Just finished this and it was basically bruh moment after bruh moment. Its amazing

Just finished this and it was basically bruh moment after bruh moment. Its amazing

I absolutely love Jodie, she puts on one of the best performances ive ever seen.

Anywways thoughts? Ive never seen it discussed here.

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that ugly gook is why I won't watch the show

I fucked Sandra Oh back in 2006. Ask me anything.

That show is literal trash and you have to go back bitchface nigger

did you put a bag on her head?

What did you think about to maintain your erection?

how did the pussy smell

Nice legs.

Attached: jodie comer killing eve.webm (700x394, 1.2M)


Didn't have to.
Like most clean pussy does. She's very well groomed and does kegels to keep things nice and tight down there. Overall a very nice experience.

Finished season 2 a few days ago
The plot for the second season seemed half baked. It felt like an excuse to just get the two in wacky situations
Decent show though

Looks like cancer and you sound like a complete faggot.

what is the appeal of this show?

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>women main characters show
hehe no way fag

Based bruhposter

Is season 2 good? I liked season 1.
Please tell there are no YASSS QUEEN moments, they did a good job of evading that garbage in S1.

>The plot for the second season seemed half baked. It felt like an excuse to just get the two in wacky situations
The whole show is like that. The plot is really secondary. I was able to overlook it and enjoyed it.

Villanelle is my waifu
It's sort of like Hannibal but with lesbians

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the Asian chick isn't good. But Comer manages to carry her and make it top notch entertainment

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sandra oh is literally the ugliest woman I have ever seen. whats worse is she's cast against someone who is legitimately attractive, but they have to make her uglier so sandra oh doesn't look like a pile of vomit next to her.

who paid for this ad post?

fuck dude spare the catalog use this one

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why do you guys pretend this show is a lot better than it is? it's entertaining sure but that's pretty much it. I guess it's just a waifufag vehicle for villanelle.

>I guess it's just a waifufag vehicle for villanelle.
think again.

>female show
>ugly gook
Yeah its time for you to transition

>cute white girl

that's all really. It's quite med but nevertheless a good watch as background noise or for when you don't feel like paying too much attention to anything worthy.

Watch it or don't, nobody cares.

I wonder why you think someone would pay to advertise this show on Yea Forums

I just like jodie comier

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Bong licence fees