Implying a girl, let alone one that pretty, wouldn't find a friend or a boyfriend if she wanted

>implying a girl, let alone one that pretty, wouldn't find a friend or a boyfriend if she wanted
immersion broken. entertainment media seems to love the trope of a lonely, scorned girl, but it's a complete myth which you won't encounter in the real life, ever.

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Unironically no woman has ever been lonely in the entirety of the human race

bump. female loneliness is a myth and I find it disgraceful, considering what an epidemic loneliness is for men.

Unless you’re severely handicapped, loneliness is 100% your own fault.

what a retarded sentiment. you're telling me men collectively decided to prefer loneliness?

do you even concede the fact that we live in a world where not every turn of events is in our control, that no person is a god in control of all things? because if you do, your "100%" claim is surely incorrect.

have sex

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not if everyone hates you

not relevant for the topic. women cannot be lonely, period. maybe, MAYBE if they specifically set out to reject any social connection, then a woman might be able to achieve loneliess, but this requires intent and determination.

At least it admits they have

why do they hate you
are you ugly

Anyone else still dreaming about your childhood friends because you havent made any in the adult life?

Self imposed =/= deliberately self imposed

do you deny the claim, that a person's life can and will be affected by circumstances?

I didn't have childhood friends.

she could probably find some fat autistic loser like OP

The last friend I had was when I was 13. I'm 31 now.
Since then it was strictly co-student buddies and work buddies that I talk to only at school/work.

Definitely not (which is why I already mentioned handicaps). However, I’d like to hear an explanation of someone’s loneliness where it isn’t caused by a handicap or their own behavior (or living isolated from the rest of the world on some mountain top, I guess). Every single populated area is dedicated to combatting loneliness.

Hes right but hes wrong in implying the neo marxists havent. Why is it always black and white thinking with these fags?

I've met plenty of guys who genuinely prefer to be alone, and are alone but are happy. But I've never met a girl who prefers to be alone.

most people here are socially handicapped, they just won't admit it
I know for a fact I'm on the spectrum somewhere which is why it's hard to connect to people but I also despise autistic behaviour and don't want to know for sure whether I'm autistic or not. the worst thing that can happen for you socially is being too spergy to fit in but also conscious enough to realise it

>But I've never met a girl who prefers to be alone.
Probably because they’re too busy being alone.

i'm not an asshole, and have good hygiene

>too scared to even ask girls out
who am i supposed to ask out exactly? i rarely meet new girls, i have no friends and no social skills
this past week, the only people i have spoken to have been cashiers

t. 34 year old khv

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>Every single populated area is dedicated to combatting loneliness.
you should realize how misguided this conception is from the simple fact that loneliness is only more common in large cities. human psychology hasn't developed for the kind of community a big modern city is, and the environment that modern technology creates.

come to think of it, i never saw a girl sitting alone in school, no matter how austismo, like i did some of the weird boys

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Have you ever seen a a girl with 4/10 or above looks suffer from loneliness? I sure as fuck haven't. At least speak from a place of honesty if you want to offer advice or insults.


really? how the fuck do people not realize this obvious fact the moment they put any thought to analyzing social relations? do they even want to practice thought that might break existing conceptions?

Average and above average looking girls can't be lonely, but ugly ones can although it's far less common compares to men.

I actually had a girl in my high school class who was a loner, she had some sort of heart defect so she couldn't partake in any physical activities. All she did was sit alone drawing and doing math and shit. She wasn't even fat, just really really pale(perhaps due to her condition) and plain. She never spoke to anyone, and got picked on because of her behavior.

isn't autism less prevalent in females?

>in line at a store
>group of early-20s girls in front of me
>the 4/10 girl talks about having a sugar daddy
fuck women, even the ones you think wouldn't be sluts actually are

only cause diagnosing it is hard in women since their behavior is pretty much the same, autism is a meme illness unless it full blown aspergers

I was a sad lonely kid throughout my teen years, it was my fault but i still had fun

Even women have hierarchies, you mong.
The lowest classes look down on their mirrored counterpart.

>have girl friend whos pretty but a bit depressed
>says she cant find a guy who thinks shes pretty
>still has multiple dates and is just obssesed about some other guy that doenst like her

I used to work with an obese 0/10 mexican chick who got hit on ALL THE TIME and always had a boyfriend. Blew my mind.

male loneliness is a foreign world to females. females can't even graps the thought that a man doesn't have a single option for a friend or a parter. for females, social dissatisfaction always comes from a desire for the optimal friend or partner, not from a total absence of one.

