When They See Us

Is this show completely accurate?
Because this was actually really good.
Whoever played pic related was fucking incredible.

Attached: jharell-jerome-as-korey-wise-netflix-when-they-see-us-1559555625.jpg (480x480, 39K)

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didn't they beat some people with lead pipes but that got thrown out so they could be charged with rape but that got thrown out so it turns out they might have gotten away with assault, battery, maybe murder?


The way the series showed it, and the only way I've seen it described, is that a fucking shitload of kids were in the park. Some were fucking around and beating people up, some weren't. Police showed up and a group of 5 got arrested and framed for the rape.
Someone was hit with lead pipes but I'm pretty sure he couldn't identify any of the 5 as being the guys that did it.
Again, there was a whole crowd of kids in the park that night it could've been any of them.
And the guy who ended up coming forward definitely did it, the DNA matches.
Reality of the situation is that none, some, or all of the kids could've been fucking with people in the park but none of the serious assaults were attributed to them. They DEFINITELY weren't involved in the rape yet served a decade in prison. Not right.


the victim was retarded to go jogging at 9 PM in central park

if we're being totally honest, the victim should've been prosecuted for this. inciting a riot maybe?

>oh noo poor bullies
lock these faggots up or shoot them death wish style, i dont care black white or whatever

Can't believe those evil white ppl accused those wholesome black kids who were just committing some assault and battery of rape!

How could they cross the line of assuming violent black niggers in the park at night beating people to death would also commit a rape?

Truly the System is to blame here.

her parents didn't do their job

what? One of them admitted to holding down the girl

Police coerced confessions

media coerced police

Wasn't it only 2 of the 5 who were accused of assaulting anyone else. And didn't the victims of said assaults not recognise them as being the ones that did it?

victim was abused so bad she was in a coma, so yes, she couldnt id the perp

Well the story is literally that all of the confessions were coerced by the police. In the show they got all the 15 year olds and lied to them saying they had all ratted each other out and they needed to tell the truth. Each kid told a completely different story and none of the stories lined up with the facts of what happened that night. Then they got the 16 year old who was apparently only at the station because he wanted to support his friend, went extra hard on him because he didn't need parental supervision and got him to "confess".
Apparently only 2 of them even knew each other.

I'm not talking about the rape victim. She couldn't remember any of it.
I'm talking about the other people who were assaulted and harrassed in the park that night.
Pretty sure none of them identified the 5 as being the guys who did it.
There were at least 40 kids in the park that night.


they were in the park committing crimes and assaulting people

just because they ONLY bashed her head in or ONLY held her down while someone else committed the rape doesn't absolve them of guilt

the problem was that the retarded prosecutor charged them with the wrong crimes, so when they guy who raped her while they held her down and beat her came forward years later they had to let them go

they're still guilty and still criminals

They were guilty, end of story.

You mean they only beat and held down the victim while somebody else did the raping? What a travesty. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

>they were in the park committing crimes and assaulting people
no, there was a crowd of 40 kids in the park, some of whom were committing crimes and assaulting people. I haven't seen ANYTHING claiming it was definitely these 5 committing the crimes. These assault victims did not recognise the 5.
The crimes that WERE committed would place the crowd at a different place to where the woman was when she attacked.
None of the confessions were remotely the same, 2 of the kids knew each other prior.

Do people seriously trust the police to such a strong degree that they're willing to bank on ONE piece of evidence when there's plenty of evidence to the contrary that suggests these kids didn't do it.
They may have beaten up some other guys but surely they served that time considering they went away for the rape.

dindu nuffin

all the people charged had knowledge of the rape and were in the park, as confirmed by the police detectives and their statements

just because they didn't stick their dicks into the woman and just held her down and beat her who just watched, doesn't absolve them of their guilt

They were running about the park smashing stuff up, vandalising property and attacking people. Ten years in prison is a bit short.

>Yea Forums defending niggers
Capeshit is over. You people need to go back

what the fuck are you even talking about? none of that shit happened.

>held her dow
this didn't happen. go back to /pol/

Why do you come here? Sincere inquiry

Not him, I just liked the show, thought the acting was good, wanted to know how accurate it was.
Didn't realise everyone hated black people here too.

Again, there was a crowd of over 40 kids running about the park.
Some of those kids were smashing stuff up, vandalising property and attacking people. We do not know who, there were too many. What we do know is that the 5 were in that crowd in some capacity, and that the crowd was not where the victim was when she was initially attacked, so they couldn't have raped her.
Whether they were involved in the other shit we don't really know, although several witnesses and victims of those other crimes did come forward and they DID NOT recognise any of the cp5.

