Now that she's been killed off in the last major film franchise she's still attached to, can we agree that her career is officially dead, buried and cremated?
Now that she's been killed off in the last major film franchise she's still attached to...
What do you mean? Her new career as my wife has only just begun.
>dead career before she even reached 30
Jesus Christ how do women hit the wall so fast
No more Weinstein
Shell linger for a bit unfortunately. A couple of meh Red Sparrow type films. I dont think well see the last of her until shes in her mid 30s.
imagine the desperate phonecalls
>p-please harvey just one more role, i know you still have connection, p-please i'll do anything!
I'd hit her wall, if you know what I mean
>be Jennifer Lawrence
>not yet 30
>already earned more money, seen more of the world, and made more connections than the sum of every incel browsing Yea Forums right now
>"oh no, my career's over"
she didn't even hit the wall
she's just a bitch and doesn't have her jewdaddy pulling strings for her anymore
Nobody wants her after it was proven that she casting couched her way into films thanks to Weinsten.
No director wants anywhere near her because they're terrified she'll flip given her reputation even if she didn't on good ol' Harv despite taking his fat, sweaty dick nonstop for roles.
>made connections
She's genuinely Hollywood poison at this point, nobody will touch her
imagine only being in top movies not because of your skill but because you went down and sucked on a disgusting fatmans dirty smelly circumcised cock
She'll do a couple more midbudget dramas but really on paper she's claimed a legacy with an Oscar and 2 others noms in the same time span.
She'll go looking for a sperm donor. Marry him. Get the crotch apples. Divorce. Make a comeback in some high rated horror.
Harvey had good taste desu
She is the Sargon of Hollywood.
Yup. I was tired of her face
Flip how? #metoo them?
bye bye grandma
harveys dick hitting her cervix doesn't count as a 'connection'
She could be pornstar...
I hope
Just a reminder that she did nothing wrong.
It's up to her. If she still insists on being a headliner in films, yes. If she's willing to take lesser roles, she can have a career until another break possibly comes along.
How has she hit the wall? I'd still kill for her to sit on my face you gaylord.
Basically yeah, Weinstein 100% shared her around or possibly just talked about how he was fucking her for roles but then he got a complete and utter shitstorm thrown at him which lead to #metoo.
She kept quite because she didn't want another scandal like when her nudes got leaked here but every director on earth knows that if they get anywhere NEAR her they're at risk of having it all blow up as a result.
>than the sum of every incel browsing Yea Forums right now
William Shatner comes here though.
post shitpusy
I figured her name was worth something still in terms of box office
at least we aren't sex toys for old jews
The days of box office draws are over. It's all about brands now, user.
Honestly, she's still incredibly fuckable. Some yuropoor B lister will pick her up as a cock sleeve.
Not even remotely. People have gotten really sick of her shit as she's no longer the "cute quirky girl who says silly things" so she isn't billable as a lead or supporting.
Also she genuinely can't act for shit
No, since you said shitpussy
Hey guys I've got a new plan for Yea Forums.
The fappening 3.0 except anonymous break into celebrity's homes and rape them.