You're a fucking loser

>I used to work with an obese 0/10 mexican chick who got hit on ALL THE TIME and always had a boyfriend. Blew my mind.
looks barely affect the frequency of approaches a woman gets. it's actually pretty simple: while worse looks make you less desireable, you appear more obtainable to uglier men. on the flipside, being more attractive makes you more intimidating to approach.

she probably smells

reminder that nobody cares about your feeling and that
-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-men love women
-men love to service women
-women love children
-women do not love men
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise nonguly asexual men
-women fear of being asexual

-the only gift a man possesses by his sheer existence is to be left alone if he wants it, but ofc very few men want this since very few men kill their infatuation with their spook of ''society'' and women.

4/10 girls get dick
4/10 guys get nothing
if you're below 6/10 as a guy just kill yourself

This kills the poltard.

her fake depression is all she has to avoid thinking she is a slut

Women can't even feel loneliness, what they call loneliness is the emotion of not having the most high status male you know

>it's all your fault societal structure never influences the lives of the individuals that reside in it

Is this pasta, user? Because it's pretty true.

>She never spoke to anyone
by men or women?

The layout of your post looks like a merchant.

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Btw does online dating work? Is it possible for a wagecuck incel to find an equivallent girl there?

This. Even the most depressed, homely looking girl ive ever known had at least 4 orbiters and a boyfriend along with 2 female friends. Even at their worse they will never know soul crushing lonliness of some men.

Assholes get laid though

Bless this user. Dropping truth bombs. Be careful youre going to trigger at least a dozen nu males in this thread.

Not really all you have to be born is like 5'4 height and you are fucked for life

lmao not everyone is a bitter incel like you. Heres a hint, retard, even if you got a gf you'd still be miserable because you hate yourself, not them.

>Being this socially retarded.
Women are usually a lot more lonely then men because women tend not to have real friends the way that men have friends. Women are always backstabbing and competing with each other, plus they're usually insanely jealous of anyone they perceive to be better than them and despise people who are different from them, so many women end up having large social networks, but no real friends, hence the widespread feelings of loneliness.

>women are cunts to each-other which means their loneliness is worse

>Unless you’re severely handicapped
But I am, what now?

meet people online

This. Women really don’t understand the concept of camaraderie or friendship.

Nah, it's why so many women claim to be lonely despite outwardly appearing to have friends etc.
Having no friends is a male is much worse, because (most) men have experience with what a real friend is and thus not having one hits them harder than a woman who has a bunch of shit friends who don't really care about them. This is why lonely men kill themselves, while lonely women self harm for attention from their 'friends'.

Or loyalty. It amazes me how many women ive known in real life who not only are okay with cheating on their partner but will make excuses as to why its the guys fault

>"two years ago he said my cousin was pretty so of course i fucked two of his friends!!"

I can handle a majority of women's faults but how quickly and easily they cheat is such a huge turn off.

Itt: a bunch of incels too afraid to ever speak to a woman pretend to be experts on them

Toasty roastie postie.

Is /r9k/ down today or something?

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> women love children
Why do they kill them before they're born?

/pol/ was a mistake

>when a nu male or woman enters the thread and gets scared because their safe space might get infringed upon or they here facts that scare them

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If you're white you can get infinite matches from Southeast Asian girls

How many responsible women who use critical thinking skills have you met in your life?

>shy people tend not to stand out
>"hurr durrr girls no be lonley I never saw one"
Really gets my noggin a joggin

yeah because you're obviously the epitome of masculine, spending your saturday posting on Yea Forums about how you can't get laid

Everytime I see a cute girl I always assume she has a boyfriend.

Ive worked with a plethora of single moms. Abortion is a god send. Because the ones who dont abort literally raise psychopaths. Im all for abortion if it cuts down on the single mom epidemic.

Because they're not children at that point.

I've come to help, old fella. First try asking out chicks that you're not attracted to and are below your league, you'll eventually get enough experience to level up. However if you get rejected even by them don't take it personally, but can't say it wont hurt the first few times even a uggo rejects you. It's just a sign that your skills are weak. Also try this on whatever chick you find at whatever opportunity.

