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flop confirmed

OK so now we know for sure wont top Avatar can we stop talking about it?

It did a lot better domestically but didn't beat it WW. It's not a win for anyone but both sides treat it as a victory. Fucking retarded.

We're going to rub it in your face until the end of time, deal with it MCUck

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Add inflation and both Avatar and Titanic completely destroy Avatar. They also came out back when China was worthless.

It won't even beat inflation-adjusted domestic and it's not exactly like Avatar was released before home video, Endgame is honestly pretty pathetic.

>It's not a win for anyone
I mean, it is. It's a huge milestone for Marvel movies.

But in cultural impact, Avatar didn’t even matter.

>kill off captain america
>kill off iron man
>fat thor becomes a hippie backpacker
>best villain gone
>everyone getting tired of the MCU, only saw Endgame to see how it ends like the final Harry Potter movie
>Bitchy YASSS QUEENS the new face of the MCU
>The Eternals to introduce the MCUs first openly homosexual characters
lmao yeah Endgame was a milestone, the milestone before the road ends

Neither dose MCU.


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What the fuck will beat Avatar??!!!

Avatar 2

Attached: dealwithit.jpg (300x300, 52K)

Without Avatar, Thanos would've looked like this. Avatar invented modern motion capture and new CGI rendering techniques. It's the most popular ride Disney has ever had in the history of its parks. It launched the 3D revolution, people spent $thousands on 3D TVs because of Avatar, it basically created an entire cottage industry. It became known as the #1 film of all time and is still discussed today. Not bad for a SINGLE MOVIE.

Attached: thanos without Avatar.png (1083x624, 1.55M)

Something will come along eventually thanks to inflation and china still growing


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>Avatar destroys Avatar
Really makes you think...

> both Avatar and Titanic completely destroy Avatar.

singlehandedly destroyed papyrus script

Fucking kek. So how are MCU gonna commit suicide? Belt & Chair or Toaster in the tub?

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>Add inflation and Avatar completely destroy Avatar
well you aren't wrong

What cultural impact does Endgame have when any assessment of it's value is simply confused with the other 22 films and thousands of comics and cartoons proceeding it?

The only cultural impact was some gay ass plastic glove and some purple grape man memes.

Fine, I'll do it myself

Attached: Jimbo.jpg (750x380, 72K)

No faggot, not until you've learned your lesson. Capeshit will NEVER beat based Jim.

Based technically right user

Yea Forums wins again

If Endgame was as good as Infinity War it would have easily beaten Avatar. On the one hand I really don't like Avatar and think it's silly it's the top, so I would have liked to see that changed, on the other hand Endgame really wasn't that good.

Attached: that feel thinking.png (600x600, 18K)

It would be interesting to see how much endgame would make it was calculated at 3D prices

If it can make 5 million this weekend (which will reach) it’s still good

It would be interesting to see how much Endgame would make if the Chinese market was as small as it was 10 years ago

Disney will buy seats.

Mark my words. They will beat Jim by cheating

it would be interesting to see how much endgame would make if it was half as good as infinity war

The only one who can beat Jim
Is Jim himself

if it was that simple, Disney could just have made theaters charge double for Endgame and make $5B. how much people are willing to pay is an indicator of how much they like it. audiences were willing to spend a shitton on Avatar tickets because the experience was that good. nobody care what screen they saw endgame on, they just wanted to see how the damn thing ended

>it’s still good
Infinity War only made another 29mil dom from this point on and Endgame has been performing worse for well over a week now. IT'S OVER

>I used the Na'vi to destroy the Na'vi

Why are both of these images using domestic to establish that it won't beat avatar world wide?

It made 1.25m yesterday domestic only.

>tfw Marvelturds blame 3rd worlders for Avatar's performance

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it's gonna miss Avatar by at least $25M, that's a lot of fucking seats to buy, especially with how few screens it's on anymore. it would be noticed

>disney buys $30M worth of seats
>everyone snickers at Endgame pathetically crawling past Avatar by $1M WW
>2 months later the 10-year anniversary release of Avatar is announced, it makes $300M and passes $3B
Endgame can't compete

>tfw it lost almost 1,000 theaters again

not just the number of theaters, but the theaters it does have are the back corner theaters that have like 20 seats lmao. here's who you'd be watching it with. imagine the smell

Attached: 15.png (1125x1928, 1.76M)

neither of the sequels will break a billion.

>dude we got to help the Mouse beat Avatar!

jesus fucking christ

>whatever it takes
Why not just donate your savings directly to the Disney corporation?


