Watching this kino right now, why is it so good bros?
Watching this kino right now, why is it so good bros?
Because Michael Keaton is best Batman
Because Jack Nicholson is best Joker
- Years in planning
- Talented director perfect for the material
- Anton Furst's legendary production design
- Wasn't afraid to go dark
- Gambled on Keaton and it paid off in spades
- Perfect script
- Nicholson
It's not. Its sequel is.
I thought Batman Returns was mediocre as a kid, but I rewatched it as an adult and liked it much more. If you see it as a Catwoman movie instead of a Batman movie, it makes more sense. Excellent tragic character.
The Burton/Keaton/Elfman Batman movies are the only ones to get it right in terms of balancing realism (non-fictional style) and formalism (fantasy/magic elements). Schumacher and Nolan went too far on the formalism side and realism side respectively, and it made the looks of their movies sub-par compared to Burton's movies.
Nice quads. I believe a big part of it is that the world is crafted to fit the character. Gotham has an otherworldliness and its own aesthetic. It's not "Average American City" like the last two Nolan films.
>batman (1989)
yep, i think this thread's based.
Always thought the Superman in Burton/Schumacher's Batman was Dean Cain. They both vaguely referenced each other at one point.
I love the Gotham in these films,how come there was no Narrows in Dark Knight?Begins has come close to this but the real city look doesn't work.
FUUUUUCK... How great would Cain's Superman and Keaton's Batman been together?
Good show
>How great would Cain's Superman and Keaton's Batman been together?
Could do a Kingdom Come type film with Cain, Keaton and Lucy Lawless plus other similar aged actors as the rest of the league. Would be kino.
Add in the John-Wesley Shipp Flash and you've got a deal.
>John-Wesley Shipp Flash and you've got a deal
Deal. Shipp proves it can be done.
>wanting crossover shit before crossovers ruined everything
People like you are the reason entertainment is dead
Batkino is the best capeshit around
Ok, so here's the difference. The 90s characters had their own unique series and a one-time team up would have been an event. One two-hour tv movie and that's it. Unlike now, where the MCU/DCEU is just one giant fan-wanky team-up all the time.
The best Batkino incoming
>why is it so good bros?
I can't wait to check out the 4k UHD version later today.
I'm gonna marathon them all-- '89, Returns, Forever, and Batman and Robin.
uh yeah i'm thinking that it's K I N O
literally the best batman. is it out on 4k already?
>Talented director perfect for the material
The guy had literally never read a single Batman comic.
>i'm through playing, joker
>is it out on 4k already?
I like Batman&Robin but then again, I enjoy Flash Gordon. Nolan movies on the other hand do nothing for me.
He'd supposedly read TKJ
Not that that was an issue, he was still the best director for the job at the time
>civil war
choose one
It's bad. All of it. Get over it.
Yeah that's why it was capekino instead of capeshit