They usually do

>says the nu male or woman arguing with said guy on a Saturday about said subject

But youre the alpha and cool guy of this thread right? Please again tell me what a loser i am.

>t. Pajeet's love tips.

That and missing my grandparents, I know they would still be cheering me on, but it makes me cry sometime too.

What? Sluts should be punished and raising the son of Tyrone alone is probably the best form of it. Fuck roasties.

>see lonely men
>don't see lonely women
I guess those women are just really really really good at being invisible, eh?

>no argument
have sex

lmao jesus christ dude, have sex

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I agree BUT they end up raising a tyrone jr who ends up hurting innocent people when he becomes a career like 90% of kids raised by single moms.

Lol have sex incel

Cause they don't see them as children at that point, it's pretty well known that if you show a woman an echography of the fetus before she decides to abort, 95% of the time she won't go through with it.
That's why pro choice politicians and activists fight teeth and nails to exclude an obligatory echo before the decision in the law.

Is it normal to daydream about high school 10 years later and wish to do things differently? Why can’t I move on

what the fuck? Was he ejaculating through his eyes?

>t. convicted rapist.

Not just cute, but any girl with a good personality. If I'm actually enjoying myself talking to a girl, I already know she's taken.

It's all about luck in the end. The more social situations you put yourself in the better chance you have to get lucky.

It's not a game I can be bothered to play, although I do envy people who have found a super compatible person to share their life with.

>still no argument
Have lots of sex

Except this is wrong, post-modernist Marxists literally scare the shit out of women about men

>t. man who honor killed his sister for cheating on him.

t. "lonely"roastie who's leading on 3 different orbiters and fucking 3 chads simulataneously

>ask girl out
>get accused of harassment

Yeah ok man.

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Its really rage inducing when your female "friends" from childhood keep backstabbing you for some asshole boyfriend of theirs who doesnt give a shit about them.

Why would an asshole not have a girlfriend?

>try this on whatever chick you find at whatever opportunity.
i really don't meet many girls though. just cashiers tbqh
can't ask girls at work because of HR implications

i see girls walking by me on the street, but that seems weird to ask them out

nice trips

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if women never approach you how do you know if you're just plain ugly or too attractive?

The only possible scenario is if their mentally ill aka crazy cat lady level


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No, it's entirely different with men. The female attention you receive directly correlates with your attractiveness. Females are hypergamous and all of them pretty much want the same man, the best man possible.

>still no argument whatsoever
Please have sex, please please have sex, im begging you

>The female attention you receive directly correlates with your attractiveness

This is true, they can't help themselves, literally.

Also don't get the wrong impression by that autists who keeps replying. I'm not saying ask out every fucking girl you see but whenever there's an opportunity you know, flirt a bit, get some signals etc etc. All it takes is experience.

Stop being a nigger and get laid.

At this point, I enjoy my loneliness.
No friends, no gf. My only form of substantial interaction is online and at work. No, I'm not a neckbeard either, I spend a good amount of time on self improvement.
Maybe I'm just a judgemental asshole but I haven't really found anyone worth the effort to maintain a relationship with.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Oh yeah let's pretend that being a troglodyte asshole with no self restrain isn't exactly what makes your little hole wet

>average guy
>moved to a new city 3 years ago
>still don't have friends
women have it so easy.

>I spend a good amount of time on self improvement
For what reason then?

>At this point, I enjoy my loneliness.

Well, you're kinda forced to enjoy it or kill yourself, since you have no social life or GF.

I am like this too, but I'm not fooling myself, I know I could be happier sharing my life with a compatible girl. Too bad those are extremely hard to find, and even when I do find them they're always taken, it's torture.

Women are hypergamous it means unless you are 7/10 you will be seen as YUCK CREEPY DIE if you even try to TALK TO THEM NONSEXUALLY. There are guys who try to practice their game and end up with women making up lies about them just to make them fuck off in a social area like a mall for example. Imagine a gender so evil they actually try to ruin the lives of guys who dont give them vagina tingles women are so fucking disgusting.

Are you serious?
Must be a woman.

But he said he accepted his loneliness. Then why improve?


Do you seriously fucking think people only improve themselves for the sake of others?


what do women have to do with you making friends with other men? Men are actually capable of forging real friendships easily with other men, as they can bond while sharing a hobby.

"Infiltrated" now means "peer reviewed and correct."