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Hashtag Spendgame

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These people honestly disgust me.

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it's still possible it's going to make it you know

Imagine making $2.2b in the first 10 days and still not being able to beat Avatar

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Why doesn't he just buy out a showing online instead of heaving his obese ass to the theater? In a few months time he's going to feel like a real dumb cunt for wasting so much money

Nah it's really not now

How can something with a soul type this?

It would be interesting to see how much endgame would make if it was good instead of a piece of shit

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>ZERO movies building up to it
>ZERO comics giving built in backstory
>ZERO franchises with built in audience
>ZERO incentive for people to see it extra times to boost the numbers
>China almost non-existent at the time, tickets in general way cheaper, inflation is obviously a thing

And yet, Avengers, TFA, IW, and now EG have fallen to it. How the FUCK did James do it?

Still amuses me that it was John Wick who gave the fatal blow

>it's still possible
Not really

lmao it's not going to reach avatar

He's got down the best marketing gimmick there is: technological innovation. Watching Avatar in 3D was a generational experience.

It might get a boost from Spider-Man but that's still a month away

no, no it's not. It took Black Panther 2 months to make its final $1 million. Endgame is barely making $1M on weekends now and has $70M to go, it's not making it without a re-expansion or re-release and even then the chances are grim, re-releases so soon after a movie originally hit theaters have dismal box office results, it might make an extra $5-10M at best.

and it's the solo films that get a boost from Avengers, the other way around won't have the same effect

How is a movie that makes almost a billion considered a flop now?
There is something seriously wrong here

I c wat u did thar

They got so fucking smug too. Remember the constant memes being spammed?

all these memes actually aged pretty well insofar as they bring a smile to my face

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Nobody is calling it a flop

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This. It's undeniable that Avatar sold fucktons of home 3D gear, which nobody remembers because 3DTVs were awful and after it became clear that there wasn't going to be anything worth watching on them other than avatar, that shit got dropped in a heartbeat.

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is there a chart somewhere with avatar vs endgame based on number of days?

Attached: star wars daily box office.png (753x629, 46K)

To all the marvelniggers talking about a possible Endgame re-release, lmao @ you

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this is just domestic

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fuck capeniggers, they deserves all that's coming to them.

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It's just sad. Titanic came out 20 years ago. I can't imagine a more hollow victory

nevermind I found it

Attached: [email protected] (1280x720, 82K)

there's also this graph that marveldrones used to prove that Endgame would beat Avatar. Too bad Endgame's curve is flatter than Brie Larson's ass

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There's this, but it's domestic box office only

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>opening for NINTEY FUCKING THREE WEEKS and still can't beat avatar

imagine the actual numbers if the mouse didn't force the cinemas to keep broadcasting their garbage for this long.

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they were SO SMUG and SO SURE.

I said on opening day this was the ideal result, that Endgame comes within sniffing distance of Avatar but collapses right before the finish line.

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sorry, wrong image captain

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based af

not even that big of a fan for avatar, I just want to see capeniggers suffer.

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LOLLLLLLLL this can't be real OH NO NO NO NO

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You are now manually realizing that avatar 2 will knock avengers down the list and cameron will cuck disney even harder

same. I don't even have Avatar in my top ten James Cameron movies but it's still better than almost any capeshit that's ever been made.

all these over the top marvel fans were so fucking sure of the movie

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Avengers Endgame

>A veteran movie marketer who has orchestrated campaigns for a number of blockbusters, and who requested anonymity due to sensitive business relationships, is even less confident in Endgame’s chances. He believes Cameron boasts name-brand recognition as a visionary auteur, a status Endgame co-directors Anthony and Joe Russo simply cannot match. “Avatar was from a star director,” says this marketer. “It was fresh and new. There was huge curiosity and huge repeat showings. [Endgame] is a cartoon!”


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Avatar 2 can make $1B in China alone, it's their most anticipated movie according to Chinese tracking sites and the original Avatar more than doubled the previous recordholder. They love Avatar.

Hell even Fandango shows Avatar as the most anticipated domestic movie BY FAR when you adjust for the fact it's 31 months away.

Attached: IMG_3547.png (1125x2436, 3.62M)

That's going way too far though, Alita has Cameron's name on it yet it didn't sold very well, Avatar 1 was carried by it being the first of its kind, now that everyone and their dog has done the hyper-realistic fantasy CG shit it won't have the same pull as the original Avatar.

I might be wrong though, but I am still glad it's still unshakeable and beats boss capeshit.

