>watch ALL THAT
>unfunny AF comedy, even by kids standards

Attached: 1F053AA5-48C7-4F0F-9218-725F3F356AB9.png (807x490, 563K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This show and the Amanda show were elaborate fronts to disguise Bynes mental deterioration

Agreed. By the time All That was around, I was already watching stuff like SNL.

Everything on Nickelodeon was completely unwatchable except Pete and Pete

Here’s hoping the reboot beats it by a mile, but I’m not holding my breath.

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This. Also,
>no Danny Tamberelli on the All That revival
Truly the darkest timeline

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Gotta love all the zoomer faggots in this thread. We get it you where born in 2004 and have no memory or anything and hate the fact you can't fit in. Now cope.

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Or the fact that kids these days (and even back then) have refined taste to know what good entertainment is and what sucks and like said, kids at that age were already watching SNL.

Is that who I think it is top left?

>Lil Etika

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at 10.36.44 AM.png (828x762, 562K)

Yeah, Dan was a producer for only one season.

If he was producing it now, feet would be everywhere, the 2 Asian boys wouldn’t be there and Jojo Siwa would be part of the cast

All That is unironically better than SNL

All That got better as time went on until the last few seasons. The Amanda Show is better anyway.

I wonder if the show would’ve been better if the Harvey Weinstein of Nickelodeon wasn’t a producer

>good burger
>repair man man
>better than SNL
Someone must’ve gotten the V-Chip on their TV when they were kids

Attached: 5FEF83BB-C49A-44BC-B5E3-6F75852CD366.jpg (1242x1242, 149K)

SNL hasnt had anything good since 2001 pal

nigger you unironically like good burger

For me it was Zoom

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The movie was surprisingly fine.

At least it was better than this atrocity

Attached: AD06024B-524F-402C-9939-2DAFE7640F80.jpg (792x990, 195K)

>Goose in the back

Which one is goose?

Top right next to the black girl.

Blond back right with stripes

>we need to save SNL
>have no fear, because we are here

Attached: 52DD543F-F125-4EB2-82C9-D63CB3DAB4C8.jpg (999x749, 89K)

their videos aged like milk

Dick in a box is timeless

Attached: KidsInc_Main.jpg (1000x500, 96K)

>watching a show for children
>watching a show about children
>watching a show on a network for children

>good burger
>repair man man
>better than SNL
this but unironically

Throw it on the ground is hysterical

Why was she worth the effort?

Your cock aged like milk

Fuck yeah bro. Pete and Pete was kino.

Why are underage twitter niggers so afraid of writing fuck?

repairmanman was pretty good

No white boys.

Why do people hate whites dudes so much? The slavery and discrimination?
Do they know there were white dudes who fought for civil rights?

Remember, dont help anyone but your kind.

based idiot poster.

>good burger
>repair man man
all kino also earboy had the best character that chick playing the old guy

so much talent

Attached: goosey.webm (480x360, 2.47M)

Give Keri gf

Attached: 1553209851740.gif (315x233, 1.93M)

kys zoomer
none of your shows are good either, not a single one


>L'il P(((r)))oZD

no ren and stimpy? no rocko's?

>leaving out the most kino skit, Pierre Escargot
baka dumb zoom-zoom
go watch some propaganda on whatever faggy channel you dumb kids watch these days

Had family that actually used to live in Cranford NJ where some of that was filmed

the only good video they ever made was Ras Trent.
watch this and tell me I’m wrong. everything else was shit.

a true classic
*sips monster*

I knew someone in South Orange that they filmed the theme song across the street from.

Britney Spears is there too and possibly Christina Aguilera

Thread Theme:

TLC was the best, and yes I'm a white boy saying this. Left Eye RIP. :(

That was funny.

haHA! I toldja, didn’t I tells ya?
to be fair, I haven’t watched many of the other ones but a friend showed me Ras Trent like ten years ago and we still quote it to this very day.

I won’t pretend like it’s not also corny as fuck, but still, it can be both.

stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to, honkey ass cracka

>Pregnant Lisa Foiles didn't tell the public.
>Did a ton of YouTube videos and shot them from careful angles to hide baby belly.
>Spent five months watching her getting bigger boobs with no idea why.
Yeah, that show was worth it to the world.

Attached: Lisa Foiles - pregnant.jpg (480x360, 29K)

They still occasionally do funny pre-filmed sketches.

>punches black guy
>punches black guy
>doesn’t punch white guy
>punches black guy
okay this was actually pretty funny, but I love dumb sight gags like how he pulls down his glasses every time.

Taran Killiam was always one of the only people I actually liked on SNL. there’s just something that I find funny about him.
I’m not a fan of the show but I also liked Will Forte and Bill Hader. but I hate Samberg because I want to bang his wife.