None of that shit happened, they were kids and were coerced by police because they were racist and had to pin the crime on somebody, the real rapist admitted to the crime years later and they all got sent free, got paid by 41 Million by the state. Literally no evidence against them, you're telling me she had a blood soaked shirt and not one speck of blood are present on any of their clothing? Fantastic police work.

There's also another documentary on this a 2012 one.

they literally admitted to holding down the raped woman and beating/robbing people in the park that night

what exactly is your issue?

Kill all whites

The issue is you're a fucking retard who thinks police are your friend and they are always right and never do anything wrong, imagine being a kid and getting abused by adult men in power telling you that you can go home if you say this and that and everything will be ok, they used interrogation trained tactics, scumbag manipulation to get what they wanted on innocent kids who have never experienced this in their life.

Crackers literally take any excuse to shit on black folks. It's what they do.


Imagine thinking it's normal or excusable to roam around in packs in malls and parks harassing, beating, mugging, and raping people.

Imagine thinking that all 40 of the kids in that group were harassing, beating, mugging, and raping people.
You never hung out with a large group of kids when you were younger? You never been around some dodgy shit when you were younger? Never seen some other kids do something that made you uncomfortable?
I'm sure they saw 100x that shit considering they lived in the Harlem projects in the 80s. It was probably normal for them to hang out with groups where some were doing bad shit.

And imagine thinking its okay to put a 16 year old child with disabilities in Riker's Island regardless of the crime.

Incels, nerds, and virgins don't realize that normal white kids get up to dumb and criminal shit too because incels, nerds, and virgins don't go outside and hang around with other kids. They've got a sheltered, sanitized view of youth criminality because their youth was spent in places like this, rather than hanging with the boys and scoping cute girls and getting drunk and shit.

yeah bro, who hasn't ran around a nigger pack at night in a park beating and harassing people, stealing their stuff, helping a bro rape a jogger

It's just part of normal childhood life, how dare those evil white policemen try to stop you from living your innocent childhood?



Was it manlet rage?

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I bet you never even niggerknocked or drank booze as a kid, you fucking manchild.

Not the guy you're talking to but...

>I bet you never even niggerknocked or drank booze as a kid, you fucking manchild.

>Drank booze

>Calling others "manchild" when all your extra curricular activities are for immature niggers.

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If my friends had ever started attacking strangers while we were out walking, it would have been out of character and I probably would have left.

>I'm sure they saw 100x that shit considering they lived in the Harlem projects in the 80s. It was probably normal for them to hang out with groups where some were doing bad shit.
So they belong in prison.

>16 year old child with disabilities in Riker's Island
I think it's safe to say most prisoners have disabilities. That's why they're prisoners.

Yeah, they were in the park that night for a reason. Attacking people and vandalising stuff. Like I say, ten years is a bit short. Twenty five would be fine so they come out fully rehabilitated as 40 something year olds.

That's not what I said.
Kids who grow up in areas like that probably don't have much money or much of anything for that matter, they probably only have 1 guardian, they probably don't have that many good role models and they probably have more bad role models.
If you can't acknowledge the socioeconomic factors that lead ghetto kids to going down the wrong path sometimes then idk for you mate you might just be fucking thick.


>not being a child when you're a child

I'm talking about the past, you degenerate goon.
Normal people do dumb, semi-criminal shit when they're kids.
Manchildren never do any of that when they're kids, because they're too busy masturbating to cartoons or whatever.

Go back to Russia, kike

>If my friends
They weren't with their friends it was a huge group of teenagers and only 2 of the 5 that were charged with the rape even knew each other. Peer pressure is a thing. There are enough people in this scenario that it's totally plausible that the "bad" kids were fucking around beating people up while the "good" kids were just hanging out. There were a ton of people.

>So they belong in prison.
No what the fuck are you talking about. Have you never been acquaintances with anyone who has ever done something illegal? None of your mates sold weed in school or some shit?

>I think it's safe to say most prisoners have disabilities. That's why they're prisoners.
Well, no. They're prisoners because they commit crimes.
Korey was 16. Today, 18-25 year olds go to youth correctional facilities. He went to Riker's Island for over a decade. What do you think happened to him?
And the ONLY reason he was ever a suspect in this case is because he chose to go with his friend to the police station.

Are you trying to make a point?
I'm calling them kids because they're kids.
People who say "youths" are almost always racially dogwhistling. It almost always has a nasty connotation to it in context.
They were like 14, 15, 15, and 16. They were kids.

I'm sure they were in that park at night studying for school your racists, how dare you.

