So it is a good series, but not the best ever. Why is this dethroning Breaking Bad when BB held it for 5 seasons and this was a historical drama mini series?
>taking ratings systems seriously
Breaking Bad was overrated
lelele breaking bad
>but not the best ever.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
>1. Chernobyl (2019)
>So it is a good series, but not the best ever.
But Top 5 of all time.
Breaking Bad was the best show ever created and naysayers are just contrarian edgelords.
Shill more
So if I make a serious mini series about a semi obscure (because millenials/zoomers are fantastically short on knowlegde about anything pre 2001), I can also take the top spot?
For example, I make a gritty miniseries about the Houthis and tutsis in Rwanda I also get diversity bonus points?
No one cares about IMDb ratings or whatever people who rate them on websites like that think.
Did people honestly not know about Chernobyl and the tragedy surrounding it before this series?
>The absolute state of western historical awareness
Because it's only 5 episodes and none of them are bad so the average score is very high. It's a mini-series, not a full show with multiple seasons.
>but not the best ever
The only series better are The Leftovers, The Wire and The Sopranos.
So maybe there should be some kind of variabel that accounts for this. In principle you could make a miniseries consisting of three episodes with a very high score and never lose the top spot on imdb. What a shitty system.
Band of Brothers > Generation Kill > Chernobyl
Is anyone else getting the vibe that most people didn't even know about Chernobyl before this series? Like, I thought the Chernobyl disaster was pretty common knowledge, but this show made me realize it wasn't. I think a lot of people don't realize it actually happened.
Why bother? All you seem to care about is that Breaking Bad is no longer #1 so you want to adjust the statistics.
Is Leftovers really that good? Should I give it a try?
First episode was a legit 10/10 and I guess people just wanted the next Breaking bad or GoT so bad people just started bandwagoning hard
le anyone else le think a lot of le people not aware of le chernobyl until le show? le I am very le smart and informed
I knew it happened but I wasn't aware of how close it was to being an even bigger disaster.
>held for 5 seasons
Lol nope
if its quality then sure why not?
Like I said in I also thought it was pretty common knowledge, and the whole "lelel we are in denial" Soviet-esque leadership could still be observed during the Kursk event so that was not new either.
What is even more insufferable is that now everyone is suddenly an expert on nuclear reactors and the incident. So I ask them what happened at fukushima-Daiichi as they might come with an attempt, but no.
LMAo all you have to read is one wiki article.
I dont care about BB, it is just that the system is shit and produces an invalid reflection of reality.
You know he was shitposting to hide his insecurity that he did not know about Chernobyl before the series, right?
This is why the show is blowing so many minds, I think. People just don't know. Whereas people like me (who spend way too much time on wikipedia) are like "yeah, this is news to you?"
> le I am very le smart
With writing like that you simply prove you are not.
Or maybe he's making fun of all the pseudointellectual faggots who didn't know about Chernobyl before the show and act like nobody else did to sound smart.
It happened over 30 years ago. The majority of posters on Yea Forums were born after that.
Game of Thrones was the best show ever created and naysayers are just contrarian edgelords
Well then it is not really that impressive what the writers did. You can make a series about any historical event and the script mostly writes itself. Unit 731, the Beslan school terror attack and maybe even the fall of Srebrenica. Just pop a gritty filter over it and some sad dispositions and bam, hit series.
It was a well written and acted show. Some of the direction was laugh out loud bad.
Yeah that was he was doing faggot, but it is pretty fucking sad that one does not know about the largest nuclear disaster in history or about Soviet style bullshittery. Read a fucking book.
> it is just that the system is shit
in your opinion.
why get so butthurt over IMDB not rating stuff how you feel like it should?
Would it be better if the show didn't go full on political with the message and kept it solely about the incident and the lives of people connected to it like the Dark?
The first 4 seasons were great. If D&D kept up the same level of quality in later seasons it would've surpassed Breaking Bad.
I'm not trying to sound smart, my dude. I just read a wikipedia article, I didn't claim I was smarter. I just spend more time reading about weird shit on the internet. I'm trying to understand why this show is so shocking to people, even though I thought Chernobyl was such a huge deal. And turns out I was wrong, Chernobyl apparently wasn't a big deal. My mom was in her 20's at the time and still didn't know about it.
shut up tripfag
>in your opinion.
