Review Captain Marvel

What does /tv think about Captain Marvel? I thought it was quite mediocre.

Please point out legit criticisms instead of being an incel hating wahmen or a capeshit hating faggot

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Stinky cheese feet.

lol he actually watched that dumb corporative product aimed to kids,

There are no woman hating incels. You’ve got to stop being crazy. Inventing these fantasies to cope with legitimate criticism is hurting you and society.

if u play videogames (toys)
watch kids movies about comic books for kids

congrats you are a manchildren, you cant twist it, you can give a cool sassy comeback but that will not change anything

ps: brie needs an ass

Legitimate criticism is good, I agree. But stop pretending there aren't incels who hated the movie before even watching it or because of politics. Or because its
>dumb corporative product aimed to kids,

Lol user. Everyone watches capeshit, deal with it. These movies are well received no matter how many fags try to play contrarian anonymously over here

>Lol user. Everyone watches capeshit, deal with it.

arbys is pretty popular too, damn that pizza must be miles better than any other food!

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Based and unironically true

>These movies are well received
by who? the lowest common denominator and paid critics?

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>incels hating in this thread while brie larson laughs with her billion dollars

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I think what Captain Marvel is going for is a Demolition Man, early 90s action Sci-Fi vibe, but it's a movie with commitment issues. Captain Marvel is a rather shizophrenic cross of Space Opera, Fish out of Water story, spy movie and Superman pastiche with a particular fondness for flashbacks that don't exactly benefit the movies pacing. There's not much wrong with the movie in particular outside of these pacing issues, the actors are all turning in a decent performance. Brie Larson, generally a good actress, tries to make the most of a character that reflects a lot of the MCUs general struggles with writing female characters that have actual emotional depth, Samuel L. Jackson... actually seemed like was phoning it in a bit and Ben Mendelson turned what has to be one of the most generic alien designs ever put to film into a decently memorable characters.

Captain Marvel is an enjoyable movie that I find very little wrong with, aside from a few sequences where it feels the need to stop in its tracks and slobber over the US-Airforce for a minute. I feel like Larson could very easily turn in a performance as popular as that of the franchises bigger names if she had a bit more to work with. The warmth that's coming through in some of her closer character interactions would make her likeable, if there was more of it.

Still, it's a fun movie and in a world where it wasn't impossible to write a female characters that's both competent and confident without having everyone in the Peanut Gallery scream "Mary Sue" at her there'd be very little reason for the movie or the character to be controversial. It's a typical "go ahead and watch it if you have nothing better to do" movie. And just to weigh in on that incredibly productive discourse: I think I enjoyed it slightly more than Alita: Battle Angel. So, there you have it. Now you know which dumb action movie for twelve year olds I prefer.

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>incels hating in this thread while brie larson laughs with her billion dollars

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ew tranny

Why don't the Disney shillbots have new material?

Hated it. But my 16 year old girl loved it and wants to buy her merchandise. I'm torn what should I do?

her head has the same form as the heads of lego figurines.


Buy her Wonder Woman merch so she aspires to be Gal Gadot and not a roastie femcel.

like round heads, remind me of kushina uzumaki my waifu

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On its own, it's mediocre, which is nothing new for the MCU, but as part of a larger story, it's an absolute trainwreck of logical inconsistencies and continuity-wrecking plot points.

Internally, it has plenty of narrative issues, too. A lot of people compare the way they've handled this character as having introduced the "Superman problem" to the MCU, but it's far worse than that. Many Superman stories, both on the big screen as well as in the comics, carry a subtext concerning the role such a being would play in society, that it's entirely possible for him to cripple humanity's advancement by trying to do too much for us. Marvel's character dodges all the moral and philosophical implications and focuses its narrative on something disturbing - a character who's always been *held* back and sees no point in exercising restraint. That's fine with a character lower on the power scale, but it's troublesome when you've already established the character as a cosmically powerful being. Achieving one's potential is laudable, but when your character is essentially a god and you're not cautioning restraint and a longer view, then you're on shaky ground.

Furthermore, the absence of philosophy or a subtext of enlightenment accompanhing power is disheartening. Think of a character like Neo, now imagine him just removing a chip from his neck and instantly being the One. That's essentially what Marvel does. No greater understanding, no psychological or metaphysical struggle, just instant, consequence-free power. That is a terrible story and a terrible message.

>it's an absolute trainwreck of logical inconsistencies and continuity-wrecking plot points.