>yeah man, I improve myself for the sake of improving myself
>I hate women so much, I enjoy dying an ugly incel
>what do you mean there is no reason to improve myself then? are you like serious right now?
What delusional retard

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>women dont care about looks
>the first thing they see is your face
>hurr they dont care about looks bro just keep trying

>what do women have to do with you making friends with other men?
it's easier for women to make friends. do you not leave the house?

I agree with that and have seen it, but eventually you will get laid. Might not be with the hottest chick and you might be thought of as a creep by some women but it's how men do it if you want to get laid. I can tell a lot of people here are held back by the idea of what a woman might think of them, but if you don't even find them that attractive then who cares.

>>I hate women so much, I enjoy dying an ugly incel

>dont be yourself

Women are so full of fucking shit acting like they care about men for their personalities and not just their outward appearance. I hate white men for giving them human rights.


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Listen Brad most incels dont have high self esteem and alot of girls in a social setting just making up lies to get rid of you really crushs the fragile ego of an incel. They dont want to feel that pain so avoid talking to girls entirely. You ever notice there are no gay incels? Its because men are not human shit like women.

It is the jew's fault because they keep mass promoting african retards in the media rather than white men, women are dumb animals they see anything as OOOH SEXY YAY and they will actually believe it thats why you have european women in fucking Finland lusting after niggers because of the media brainwashing. Meanwhile Japanese and Chinese women dont care about niggers because there is no media brainwashing to condition their sexual selection.

Unironically this. Those movies about lonely male rejects work because that actually happens. With women the movies are always awkward because you know she'd have a boyfriend if she wanted one.
In modern times, in populated areas of Western countries (or at least the US), this is pretty much true. Maybe women in rural areas get lonely but even in small cities a girl can easily find a dozen good matches for a boyfriend. And the only women getting rejected are fat girls. A movie about a lonely fat girl wouldn't work because we can't sympathize with somebody whose problems can be solved by something as simple as "stop eating junk food"

>women tend not to have real friends the way that men have friends
This is a meme. Men backstab just as much. Everyone is a backstabbing piece of shit. Even my best friend of nearly 20 years stabbed me in the back.

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I know loads of guys who are alone as adults but no women, think it is actually impossible.

anyone play Rule of Rose for the ps2?

>yfw a woman says she can't get a bf it's because she only wants the highest percentile men and everyone else can fuck off

Lel. What happened loser.

>Even my best friend of nearly 20 years stabbed me in the back.
Explain what happened.

Good eye user

>stabs your back.
No then personnel kid.
no, but seriously, it happens. It's rare to find a good friend.

>incels in charge of text comprehension

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>if we subhuman then your subhuman too men!

Fuck no the concept of honor and morality was created by our gender, you women are sexual stupid animals who would us back to paleolithic if you had your way in which you want to breed and obey violent dumb psychopathic men who wouldnt so shit to help society in the least but hey they are so hot right so Im sure theres some goodness in them right?

Fuck you, your gender is pure cancer.

I'm a man, incel. Have sex. Concepts and practice are two very different things. Plenty of historical evidence for situations where everyone suddenly forgot about that pesky honor business.

it's amazing how many times this projection is posted here. i'm a gynophobic but you guys REALLY hate women, holy shit. it's unhealthy.

>most incels dont have high self esteem and alot of girls in a social setting just making up lies to get rid of you really crushs the fragile ego of an incel. They dont want to feel that pain so avoid talking to girls entirely.
You're absolutely right and I can relate, but I guess what bugs me is this myth that modern men themselves have propagated that getting laid is like the hardest shit in life and get really defensive when you tell them it could be another way.

True. I hate myself for being what i am.
Honestly most people act like this while singing about honor and brotherhood. I too was too quick to judge others without looking in the mirror.
Also please post the story, user.

This it's kind of a moot point bringing up "reason why you can't get laid" when people with those same reason get laid all the time. Assholes have sex and gfs, so I don't see why having a pesonality or being nice factors in getting a gf at all. It's dishonesty

>silly incel guys who hate women never get laid

This is truely rage inducing.

Oh a sociopath, in that case fuck off.

This is so fucking true. I tried going after a lonley looking "dweeb" girl becuase it seemed like she had actual interests and her taste in music seemed pretty good. She knew compared to other popular girls she was ugly, but that she could easily gain a following among legit incels. In the end she was just like any other cunt trying to get chad and if any of her orbiters asked her out she seemed offended by the idea.

im a pretty young autistic girl who prefers to be alone, ask me anything

What are your hobbies

Dweeb girls want Chad Chad not nerd Chad thats how you know women are shit they all want the same thing Chad Chad.

