According to people who knew him his favorite movie was King Kong (1933)...

According to people who knew him his favorite movie was King Kong (1933). People that were around him said he talked about it for ages after seeing it.

Attached: hitler-YU2EYF6MHTJQWZijeRcDXQ.jpg (1500x2082, 275K)

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I miss him, bro's

I remember reading that he liked Laurel and Hardy, westerns and Clark Gable movies too.

Did this need a thread?

Why is there still no Springtime for Hitler feature length movie?

>working in the cinema and this guy asks for one ticket to latest kino

What do?

Attached: 1535282543724.jpg (900x1185, 114K)

Was king Kong the capeshit of the day?



Sell him a ticket and direct him to the showers.

hitler was just misunderstood

>trying so hard to humanize a mass murderer

REMINDER : Hitler thought East Asians (Chinese and Japs) were superior to Whites

Attached: hitler quote_honorary aryans_01.jpg (1280x954, 322K)

>hitler was a fan of the original BLACKED ntr

He allowed Chinese and Japanese men to marry German while forbidding other races or even white ethnic groups like Jews from doing so (see example below)

Attached: Qiu Fazu_Chinese surgeon_in germany_01.jpg (265x190, 6K)

This loving old man a mass murderer? I cannot fathom it.

Attached: 1535282964554.jpg (1360x850, 290K)

Attached: hitler-japan-photo.jpg (634x727, 66K)

Based Hitler. He was a guardian of racial tolerance and harmony, not some racist like kikes make him out to be.

Attached: adolf-hitler-551243.jpg (640x852, 125K)

Drumpf's favorite is the gorilla channel. Really makes you think.

Stalin loved Westerns and was a John Wayne fan

Good taste in kino

Attached: Stalin_Joseph.jpg (600x800, 107K)

He was turned on by the erotic themes

Its when you caricature evil that it becomes dangerous user.
Because when you see real life villainy you won't recognize it.
Hitler loved dogs, his girlfriend and could have a good laugh and was charming.
He also instigated a world war.

Attached: 1290867114118.jpg (800x524, 163K)

Death to incels

Trump's favorite movie is actually the Godfather. He praised it for "accurately portraying how to run a business" or something like that

>In 1945, after the war ended, Qiu and Loni married.
By then I'm sure he didn't care.

He was a tranny

That's so fucking fake lmao

Give him an Alita ticket.

He would have loved KOTM


except it isnt fake. there are plenty of pictures of Hitler with East Asians. what makes you think he wouldnt wear a kimono?

It is something that jewish media brainwashed you into thinking Hitler was some raging racist who wouldnt even touch anything that wasnt European?

Attached: Hitler greeting Japanese ambassador_AH_Himmler_Heydrich_Painting_JS_3.jpg (504x395, 31K)


based. Truly a man for all creeds

The pic is fake you incel lmao his fucking head has been photoshopped onto that body

>One for Captain Marvel, bitte.

Yes. Remember, you would either not have been made by a sick jewish doctor mutilating you, or would be wearing a cute pink triangle.

Attached: 1e7661f372.gif (352x198, 1.93M)

Attached: DHD_k9WUMAAlyWv.jpg (927x1200, 239K)

Give him free popcorn.

Ummm, sorry but we have a "no singles" policy.

Read your quote retard.

>except it isnt fake
Proof? It's impossible to find the source of this photo.
>plenty of pictures with East Asians
No shit, they signed a military alliance. There is only one pic of Hitler in a kimono.

Will Europe ever reach this pinnacle of aesthetics ever again?

Attached: 1551175557513.jpg (549x832, 103K)


Liberal democracies used to have great aesthetics in the 40s and 50s.

Pink triangle for you.