I think the message that you have power within you and need not be oppressed by society

Brie as well as Carol are based

the fight after she gets her powers back was underwhelming
i was expecting her to completely btfo everyone, but instead it was a generic mcu fight

Gosh, even her face screams "I'm a cunt"

Seems like she is seeing a faggots size and isn't impressed

I'll make her suck my load off

What tf was wrong with her black friends daughter. And her mom.

>cringy daughter tells her mom to go outside earth help supergirl even though she might die
>retarded mom listens to her dumb 8 year old
> mum kills alien with piloting ship - annoying as hell

>the "Superman problem"
>cosmically powerful being

This is absolute nonsense.
No one is established as being powerful to job to her.
Her powerlevel is low until the epilogue of the film.

This issue you have exists solely within your own knowledge of the material and your headcanon. It's not related to the film.

>"last time i trusted someone i lost an eye"
>loses eye to a cat

She spends most of the film fighting low level goons who even fury fights in hand to hand

Future of MCU will be closely linked to Captain Marvel 2 and she will be integral, considering the cosmic big bad, Korvac will be introduced as a Kree experiment who she bonds with but he backstabs her and will return in present. Still in writing process though

While osborn will be the earth baddie


It introduces a character capable of FTL travel under her own power, running around playing space cop for twenty years while S.H.I.E.L.D. had her on speed dial the entire time, yet she's never been called before now, and in spite of twenty years "protecting other planets," she's never even heard of the guy running around conducting planet-scale genocide campaigns with his personal army of death cultists.

That's a big problem with how they handled the Asgardians and Thanos, too. It was dumb to show him already operating on a level where he should have been on everyone's radar, yet somehow wasn't. They should have wired him into the story better, made him more like he was presented in the comics - an unusually powerful space pirate, concealing his true powerlevel until the opportune moment. Making him "Genocide Man" out of the gate left him nowhere to go, and his continued freedom a plot contrivance.

Your reading comprehension sucks.

>the "Superman problem"
>cosmically powerful being
>when your character is essentially a god

She's just not very powerful in the film
What am i not understanding?

Why defend a movie that nobody involved with wanted to do.?

>70% of the audience was male
Literally ONLY incels watched this movie.

That doesn't affect the actual continuity though.

We don't know what she did all these years. That will be explained in the sequel which will explore her time before endgame and introduce Korvac as the new baddie.
Universe is vast, there are tons of other threats than Thanos.

Thanos started collecting stones at the opportune moment, before he let his minions do the job. He only did so once he captured nebula.

Asgard was secluded and asgardians gave no shit, even about midgard or the other realms especially when Loki was ruling.

I think it was forgettable.
Story wasn't interesting and she was inconsistent (she was supposed to be alien at least in culture but acted totally comfortable on earth) and boring. Villains were a joke.

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What you're not understanding is the difference between the story as a stand-alone versus the story as part of a larger tapestry.

Say, for the sake of argument, that Star Wars introduced a character who had ascended to some sort of immortal Force god hundreds of years in the Galaxy's past, some being so powerful that it's capable of just ripping Star Destroyers to shreds with the Force, then have some major character just glibly mentioning, "Well, we could always call Force God" when faced with a crisis, thereby revealing they'd known about this being the entire time and just never mentioned them because reasons. This being never took part in any if the earlier struggles or had any impact on the events of the padt, again, because reasons.

You could have always called Force God.

>The Nova Corps and the Asgardians gave no shits about Space Hitler.

Top-notch writing.

I'm sorry but this is not a problem with my reading comprehension

>Internally, it has plenty of narrative issues, too. A lot of people compare the way they've handled this character as having introduced the "Superman problem" to the MCU, but it's far worse than that. ...

How a paragraph works is that you have a topic you're going to talk about. In yours, it is;
>Internally, it has plenty of narrative issues, too.
That's your first sentence.
And then you explain what you mean;
>A lot of people compare the way they've handled this character as having introduced the "Superman problem"

So you are talking about the superman problem in the film.
But it's not in the film.

I can't comment on the wider story because I haven't seen any of the Avengers films or read any of the comics nor do I intend to.
I do agree with you that Captain Marvel was mediocre as to be expected though. I only watched it because of Brie Larson and I thought she was very good considering the material.

Mediocre with some serious flaws. Not as bad as people here would like to believe. We already talked about it in length.

