “fat” is an identity.

How do these dumb niggers even have sex?

Fockin ate monarchy

You don’t have to say ‘they/them’ every time. I don’t even know shit about this, but it’s not like it’s hard to understand. You just say ‘their’. Like you’re talking about someone and just not saying their gender at all. “They are weird, I don’t want to be anywhere near them”.
I don’t even give a shit about you getting it right, I just prefer reading shit that isn’t awkward as fuck to process.

No. I refuse
fuck trannies, I genuinely hope you kill yourself faggot.

is this bait i can't tell


Me no native speaker
They=plural, many things (hehe 16t landwhale bumdykes haha)
It - gender neutral

fuck your mom
fuck your sister
and most of all
fuck you

This was the precise moment that i dropped this show

I will not sacrifice proper grammar for the sake of a handful of oversensitive snowflakes.

I'm put off by that mole.

Imagine letting a mad discord tranny in charge of your multi billion dollar portfolio lmao

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foreigner here as well, i don't really have a problem because non-binary people aren't really a thing here. the only place where i'm encountering people like this are on the internet and they're usually from the US/UK. not every language has a they/them equivalent, most of them don't probably.
if it ever becomes a trend here, new language will have to be invented and i'm guessing it won't catch on.

There is no more bait in clown world

I don't think it was a good idea to do a remake of Hitman.

The worst part was everyone going along with the they/them bs.

I've had to deal with this shit, too, and honestly, the best thing to do is to completely ignore these maniacs.
>Say "her" instead
>Use their "preferred pronoun"
>They REEEEE about something else anyway (like your bodylanguage being sexist, these people want to be triggered)
Ignore them. If you have to talk to them, either use her/him/whatever, and watch the bomb go off, or just say "you" and get through the conversation as quickly as you can. You shouldn't be talking to crazy people anyway, it doesn't lead anywhere. Having to work with them is the fucking worst, though. Sometimes it's fun to just talk like a normal person and watch them lose their shit, though. Fucking crazies should be locked up.

Just repeat their name or use titles and shit-
"He will take a milkshake to go!"
"My friend here will take a milkshake to go!"

"Shes been feeling down lately"
"Jerry has been feeling down lately"

"Shes transgender"
"My roommate is mentally ill"

so funny, upvoted

This is the stupidest shit.

Its so they can feel special

The they/them stuff made the dialog in the show unbearable.

>foreigner here as well, i don't really have a problem because non-binary people aren't really a thing here. the only place where i'm encountering people like this are on the internet and they're usually from the US/UK.
That can't be true; it's genetic so it should be occurring at equal rates in every culture, not just the ones with lots of free time and disposable income.

Dropped the show once she started to be perfect at literally everything with no weaknesses or character flaws.

who is saying it's genetic and it has nothing to do with society?

I like to pull hair so I'm not sure what to do with this thing. Like, just palm it's head like a basketball? I dunno.

“They” are. That’s the joke.

Yea like it was normal. It breaks immersion or however you say it.

i still dont get how relative small group of mentally ill people gets to dictate rest what we can say and think, im seriously convinced its all fabricated by group in power for us to argue about pointless and petty things with retards while they strip us from rights. We live in times where wrongthink and certain words are forbidden something which wasnt the case 20years ago, i wonder how far they will push before people wake up.

>im seriously convinced its all fabricated by group in power for us to argue about pointless and petty things with retards while they strip us from rights
Well yeah. Why do you think all this shit ramped up in the wake of OWS? People were starting to see the only major difference that separates people is wealth and they started up the old divide and conquer.

With at least many of them it's probably due to genetic load/ deleterious mutations. They're literally mutants.

>“I worked with a girl on John Wick 3, Asia Kate Dillon. I shouldn’t say ‘girl’, because she prefers ‘them’, but she’s a lovely girl. She’s a terrific actor, too, but before we started I told her that I was sorry if I sometimes say ‘she’, but it’s hard to say ‘them’ when there’s only one of you. She explained that because of her stance she has become a role model for teenagers in Bumf**k, Illinois or wherever.

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>The first seasons were kino
they were cringey power fantasies at best

I thought they was cute in John Wick 3

Just call it. It.
Like the nonhuman it is.

I see what he did there.

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The unironic sjw rage here is so apparent it's funny.

Hurry back to twitter. You still have a few years in you before you join the 40%.

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I’d still pump a load up their ass

I'm just going to start using "It" for these people from now on.

>who is saying it's genetic and it has nothing to do with society?
The trannies.

>i still dont get how relative small group of mentally ill people gets to dictate rest what we can say and think, im seriously convinced its all fabricated by group in power for us to argue about pointless and petty things with retards while they strip us from rights.
Um... yeah?

>it should be occurring at equal rates in every culture
a complete fabrication, we've made it up

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anyone else not able to finish season 3? i gave up around episode 10. just wasn't worth it and i was struggling to get through the whole season. Honestly don't even care how it ends up

Referring to a single person as they or them is fucking stupid. You're not they fucking Borg. If I had to work with some like this I'd tell them that I outright refuse and will only use their name.