I won’t because you’re not.
Swallow petrol, you faggot.

>Girl (male)

Idk, men can be shitty friends but overall male friendships tend to be stronger. I know so many female "besties" who end up hating each other for one reason or another. Despite your experience, it rarely happens to men.

I don't think it makes up for how lopsided dating is and the fact that modern women get a boyfriend whenever they want, but it does balance it out a little.
It's also one reason why women go crazy when the hit the wall. Men in their 30s still have good social lives but women are alone
Women can be alone if they want to be. A lot of women these days are single by choice, but they tend to regret that choice in a few years when it's too late

Anyone notice above average looking girls always have guy friends who are super ugly and most of the time overweight? Pretty sure the guys are gay too.

how big is your dick?

This redpill in middle school for me'

Girl:My boyfriend and I have nothing in common but we have chemistry

Her boyfriend:I dont give a shit about that bitch Im fucking her sister anyway

When that girl broke up with that jerk I tried to get with her only to get this shit

Her:So what if we like the same thing? Im sure we can JUST be friends you know things are moving too fast between us. YOU'LL FIND SOMEONE OUT THERE :)

>you dont have a gf bacause you are a asshole
>you dont have a gf bacause you are too nice
How can both of these statements be true?

>but we have chemistry

This means she's physically attracted to him and that's the only thing she cares about. Women don't overlook physical features.

who the fuck talks like that in middle school?

>Likely reasons you can't get a girlfriend:
>you are an asshole

This is true. Girls only fall for nice guys.

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Do you admit that you prefer to be alone IRL or do you do what most women so and claim it's hard to find a good man? I've noticed that there are tons of women who want to be alone but few who admit that they are single by choice.

Also do you think you will regret this later? If you ever want a husband now is the time

consuming massive amounts of media (tv, movies, video games, music, youtube) and researching and becoming fixated on an array of random shit

It's a british thing.

I thought you homos didn't have middle school? So why call it middle school?

Stop helping them incels, thats why you never get laid girls want challenges not doormats you gotta treat them like shit if you want the clit but do it in a way their puny brains wont notice it.

>women are shit because they want attractive men
What, you want an ugly girlfriend?

>consuming media
Why do millennials talk like corporate mouth pieces?

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prefer to be alone in big amounts of time IRL, love socialising in small amounts. I don't think its hard for me to find a good man and I admit it's my fault I don't have a boyfriend.

Guys standards are much lower than a woman.

>It's another virgin larps as a Chad and acts tough on the internet
Oh yeah I should totally spit my game at this random anonymous""girl"" from an unknown country

what am I meant to call it lmfao

Watching movies? You know, what normal people say?
You are not in an investors meating, you save the fancy buzzwords.

Difference is I'd be okay with an average looking woman. I don't need a 10/10 with perfect genetics and perfect personality and who's perfect in bed

>all the assblasted incel replies

fancy buzzwords? I wish I was at an investors meeting

>Difference is I'd be okay with an average looking woman

>I don't need a 10/10 with perfect genetics and perfect personality and who's perfect in bed
Seriously, why do people nowadays conform with mediocrity?
No wonder the world is going to shit when people are half assing everything, even their tastes.

>Why do millennials talk like corporate mouth pieces?

First I noticed it was when they monetised youtube and al the youtubers started blabbering on about marketing strategies, targeting demographics etc.....then it seeped into everyday speech

>This is a meme. Men backstab just as much

Even bigger redpill for me in highschool when a girl said she doesnt actually share any interests or friends or really anything with her boyfriend but the sex is good so they are both just fine with being with each other for that.

>Implying that just because you can get a Chad to pump and dump you is the same as having a fulfilling relationship

Of course the problem then becomes that women only want sensitive Chad which is why all of you people are here

Dweeb Chad means Chad who is also a geek personality wise you fucking retard.

I have never seen anyone claiming that they can't get a girlfriend because of communists, marxists, jews or any thing of the such yet it comprises 8/10 sassy gotchas by twitter marxists. People like Existential Comics and Shaun always remind me of pic related with how much they post and whine.

