Top 3

>Top 3
White Christmas
San Junipero
Be Right Back

>Worst 3
Striking Vipers

Attached: BlackMirrorTitleCard.jpg (358x202, 5K)

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Why is "Striking Vipers" bad? Can you actually elaborate on that?

I'm done with this shit

San Junipero is a perfect example of how delusional the LGBT community is. It's literally an episode about giving up the bond you and your husband shared so that a digital copy of you (not you) can go fuck a white girl forever.

wot if u could like, marry an email

It defends gamer autogynephilia (an enormous contemporary social problem) rather than painting it as dystopian


This article sums it up pretty well

How do YOU know her husband was a good man? He could have been forcing his D up her shitter every time he got back from the bar pissed.

>gamer autogynephilia (an enormous contemporary social problem)
Please elaborate on why it is a problem at all, in any capacity, let alone an "enormous" one.
>rather than painting it as dystopian
So you decry the lack of propaganda compatible with your personal ideology? Are you a communist?

USS Callister
Hang the DJ

The Waldo Moment
Men against fire

Because it tried to make me (as a competitive smash bros player) feel like a homo cuz I play the most chad genre of vidya.

>you're a fag
>smash lel that no fighting game, go play Melty Blood XD XDX XD ZX

Fucking end yourself weeb shit.

>striking vipers was filmed in my shithole city

Fuck what all of you say - Hang the DJ was an absolutely emotional episode that only people who have sex can understand. It was beautiful.

The gamer/anime-fan to trannie pipeline is enormous

>hurr durr all good and bad things are the same
dumb liberal

> Hang the DJ was an absolutely emotional episode that only people who have sex can understand

So I guess you didn't get anything out of it then.

I saw that ep as more of the grapple with our fear of death and the unknown afterlife. The choice wasn’t between her husband and a lesbian, it was between an assured artificial afterlife and the chance that the real afterlife exists which we are all told is inconceivably divine. It’s why I thought it was a sad ending. She pussied out and took the man made construct. Her convictions weren’t strong enough to take a leap of faith.

>linking the federalist articles on Yea Forums

Waldo one could have been good I think if the bear itself was like a crude AI designed by the guy that he loses control of, not just a digital puppet.

have sex

As I recall though didn't she say she lost her faith over tragedy? It wasn't a case where she got to the end of her life and then was getting nervous about her faith and the afterlife. Her daughter had died or something years prior and back then she made her decision, she was only kind of clinging on because of her husband's memory and his faith, something she didn't share. Not cowardice.

>Top 3
Fifteen Million Merits
White Christmas
Shut Up And Dance

>Worst 3
Striking Vipers
Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too

Yes, the last season represents the worst Black Mirror has ever been, including the typically worst rated episodes of past seasons. Black Mirror has finally left behind its premise of making information technology instrumental to every story, reducing it something that merely facilitates stories that could have been told without it. Nevermind the fact that it has also left behind its typically bleak atmosphere.

I didn't want to believe the memes, but they were true. Black Mirror used to be one of my favorite things on television. Now it's just as braindead as any average show.

>USS Callister hahahahhahahahhehehhehee

she explicitly never had those convictions in the first place tho. And she gone can always choose to pass away if she decides otherwise. It's definitely sad, but they still got their second chance, at least for a little while.

I actually enjoyed Smithereens. It had nothing to do with the dangers of future technology though. As a drama, I did really enjoy it.

Not him, but The Waldo Moment sucks because it's simplistic, thinly veiled commentary on modern politics that anyone who overestimates their own intelligence makes before morning coffee. Other than that the characters are not compelling and there's no good narrative arc, so it's just a long stretch of Brooker going "boy, isn't populism terrible?"

>Because it tried to make me (as a competitive smash bros player) feel like a homo cuz I play the most chad genre of vidya.
>it tried to make me feel like a homo
So why are you lying?
>The gamer/anime-fan to trannie pipeline is enormous
Please prove your assertion by objective, quantitative data.
>>hurr durr all good and bad things are the same
What original statement does this paraphrase of yours satirize exactly?
>dumb liberal
Why did you chose name-calling instead of arguing your point of view?

Attached: argpyr[1].jpg (679x516, 53K)

>striking vipers
even the name sounds gay

Maybe you’re right it’s been a while since I’ve seen it. But I just remember when it came out and everyone was praising it for being a happy and gay lesbian scissor fest ending and I ended it feeling like it was way more tragic than it was made out to be.

Is anyone truly good?

I viewed it as a commentary on the degraing of political discourse towards memetic asshattery, which we could observe with Trump memeing and can now observe with the "Yang gang" circlejerk.

It's the best of the bunch, and if it were a movie I'd just ran into on Netflix, I'd probably have thought it was kinda decent. A little trite with its message, but decent. Good performances, good cinematography.