That is where you wrong kiddo. If the grade is average it is highly biased if the amount it gets divided over is small.
pretty much yeah
what a pathetic cope, BB fans truly are the most retarded fan base
Normies are obsessed with Chernobyl. Normies are so scared of radiation. The show shows all these people bleeding to death from radiation. In reality only 2 people died in the actual event. One was buried in rubble, the other burned to death by fire, not radiation. Actually, only like 30 people died in Chernobyl, and mostly from the fire because the building was not made out of fire resistant materials like it should have been. And there is no evidence it increased cancer rates in the area any more than all the other toxic shit the USSR was spewing out.
Compare Chernobyl to the Banqiao hydroelectric dam failure in 1975. 26,000 people died in the flooding and another 145,000 people died from the famine it caused, and 11 million people's homes were destroyed. But no one gives a fuck about that. But in Chernobyl when maybe a dozen people die from radiation its so scary. Also, I loved the part at the end when they said no one on the bridge watching the fire was alive. Never happened. Good drama though.
>My mom was in her 20's at the time and still didn't know about it.
Wtf? My parents told me about Chernobyl when I was young as they had to stay inside and throw away any self grown vegetables.
We live in Western Europe btw. Are Americans just this fucking ignorant?
>t. Gorbachev
Mate, one could make an entire trilogy about the liberation by the communists of China, about the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, but they never will because they need dem China Bucks and le big bad nuclear energy boogeymen is much better.
> The show shows all these people bleeding to death from radiation. In reality only 2 people died in the actual event. One was buried in rubble, the other burned to death by fire, not radiation. Actually, only like 30 people died in Chernobyl, and mostly from the fire because the building was not made out of fire resistant materials like it should have been.
Are you retarded? There were 28 deaths by ARS, it's not some kind of urban legend, it's a documented fact.
They were also burned by fire too. Most of them died from infections caused by fire burn wounds, the radiation didn't help of course. These were the firefights. Most of the plant workers, including the three dudes that when in to drain the water lived and were fine. The fireman's wife's kid lived too, nothing was wrong with it.
>>The absolute state of western historical awareness
Im a slav zommer, i was very intrested in charnobyl and cold war even as a kid. But this Tv series, is on another level. No documentary made me fell for the peapole working at the power plant.
I also know about it because my parents were in their 20s at the time and we live in Western Europe. I think geographic location has a lot to do with it. America has always been very self centered and isolationist.
What's next? Times Beach?
> The fireman's wife's kid lived too, nothing was wrong with it.
prof plz
This was the only bad moment in the show. It was a bit to "TV drama like", when the rest was quite natural.
breaking bad's final season was absolutely awful
vince split it up into two parts and they wrote the first part without knowing what the second part would be.
chernobyl was kino all the way through
Flooding knocked out the emergency core cooling pumps. Shit melted down partially. Not nearly as complicated as what happened at Chernobyl.
>if its quality then sure why not?
ARE YOU INCAPABLE OF READING? It was a quality show that was about a historical event, it wasnt quality simply because it was about a historical event.
>tfw people actually have never heard of Chernobyl
>It was a quality show that was about a historical event, it wasnt quality simply because it was about a historical event.
man you are mad as fuck
Chernobyl was not complicated either if you simplify it like that.
Fukashima is still a pretty slept on nuclear accident because it's more radioactive than chernobyl, you've got 3 compromised reactors by the ocean with no lid on them or sarcophagus, and they just plan on pumping water in it forever, hoping the pumps don't go off and it boils off the water and melts again.
The kid she was pregnant with died in hours after birth. She found someone else to bone afterwards and got pregnant again and that child survived.
time to reinstall stalker
The show is exactly like breaking bad if you count each episode as a season
BB 1st season/Chern ep1: KINO
BB 2nd season/Chern ep2: Good but a sudden downgrade in quality
BB 3rd season/Chern ep3: Decent has good moments but some bad ones
BB 4th season/Chern ep4: Story starts to take a different direction feels kinda meh but you have gone this far that you want to see it finish
BB 5th season/Chern ep5: Kinda lukewarm but satisfying ending.
You're right, it wasn't. Americans are just scared to death of nuclear energy because they're fearmongering retards who think the Simpsons and Fallout are accurate representations of a society that embraces nuclear power.
>Chern ep5: Kinda lukewarm but satisfying ending.
the finale was fantastic and tied the whole series together
and comparing 1 miniseries with 5 episodes to a show with 62 episodes is kind of pointless anyway
Breaking Bad got better with each season, not worse. Have you been living under a rock?
It's impossible to watch Chernobyl without thinking of Voneld Trenf
Breaking Bad must seem like the greatest thing ever made of your diet has been nothing but capeshit and basic cable
How do you top the shot of staring into the remnants of the reactor core and the guys turning bright red by radiation exposure?