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No shit, having a girlfriend or boyfriend in high school is mostly about sex.
The rest doesn't matter because teenagers don't have opinions since they are stupid.

men bully

Men are at their most beta when they are teenagers so the idea guys are in for the sex is silly unless your a nigger of course.

this triggers the incel because it's the truth

>meet some girl online
>chat through snapchat and discord
>has a bunch of other orbiters in chat group
>they are all ugly though and overweight
>start orbiting around her and being a typical "nice guy"
>wonder if I'm just grouped in wither people in chat or if she sees me differently from others cause I'm not ugly
>friend who has always been a popular guy since he was 10 tells me to stop and just disappear for a week and then come back
>says she will be wondering where I went and when I do come back she will go out of her way to contact me personally to ask why I was away
>do it
>it actually fucking worked and she messaged me saying where I was cause she was worried something happened to me
>asks if I want to meet up with her during summer and fly out to different state she is in to meet eachother

Don't know the next step to take.

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>teenagers aren't interested in sex

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>Assholes dont get laid
Why cant your gender stop lying?

>so the idea guys are in for the sex is silly
>when they are teenagers
This is the most incel post I've ever seen. Obviously you never had testosterone when you were a teen and OBVIOUSLY you never had sex when you were a teen/been in a relationship. That's ALL boys want.

All loner girls are alone because they chose to, thanks for validating that. Let me guess you also think 90% of men are trash. Basic bitch.

Nigger I spent like 4 years being my cousin's boyfriend entirely because we fucked like rabbits.
Sex is 80% of a teen's relationship.

They act like betas only because they want sex you retarded nigger.

Teenage boys have a delusional view of relationships they believe in that love shit for one thing, so yes they do fuck alot but unlike girls its not mainly for sex.

based cousin fucker

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No dummy beta as in they get crushs or sing love songs to random bitchs then turn into crying faggots when they get their heart broken.

What's wrong with eating alone?

Everyone has a delusional view of relationships when they are teenagers.
When you teens actually get a girlfriend or a boyfriend, the focus inmediatly goes to banging.

nope, I love men. but yah oim a basic bitch

>Everyone has a delusional view of relationships when they are teenagers
Yes hence the most beta stage of a guy.
>When you teens actually get a girlfriend or a boyfriend, the focus inmediatly goes to banging.
No the guys still act beta and lovey dovey unless they are sociopaths.

Fucking shit look at modern music its mostly crap designed for teenagers to sing to each other as they delude themselves into thinking they care about each other beyond fucking.

>No the guys still act beta and lovey dovey
Yes, it's called the honeymoon phase, and both people go through it, but it only lasts a few weeks.

tits or GTFO, alternatively put shoe on head

Ask your Chad friend obviously, you think Yea Forums shitposters of all people know what to do in this situation?

>biggest bunch of betas on the internet discussing relationships
The first step to learning is to stop pretending you have knowledge.

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she stole that episode

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Nigger, the only knowledge people here have of women or having a girlfriend are infographs from dating apps.
Seriously, think to yourself, what the FUCK are you doing asking dating advice on Yea Forums?
Why do you expect anything but
>hurrr niggers are going to cuck you break up and kill yourself

This place is only for shitposting, never ask or take seriously any life advice in Yea Forums, it'll lead to your ruin.

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Unironically this.
Be me, be alone at a bar, be an incel trying to break into normal life again.
See cute girl alone at a bar. Start up some light friendly chit chat. Before too long we are laughing and joking around. 20 mins pass by. Her chad boyfriend shows up and tongue kisses her on arrival. (This has happened more times than I’m willing to admit)
Lose all hope.

Meet up with her or ghost her for some time to see if she gets anxious for your dick. Just so you know dont be naive and think your the only cock shes trying to reel in atm.

owo that girl looks like boxxy!

Forget women, How can you make good male friends after the age of 20?
It seems like all friendships are forged during childhood, and after that all you have are acquaintances.

why so many replies jesus

mfw op is right
i did knew a weird girl who was ugly fat and her breath had an awful smell.
even that girl had a bf
fucking hell

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>Im all for abortion if it cuts down on the single mom epidemic.
Women should stop being sluts. And it is possible. Alyssa Milano tried protest Georgia's anti-abortion bill by practicing abstinence. Amazing!


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Joining hobby/sports groups like a normal person?

I moved to a new state at 30. It’s impossible to make guy friends. Hell I don’t even want to hang out with dudes really, I just want them around as a means to get women. Being a single man at a bar with no friends looks creepy and people respond in such a way.

