Is Who Wants to be a Millionaire just a game of luck?

Is Who Wants to be a Millionaire just a game of luck?

I mean, there's 33.34% chance of being right unless the person happen to know the answer, and lifelines can only get you so far into the game.

Let's say there are 15 questions with 4 choices each. Let's also say there are 3 lifelines: call-a-friend, 50-50, and ask-the-audience.

For each of the 15 questions, there is only 1 correct answer, and 3 incorrect answers, so immediately your chances are 1/3 = 33.34%. You can use each lifeline once. Using phone-a-friend, let's say gives you a 95% chance the person you call is correct. So 1 question is 95%. Similarly, we can say ask-the-audience gives you a 95% chance. Finally, 50-50 will remove 2 wrong answers, so you have 1 right answer and 1 wrong answer, so you basically know the answer. To recap:

Question 1: 33.34%
Question 2: 33.34%
Question 3: 33.34%
Question 4: 95%

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Unironically love this pasta

1 - 4 is 25%

10/10 if troll
7/10 if copypasta

4^15 is over a billion. Even with lifelines, the chances of making it through by random chance are very low.

Not how it works, it decreases every time you advance to the next question, the odds of guessing 14 questions one after the other is not going to be anywhere near 33.34%

Wrong. There's 4 questions, so you have a 33.34% chance of getting it right

A weaker man might be moved to re-examine his faith, if in nothing else at least in the law of probability.

>it decreases every time you advance to the next question
no it resets

You forgot to compound then chance to fail user, it's a 66% chance each time.

There aren't 4 questions though, it's 4 x 12 if you're going to assume your lifelines get you through

how is it a game of luck? when you take a multiple choice test is that a game of luck?? you either know the answer or not. the questions get harder as you go on

>you either know the answer or not.
This is where luck comes in, kiddo. If there are four answers, there is 33.34% chance of knowing one of them.

Tombstone AZ

yes, you just have to keep picking 33.34%


Yes, it is

Is OP Scott Steiner?


>46% chance of winning
I think your math might be a little bit off user, the real answer is 50% chance, either you win or you dont. Two outcomes = 50% not 46%

4% is essentially just a rounding error.

Love how this copypasta is still taken seriously.