Well they did install a cover on the most severe one. But their plan to just dump the contaminated water in the ocean one day is retarded as fuck. Also their clean-up is going fantastically slow for some reason. Even when they have all the technology in the world available at this point.
Comparing scores in this situation is kind of meaningless considering that one ran for five seasons and the other is a historical mini-series, as you noted. I''m glad that Chernobyl is getting this much good reception, though. We need more historical kino, and the miniseries format is perfect for those kinds of stories
>and comparing 1 miniseries with 5 episodes to a show with 62 episodes is kind of pointless anyway
Imdb's shitty rating system does not care.
>We need more historical kino, and the miniseries format is perfect for those kinds of stories
I agree with this. I would really like to see one about the great leap forward.
This. I was not aware of the whole "we may have accidentally the whole continent", I knew they had to seal off a whole city and decontaminate its surrounding area, but knowing that they almost purged the whole continent put their fuck up at another level.
>We need more historical kino, and the miniseries format is perfect for those kinds of stories
agree 100%
in this environment with all this fantasy and science fiction, we really need more 'real' stories
>Breaking Bad was the best show ever created
Jesus, it was good, but not that good.
>cor blimey norton, wots all this about ruddy dumby ratings 'n such, don't the lads know norf is worf?
it's the other way around, Vince planned the second part as the ending but only wanted to do 8 episodes, AMC the faggots they are said no and forced him to do 16, so they cobbled some shit together for the first part of the season.
BB was normiefilter, kys capeshitter.
>It's not bad, not great either
Chernobyl easily blows BB out of the water (and it's not even that great.)
Unless you're a geek/dork there's no point in knowing about Chernobyl because it wasn't nearly as bad as the media likes to portray. The fact there are dozens of people who were either in the control room or arrive shortly after the explosion and are still alive today shows how much this got blown out of proportion, largely by anti-nuclear energy faggots.
The circus around Chernobyl set us back years in nuclear energy. Given how rapidly the technology was evolving up to that point we could be paying 1/4 of the current price of our electricity bills in the West.
Or, hear me out, we could use renewable energy instead of shit that can potentially meltdown and produces waste that has to be dumped into fucking ravines that are permanently quarantined you stupid republican mouthpiece.
The Kursk event is different. That is a submarine, the second they have a major issue its fucking over. The sub crew knows this, the military knows this and the President in charge of his country knows this. Even if everything went exactly according to plan the submarine crew would have died in under 12 hours from oxygen deprivation. That Putin accepted aid from Norway and Britain is remarkable in its own right.
>anyone who doesn't like this thing must like this other thing!
Breaking Bad was mediocre at best. Even Better Call Saul was better than BB (minus the Mike subplots)
>we could use renewable energy instead
lol I don't know what utopia you live in but where I live there are electricity suppliers that offer the option of an all-renewable plan and it costs about 15% more than the standard plan despite heavy government subsidies. You are delusional if you think renewables are a viable way to replace our current generating capacity.
Do you really think you're talking to Jesus?
>Breaking Bad was mediocre at best.
user you don't have to be contrarian to be cool. Although i would unironically like to know your top 10 TV shows.
Christ the lord is in all of us
Yeah, clearly the solution is to shit up our planet more by depleting fossil fuels that destroy the environment instead of using renewable resources because "THEY COST A LITTLE MORE WAAAAAAAA!!1"
Except you know, the insinuations it was hit by a NATO torpedo, the fact that a woman was tranquilized for asking too many questions during a Q&A with Putin ON FILM, the fact that multiple sailors had survived the incident but died later when one of the idiots dropped his source of oxygen on the oil film of the water present in the evacuation vehicle. Not to mention that it took days for Putin to accept help. I find it quite comparable to the Chernobyl incident.
There's literally nothing wrong with nuclear power anyway, Some retarded slavs managed to fuck it up one time and it gets a bad rep.
Can’t you just watch two shows
Not in me, I remember my roots.
nice thumbnail faggot
damn you're actually angry and passionate about this topic, I hope you're a woman user.
I'm not sure I actually believe that part.
What historical miniseries do you want to see next, Yea Forums? I'd go with the Battle of Lepanto or the Spanish Armada
Why the homophobia?
roanoke colony?
Imagine being old enough to post on this site and not having already noticed the massive bias towards whatever's new on ratings websites.