White people have to be killed

>they were all in the park
>they all had prior knowledge that a woman was beat up and raped before it was public
>they all confessed and or made statements implying guilt and involvement

Seems open and shut to me, just because they only helped and didn't actually cum inside her doesn't mean they were innocent ;)

Clearly someone did something you mong, it comes down to catching the right people.

lead detective btw

>“If we had gone to trial in their lawsuit, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because all the facts would have come out,” he said. “It would have been clear they participated and Reyes didn’t act alone. The evidence supported it. They (the Central Park 5) did not want to go to trial. They just wanted to get paid.”

>Reynolds notes archly that he was never a named defendant in the lawsuit, and speculates the omission was no accident. Including a black cop as a target of the lawsuit would contradict the narrative of white racist officers railroading the young teens.

Educate yourselves redditors before consuming propaganda from a billion dollar coproation like Netflix


>trusting a cop

Kill piggy

>It would have been clear they participated
What counts as participating? Did they also fuck the victim or did they just hold her down?

Yes, Trump speaking out against the Central Park 5 is an example of his deep seeded racism

They were black and physically present within a mile radius :^)

>that a fucking shitload of kids were in the park
And what color were these "kids" and what color was their victims?

>he never heard of black police showing out for the white cop

Except one of them told his friend's sister, while he was in prison, that he did it. Jesus christ imagine living in a liberal fantasy, protecting rapists and thugs.

The New York Daily is a fucking joke, user. It's like Breitbart-tier comedy.

It's just another example of him being right despite the cultural zeitgeist

I stole snickers bars from stores. I didn't knock people over the head with lead pipes and rape women. Holy christ.

>Educate yourselves redditors before consuming propaganda from a billion dollar coproation like Netflix
This. Netflix is the same company trying to get a man who raped and murdered a woman released from prison because muh wrestlemania

>Did they also fuck the victim or did they just hold her down?
Would it really matter? Let me ask you a better question: if five white "youths" held a black woman down while their friend raped her, what would you want to happen to them?

>despite the cultural zeitgeist
Nigger they got convicted. It wasn't against shit. He was just being another normie ass cracker motherfucker.

>teenagers are kids and they should be left alone

Attached: kid_jpg.jpg (548x636, 38K)

>he didn't rape or beat anyone

And you call yourself a paragon of the white race...

You sicken me.

>Nigger they got convicted
30 years ago. They were released and given millions of dollars in current year because YAAAS SLAY DA WH*TE MAN

Crackers don't count, they're fair game from day 1.

god you are retarded

So then fucking Donny wasn't against any fucking zeitgeist when he made a big stink about it, you dunce.
Because that was then, not now. Shit, negro, pay attention.

I didn't say they didn't deserve going to jail.

The comments he made about them were made in 2011, the year they were released. Moron.

>*sweats* uhhh, purely socioeconomic factors

Nigger he put out an ad to try to convince people to bring back the death penalty when they were arrested, you fuck. "Comments" don't mean shit, he spouts dumb shit literally all fucking day every day. I'm talking about tangible action and fuckery, in this case a fucking ad in the fucking paper.
You insufferable fucking jigaboo fuck.

Neither did they. This is 100% confirmed.
People were getting beat up in the park that night but the kids involved were identified by their respective victims. None of the victims recognised the Central Park 5.
There is no DNA evidence to connect any of them to the rape despite the fact that she was covered in blood and beaten half to death. In fact, they found several DNA samples around the scene, none of them had any trace of the CP5. There is, however, DNA evidence connecting the guy who was actually convicted in the end.

They knew information about the crime that even police didn't know at the time, holy shit. Pull your head out of your ass. They held her down while she was raped then beat her half to death.

Hold on, wait a minute

>hates women
>gives a fuck about somebody raping them

Get your ideals straight, incel. You can't have it both ways.

Lmao @ niggers ITT defending criminals.
This is why whites hate you.
You can't live in civilized countries peacefully.

Kill every white and chinaman

With technology given to niggers by whites or chinese, because niggers can't invent anything at all.
They can only steal, rape, and kill.

You racist POS

Does anyone, ANYONE, have any actual evidence that they were guild besides "much black people"? I'm 100% serious and curious. Like literally ANY source what so ever?

Just some pig

>"I'm a doctor"
>looks like a fucking q tip hood rat

>Each told a different story
They were inconsistent about the facts of the rape such as who did what and the location
Hardly proof of innocence

Also the one who was interrogated without parents lied about his age and then was permitted to have his parents in the room once the police realized he was only 14

>tfw never went outside so I was never indicted in any crimes my hoodrat friends got into

Be glad you aren't a white boi in the suburbs

They're niggers, this behavior is known and accounted for within the law system, at least it used to be.