What Ever Happened to Sam Hyde?


Currently, Hyde's career prospects are barely a shadow of what they once were. He created a new YouTube channel which was immediately demonetized. Now he's hosting everything on a personal website behind a paywall, but his new content is lacking in quality and consistency, with a new release once every three months at best. In one video, Hyde goes on a massive "ironic" tirade against Adult Swim. In the most recent, he and his friends just harass people at their homes. His newer work completely lacks any relevant social commentary or greater point. It's not particularly funny either. Hyde's comedic voice has effectively been neutered.

Sam Hyde is living proof that free speech might prevent the government from censoring your views, but it doesn't force anyone else to support, promote, or monetize them. His career became a casualty of his own ideology. To be clear, Sam Hyde isn't just someone with conservative views. Rather, he facilitated and moderated a fanbase that actively spread hate speech and terrorized his enemies. His comedy wasn't just comedy with a right-wing twist. It was a comedy that inspired real-world harassment against specific people. Even in the free market of ideas, nobody should be forced to actively support toxic behavior. So they didn't – Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, and Adult Swim all showed Sam Hyde the door. That doesn't mean he can't still make comedy; he can. It just means that nobody wants to pay him for it.

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>Even in the free market of ideas, nobody should be forced to actively support toxic behavior. So they didn't – Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, and Adult Swim all showed Sam Hyde the door.
>just make your own bank!
These dishonest leftist shitheads are beneath contempt.

in jail for shooting up a church

This is one of the things that sort of annoys me about him

Everything about World Peace Season 1 seemed like the trio ABSOLUTELY KNEW there was no way they had any career prospects after this, and were willing to risk everything to put their messages (the uncensored bumpers, THANK YOU JEWS, etc.) out there. There's a fucking bumper there literally called "if this show gets cancelled, ___ yourself"

So why the fuck was Sam surprised it got cancelled?

Uh, what? People like Hyde want fascism, though. They're hypocrites and they deserve to have their own worldview imposed on them.

Interesting point tbqh.

Anyway I only really enjoyed KSTV. The new season seems like it is going to be pretty terrible based on the first episode. Therefore, all interest I ever had in Sam Hyde is officially gone.

This. I unironically want the day of the rope for leftists whereas I was memeing before. These shitheads will never stop oppressing others.

>advertisers should be forced to pay you
fuck off commie

Literally no one cares but kekistani autists stop posting this faggot

>Have tons of attention on you after getting your show canceled
>Completely waste it by not releasing any content for months after the cancellation
>Ruin your relationship with Charls
>Eventually make new stuff that takes years to put out, it sucks and it's behind a pay wall
>"Hurrrr liberals did this to me"

Sam is just a lazy faggot

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i mean, just take a look at him and you'll see that he's in love with the concept of self sabotage.
why does he look like shit when he could not?
this is a man that finds his ugliness to be funny, that has spent more than a hundred thousand dollars in a useless degree, which has taken the black pill a long time ago.
sam worships death, even if he doesn't know it.
i'm a fan, i find his stuff funny as fuck but most of the time it is way too depressing to watch.
he was egotistical for not taking charls and nick in consideration before putting political stuff in the show.
i would be glad for this wake up call but it clearly took a toll on him.


what the fuck is the source on this, I've never found it

Yeah, he had a good chance to make something by himself right after the cancellation, but he blew it. Literally did nothing at all.

They thought normies wouldn't be able to figure out they were pandering to /pol/ types. They would have gotten away with it had Sam not gone full 1488 on twitter.

pic related: the right stuff is a popular nazi site

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World peace was funny and not even overly reactionary rly. Even a lot of lefty comedians liked it. The content was not the problem. The problem was sam’s conduct.

Incidentally one of the sketches that got cut was anti-cop.

Also I don’t remember thank you Jews. I think you’re getting “thank you white people” and “Jews rock” confused.