The Battle of Grozny (1994-1995)
>Rwanda Genocide
>2015 Paris terror attacks
>Fukushima incident
>Simon Mann in Africa and his work with Executive Solutions
>uninstalling stalker
The solution is nuclear fusion. Waste product is mainly hydrogen gas and there is enough deuterium in the earth's core to generate electricity for millions of years.
Something about the Akkadian Empire
Anything about ancien empires, really.
forget the fetid score system, fuck rotten tomatoes, fuck yourselves too.
I've got a pencil in my house, and it's got graphite in it. I've been using it from time to time for over a year now. How fucked am I, anons?
It's not really comparable.
But speaking of Breaking Bad, I think I actually enjoy Better Call Saul more.
You didn't see any graphite
By tomorrow you will be begging for that bullet.
cover that shit with boron and sand asap user, evacuate a 400 square km area around your house
try writing a single scene as good as one you saw in chernobyl like the miners that tap the minister of coal, the meetings, the scene where he tells they will die in 5 year.
anything to make it appeal to Yea Forums.
go on
That'd actually be cool. I mean there was a great movie about that war (Hotel Rwanda).
But I'm really surprised about how people didn't know about Chernobyl. I mean I didn't have a great deal of knowledge about it, but I knew it happened
how many roentgens
Do I have to shoot dogs too?
Sorry, I'm not an altar boy.
don't let them suffer
yeah, go ahead. see you on #1 in.. a year? two? 3.6?
Easy to believe they didn't know how bad the true scope of the accident was. Just like the first atomic bomb testers, who didn't know if it would ignite the atmosphere or not, they too didn't know the extent the damage the radiation could have caused and many assumed the worst
There's no graphite. That's burnt concrete.
The animals got the luxury of mercy while the firemen were left to melt for weeks.
Where's my Halifax explosion kino, HBO?
I would quickly and safely throw that nuclear penis in the garbage!!!!!!!!!!
I was born in Moscow 5 months after Chernobyl occured and I did not know much beyond "happened as the result of experiment, wasn't a nuclear explosion, nobody knew what the fuck was going on and were afraid to go out in the street all over the soviet union, many people died of cancer. Also Stalker is awesome." Sarcophagus fascinated me, it was so mysterious. Still is.
>Just like the first atomic bomb testers, who didn't know if it would ignite the atmosphere or not
We are a weird fucking race.
A lot of people didn't realise Titanic was a real event even after they watched the movie
Yeah, let's just all give up and stop progressing forever. Windmills are good enough for eternity, no need to scale that in the future.
We need a miniseries just for Selim the Second, the debauched incompetent
>The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica article on him remarks that he was "the first sultan entirely devoid of military virtues and willing to abandon all power to his ministers, provided he were left free to pursue his orgies and debauches."
>Selim had been an unlikely candidate for the throne until his brother Mehmed died of smallpox, his half-brother Mustafa was strangled to death by the order of his father, his brother Cihangir died of grief at the news of this latter execution, and his brother Bayezid was executed on the order of his father after a rebellion.
aliums did the same shit in their transition period from a naturally evolved species that dies like an animal to a species designed to be intelligent and live forever
Tbh, the main advantage of renewables is that they are renewable.
The fact we keep using up non-renewable resources because they are cheaper just shows how unsustinable our market-based system is.
Thats perfectly harmless pencil lead. You're safe
Cut all lines of communication just to be safe, though
To be fair Soviet leadership AT THIS POINT in soviet union's history was already making their turn to perestroika - that is, towards reforms that made USSR dissolve. Gorbachov was not the person to perpetuate the system of lies, he did attempt to reform it - and it blew up in his face in 1991.
For 8 years after under Yeltsin the system was too weak to go back to its old ways. This was the most democratic time in Russia but also the hardest on the soviet citizens. With Putin back, we had until 2008 as we were walking the crossroads, and with Medvedev many had hopes we were going straight ahead. In 2012 we were shown this is not the case, in 2018 again, and now in 2019 the system of lies is back as strong as it was 30 years ago.
Just two days ago an investigator journalist was detained in Moscow, falsely accused of drug trade after cops planted drugs on him in the middle of the day, on the street, breaking the police law on multiple occasions. He investigated corruption of Moscow administration and various affiliated businesses.
The state-run media and allies are lying about him right now, with the straight face, and the rationale is often "western influence" or "fifth column". I shit you not, I read this today, 8 june 2019. The real press is up in arms, as they should be, but there are so many liars who oppose it..
>and it's got graphite in it.
I've just finished episode 2, does it get any better at all?
It's an interesting look at radiation and soviet bureaucracy but it's really nothing special so far
shut your whore mouth!
Does it get any better at all.
