My Descent Into the Alt-Right Pipeline

Would this make for a kino film adaptation?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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natural canopy

Is this kid basically the IRL equivalent of this image?

"No guys, really! I'm not a leftist! I really was right-wing, I just got the REAL Red-Pill, which turned out to be the Blue-Pill! I really was on the inside and changed my ways! I totally wasn't just stealthing for material to make a documentary out of to make money off of!"

Attached: SJW's Stealthing as 'Trump-supporters'.jpg (740x641, 52K)

>weak minded subhuman cretin that follows the herd for acceptance starts following another herd

And? He was never right wing for the ideology.

>I used to be far-right now I'm far-left instead

What a cohencidence

Lmao, he was always a leftie

This guy is a troll though. A comment he made on another video revealed it.

Fucking lel.

Attached: 1 My Descent into the Alt Right Pipeline YouTube.png (840x156, 32K)

There's something viscerally ugly about his face. I can look at fat unkempt slobs all day and feel nothing but this faggot's face that's unforgivable.

>Top Comment is a favorited comment from fucking ContraPoints

Can't make this shit up.

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This unironically happened to me. I look back at shit I was spouting around 2016 and cringe now. I'm not a commie but more left leaning and sensible now ,

Attached: normie.jpg (1024x1024, 295K)

Yep, totally lol

You sound like a Nazi

Imagine sitting in front of a camera and literally crying as you remember the "trauma" of seeing people post politically-incorrect meme-images of Pepe.

Liberals legitimately have ZERO shame. They will embarrass the fuck out of themselves in public for the sake of getting to virtue-signal.

You probably never went beyond surface level SJW rekt videos.


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STFU faggot

Both these are me btw

>t. hontrapoints lover

>suggested videos from the algorithm are Destiny, ContraPoints, Philosophy Tube, Big Joel, Three Arrows, Innuendo

Yeah, seems about right.

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>Philosophy Tube, Big Joel,
Dunno these guys
>Three Arrows

Is that the first of your eight or nine images from Reddit that you cucks spam endlessly?

>Destiny, ContraPoints, Philosophy Tube, Big Joel, Three Arrows, Innuendo

Reminder that this is the average /pol/ poster
>talks with a nasally voice
>pathetic and weak looking
>a bitch in general
thanks for the (You)s


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>unironically getting your information on reality from a man not smart/sane enough to know he's not a woman

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Or do you not care about his actual political opinions and instead just donate to his Twitter so you can see photos of his mutilated asshole while wearing Antifa-themed fetish-gear.

>t. every /pol/ poster ever

Post yfw hearing contrapoints voice for the first time

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>is a tranny
>thinks hes the sane one with legitimate political opinions
oh no no no

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>Reminder that this is the average /pol/ poster
>Is literally a guy crying about /pol/

Your tranny-logic doesn't apply to the real world.

Friendly reminder Yea Forums is a left wing board, if you don't like it go back to /pol/

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How the fuck can he deradicalize right wing people when no rightwinger can take a man playing dress up seriously?

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would top left

Bro... thee average /pol/ poster is not white.

This dude looks like Buffalo Bill

>reminder Yea Forums is a left wing board

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They're so limpwristed that they can barely raise their fist lmao

I could literally beat up every one of them at the same time and they wouldn't be able to do anything LOL

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>As a teenager, he browsed Yea Forums, the lawless message board.

lmao. It's actually one of the most heavily moderated websites.

I refuse to believe anyone has ever actually been "deradicalized"

The way the entire spectrum works is you spend your formative years in education and media learning how important it is to "be nice" and "help poor people" and then you either continue parroting the feel good nonsense you learned as a kid unchallenged or something fucking awful happens to you and the Reality Truck rolls over your back

Simple example: look at every black character on television for the last 20 or 30 years. How noble, and smart, and brave, and honest, and loyal they are as they triumph in the face of oppression. The only thing that could actually cause racism is ever actually interacting with black people irl.

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>I cannot think for myself and will continue to bounce between ideological camps as different talking heads rise and fall in the weight of my YouTube algorithm

There's room for a trilogy.

grandma wtf are you doing

>They will embarrass the fuck out of themselves in public for the sake of getting to virtue-signal.

Are you kidding me? They will literally KILL themselves. They will literally kill other liberals in order to prove their point. Uncle ted talked about the masochism and self-defeating nature of the left.

wtf why is Philip DeFranco there?? lmao

>tfw radical centrist

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You fucking discord troons couldn't be fucking subtle if you tried, no wonder you all kill yourselves.

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ok janni

>1st video is 430k
>most of his other videos can't even break 5k
He still on planning to be a YouTuber as a career?

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what is actually wrong with being transexual

>normies that get laid
>incel soi communists

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>I refuse to believe anyone has ever actually been "deradicalized"

Yeah this is the kind of propaganda you use in war-time
>Look guys how many defectors this nation has, it means we are on the right side

>Looking to youtube grifters for what opinions to have

You are as fucking gullible and empty headed as this dude in the article if any of it is actually true.

He isn't a DNC shill, that makes him basically a Nazi.

I used to be an alt-right edgelord but then I had sex

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left doesn't give a shit about him, they just wanted somebody...anybody to affirm that their lame tranny politics can convince people to switch sides.

Me too, and it's sad being poltards getting so triggered at the thought of it.
/pol/ is built around a handful of uncomfortable truths/blackpills, once you are aware of them it's easy to get tunnel vision and forget that while true, they are not the whole picture. They're very similar to SJWs, feminists, incels and MGTOWs.

Same. Everything changed for me when my parents kicked me out of the home and I'm forced to get a job.

Contrapoints used to be interesting when he had his own opinions and debated Alt Righters. His fanbase now is a cult and he won't touch anything controversial anymore or even debate anyone