Why is mental illness so prevalent in Hollywood?
Why is mental illness so prevalent in Hollywood?
Hollywood is kind of a fucked up place in general and they seem to be taking L.A. to Hell with them.
You haven't been around too many actors, have you?
Hollywood is the devil's playground, even the name is a hint at this
It's controlled by jewish people.
Front page of the LA times today
Living here is a waking nightmare.
Devil worship
Total lack of morals, goodness, all that
>Miller identifies as queer, specifying: "The way I would choose to identify myself wouldn't be gay. I've been attracted mostly to 'shes' but I've been with many people and I'm open to love whatever it can be"; and to have "a lot of really wonderful friends who are of very different sexes and genders. I am very much in love with no one in particular." Miller expressed interest in "kissing boys" at a young age.
>Miller does not identify as a man or woman; "Queer just means no, I don't do that. I don't identify as a man. I don't identify as a woman. I barely identify as a human." Additionally, Miller has started to use all pronouns interchangeably.
if you have anything against this, you're an ignorant bigot
Oh golly, "what happen to society?!!" etc etc etc
this picture is not photoshopped
that's not really Ezra, he has nicer legs than that kek
The nose knows
Literally who cares. You can literally describe me the same way. The only thing I guess is just, again, who cares. Like what do you have to show for yourself besides just "my sexuality blah blah blah". Boring. But really, whatever. If anything I'm probably more narcissistic even than this guy anyway though.
"""actors""" + (((producers))) = yikes
What a fucking abomination
He should be banned from stepping out of his house for life
Pretty fucking based desu
where do you get the nerve to mount a high horse on any grounds, while posting with a bonbi reaction image. kys degenerate
Aren't they also having an outbreak of Typhus or some other Victorian Era disease that shouldn't exist in First World Countries but has been willed into existence by the power of countless SJW hippies that don't bathe having unprotected sex with each other?
Ezra is goals
They literally all get molested as child-actors.
>fucks ur waifu AND ur husbando
nothing personnel...kid
I'm glad his career has ended. less one shitter on movies.
>inb4 muh Dumbledore
no body cares anymore about Harry potter
brazil levels of chaos.
>tfw his wiki page avoids using pronouns
If you had sex you’d be less angsty and obsessive about Jews
is this shit real?
if you were drugged and molested by ugly jews since early childhood you would also end up mentally fucked.
No but there's real pictures of him in fishnets and lingerie
>I don't identify as a man. I don't identify as a woman. I barely identify as a human.
They're outright admitting it now.
Ha, I wish it was just Typhus.
damn, you can never tell these days.
stop whining like a litle bitch faggot.
It's a degenerate thread so I do what I want.
>Miller was born and raised in Wyckoff, New Jersey. Miller's father is Jewish and Miller's mother, who has German and Dutch ancestry, is from a Christian background.[12] Miller self-identifies as Jewish and "spiritual"
sorry, people here are seriously pretending to themselves that they don't want to fuck him, dressed up like that?
Ahhhh bombi is so s*xxy
He has a very fuckable ass but he'd have to be quiet because that voice is a boner killer
And would have to be waxed
Why should I when actual hot women exist you witless trog
can you or someone elaborate on this. i visited LA once and i walked into a CVS kinda store and literally everyone, and i mean everyone, looked like they were dying of aids or had some really horrible cold. I then started looking around and seeing everyone was sick. Then I started thinking that it was a massive conspiracy where the mexicans would basiclly poison everyone in the resturants and give them aids. I was so scared I didnt even want to eat whenever I was taken to a resturant. Please, someone... tell me whats going on
Can confirm: I have sex regularly and I don't care about the Jews I just really really hate niggers and pakis
if he were on hrt maybe.
too manly.
fucking hate beards on my fragile faggots.
makes them, you know, masculine.
>"Everybody here is as gay as me! It's impossible for people to not be faggots!"
He has HIV
I have sex everyday and i think jews are a plight to humanity. What now atheists?
>tfw no qt shapely ezra bf
I have sex and jews run Hollywood that’s a well known fact
>Why is mental illness so prevalent in Hollywood?
Urban california centres in general are festering liberal shit dungeons full of sick sick people who love to cluster together and tell REAL america what to do.
They don't realize they're just minstrels who exist for our entertainment.
It's just a bit of banter.
Not even fucking Alabama or the other states Commiefornians shit on have to deal with this kind of stuff.
Get your shit together, LA.