Take your tv and throw it at your mothers face if you don't like the show.
What in the actual HOLY FUCK did Gilligan mean by this scene?
you can skip 3 and 4 and watch 5.
The Slav was a mistake. Nearly as bad as the Chinaman.
3 has all the body horror scenes.
Or even things that you can write, doesn't mean you can pull it off the same way. Take for instance in the first episode when One of the workers goes to look into the core, and he sees it. That image is just, lovecraftian. It was truly kino. These brainlets would probably just have him look at a fire and expect it to have the same impact. Or how kino the 90 second single take where they're throwing the graphite off the roof.
I mean thats true but Chernobyl was WAY more significant and Chernobyl only happened 30~ years ago. The titanic happened 80 years before the movie.
>are just contrarian edgelords.
Very well made video about russian's vision of the series and ussr system as a whole. They interviewed Tarakanov and some liquidators. Eng sub included
white africa needs to be nuked into radioactive glass
That would just empower the Chinaman by destroying one of his rivals.
This is the level of brainlet you need to be to dislike this show.
It's almost as if the dad wanted Salim to rule
Graduated 2008 and can remember school history books having at minimum a chapter on the event.
Looked at my niece and nephews book whose in 8th and 9th grade and it's like half a paragraph.
Well, some people get bored by anything that's not 100% shooting and explosions with the occasional funny one-liner
And 4 has the roof scene. They’re all worth watching but 3 and 4 are undeniably the weakest.
Tbh if you’re thinking of skipping an episode, don’t even bother. I hear there’s a new Spider-Man flick coming out soon...
Literally who are these people? I know a few not-too-bright guys, and even they loved it
Hell, all the normalfags love it.
So how fucking dumb do you have to be to find it boring and too long?
>fell asleep whilst the mrs. enjoyed it
and tv says woman can into kino
Breaking Bad was shit.
>Boring and too long
>Taught all the basics of nuclear chemistry in about an hour
This person didn’t do too well in math class, I bet.
They are, yeah. Since they have the least "story" in them.
But still, it's a 5-episode miniseries. Why would anyone skip episodes?
She probably just invited the neighbor over for some fuck and suck while he was asleep
>Or how kino the 90 second single take where they're throwing the graphite off the roof.
Literally copied from the real deal mate, look it up. They filmed it.
These kind of things are not new and in a historical event the script mostly writes itself. It comes down to the acting and cinematography which was prettly well done, especially the make-up and costume design
I was aware of chernobyl but wasn't aware that they were less than a couple of days away from radiating half of europe. To be fair to the russians, they got shit done, I can't imagine many nations would send men to shovel radioactive material from a roof.
mate in my country we had a politician make the same 1000 claim but then with Euros. Shitty campaign and you should feel bad
As a 25-year-old Canadian, I’ve been well aware of it for at least a decade, but never thought to question the “official” story until I saw the trailer.
>I can't imagine many nations would send men to shovel radioactive material from a roof.
The japs sure dont, and look at what shit show that still is. I'll give the Soviets that.
I don't know, i didn't liked it as much as i wanted (or expected) to. Don't get me wrong, it's good, but...
Maybe as someone who grew in a soviet satellite country, the way americans see the soviet era is always rather funny than anything else.
Also, personally, i think the pilot episode should have been a bit more dramatic. After all, that's where it all started...
>Oh no I have to kill dogs oh no
This is western influence right here, Soviets would not give a shit about killing a dog. This is purely something Western. And even as a westerner I dont get the hard on for dogs. I mean, they are nice, but if they are irradiated, too bad doggo
>look at
I’m trying but I can’t see anything through the million billion trillion gallons of water securely containing the radiation.
>I was aware of chernobyl but wasn't aware that they were less than a couple of days away from radiating half of europe.
They overblown that part. 160 tons of natural uranium isn't enough to significantly irradiate the entire continent.
The real life Titanic catastrophe was just a faithful adaptation of a scifi novel.
>Maybe as someone who grew in a soviet satellite country, the way americans see the soviet era is always rather funny than anything else.
Can you expand on this?
Can I get a referral for joining the HBO viral marketing team from someone in this thread please? I want to make money for shitposting.
>t. Fomin
>That they are going to dump in the ocean because they in the last 8 years have not come up with a better solution
Fuck off we're full.
I take it you haven’t seen the show.
Remember True Detective S1? Gonna chalk that one up to shills too?
The way a brainlets adhd mind works is if the film or tv show just has people talking in a room then "nothing is happening".
It's literally shilled to the NPC/Golems non stop because muh evil Soviet Russia.