>no one remembers this other than the "i am forgotten" meme

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only literal assholes and fat incels ever liked him

Sam is a narcissistic pathological manchild who can't take criticism on his stale comedy and instead whines to his fans on the internet as a perpetual victim of jews and hollywood. He deserved everything that happened to him.

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He's releasing 1-2 videos a month right now bro.

It's really sad and pathetic what happened to Sam. These days he does nothing but milk his paypigs in exchange for lackluster and/or late content. He's so cancerous he fell out with his old friends and the guys in his new vids are sycophant, tryhard, unfunny numales because even Charls got tired of his bullshit. Nick still appears sometimes, last time Sam had to beg for money to pay him. Nu MDE isn't funny. It consists of Sam and his neckbearded autistic friends doing ebin YouTube pranks and putting them behind a paywall. Ringing someone's doorbell and blowing a cigar in their face isn't humorous, it's just cringe. Wandering around town harassing massage parlors isn't comedy, it's just dickish.

They did some funny stuff, ever tho some of it was too douchey for me. The "moms" clip is pretty hilarious but makes me cringe any time.

>People like Hyde want fascism

Not really. The worst part about Hyde is that he was never really alt-right or political. He's just a money hungry opportunist who thought this edgy subculture was going to be the next big thing. Can't blame him for trying since their little movement had a lot of momentum prior to the Chancellorsville debacle.

Yeah, "Jews Rock". Pretty sure there's a "THANKS JEWS" caption in that skit though. "Thank you white people" never aired

I’m getting to that stage. A few years back I didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. Now my everyday life(which is not the eventful) is being affected by non stop left wing insanity. I live in Denver and the amount of my tax dollars that goes into painting rainbow flags on cross walks and shit is insane.

reminder that it was supposed to be "jews rule" in the first place.
sam is an actual retard.
he knows most of the entertainment industry is controlled by jews, did he HONESTLY think that putting such message in an obscure, nighttime comedy show would enlighten the masses towards this issue?
of course not, he did it to pander to /pol/.
it's a shame world peace got cancelled because he's too much of a dumbass to keep a low profile.

It was super-reactionary if it had aired uncensored, and regardless, the executives saw all the shit on the bumpers anyways. That's my point, I always assumed they knew they were done for once the first season finished airing.


Still can't believe he tried to get this on network tv. If you're woke on (((hollywood))) wouldn't you expect to get cancelled after this?

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Charls and Nick came up with all of the funny ideas and sam did the grafix/artsy shit. He doesn't have the brainpower to do it without them.

he backpedaled like a faggot too

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>jews and blacks worked on the show therefore it's stupid to call it racist

lol he really didn't think this through

I believe this, he does seem like an asshole.

jesus christ.
>Eric Andre was never asked by The Atlantic to defend his "Everybody Hates Kikes" joke
because he's a jew-nigger mutt. for fuck's sake sam is dumb as fuck.

Same thing that happened to milo yiannopoulos, edgy humor peaked once Trump was elected and nobody cared anymore

that's the worst of it too. act edgy till there are consequences then cry and acquiesce like a milquetoast liberal actor after a faux pas. pathetic.

at least charls and nick are true to themselves, charls with his schizoposting and nick with his post-ironic boomer life. sams a spineless fag

It's also the thing with Tom Green or Filthy Frank, where it's blatantly obvious they're playing a character and don't actually hold those views

Sam's entire persona is built around not knowing who Sam even is, where the jokes start or stop, or what views he genuinely holds, which bites him in the ass in something like this.

>of course not, he did it to pander to /pol/.
So...maybe you live in buttfuck Midwest or something but Jew jokes aren’t exactly limited to extremely online racists. Pretty much any adult who lives in an urban area (with a Jewish population) and has a sense of humor will get them, especially if they’re at all involved with comedy or more generally entertainment. I’m not saying they wouldn’t be criticized for it but successful mainstream comedians definitely aren’t above of making jokes like Jews rock, so I think it’s odd that you found it so daring. There was much more riskier stuff.

-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.

-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.

I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been:

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>comparing pic related to the shit MDE WP pulled


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