Cashier asks if I'd like my receipt

>Cashier asks if I'd like my receipt
>Say yes
>I actually don't


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Based and redpilled

It's a result of feeling obligated to not be a burden on anybody. Maybe it's something we picked up in our childhood.
When the cashier asked you if you'd like your receipt you didn't even hear the first part of her sentence, you only understood the word 'reciept', and in a panic your mind tried to quickly make sense of what she said and come up with proper response, so you blurted out 'y-yes'.

I sometimes watch how other people handle themselves in these situations. A guy would be asked if he wants the receipt, he will listen to the words coming out of the cashier's mouth, and then decide that he doesn't want a receipt, then calmly reply with 'no'. It truly is admirable.

>last step of the recipe is "enjoy :)"

>friend asks me to lay on the ground
>actually do it

its why they ask if you want to donate your change to charity at the checkout
especially if theres people behind you

You should. A lot of nigger cashiers will ring up additional smaller priced shit, like 1$ coffees and get them for themselves.

I caught a couple doing it recently. You can also catch them doing shady shit like putting in that you gave them a 20$, but you really gave them a 10$ and they pocket the difference(but that doesn't really matter, it ain't my problem kek)

>be me
>at restaurant
>finish meal
>ask for coffee
>waiter forgets cream & sugar
>I have to ask for it
>only tip 10% as revenge


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Maybe they were understaffed on a busy day user, have you thought of that?

>touching receipts

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>pour milk in bowl
>before the cereal

I'm a brit and if feel genuinely uncomfortable going to eat out in America knowing what I know about the tipping culture. You're basically pressures into paying an extra 15% for your meal and if you don't want to do that, you're considered an asshole/cheapskate. Or are staff not that insistent with tourists because they know other countries aren't like that?

yeah no thanks, i dont want cancer. glad im not the only one who knows this

>Go on vacation
>pack only one pair of underwear


If you can't afford to eat out then don't

>he has to tip as an obligation

The absolute state of Murica. Don't forget to tip this summer when comming here, faggot. :^)

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>not buying groceries online

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Having worked in a couple places I can tell you most of the staff don't swell on individual tables unless you're a problem. You have to remember that between cheap-ass old people who will keep asking for ridiculous shit and leave you pocket change and the black people who lie to try and get free food and leave nothing, you doing the math wrong and only tipping 8% for a sandwich and coffee is hardly a concern.

And nobody's going to actually tell you to leave a certain amount unless you have a large group and then it just says on the menu "and parties of 5 or more will have an automatic x% gratuity." If a sever is openly discussing tips they're incredibly unprofessional or just sick of your shit.

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But you can't know how much milk you need if the cereal isn't already in there, what kind of fucking monster are you

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