It’s actually kind of an amazing solution.
Ooh, that's a good way to describe the feeling I got from the first episode. There is a menace, yet it is but a phantom. I couldn't grasp it, despite being terrified by it.
also includes kino shots of cinematography with no dialogue
user, CCCP wasn't muslim.
Breaking Bad was about imperialist degerates selling drugs, nothing special. Only methhads and retards like it.
You know, the cigarettes, the rough buildings and et cetera.
That was not really the USSR.
But anyway, this series really comes to it's subtitle "What is the cost of lies"
Where i live, on 1st of May, people were marching under the radioactive sky, while the party's elite ate imported food and was drinking bottled water.
>The article you stated is about spend fuel ponds, not about irradiated water used to clean up a meltdown you absolute fucking troglodyte.
The Japs still have not figured out how to remove tritium on a large scale to totally clean the water. Not to mention that this year will mark the first fucking year they are going to start to remove the Corium.
It is going to take another 50 years mark my words.
I’m pretty darn fond of drugs but vastly prefer Chernobyl due to the precision with which they convey the science. Breaking Bad is the poppiest of pop-sci, even when it gets into organic chemistry.
he meant he got a shit load of money from car companies
>Bad people making money? Better call it imperialist
This triggers the primitive.
The only people who over bearingly care about animals are westerners. So much so that they make a point about it in the series in which it almost tells me to feel bad, but I dont.
flex hard user
Basically why GoT went to shit.
The audiences didn't want politics, they wanted more tits, dragons and blood.
>Irradiated water
Do you know how much fucking water is in the ocean? Imagine you have an incredibly powerful acid - and you have so much you could drown 10 people in it. What do you think happens when you dump that all in the ocean?
If you’re conflating this pollution with an oil spill, keep in mind that oil has special properties that make it more hazardous in water, and MASSIVE amounts of it are released in a spill.
Well, BB is fiction and I kinda suppose they didn't want an accurate step-by-step guide on how to cook meth
Assuming that all the fuel was natural uranium and it would evenly spread across the entire continent, there would be increase of 0.04 Bq*m^-2 in natural radiation.
fucking NEETs and Fortnite players wouldn't even know what these global disasters were unless they were in the Endgame
The funny thing is, they tell you pretty much all you need to know. Good luck finding that methylamine (or pseudoephedrine) and comically giant magnet to hide the fact that you did though.
>Do you know how much fucking water is in the ocean?
It does not fucking matter you mongoloid! Dumping highly irradiated water into the ocean is never good; it irradiates the local ecology aswell as the fact that we dont understand what effect the gulf stream would have on it. Not to mention the potential fall out risk when the water evaporates and it rains down again. No the japs are absolutely in containment mode and have no idea how to actually solve the problem.
>Evenly spread across the continent
It was so dangerous because this specifically would not happen. You don’t have to irradiate literally everything to make a place uninhabitable.
because its pushed propaganda
based and redpilled
Pseudoephedrine used to be easy to get, at least here. But then it was prohibited by law to buy a huge amount of cold medicine.
I remember when I was kid there was kind of forest near my house and there were always bags of full of cold medicine boxes lying around
Duh, but the more it spreads the less dangerous it is. It doesn't have potential to contamite "half of continent".
Hello, Ivan.
Pure speculation. The one solid fact presented here is that every 7 centimeters of water cuts the amount of ionizing radiation in half. There is simply way too much shit, spread way too thinly, in the ocean for it to matter.
Don't worry, Ivan. Your papa Putin will have his own Chernobyl show made and it will be nothing but pure truth of the treacherous CIA sabotage
Irradiated water is literally harmless. You can swim in a spent nuclear fuel pool for hours on end nothing will happen unless you physically swim down and touch the fuel rods.
jesus fucking christ you guys are dumb see
Also, those divers.
Akimov and Toptunov don’t count because they were spending hours right in the path of the core’s emissions.
>Everybody [in Russia and Ukraine] seems to agree that the miniseries goes overboard with its characters, depicting Soviet officials and plant management as too evil and conniving
incredibly based, dabbing on slavniggers
mentally ill bugman who wants socialism in his own country
Prove that this tritium is causing any ecological damage whatsoever.
>Pure speculation.
It is not, the IAEA has advised against it because of the aformentioned reasoning, e.g. it could also end up on coastal regions or irradiate sea life that we eat and so contaminate humans. Not to mention you dont run these risk if you just clean the water yourself. They have the option as in 2018 they found a way to remove tritium from the water, but on a small scale.