>She's just not very powerful in the film
>What am i not understanding?
>End of the film established dangerous bad guy literally turns tail and runs with his entire huge space armada instead of daring to fight her, making her appear more powerful than pretty much anyone else in the entire series so far
It's almost like you're deliberately not undertanding things.

Happens in an epilogue after the story has finished.
So it doesn't challenge the content of the story.
If what you'd find more interesting is a moral examination of the obligations of a godlike being and anything further into 'the superman problem' then there isn't even an opportunity for that in a story where this character isn't so strong until the very end.

It's basically not even part of the film.

I don't even accept your premise here. I have no idea how powerful this weebo guy is and could easily see him simply not wanting to get his spaceships fucked, rather than being worried about a 1v1 scenario.

Couldn't any of the other capeshit squad btfo some spaceships too? Tony Stark etc?

I agree with Asgard giving no shit they seemed to only care about the 9 worlds and the rest didn't mattered much to them but Cap Marvel never stumbling upon Thanos genocides or even hearing about him since the 90s when everyone on her working business knew about him was retarded beyond comprehension, heck Ronan that was in her movie ended up working for Thanos, she never came across the Kree again? Never interacted with the Nova Empire? Never interacted with the any of the groups of the Ravagers?

The shit about making her the origin of the Avengers and the center of the MCU makes her look like a retarded for someone that said she was so busy saving the rest of the universe she might as well not even be there.

Nova Corps did fear Thanos and Ronan, but there was nothing they could do about them. Thanos is the warlord, noone would mess with him.

In gotg, thanos gave no shits to xandar, only ronan did.
Once he began his quest for stones after finding that soul stone's location is know, he went to Xandar taking the power stone. It makes sense.

Asgard is secluded. They make deal about this. Once Odin decided to become a benevolent king, he stopped caring about realms other than asgard. Thanos is a baddie in space, why would asgard care about him? It's not like he ever messed with the Allfather himself. Then Loki became the king and let Thanos destroy Nidavellir, which is told in Infinity War.

Who said she was saving the universe?
Couldn't she just as easily have been chilling somewhere licking gash and pretending to be a hero?

I noticed you asked for criticisms.
Brie Larson can't emote or act properly for some reason. She did alright in King: Skull Island and I would've thought she was a bad actress if I hadn't seen that movie.
Too many blunt girl power scenes that make the characters annoying rather than empowering. It's not as blunt as IW or EG but it's there.
Captain Marvel in full power doesn't suffer any difficulty in adversity and she barely does anything clever to get out of sticky situations. This is a problem since that is the bread and butter of capeshit.
Design decisions such as the Supreme Intelligence and the Skrulls look expremely subpar for a multimillion production and it's worse since the source material has better designs they could've used. The concept art they showed off in comic con had better looking designs.
Characters are forced into the plot when they aren't necessary. Maria Rambeau doesn't have any place in the final fight since she's a single mother with a daughter.
Turning Mar-Vell into a female when being female is barely relevant to the character is as insulting as Nick Fury losing his eye, for no reason, to a smart cat that can even differentiate between enemies and allied Skrulls masquarading as said enemies.
This is subjective but I think Marvel is forgetting some sort of human element in their superhero films. The characters are really only doing superheroics. They don't save people from a flaming house or they don't catch a falling bus. When there's a lack of these, There's a disconnect with the audience. I hate Age of Ultron but I fucking love how the 3rd act of that film is about saving as many people as they can and you can see the people they're saving. Removing these kinds of heroics is like removing the flaming house scenes in either Spider-Man 1 or Spider-Man 2.

It will be explained in the sequel. Universe is vast, who knows what she was up to. She might as well been taking care of threats bigger than Thanos. We don't know yet, we'll have to see the sequel to know the answer. Sure, if they completely sidestep this, then it will be retarded. But as an insider, I have already told the sequel will explore what Carol was really up to.

Besides Korvac as mentioned, Idk if she knew about Thanos or not.

But Thanos knew about Carol. So did Ronan. That's the reason he never tried to obtain Tesseract all those years. I'm not exactly sure about the specifics, but Loki was given the sceptre and sent for the Tesseract due to this.

>It's not as blunt as IW
It didn't have any lol unless widow and okoye moment was feminist too

I sure agree that Captain Marvel had serious flaws, unlike many here, I don't think that all capeshit is shit. But this one was very mediocre and boring. (not op)

But for the adversity point, I guess she was oppressed by the kree with the chip. And had false memories. Could have been executed better though.