I have watched the first Avenger movie, two first Iron Men, Civil War, Doctor Strange and Infinity War. I enjoyed Strange a lot and had good time with Infinity War.

Few days back I watched Endgame and it was really mediocre. A fuck ton of characters making a comeback because yeah mayne. Cool shit with time travel yeah. Epic battles near defeat!!

It was just non-stop blasting for three hours. It numbed my brains and at one point broke the illusion completely.

I really can't say, that the movie was shit, because it was well made, but I can't say it's good either.

non kino


>a 2.3x multi is all it needs? ez pz

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considering it cost 1b to made plus 500m on marketing this movie is basically floping

Going by average per theater alone, Avatar could have made 2.4b in China nowadays

it was even funnier after the 2nd weekend be cause it was also huge due to international labor day (May 1), and then it just collapsed afterwards

>A poster-less Avatar sequel is more anticipated than this year's upcoming Star Wars film
How does Jim do it bros?

Correct. Most people didn't know James Cameron directed Avatar or who he even was. Avatar succeeded on WOM.

Attached: avatar flops opening weekend .jpg (828x253, 57K)

Avatar is basically the Star Wars equivalent for chinks

That was domestic anticipation you retard

meant for

I remember people saying it could make 4bil after the second weekend. Cultural event of a generation my ass

He hasn't made 10 movies, user.

Do you mean that Titanic and Avatar together beat Avatar? ‘cause that’s the only way I see it possible? Otherwise wouldn’t Avatar/Avatar be a tie?

I meant top half not top 10 I’m a retard

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Not if you adjust Avatar for inflation, then Avatar easily beats Avatar.

has there ever been such a miserable failure in the whole history of cinema?

>Smuggie with more than 10 words
Faggot detected. Not liking the soulless assembly line MCU or its pathetic fanbase isn’t the same as not liking movies

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Endgame is making 5 Million on weekends
If it does less than 2 next week, it’s over

It might be the most embarrassing faceplant in the box office of all time

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> Alita has Cameron's name on it yet it didn't sold very well
It was expected to be a 200 M flop, yet grossed 405
It’s not a big success, but it was ok, especially overseas.
Also, Cameron wasn’t the director

>disney buys tickets guys cap marvel can't male a billion
>lol endgame can't even beat avater
Which one is it shills?

Your life lmao

clearly they spent too much of their fraud funds on Captain Marvel

They shouldn't have released so many movies back to back. Burnout is real.

Nah. It's silly that people are acting like Endgame was a failure because it only managed to be the second highest grossing movie of all time.

What cultural impact has Endgame had other then epin flavor of the week memes on Facebook and Twitter?

Endgame in a couple of weeks.

So now that Marvel has shot it's load.. they know it's over right? Boomers aren't going to care about SJWvengers.

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Both, are you stupid or what?
But you ARE the shill

>It did a lot better domestically
Not among whites

>$450M production cost which includes the huge fees and residuals for the massive cast
>$400 million in worldwide marketing.
>theaters take half
=$550M profit, except China only lets theaters take 25%. So $450M profit.
In exchange they had to kill Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor.

the MCU has created an entire generation of zoomers that will remember the good ol' days of Hulk dabbing and say "now that's a real superhero movie not this New Teen Avengers trash"

Pretty much. Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor were killed off to make way for YAS QUEEN and Spiderbutt.

Nah, zoomers are already coming around to the idea that Avatar was a superior movie. After Avatar 2-5 show zoomers how a CU is done properly, they'll look back, embarrassed that they ever liked something with such cheap-looking CGI, shallow themes, and sloppy storytelling

Reminder that Avatar 2-5 is the future, the MCU is the past.

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Zoomers watch these MCU shit movies like we watched Power Rangers or some shit like that. I remember saying Biker Mice from Mars was the greatest thing ever when I was a zoomer myself back in the 90s. They'll grow out of it, it doesn't have any lasting effect


you already see how quickly they changed their mind on Endgame once it was clear it wouldn't even beat Avatar. "oh yeah i guess Endgame wasn't so great"... Endgame was just a fad

>Avatar's third weekend is still better than Endgame's release day
>it's not even adjusted to inflation
imagine the viewer count on that, capeniggers been dabbed on

>Add Avatar and both Avatar and Avatar completely destroy Avatar. They also came out back when Avatar was worthless.

>45 hours of his life gone just to help a movie from a faceless corporation get the first spot of a chart, with no reward for him in the long run
>He's proud of it

Marvelturds are really sad sad people.

Frankly, Reddit, I don't give a damn.

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>B-but Endgame had more cultural impact!

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