Not that Tepco is ever going to do that, becaus that company will do everything to make a bigger profit. Like not paying the victims of the exclusion zone proper compensation. Now, fuck off shill
>Irradiated water is literally harmless
Fallout should take lessons from that
>Prove that this tritium is causing any ecological damage whatsoever.
>A huge amount of radioactive isotopes is not dangerous to the environment.
I don't understand your post.
>not being american
>having an opinion
kek he lost because europoors are retarded. yang is the best option and he will win.
Well the puddles being deadly is realistic. I forget if you can also get fucked up underneath large bodies of water.
>yfw there's no way to store radioactive plutonium which has a half life of 2,000,000 years
>yfw scientists fucked the entire world up forever
should have never accepted Newton's theory of geocentricism
Reminder: longer half-life means less immediate danger because ionizing radiation is a product of nuclear decay.
shut the fuck up nerd
Most people knew about it but can't quantify it
5 episodes vs. 5 seasons.
That's not even fair.
Swimming in basically anything gives you quite a lot of rads. Including the ocean.
cheeki breeki
Herr Fuhrer, I regret to inform you that nuclear reactor 4 at Vladimir I Lenin Nuclear Power Plant in Pripyat has suffered a devastating losses exceeding 3.6 roentgen. We can know longer protect the city of Chernobyl.
This man is in shock, take him to the infirmary
Prolly the same people who loved Black Panther and all the other toy commercials
Its symptomatic of the drought of good content that is occurring more than anything. A drop of water in a big empty bucket. Its celebrated because theres nothing else.
>if the film or tv show just has people talking in a room then "nothing is happening".
But the show didn't even have much of that, it was rather eventful
>Why is this dethroning Breaking Bad
It really isn't lol
But stop forcing the competition, they're both kino you insidious prick
what the fuck?
Charles the Third
The Bay of Pigs Invasion
The Nice Massacre
The Making of The Last Jedi
what the fuck?
die bugman
Same reason people like The Expanse.
There is zero good TV these days. It's all trash. So when something comes along that isn't complete garbage, people put it on a pedestal and proclaim how wonderful it is.
It's not. It's just not garbage. It doesn't mean it's great. The Expanse for instance will never, ever be remembered as fondly as even a C Grade show like Star Trek Enterprise.
Twin Peaks is better than all of these
There was literally nothing wrong with this scene
If babies were so good at absorbing the radiation, why didn't they cover the liquidators in freshly born babies? Or maybe throw them at the open reactor core?
Refer to Disney Entertainment, they are the only ones with shills here. Paul Yanover is the owner of Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango, look up who he is ;^)
Well, the second half of the second season exists. But yeah, Twin Peaks is kino.
Not true. Twin Peaks is only the 2nd best series of all time. The best is The Wire.
The Expanse was pretty bland imo. Wasn't bad, just bland.
As far sci-fi goes I really liked Westwold S1
they did that in real life, but for the series they had trouble with its awwwright
Breaking Bad didn't showcase how much we need women in leadership roles to guide incompetent men
>Breaking Bad was the best show ever created
Yeah, no. Not even close. 7/10 at best
For example, the whole Pinkman arc was looping in circles thru the seasons, basically wasting hours of your time on inane shit with no payoff. That alone condemns it, but it's a really shallow show, more flashy than substance.
The Expanse is also trash...
No no no, you misunderstand. They have to put the baby inside themselves first.
Skyler was pretty damn strong wahmen for a show that was made before SJWs.
>OP didn't get shit on for 200 posts for even mentioning BB
this board has really gone to shit
Yeah I hated that new Avengers flick too, propaganda piece of shit. But let's talk about Chernobyl here
BB is largely ignored. Chernobyl is discussed.
All is well with the world.
And what will you do when there is no wind or if it's night time? You will have to buy kw to your neighbour at best from his nuclear power plant, at worst from his coal power plant.
As long as we don't know how to stock electricity, nuclear is the lesser evil to fight climate change.
>finish watching Chernobyl
>look it up online
>it actually happened
>finish watching documentary on 9/11
>look it up online
>it didn't happen
just say onions you fucking faggot
>waah waah women
>Liberals generally know what’s up with global warming
>Conservatives have become the main proponents of nuclear power
Humanity is determined to JUST itself.
California being on fire led to some sweet bright white skies here tho.
>As long as we don't know how to stock electricity
Consider following:
>Big lake up a hill connected to another lake down the fill
>Lakes are connected by a powerplant
>Plant pumps up water when electricity is cheap
>Water flows down producing electricity when electricity is in demand
Better Call Saul is unjustly overlooked. it's an awesome show.