It is in the film. If you read further into that paragraph, you see that the narrative problem is that they set up a character whose whole thing us not restraining herself, then reveal that unrestrained, she's essentially the Silver Surfer. No talk of the implications of that, no thought devoted to what restraint might serve in regards to that level of power, and worst of all, no consequences for it.

Why are you defending it so much? Its mediocre and bad at shoehorning Carol into the MCU. Also stop spouting your shitty headcanon as fact.

And that's the whole problem. Anything Xandar fears should have been a big enough threat to be on the whole galaxy's radar.

>then reveal that unrestrained, she's essentially the Silver Surfer
>worst of all, no consequences for it.
>No talk of the implications of that,

As I said, even if that happens, it's only after the climax of the film. There is no space for any discussion of it or any relevance to the story.

>I think the message that you have power within you and need not be oppressed by society
No, the message is explicitly men are responsible for all of women's problems and most be shunned for women to succeed. Outside of the established good guys of Agent Coulson and Fury almost literally EVERY male is cartoonishly rude, dismissive, or otherwise working to undermine her. We have the embarassing flashback where evil MEN shit on her at every point in her life, culminating with the bizarre scene of her own Dad being a prick to his only daughter for no apparent reason at all. Her longterm male ally and mentor Jude Law is also lying and using her for his own goals. Every single interaction she has with men outside of a tiny number of main characters is negative and usually some classic feminist cliche about aggressively asking her to smile or whatever.
It's the fantasy of the average 30 something Twitter cat lady and completely disconnected from reality.

>Description of a scene in the film
>"I-It's basically not even part of the film!!"

So if a character dies right at the end of a film, do you think it's valid to criticize how the film isn't an examination of what the implications of them being dead are, and criticize how the film doesn't even work with a dead protagonist?

>if u play videogames (toys)
Daily reminder videogames have surpassed film in every way, that this simple fact still pisses off Yea Forums is quite hilarious if I'm honest

Any user that has different taste in art and culture than I do is a manchild

Yes yes, keep babbling on about this. The original post you replied to was talking about how this revelation at the end directly brings the "Superman problem" into later films. As explained you still explicitly see a glimpse of this in the film itself with an established villan character outright fleeing from her. But you haven't seen the other films so wouldn't understand the significance of this anyway.

yeah no way incels could possibly be obsessed with this movie and SEETHING about it to this day

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>Daily reminder videogames have surpassed film in every way,

not even the videogame creators believe that shit, educate yourself, and never ever say that stupid opinion in public, people will laugh at you

objectively incorrect,
i dont like musicals but i do not think musical lovers are manchildren,

get the difference?


Shallow plot with no real depth but feminists defend this movie with their lives because >woman protagonist

Black Panther had something similar going on but atleast it was entertaining to watch unlike cap marvel

Ok, I take your point. I'm just looking at this film alone so much of what you guys are saying goes over my head.

But I don't think this film even did establish her as some godlike power.

Sure this Ronan guy fleed from her.
And he's some really tough final boss or something?
But maybe he just didn't want his ships to get fucked up?
Maybe he didn't want his goons to die?
Maybe he doesn't like fighting and isn't threatened by her?
It really doesn't necessarily say he was worried about losing a fight to her.
In the same way that a superhero would retreat from a fight in a city, to not damage the city and harm the populace, why would a supervillain choose to fight amongst his space armada?

>this is how user says "i lost"

what is she in avengers btw?
is she godlike like you're saying?
does she btfo thanos?

This is dumb as fuck. The movie was set in 90s. She was an air force pilot who didn't have the same opportunity as the male pilots. That's the aesthetic and movie isn't showing that women are better than men, but that both are equal. Ofcourse this frightens incels these days. Secondly, the men you mention are all aliens. They show the skrulls themselves as being complex characters. There was a female villain, Minn erva. And ofcourse, Fury and Coulson were nice to her. The movie wasn't as much feminist as delusional faggots make it to be. Carol went helping her presumed enemy, the skrulls in the end. So yeah no, not every male was shown as oppressive. The flashback was meant to highlight she never gave in to oppression, the fact that she was a girl being that by the patriarchy offends you?