But as a Black Mirror episode, it just doesn't do what I expect Black Mirror to do. And it's also not a movie, but an episode of a TV show. The biggest complaint I have with these new episodes is that the extra length goes completely unused. They've just stretched regular episodes out to fit the runtime. I took notice of it with Striking Vipers, and it takes 15 minutes of character setup before the actual story starts. And then it's 40 minutes of the dude ruining his marriage. Take the same episode and cut it down to fit into 40-45 minutes, and it's instantly better.

I don't understand Metalhead.
Why do they send out this elite team for a box of teddy bears?
Was there anyone on the other end of the radio?


As far as I could tell they were supposed to be security bots that did their job a little too well and started eradicating humans.

Yeah, pretty much. I'm fine with that if there's an actual point behind it. The National Anthem was relatively similar in the fact that it has a political theme, but it's just executed so much better. It's a real blow against the backhandedness of modern politics. And the idea of a literal persona running and winning an election is actually a good idea for something like Black Mirror. There's a point to be made with that. But it doesn't. At least, not beyond its complaint with the lack of dignified politics.

And that's a conservative viewpoint, too. If you look back, you'll find that the same shit happened before the modern media age, too. The Romans were notorious shit-slingers and meme-makers. Enemies of Julius Caesar circulated the rumor that he had given up his anal virginity to get a good deal with a foreign king.

The twist at the end of Hang the DJ completely takes everything away from the rest of it. If "the program" had been reality it would have been so much better and more fulfilling.

that's not what satire is you fucking pseud lmao

Isn't it pretty much reality in the sense that a digital copy is created and experiencing those simulations? It's them but not them.

I've read fan theory that those teddy bears can actually hold a cookie, which I can imagine the parent of a dying child valuing. It also fits with the dark tone of Black Mirror, because we know it's a selfish, terrible thing to do.

But in all likelihood, it's just a teddy bear, and the whole message is about contrasting emotional humanity with the unrelenting, efficient machines that hunt them in that world. Personally, I didn't enjoy the touch. It would have been better to leave it out. The entire story was about the hunt anyway. I enjoyed it more than most. It's one of those stories where the technology facilitates a more traditional plot, rather than direct commentary, but it was pretty exciting. And I enjoyed actually getting to see a ruthlessly efficient futuristic drone for that long, and the fact that it looked and acted realistically. I guess I've seen so many shitty movie robots that this just really worked for me.

I was cutting some slack. It seems self-defeating to me to call something a "weak-ass, helpless brainlet strawman response" when you intend to keep a conversation going with another person.

Top 3
>White christmas
>Entire History of You
>Shut up and dance
Worst 3
>Waldo Moment
I thought it was rather obvious

The fact that it wasn't real was the point. All those experiences get flushed down the toilet at the end of it. And I suppose there's the hidden implication that the relationship will be nothing like what we saw, because those people are just going to go through normal life together, rather than a journey of self-discovery.

Have sex

Have sex

it’s fun to play make believe user.

Top 3
>White Christmas
>The Entire History of You
>Hang the DJ
Worst 3
>The Waldo Moment
>Men Against Fire

I don't get the hate against Crocodile, episode was one of the darkest and it gets more fucked up as it goes, definitely underrated.

Take a shower

For me? It’s gay black niggers

What's wrong with the Federalist?

All of what you're saying is why I don't think it works. If it had been about them overcoming societies idea of what makes a perfect couple and rebelling to be together it would have been great. But no, it's just an app and the real people aren't ever going to be in the environment that made them fall in love in the simulation so what was the point?

Thats the most comfy episode desu.

This. To me this season felt like it was made by someone who has never seen Black Mirror but read a synopsis of it and tried to make their version of it. The importance and social commentary of technology and it’s effects in our society are gone in place of pushing agendas and lame happy ending Disney movies. I’m so disappointed because it really was one of the coolest shows I ever watched but now it just makes me cringe

>White Christmas

AGP cringe

In the second episode, the sniper can't get a clear shot, but why didn't he just move?

genuinely embarrassing post

Top 3:
USS Callister
Rachel Jack and Ashley too
Shut up and dance

Worst 3:
Entire history of you.
White Christmas

>Fifteen Million Merits
Really good episode despite the goofy premise.

That's based in my books.

>san junipero
>not in worst 3
lol retard, go paint your fingernails faggot

he'd already gotten comfy

>shut up and dance
>white bear
>national anthem
Shit for retards
>san junipero
>rachel jack and ashley too
>striking vipers

To be fair, it always had an agenda as well as some happy endings. A lot of people love San Junipero, and while it isn't one of my favorites, I can still see the whole Black Mirror premise there. And it's kind of bittersweet, because you're still left wondering about the ramifications of this fantasy tech. Season 5 doesn't even agenda-push all that hard. It's just lackluster all around, and stuff like "lol don't text and drive" stand out a lot more in the vacuum that these episodes have.

Legit one of my very favorites. The thing is, a goofy premise isn't goofy if you sell it well. And that's what that episode does. The characters in it never comment on their world. They wouldn't, because it's natural to them. A less well written episode would have some distant calamity that forced people into it, you know, shitty exposition. But that episode does it through smart visual storytelling. Good stuff.