Also, BB ended like 5 years ago, while Chernobyl just ended this week.
I was born over a decade later and I've known about Chernobyl since I was 10. Not being alive to remember such a huge event doesn't really explain anything.
BCS is a meme. I watched every ep and it's just an unnecessarily slow as a snails balls moving show.
It's not even pretentious; just lazy, economical storytelling where that writer basically does his best to draw a scene out as long as he possibly can. While there a few scenes that benefit such a patient technique, most of them really don't.
I’m trying to remember the first time I heard about Chernobyl. Honestly I don’t see how it could have been through anything other than a video game (CoD 4 or STALKER).
90% of modern history education is spent on the Holocaust.
lmao look at this guy
name better tv shows than BB
chernobyl is trash
u child abusers
Now there you made a mistake.
Ecologists are dragging liberals into their anti nuclear obsession. I remember a poll in which a good chunk of people associated nuclear energy with CO2 pollution. Thanks Greenpeace propaganda.
Truely the most depressing timeline.
And how much lakes would you need to supply a entire country ? What the fuck do you do when your land is flat like >>your-gf Netherlands?
4/10 made me reply
There is no graphite in the pen, you are being delusional.
The official story in the west put even more blame to russians you brainlets.
new thread chomos
fug off with your spoiler shit
Blame has nothing to do with it. Before this show, average Americans had no idea just how many people died and, more importantly, how many could have died.
Good series, but factually trash.
Literally most of history is WWII. Most of that is the Holocaust. My teacher for that class, however, was a Pacific Theatre Vet and basically skipped most of that to call the Nips subhuman.
I feel like most people knew about the basics of what happened at Chernobyl, at least I and everyone around me did. But we didn't know the fine details, it was just "big power plant went boom in some slavic place". If anything a lot of people thought it was much worse or more dramatic than it actually was because of the whole boogeyman around radiation and how there's a giant spooky area in Ukraine that you still can't enter without supervision. Even fucking zoomers know a bit about it because its such a popular setting in fps games.
But then again I'm a fucking leaf and it might be because burger schools spend very little time/straight up don't care about any history that doesn't involve them.
>average Americans had no idea
We'll take that as read.
*condescending laughter*
Based friend. Cheers.
It’s just HBO marketers moved off game of thrones because that totally shit the bed.
A show can't be "factually trash", all art is subjective
>And how much lakes would you need to supply a entire country ?
You can't supply an entire country with them. They are meant to smooth out power fluctuations.
>4/10 made me reply
Funny, we have 4 of these bad boys in my country.
Only if wh*the people are portrayed as the root cause and the niggers are super progressive with gays and trannies everywhere.
I live in the affected zone and pretty much gotten up to speed only this year and honestly all because of this series. The details about the people working in the powerplant, the reason why it went tits-up, and those who were directly responsible for everything felt especially revelatory.
>implying this wasn't an elaborate ad for little model RBMKs
>Not great, but not terrible
When it's cloudy and windless, how do you suppose you'll produce "renewable energy", pal? Hydro is only an alternative in a handful of geographically blessed countries.
more like cherNOOByl, amirite?
>blessed countries
blessed with wind? what are you, stoopit?
Make it cute.
>Wind flows the same everywhere
Are you american?
and were do you propose we store all this energy we make so that we can have it on demand when we need it. for example at 5-9pm when the sun is going down and there's less wind cuz the sun is going down. current battery tech is too shitty and expensive atm to realistically store all the extra power we need to generate during the day and low demand times so that we have it at high demand and at night.
>Hydro is only an alternative in a handful of geographically blessed countries.
Which part confused you?
This poster is delusional.
you like wind, brah?
make a new thread, kiddie diddler
That 12 hours before scene at the start of the last episode really fucked me up. Great music.
>there's less wind cuz the sun is going down
are you dense? have you literally never gone outside at night in your life? there's lots of wind at night
look it up. i'll wait.
This isn't even the general, there's already a new thread
A show about coureurs des bois in the 17th.
You could follow a young frenchman, fresh out of the boat, sluming it in Montreal, trapping beavers, exploring the continent, bonding with the natives in an amazing landscape.
That is all.
Most people outside the USSR probably thought that it was something bad that happened 30 years ago but now, everything is fixed. They may not have been aware of the true scale of the tragedy or of how long-term its effects would be.
>for God's sake
They weren't even trying were they.
>long term effects
there's a bunch of deer and foxes and shit thriving in pripyat now that all the humans left