>what is she in avengers btw?
>is she godlike like you're saying?
Kind of
>does she btfo thanos?
Nah, she got btfo'd by the same attack Iron Man tanked in Infinity War

Just saw it yesterday, I'd give it a 6/10. It had a few decent laughs, but it was a completely forgettable movie otherwise. I'm not sure it was all Brie Larson's fault though. She wasn't great by any means, but I don't think any actress could've saved it.

>one need not argue incel trying to be faggot

My review is that I wanna fuck her right in the pussy

This. Imo the movie had more faults writing and directing wise than acting wise. There were 2 directors, both who made shitty decisions and thought they were good. And the writing team had like 5-6 different writers all trying to leave their imprint. But oh, Annette Bening was soo bad, literally cringe.

Pretty sure anons here like you, no matter how much you deny, watch capeshit in theatres

>women cant prove how superior to men they are irl
>have to use made up stories to prove how powerful they are
>"lmao showed you dumb incels"
Its wakanda all over again. Its not enough that the movies were mediocre and boring, the real cancer is the deluded message they spread and the activists resulting from it

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>131k subscribers
Why am I not surprised.

she was easily the best part of it imo
and all the 'bad acting' people cry about was decisions about her character, likely ones not even made by her

hmm ok so the superman problem with her is bullshit and she's not that strong?

They don't know how to develop their main character, we're told that she's heroic (despite her actions in the movie like stealing that dude's bike because he asked for a smile showing otherwise) instead of shown; the men bad message was so on the nose that Fury Road was more subtle; the cat setup was incredibly poorly done, being the scenario of "oh someone repeatedly says thing happens but no one believes him until in the end it's shown that that person was right all along"; the comedy was rushed, with little to no jokes landing at all; and it's so poorly shoved into the MCU timeline that there are holes everywhere when it comes to this.
Fury Said in Avengers that their First Contact with alien species was in Thor but this movie contradicts this and the alien tech from the Skrull that crashed on earth didn't have any consequences, whereas in Homecoming, the leftover tech from the war was recovered and illegally sold, and this is a movie following the first Avengers movie, while Captain Marvel is set in the 90s. You mean to tell me that Captain Marvel can't do the worldbuilding that Spiderman did?
Brie Larson's performance was terrible, and in another example of "Tell Don't Show" we have everyone saying she's too emotional despite her character having the emotional range of a piece of wood.
Also, we never see her struggling to get a handle on her powers, whenever she got a power-up she handled it like it was second nature all along, like when she's falling from space, then closes her eyes and telepathically asks the scriptwriters for a power-up and starts flying.
God forbid that we see our heroes struggling so that when they succeed their victory is all the more sweet, no, Captain Marvel just does everything always perfectly.
TL;DR The script sucks and tells everything instead of showing, MC sucks, comedy sucks, retcons and contradicts later movies and does no worldbuilding, which shows how this movie wasn't planned to be part of the MCU at all.

Who has the "Sweety. . . have sex" captain marvel image? post pls

lol i don't understand why the motorbike scene triggers you or why you think heroes can't also be dickheads.

can you not see any number of male heroes, like wolverine, stealing someone's bike because they piss them off?


Dumb script, awful lead.

well yeah, he's literally a hero

but pick almost any other example if you need

He's what we call an Anti-Hero my dude
Capt. America and Spiderman are characters I'd call heroic

so milquetoast goodboys
there is a middle ground you know

say for the avengers
aside from cap, all of them would steal a bike if slighted and on a mission, no?

Thor has his hammer so no reason to do so
Tony has money
Banner would definitely not steal a bike, and Hulk can jump massive distances so zero need to begin with
Maybe Widow and Hawkeye would


Basically, that's in general what I was thinking. Not for the better but Marvel has a groove they've gotten into with making these movies now and it's made MOST of them feel like a paint(direct) by numbers kind of movie. I sometimes wonder if they need an actual director to churn these things out. Sam Jackson or his parts with the spy/agent stuff kind of shine in comparison to everything else going on. It makes me want a Nick Fury solo movie and gives me some hope for Black Widow if they go for spy action instead average predictable cape formula. The villain twist was disappointing and unsatisfying. Really first half of the movie brutal shape shifting killers then 'OH, they have kids that they care about. They can't be that bad. Let's drop everything and help them.'. It was such a half-assed plot twist that I don't even have words for it. It doesn't even serve any purpose and in the larger scheme of things fucks up GoTG fucks up possible stories with Fantastic Four, fucks up the possibility of a looming threat for future Marvel movies in general. But whatever, SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS is just synonymous with great film making now...because. Carol(Brie) was kind of forgettable through most of the movie and I only felt like she stood out when she was with the kid, Monica, or that last battle. I can't even go into much detail about her because I've forgotten most of the shit she did.