The boomer way is that you work in one place for 30 years and the guys working with you will eventually become your close friends since you spend 50 hours per week with them anyway.

>fesses up to academic subversion by neo marxists
Surprising honesty for one of these creatures.

>white knights ITT not understanding what loneliness is
A man cannot choose to be lonely. It is imposed upon him. Every woman has at the ready a group of men who will be there for her, and 1 or 2 close friends they are in constant contact with.

>literally "take a shower"
Are there really people who don't shower every day common enough that people think this statement means anything?

You wouldn't ask a fish how to fish, either.

meetup . com or whatever the fuck the site is. There are people in your city with similar interests looking for just one more guy to fill out their group. Sign up, dont be autistic and make friends. The big secret here is all guys are lonely and they desperately need male camaraderie

Join the military.


I wonder how many newfags are going to fall for this

>I hate white men for giving them human rights.

no other fucking race in this world could dream of giving women human rights.

>has a bunch of orbiters in chat group
if you really wanna go for this don't orbit and force her subtlety to get rid of the chat group, girls who thrive off that are fuckheads

Have a social life. Dont? Well tough shit its impossible to talk without a social life to give you material to talk about with other people. People mostly talk about past things that happened to them.

Take up skydiving. Nothing makes friends like throwing yourself out of perfectly good airplanes together, risking your death at the end of each jump. Or ping pong.

It's harder to diagnose since women are already hardwired to be social chameleons. They're fake by instinct.

I haven't asked him yet, but I just feel like he is going to tell me to just go over there to have sex and that's it. I'm hoping to build a relationship out of it.

>force her subtlety to get rid of the chat group
That is going to seem difficult. I can tell the other dudes in the group really don't like me that much.

can confirm

>girls who thrive off that are fuckheads


It's also because autism in women has different effects.
It's not as much as the social awkwardness, but also the fact that they tend to be more masculine in general.
They are weirdos, but a very specific type of weirdo.

>-women are in heat all year long
Nah, it's mostly around their period.

Even if it was /r9k/ they aren't wrong. It might surprise you to know gigachads and boomer dads talk shit about women like there's no tomorrow as well.

So, when did Yea Forums start going from being witty and self-deprecating weirdos to pretending they understand everything about society?
It's absolutely hilarious seeing everyone speaking confidently about what they think society and relationships are, even though everyone says one different thing in each thread, even though they have loads of people agreeing with them.

People here have no idea, it's just one autist makes a pasta, and the rest, since they don't know better, they all agree blindly.
If that confidence was earned and not a defense mechanism, people here would lead normal lives.

why clark thought it was okay to spy on lana? does he not know girls hate that?

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He's unironically half-right. "Muh liberals/feminists/commies ruined traditional womyn" is a cuckservative Boomer delusion. Are far leftists infiltrating society? Yes, definitely. But this has NOTHING to do with the poor behavior of modern femoids. All that's happening is the animal instinct of a female to seek out the strongest, meanest, most alpha male overpowering the feeble and flimsy societal controls of religion, just like it always has.

Once they hit thirty and can't compete with the younger femoids they need an "adult" male. Women nature is sickening.

Then your school had no sperg girls.
I'm one of them autism chicks and even though I had one or two friends during middle school, high school was absolute hell. I wasn't just a kid anymore. I was the autistic kid. No one wanted to be seen with me, but it didn't hurt me too much because I was also autistically avoiding all social contact. (Something media doesn't bring up very often. Most of the time the autistic kids aren't sad about sitting alone during break. They revel in it.)

i have some masculine interersts but am not masculine. if you ever needed more proof that the male and female brain are different just look at the difference between the two in autism. i can't say for sure if i'm better socially than an autistic male because of genetics or socialisation, but i have faired better during schooling because i wasn't as obviously autistic compared to male counterparts on the same 'level'

No they dont as they still seek out alpha Chads to fuck even when they are 30.

The math doesn't add up. When I randomly go back on Facebook, all the girls from school and uni have a husband and maybe a kid, like 9 out of 10.
But it's the complete opposite for the guys. Most seem to be pretty alone these days, except for like two HS athletes that are both over 6'3".

That's called biology, that's how things have always worked.
If you don't like being human, you are welcome to pretend you are a dog, after all, millennials like to pretend they are the opposite sex now.

