Which movies would a koala enjoy

this is their brain btw

Attached: 6fa4vs5j9jq21.jpg (800x600, 18K)


Star Wars.

Tarantino films

another useless animal. add to that list the panda. the diets of both of these animals make no sense

Reminder that certain koala populations have STD rates as high as 80%

Nature is a fucking bitch letting these retarded animals live in places full of predators

Capeshit, cartoons, anime.
Stuff for slackjaw retards.
Koalas are literally smooth-brains.


>pseud replies to thread telling OP's joke back at him
Imagine I googled "brainlet wojak.jpg" and then right clicked the picture and clicked copy, then I clicked on this thread's tab and pasted the picture onto my post.

to be fair humans are the only thing saving keeping pandas from extinction

13 reasons why



nobody wants to eat a koala. they are disease ridden and their meat is probably tainted because the diet is literally a poisonous plant

Pandas were highly specialized animals that thrived in bamboo forests for MILLIONS of years. They only became 'helpless' when humans arrived and completely decimated their habitat.
And you arrogant fucks still call them 'badly design' species.

As for the Koalas, I guess they really are pretty stupid.

anything involving eucalyptus leaves

Go take some Viagra you shitty black and white bear

they are a badly designed animal. their diet is fucking bamboo. might as well eat dirt

Koalas really are retarded.

They can't even comprehend their food on a plate - they'll just ignore it.

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