Well her boyfriend is white so she still gets fucked by white males

I mostly agree with the criticisms guys. Idk why there are some who don't even take these valid and legit criticisms and instead calls incels. Especially on reddit

>worthy of the time required to formulate actual criticism
In case the implication is too much for your 5 braincells, capeshit is garbage that need not be critiqued down to its little details

The thing is, mcu does put a lot of effort in many films.

See winter soldier. Civil war. Infinity war. Iron man. Doctor Strange. Homecoming

and still manages to be a juvenile quipfest

Fandom too much?
Ur an idiot the guy explains it well.

The issue is you

Stop samefagging bish

The point was made..
Is this your only defence? Incel.

They do. But still manage to put up a distinctive flair to almost each film

A reused insult.. not even worth a clap.

Try working on your comprehension dimwit

Got bored and just trailed off attention wise twice. Come back to her dying and then to her enemies with a bunch of kids and wives.

The twists were so fucking cliche and boring that I didn't bother with knowing what happened.

Not as bad as the Rigty saying
and not as good as the lifty saying
it okay

but 10 times better then DC films

Me on the right

Don't compare Wonder Woman to this. And I hope you're just including dceu

I think I didn't watch it.

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Imagine being a carolshill

incels hate brie larson while she bathes naked in her billion dollars, looks at the new disney star in her mirror and kisses her oscar as guys drool over her feet and admire the new feminist idol while girls run around cosplaying captain marvel in the streets worshipping her

Technically it did not do anything bad bad? It was just "so-so" or "normal". It felt like a phase 1 movie which, in the state the MCU was currently at the launch of the movie, was not needed at all.
Being so near at the end of the MCU makes having an origins story movie just out of place.

The movie had budget, had good actors, had development time and all that. It wasn't a kusoge movie by any means... just not at the same level of the others.

>Not as bad as the Rigty saying
and not as good as the lifty saying
it okay

It was really, really meh, although it had a lot of potential.
Wasted cunt main actress.
A plot that flashes all over the place.
A good twist in the middle, but not developed a lot.
That fucking bullshit cat.
5/10 at the very very best.

I watched Captain America TFA last week, it was MILES better than this shit.

I didn't bother watching it. It looked boring and uninteresting to me.

Do you have proof that all those people are incels, or are you just generalizing people who criticize this movie because you don't want to handle the fact that some people didn't like Captain Marvel, the character, to begin with? Mind you, Captain Marvel was already a hated character in comics way before this movie.

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>What does /tv think about Captain Marvel? I thought it was quite mediocre.

I think Marvel did a HUGE disservice to Brie Larson. Imagine getting an A-List actor and using a horrible, lame script, bad CGI, rushed story and terrible supporting cast.

Brie's star quality powered through and the movie not only made money but made over a BILLION dollars. She's the new Harrison Ford, she can rescue any movie from utter financial oblivion.
Lets hope in the future Marvel gives her a script worth her value.

Based ironically.

It got a billion due to Marvel kek. It being before endgame factored as well. All Brie Larson did was increase hate and ironically popularity


You may hate her now, but you will love her eventually. I was on the Hate Brie train too, but something happened.....I watched Unicorn Store and realized she was amazing.


I guess I got used to it when a commercial for a video game did it like 5 or 6 years ago.


Yet you can't counter any of my points. Yes she saved Marvel's disastrous script, yes she made over a billion dollars, and yes she was clearly a better actor than the other worthless supporting cast.
So you call me an autist, clever.

>she saved Marvels disastrous script
Yes the script was disastrous, and so was she. The movie was mediocre.

>she made over a billion dollars
Her movie did and not because of her. Because it was part of mcu, and was set just before endgame, the most anticipated movie. Almost noone watched the movie because of brie larson. Rather her political statements made many oppose her 'and ride the hate train'.

>she was clearly a better actor than the other worthless supporting cast.
Not saying the supporting cast was better, and personally found her okay, but brie larson's performance was criticised by many. She did come off as bland and was lacking the charisma that sells the other capeshit heroes.

