Recommend me movies that will inject some joy and happiness in my meaningless existence

Recommend me movies that will inject some joy and happiness in my meaningless existence.

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Unironically paddington 2
Watched it and smiled like a faggot throughout

>lost in translation
>the woman on the bridge

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just go back and watch an old stoner comedy
grandma's boy, harold and kumar, super troopers, etc....

I would second paddington2. 33 year old here who thought it was delightful and hugh grant is actually good for once.

The Last Detail

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fix your life

I recommend this movie in everyone of these fucking threads

The Intouchables

The trailers make it seem like some wacky/buddy comedy duo movie(it isn't) but it's legit based on a real story.

it's also in french and you must read subtitles but there aren't too many


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The Royal Tenenbaums

Too late.

Good flick

Love Streams


I suggest Prince of Zimbabwe youtube channel

This film has always been a feel good, guilty pleasure for me, give it a look

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It was a really good movie.


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stop posting bonbi


muh nigga

Groundhog Day


Alita: Battle Angel
>no bluray
>no good quality rip
You'd have to wait for a while, hang in there.

Live and Let Die
>it's a really fun and enjoyable film, they don't make them like these anymore

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Unironically this movie

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Consuming can't create meaning. Only creating can.

A Good Year did that to me once