What's the moral of this story?

What's the moral of this story?

Attached: 13 reasons why.jpg (1707x1787, 1.71M)

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kill yourself lmao.

take your meds

Killing yourself is awesome and the best way to get back at the people you don't like.

Toxic masculinity and a lack of a support network for reasons of institutional patriarchy put women in positions where they have no other way to relieve themselves from unbearable pain than committing suicide.
Sub 80 IQ incels.

That series shouldn't go beyond the book(s).

damn bitch, just read some nietzsche and realize "what does not kill me makes me stronger" and that we must be Dionysian in the face of tragedy in order to affirm life, not deny it.


You fucking emo cunts disgust me


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To fuck cute mixed race girls

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Holy shit, I have never seen a person use the word "Dionysian" and be so clueless of what it actually means.

>it's the fault of men i blow my brains out for attention!

Imagine being such a whiny, insipid cunt that you blame men for everything, including fucking kill yourself, lmao.

Don't be an attention seeking thot who kills herself just to get revenge on people who hurt yor feefees.

La cucaracha

Don't be a fag

>What's the moral of this story?
incels must die

Attached: get off me clay you fucking virgin.webm (853x480, 2.75M)

Apparently to fucking kill yourself.


Like 20 millennial thots went An Hero because this show told them how cool it would be.

When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and barely says a word is most definitely a whore.

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>Don't be naked in the pool of a high school jock who already groped you in public

dont get fucked up the ass with a broomstick

Suicide is a great way of getting revenge!

if you commit suicide then you will be the center of attention for a very long time for every you have ever known, you will get justice from beyond the grave, and there will even be court cases centered entirely around you.

it's a wonderful message.

>days after watching him rape your classmate in her sleep
I brought this up to my roommate and she started to cry. told me i was shaming victims

Asian guys = ALPHA
White dudes = BETA KEKS

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This. Suicide makes everyone who wronged you sit down and solve the mystery and realize their guilt!! The sad reality is that most people who kill themselves recieve a burst of superficial mourning and embaressing shame, before everyone tries to forget them asap.


you forgot to add that she was also in the room when he raped her friend. and she did nothing about it during or after. wow this girl is such a hero

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this show is targeted towards zoomers, and they love it. hahaha fucking retarded zoomers

If you want attention kill yourself and everyone will suddenly care!

it doesnt matter that he's asian or the other guy is white it could be the other way around or any other race.

It's that one is tall and the other guy is short, that is the only important distinction.

Remember the Kavanaugh hearings and all the absurd shit people were saying about his rape parties?

Attached: dog brutally mauls baby.webm (400x400, 1.26M)

>"wah wah i went to the party of a rapist thinking nothing would happen to me because i'm not like other girls but instead i got raped"
>"wah wah rather than accept i'm a dumb interchangeable basic bitch and learn something i'll kill myself instead to avoid any responsibility!"
Such strength and bravery.

I said this was going to happen from day one this show aired. Suicide is contagious and creating a show that martyrs those that commit it without addressing their accountability will only lead to people emulating it. "13 reasons s". Bullshit. There's one reason; people choose to Jill themselves rather than carry on.

Abolish public schools

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plot was dumb but this show actually had a comfy soundtrack and cinematography. captures that high school summer night feel well

This might actually be a great case of Natural Selection though.

If you're so stupid and easily-influenced that you blow your brains out because a Netflix show said to do it, it may be good that you are being removed from society, regardless of means.
Anybody this stupid and easily-influenced would have simply grown up to join ISIS or some shit.

your roommate sounds like a stupid cunt

>text on a transparent background

Attached: Absolutely Disgusting Macro Cute.png (356x553, 285K)

she's an absolute breeding sow

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if only we had schools like this, its more like a daycare than any kind of authoritarian tool

Are you sure?

Teen sex is hella tight.

Man of taste.

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