1) The main character seems way too smug and self-assured for someone who's confronted with the fact that their entire existence as they know it is a lie.
2) She's supposed to be a hero, but she photon-blasts an unarmed man.
3) She wears a NIN t-shirt, but there's no NIN on the soundtrack. I really hope the reason for this is because Trent Reznor told Gisnep to go fuck themselves.

If they make a sequel, it has to address her character's hubris and how it makes her a liability. Characters like Superman and Wonder Woman understand that their power bears responsibility, but Captain Marvel basically just zips around doing whatever she wants.

Femdomincels were the target audience

Whatever. But can we talk about how cute, attractive and effective Minerva was at the beginning of the movie before they had her forget how to fire a ranged weapon for the big "showdown finale"?

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I hope she comes back. I hate how that fight would've been the perfect moment for Carol to prove that she isn't just a brainless powerhouse. I hate how she streamrolls that Kree team with barely any care.
>ywn tower over smol brianne gf
It hurts

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>Captain Marvel is an enjoyable movie that I find very little wrong with, aside from a few sequences where it feels the need to stop in its tracks and slobber over the US-Airforce for a minute.
Wanted to say exactly this.

Her powers seem OP relative to other characters but its capeshit. Reminds me of Dragonball.

It was funny, since Minerva was the only one with a ranged weapon and they had to somehow stop her from just shooting Marvel while she fought the other Kree commando members.

>Captain Marvel has no flaws and by definition is a Mary Sue.
>Movie gets quiete preachy about main character's importance
>First act villain doesn't make any sense
>Action looks atrocious. Not as bad a Black Panther or Avengers 2 but still.
>Retcons a lot of things previous movies established
>Out of place pop music is played competely destroying the tone of scenes and I'd even say the movie.
It's shit my dude.

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What in the fuck is she wearing? Jesus christ that hideous.

She's bringing MC Hammer back.

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the only 'complement' about brie is that the movie would be weak one way or another because the script and direction is pure shit.

she only doesnt help by having the charisma of a potato.

marvel studios big thing was the casting choices, but here they fucked up in an almost unbelievable way.

Exactly. And you can't get away gangraped if you type this in marvel subreddit

Fuck off incels, brie is perfect and captain marvel was kino. Either you are incels or pleb idk

Nah. I'd kill my entire family tree just to hold a 5 minute conversation with Brie, but Captain Marvel was pretty meh.
The Nolan films are as close to capekino as it'll ever get.

no point to the character at all and should've been saved for phase 4 and used pic related since they set him up in the first guardians movie. Endgame would make a bit more sense with literal space police finding Tony and Nebula as opposed to Carol just being there.

Attached: Nova_Vol_4_36_Textless.jpg (974x1480, 1.04M)

another thing: this could be the best marvel movie and just by how nick fury was out of character and how he loses his eye, would automatically turn this into shit.

a fucking cat scratch.

a fucking.

Imo infinity war, winter soldier guardians are capekino

While I agree that Carol shouldn't have been shoehorned in phase 3, and endgame would have better without her, she didn't just find Tony liked that. She had already returned to earth prior, and its hinted that rocket tracked his ship to find the remaining guardians and sent carol to rescue them

>his secrets have secrets

He will be in gotg3, imo both shouldn't have been in endgame.

This. Only TDK was DC Capekino imo. I think marvel has given the ultimate Capekino with infinity war. Winter soldier and civil war are also close, if not that

Thor : the dark kingdom?

I'm inclined to agree. As far as DC is concerned, Watchmen came pretty close too.
I'd also put Daredevil in there even though it's tv.

Is Brie into femdom?

i dont understand how anyone could write this character and not see the total absence of a hook or thing that makes the character

tony is an engineer, he builds things, he has ego, he has an arc where he has to swallow his pride in a cave and try to save himself etc
cap knows what its like to be weak, always fights for the little guy, always afraid of being a bully etc
thor had to earn the right to wield mjolnir, etc

captain feminism: powers are granted for free and all you have to do is believe in yourself because you are a woman and deserve everything. what the fuck is her thing? it's fucking nothing

They did give her a thing. But it was generic hero 101, she stands up when she falls.

She got powers by putting her life on the line and destroying the tesseract. They could have made it much better as she doesn't remember herself. But execution as well as writing was terrible as heck.

Captain Marvel is kino. Based



True kino

Pretty mediocre considering marvel was churning up lot of capekino in this phase. Otherwise on even lower spectrum.

>Starts reading incels while eating popcorn
Brie my waifu