I don't care to respect they/them pronouns because they are fucking stupid, I deliberately call these people he or she just to piss them off, I like triggering SJW retards.

Based McShane

>woman shaves head

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My pronouns are feed, seed and sneed.

ok i was binging it. season 3 is when the show went to shit and i stopped watching. That's essentially the anti trump season. And so i did some research. Do you know how many jews this show employs? Like hella. There's even a scene of the bear jew from inglorious bastards hitting the nazi. They have an AG that is essentially Trump and even talks about Breitbart. This girl goes from cold calculating automaton to socially conscious libtard. There's some russian guy too that the firm makes a deal with.

overall i couldn't get through the season. She was totally fine in season 2 but wow season 3 was terrible. Dollar Bill is probably the only good character in season 3

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It's realistic, it's Wall Street and Silicon Valley people pushing a lot of that stuff.

Holy shit he’s based

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It's the other way around

I do want to bery my dick in this monster but it comes from a very shameful, troubled part of my soul

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That's what they lead with as promotional material for a show?

She's a cute grill, who cares what she wants to be called.

nobody, so why not get someone else? that's the thing people seem to miss the point of, realistically nobody ACTUALLY cares whether or not someone is trans or whatever they're just sick of hearing how beautiful and brave someone is for being mentally ill or why you should watch this movie/show because it's woke/has a diverse cast, if they just shut the fuck up about it and people would be fine with it honestly lol.

Right, but why feel ashamed about being attracted to the cute girl is all I'm asking.

If you haven't figured it out yet, there's a reason why tranny acceptance culture exploded in the media right as Occupy Wall Street began to pick up steam.

Gotta keep them divided and arguing with each other.

Even if it were occuring at equal rates not every culture would accommodate them piping up about it

So what you genuinely think a group of people sat down and planned this out? It seems way less far fetched to think people are just fucking moronic busybodies who want everyone to be overly nice to each other.

This show should've ended in 1-2 seasons at most. Turned stupid.

>be huwhite as fuck
>woman card isn't as strong as it used to be OR be creepy bugman trying to get laid
>"Hey guys I'm nonbinary, I don't fit in the mold, I'm super special and oppressed too!"

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That would be hilarious in German.

>So what you genuinely think a group of people sat down and planned this out? It seems way less far fetched to think people are just fucking moronic busybodies who want everyone to be overly nice to each other.
Why do you think the media completely ignored trannies until one day when they began heavily featuring them

They picked the side that was more politically correct and anybody left over was naturally their "enemy"? Honestly I just can't imagine a group of old men sitting down and going "yeah okay we're going to destabilise the west by making degeneracy the norm" "yeah that's it push trannies/gays and other degeneracy and hope everyone just accepts it"

I genuinely will not do this. Get fucked :)

taylor's hedge fund team (and their dialogues) are the most cringiest shit they've pulled
>the goofy guy
>the geek incel
>some black yasss slay queen
>some blonde dyke
>leading all this, skinhead taylor and their genders
looks like the staff of jezebel or something like that

lmao he’s said some cringey stuff but through it all he remains fairly based

true, not that dude, but have u seen the yuri bezmenof thing? Even Kalergi plan stuff? it's interesting to imagine how much our rulers really play in our lives. Only further real-life proof may prove it but still





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I fully believe there's some crazy shit that goes over our heads but things like "the jews are behind it all" loses it's credibility when in the same breath some pol retard will say god exists.

the jews thing is a numbers game, it gets crazy when you notice it
god existing is more of a subjective or interpretive thing, taking the bible as some sort of self-help book for 2000 years ago

be open minded with moronic theories

>When did this show become so full of liberal propaganda?
Honestly there is not much "liberal propaganda". Its heavily implied that Chuck Jr. is a Democrat, and he is constantly portrayed as a villain, Pretty much every character on the show (except for Mafee and Ben Kim) is a raging selfish sociopath and the show doesn't try to make you sympathetic to one agenda or the other...the women on the show aren't portrayed as superhuman like how other shows do, women fuck up and are just as "evil" as the men

The most ridiculous part of it though is how everyone refers to Taylor as they/them regardless of if Taylor is in the room or not and regardless of if taylor is their enemy

>some black yasss slay queen
Don't talk shit about my Chocolate Princess

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This board doesn't understand what antagonistic marketing is


They are already trying that shit in spanish by ending nouns with "-es" instead of "-as/-os" to make it gender neutral

she looks like she fucks white men


no she doesn't

Post her picture wearing the wig and dress

she looked so awkward in that scene, the wig was so obviously fake

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'Dollar bill' has always been shit.

that's not even proper fucking grammar

this, he is the x-pac of Billions

Because if not Mr. Nosenstein will fire them.

Mmmmm moley moley moley moley

I would love to shit on your face.

Unironically, an underrated post.

Oh I get it, jews! Took me a moment.

But what is her foot game like?

>“fat” is an identity.
Are you implying this is somehow wrong?

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If they-them-their exist and they use they-them-their to refer to they-them-their even though they hate they-them-their, is that a sign of respect or mental illness

Shut up