Nature wasn't made for weak men, and giving weak people the chance to live prosperous is the reason the world is going to shit.

It happens.
A few girls I played WoW with were massive loners irl.

>have incredibly insensitive generalization about women
>wonder why i have no success in my love life

>if she wanted

He's only stating his opinion, which is actually a proven fact (hypergamy). But even if it wasn't it doesn't indicate any hatred for women.

>i'm not an asshole
You are

Nigga have you even talked to a girl longer than 2 minutes before?

ITT: people not having sex.
>not having sex
have sex

Unironically a femoid slave.

>assholes have sex
>therefore all women are attracted to assholes
swing and a miss

The term is "reading comprehension," silly hole.

Next time don't stare at her boobs when talking to her

Fuck off zoomie, can't wait for you to lose all your friends one by one

>you dont have a gf bacause you are too nice

>requires intent and determination
No, just mild autism, displacement, and apathetic parents.

>who prefers to be alone

For you its a choice, which is completely different.

I wonder if you'll ever see the irony in calling other people dogs.

Weak people are slave to absolutely everyone.
Choosing to be weak is laughable, but I guess that's what we get from millennials, a generation of dysfunctional angsty emos who try to subvert everything for the sake of jerking their own ego.
Fortunately, weak men create bad times.

twitter re-posting should be banned desu

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Nature wasnt made for strong men either the winners in evolution are sociopathic Chads not yes m'lady faggots like you. Nature also doesnt want men to court women it wants men to FUCKING RAPE THEM so please go with the nature rationalization.

your reasoning skills are sub-par sweaty

Knowing how to put empathy on the side is a sign of strength, yes.

>weak men create bad times.
Shut up cracker that only applies to your beta race.

Just kill yourself.So obnoxious. I hope you get cucked every saturday by your femoid master.

Why do you people not fuck off to reddit where you belong?

Travel on busses, talk to girls at bus stops. I used to do this all the time to level up because once I was like you. Watch David Wygant on youtube he helped me a lot. Also being funny helps a lot because women want someone who can make them laugh, also you need confidence to be funny

Daily reminder women love rape it doesnt matter what their mouth hole says, their vagina is moist and even they even ovulate when they are getting raped.

You depend on white people.
Look at Africa, the middle east or China to see what non-whites do.

No, commiting suicide is a millennial thing.
And I haven't had a single girlfriend.
Got laid, but i've never found one that made me think i'd like to keep her close for a while.

I used to think this was true. Untill my current ex-girlfriend.

We had a great fucking time, shit they write songs and poets about. I took her virginity. Sex continued being awesome. Started to lose interest myself in sex for a while because of medicine, no problem for her she said.

Fast forward a couple she broke up with me and is literally fucking anything that moves. Last time I spoke to her, her breath smelled like dick. Wtf.

why is it that incels always make posts with images of cute girls?

>do all this random shit to convince femoids that you are something you aren't to get sex
Or just live in some sharia state and buy a wife.

Not a Chad, but you guys are projecting pretty hard. Yea Forums is made up of all types. Back in 09 I started making fun of David Grohl at a small party by going "THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST..." etc, and the tall blonde skater dude with a banging hot girlfriend asked me if I used Yea Forums. Granted, they were both kind of quiet. They mostly just smoked pot and fucked all day, but they did go to parties
Also, a guy that promoted local bands, got them venues, made posters and had all kinds of connections was way into dolan duck when it first showed up. He even had a shirt.

Women should be offended by orbiters asking them out. Its one of the things evolution got 100% correct.

im a 2/10 guy and had sex last night

Our race is decadent as fuck yet we aint cucked sissies like you so take your weak men shit somehwere else cracker.

Not true*

also I still fucking love her and sometimes want to take my fucking life thinking about the shit she is doing

That's because the bar is set so high for us, I'm sure you're happy with just a clean puddle to drink from

love how r9k and pol has leaked into tv to make it the worst board on the site

Chad is indifferent when his orbiters want to fuck him yet women chimp out, why are women so fucking subhuman?

Why are heterosexual males spo pathetic?

This thread is.. yikes. The incel jumped out. I recommend you all to have sex immediately.

>im a 2/10 guy and had sex last night

With what?

That's a lot of words to say people having a discussion you don't like makes you mad.

>when a white american tries pretending he's black
It's like when a tranny puts on a dress.

We are here to stay

>took her virginity
Someone ban this underage